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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 180x257, 1984-Big-Brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5344004 No.5344004[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll start.

Parallels to today's world were cool, but the characters were bland as shit, had no personality and I didn't give a fuck what happened to them.

>> No.5344013
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>> No.5344016

I think all that you read was probably intentional

But since thread's going to be around for a few days.

The bible
All Ayn Rand
Ender's end

>> No.5344024

Ender's Game
Atlas Shrugged
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.5344038
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Thus Spoke Zarathustra, or any Nietzsche, that guy was a pleb-tier hack employed by the Prussian government to stupefy the masses

>> No.5344048


>> No.5344053

You're not the real flutterfly

>> No.5344158

The real butterfly hates those books, is still unfamiliar 1984, but would probably like it, and infuriatingly drops words like "this" in these sill threads.

I believe it was me the whole time.

Hallo Christian.

>> No.5344176

pls stop using her name :(

>> No.5344197

how could you have thought winston was bland? i felt like i knew him quite intimately by the end of the novel.

>> No.5344353

I personally could only get 3/4 through 1984 because the story was so boring I had to stop.

>eternal war is a necessary!
>the party can control the past!
>the people who knows that everything is a lie are the ones who believe in it the most!

>> No.5344357
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>Still regarded as a candidate for GAN

>> No.5344389

This sums up south park really.

>> No.5344619

same here. I had to listen to the audiobook towards the last 1/4 to make it more interesting.

Even though it wasn't extremely entertaining, I'm happy I read it. I feel like I learned a lot.

>> No.5344623

I loved this book, what didn't you like about it?

>> No.5344653

Ulysses. Joyce has some really nice metaphors and such, really beautiful prose. But fuck me I can barely understand what is actually happening/ which characters he's talking about

Assuming this is a problem with me and not the book, whats the best way to increase my ability to read Joyce?

>> No.5345556

>passive agressive
>not outright and clear about their opinions on issues

Did you just fly in from bizzaro earth?

>> No.5345598

>whats the best way to increase my ability to read Joyce?
Why? Like,
> Dogshit has a really rich, earthy flavor, but each time I eat a turd I feel like vomiting. What's the best way to increase my ability to eat shit?

>> No.5345625

The thing that bothers me most about 1984 is that it's too much work and conditioning just for one individual. All the time devoted to Winston seems to have no pay-off for the gub'mint. That they have one more person in the ranks, loving Big Brother? Yeah, so? Why was Winston, a middle-aged man with a varicose ulcer at all special?

Perhaps the most likely answer to this is "they do it to everyone", but that takes a farfetched plotline and makes it totally ridiculous. Modern governments can't even set up a DMV that doesn't suck, or a Section 8 waiting list that isn't a clusterfuck of misinformation and people who don't qualify and we're to believe they're conditioning and torturing people en masse until they're Big Brother allies? Whaaaat.

Compared to all the manhours O'Brien devotes to his reconditioning, you'd think an efficient machine of a government would just shoot him in the brain and call it a day. It's 5 seconds compared to prolonged, daily torture (do they ever actually say how long it took?).

>> No.5345628

haha good point

>> No.5345633

1984 is more about the political/social commentary than the story.

>> No.5345636

the whole plot of 1984 was so farfetched

>> No.5345645

I don't understand why I'm here

This is the shit I come here to laugh about in threads where people are repeating what first year undergrad chicks said in tutorial

And it's here

I need a /lit/ for making fun of /lit/

>> No.5345665

So, you really have no answer.

>> No.5345680

The entire point of the book is totalitarianism for its own sake and you're asking ":S why didn't they just shoot him lol"

Because the fucking POINT OF THE BOOK is totalitarianism for its own sake. The ideology of the state is the all-encompassing nature of the ideology of the state. The entire premise is that a totalitarian ideology could exist that is so wrapped up in its own totalitarianness that subtly breaking the will of a random guy like Winston would actually be on its agenda. The institutionalisation and deification of the worst and ugliest aspects of human political organisation, forever, for their own sake.

That's the point of the book. It's a thought experiment. Do you go "lol this is stupid, there's no such thing as a genie" when someone asks you what you'd wish for if a genie gave you three wishes? Get AIDS

>> No.5345684

Oh no I have an answer

It's just I'm not going to bother relaying it to dumb morons like you who say stupid shit like "why is so much time devoted to Winston herpta derpta"

I'm here to laugh and voice the fact that I am laughing at all of you

I've done that

as you were

>> No.5345689

>the fucking POINT OF THE BOOK is totalitarianism for its own sake. The ideology of the state is the all-encompassing nature of the ideology of the state. The entire premise is that a totalitarian ideology could exist that is so wrapped up in its own totalitarianness that subtly breaking the will of a random guy like Winston would actually be on its agenda.

I don't care how many words you capitalize in full, it doesn't make this explanation feasible.

>> No.5345748

Then you've failed to understand high school lit. You should be proud of yourself.

More pressing bulletins you should know about:
Huxley's World State would probably just shoot John
Don Quixote probably would have been killed or imprisoned within the first fifty pages of the book for harassing people
Mephistopheles doesn't exist so who was Doctor Faustus talking to???

>> No.5345777

>it's okay to be farfetched if you have a point to prove!

Oh, tyke. I'd not project words like "failed", if I were you.

>> No.5345787

Ahh, indeed I shan't. *puffs pipe* *doesn't understand children's literature*

>> No.5345830


It's a clumsy attempt of Orwell to write about the psychological aspect of Totalitarianism. What most shocked the contemporary left was not that Stalin did bad things, but that the rank and file -- good, honest communists -- supported him throughout. Even when the mechanism of the state was turned against them. Take Rokossovsky, for instance. He spent three years receiving special treatment in prison only to end his life fighting tooth and nail to defend Stalinism in Poland.

As I said, it's clumsy because Orwell is a terrible author. If you want to see what he was trying to achieve, read A Darkness at Noon.

>> No.5345847

hipster detected

>> No.5345876

1984 is poor for a lot of reasons but mostly because orwell was completely incompetent at pathos

>> No.5345894

Read We by Zamyatin. Though I heard English translation is average at best.

Its among my top 5 books. Its much more than dystopian novel. It describes awakening of human soul. I was surprised by it. Expected only some book that inspired 1984 and got such a wild ride instead.

>> No.5345914

Seconding We. Far better than 1984.