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5342931 No.5342931 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any children's books that you find yourself reading from time to time?

>> No.5342954
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>> No.5342965
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>> No.5342970


Oh wow this is funny and edgy! This has totally never been done before! You are such a superior and intelligent atheist!

>> No.5342976

I have to read The Hobbit at least once every year or two.

>> No.5342979

My mom used to read this to me, as I was growing up I'd still pull it off the shelf and read it every once and a while.
I probably would right now if I knew where it went.

>> No.5342993
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Keep this one on the toilet.

>> No.5342995


I used to love it as a kid but honestly every time I read it now that I am older it feels like someone has ripped my fucking heart out.

>> No.5343012

That last part where the mom sneaks into his house every night still weirds me out though, always has.

>> No.5343016

I used to love this as a kid but it just seems so silly now.

>> No.5343053
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How the fuck is that weird? It just shows her unconditional love for her son. People who find it weird are retarded faggots and stupid cunts. This one stupid bitch I met was saying it's incestuous. Like what the fuck is that? Fuck you.

>> No.5343066

I always just thought it was weird. I got the point that it showed how much she cared about him but still.
Also, thinking about this book is reminding me that my mom doesn't really love me a whole lot anymore.

>> No.5343099
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Asterix and Tintin

>> No.5343112


>Also, thinking about this book is reminding me that my mom doesn't really love me a whole lot anymore.

There is probably a good reason

>> No.5343125



>> No.5343128


Now I feel like a dick. Sorry.

>> No.5343130

i have this on my bookshelf

>> No.5343132

Alice in Wonderland and to a lesser extent The Grimm Fairy tales.

>> No.5343145

I still adore Asterix and Obelix. What really cracks me up is what happens in the background.

>> No.5343150


It's lovely.

>> No.5343161
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These are good when you're feeling down.

>> No.5343165

It's okay, man. It really is.

>> No.5343174
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i reread goosebumps regularly
>ever not being in for a scare

i reread a lot of the books that i read for school, both because it's interesting seeing how they relate to my writing and because i stole all of them so they're just laying around my house.

and i read a lot of the joke books and scary stories that i've had my whole life, but i have so many that oftentimes i'm reading them for the first time 10 years later.

it's weird as shit, parents don't get a pass on respecting privacy just because they love their kids

unless you majorly fucked up and she disowned you or some shit, parental love doesn't wane. don't worry too much about it

>> No.5343178
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>> No.5343180


It's not weird you're just sick minded and have an overly perverted/sexual way of thinking.

>> No.5343197

It's weird.
It is fucking weird, and I thought so when I was a kid
Let the boy grow up. Jesus Christ.
Love, yes, but as a parent one learns that love changes.
One doesn't breastfeed their teenager.
One doesn't feed their adult child mashed bananas.
One doesn't follow one's adult child to work to make sure they don't fall down
There is sweet, and then there is weird.

>> No.5343225


It's not weird at all. If she was stripping down naked saying "son stuff your cock inside me" it'd be fucking weird. If she was stroking him in his sleep it'd be weird. But she wasn't. She's his mother and just loved him very much. The book shows how strong a maternal instinct/bond can be which is why it is loved by so many people. It wouldn't have sold millions of fucking copies if people didn't love it. So guess what, faggot? The people who think it's weird aka you with your sick incestuous thoughts are the minority.



>> No.5343238

weird =/= sexual
Can't something be weird without being incestuous, idiot bag of pigeon droppings?

>> No.5343245


People who find it "weird" clearly think it gives off an incestuous vibe. Maybe you just have a shit relationship with your mother because she realized what kind of a faggot she raised.

>> No.5343276

It's not incestuous, it's batshit-crazy-insanely disrespectful of her daughter-in-law-no-boundaries fucked up. Some well-meaning morons gave us a copy when we had our first child, and we both agreed to get rid of the sick thing. That and The Giving Tree can stay the hell out of our house.

>> No.5343301


I feel sorry for your child. You and your wife are going to make shit parents.

>> No.5343322
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it's weird that you keep bringing up sexuality when it's completely irrelevant


>> No.5343327
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the fuck do you have against the giving tree

>> No.5343335

And that's based on...? The fact that we dislike a book or two you like? I have a Ph.D. in English Lit., my wife has an MA in the same field, and we have a sizable and eclectic library. Our kids have their own full bookcase to browse already, and the oldest is only two. Leaving out a few poorly-conceived pieces of sentimental tripe won't damage our children.

>> No.5343348

The obvious: it's a story about an abusive relationship that sees a boy/man's every whim catered to by an older woman until she literally destroys herself for him. It's sickening. Do you want to teach your children to expect absolute sacrifice from adults and never to consider the effect their demands have on others?

>> No.5343424


>Completely irrelevant

It's totally relevant to the last bits of the story which is a huge part of the reason people find it weird.

>> No.5343429


>PhD in totally irrelevant field
>Paid over 100k for an education he could get at a local library.
>Has more than one child and will forever turn them off of good literature because it will be jammed down their throats while growing up

I truly feel sorry for them. Let me know when your wife cheats on you, divorces your ass and takes half your stuff AND your kids.

>> No.5343598

Thank you for verbalising my feelings.

>> No.5343605


Fuck off you faggot.

>> No.5343632
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It still cracks me up. Still cozy as all hell.

>> No.5343658

I remember this back from kindergarden or something, I always hated that little shit and this book and never understood why people liked it

>> No.5343668

I reread Norwegian Wood and still found it enjoyable

>> No.5343797
File: 191 KB, 1197x1188, mon piet chou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're so dense you literally can't understand a children's book

you're supposed to come away at the end feeling an intense dislike of the boy and a sympathy for the tree, with the understanding that while some love is unconditional, that doesn't mean it should be taken for granted.

of course it's sickening, that's the fucking point.

if you don't think the last bits are sexual at all, then sexuality is irrelevant and you're a perv

if you do think they are, then sexuality is relevant and the mom's a perv

norwegian wood is not a children's book
>b-but i read it when i was a child!
do you not know words

>> No.5343809

either this is some extremely high level trolling or a children's picture book was actually too subtle for you

>> No.5345165
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Also the Frog and Toad books