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5345561 No.5345561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Really, really enjoyed this. Can we discuss?

>dat Raven King build-up

>> No.5345584

Swain is an okay champ in LoL but not the best.

>> No.5345604

Femanon detected

>> No.5345705

U wot

>> No.5346207

I really enjoyed it, and the book holds up very well to rereads. The kind of Regency style of the prose and copious footnotes were both done very well.

>> No.5346296

Is this actually good? I remember reading it in elementary school and remember something about a golem and that's all.

>> No.5346348

I quite liked the prose but overall i found the book a bit long. i would read a bit, then take a long break (like weeks, months, years) before reading more.

I also quite liked Clarke's collection of short stories "the Ladies of Grace Adieu". actually i read that whole book while i was on a break from reading JS&MN

>> No.5346740

I dunno about that.

>> No.5346808

Ahhh so is Ladies good?

>> No.5347170

It's pretty close in style and substance to JS&MN, so yes. One of the stories features the raven king. If you liked JS&MN it's like a continuation of the theme. Has some nice illustrations in too (UK hardback).

>> No.5347838

I bought this at an airport bookstore, where they had a return policy - if you return a book in good condition, they'll refund 50% of the cover price, so another traveler can enjoy it.

While reading the first chapter, I considered doing this. By the end of the 1st chapter, I decided against it, as I was afraid some other unsuspecting soul might pick it up and attempt to read it.

By the end of the 2nd chapter - if I made it that far - I threw the book away.

Clarke changes voice, point of view,and even tense, from one sentence to the next, and commits numerous other writing sins. Her writing "style" is that of someone who barely made it through high school English, then decided, "I'm going to write a book!"

I was intrigued by the concept of the book, but this is the first book I've ever thrown away. The writing was just that horrible to me. And yet, I read inside the cover how the book was on a variety of best-seller lists, and of course, a movie deal was in the works.

I weep for the future.

>> No.5347891

Both of her books are excellent ("writing sins" aside: I love her footnotes, too). I hope the sequel comes out some day.