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5332774 No.5332774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can we eliminate pretentiousness forever? Can anyone recommend any books that humble the mind?


>> No.5332783


encourage both practical and traditional education with plenty of field experience, people get educated but they have extremely limited knowledge of how other people actually live

>> No.5332782

What is pretentiousness?

Show me someone being genuine.

Pretentiousness at its core is just lying, and you'll never eliminate lying.

>> No.5332793

Man. Now people are mocking successful habits/people.

Maybe society is on the downslide, after all.

>> No.5332797

I don't need my mind to be humbled, because I was humble before being humble was the thing to do.

>> No.5332803



>> No.5332813
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Yes but remember:
It's not a lie if you believe in it.

>> No.5332838

This approach isn't helpful though since modesty at its core is lying as well. Understanding and overstating.

The difference is that sometimes lying is in good form. Unless you want to start deconstructing cultural values, just accept the way our culture is and live in it.

>> No.5333212

The only solution is Radical Honesty.

>> No.5333496

why did you link that video?

>> No.5333539

Why does pretentiousness need to be eliminated forever?

Neurosis and Human Growth is pretty humbling, if you're a narcissist that's willing to be honest about how over bloated your delusions of grandeur are.

>> No.5333567

People in Ivy League schools are pretentious fags who should be mocked

With Wikipedia, university's irrelevant!

>> No.5333572

The desire to fight pretentiousness is itself pretentious. The only cure is to not care and do what you like to do, haters be hating.
Pretentiousness is not a problems to most people.

>> No.5333577

I'm stealing this

>> No.5333578

I regularly insult people who listen rap and hip hop and so on and so on rather than classical. Does this mean I'm pretentious?

>> No.5333584

pretentious is a term insecure people use to describe someone better than them

>> No.5333597


No, it's a word for people who put on self-important airs to feel superior.

Like this guy >>5333578.

>> No.5333599

>and so on and so on


>> No.5333605

Make sure everyone is equally stupid

>> No.5333613

You make me blush, anon. Please, steal. Good ideas are like hotdogs, they're better shared.

>> No.5333628

Humbleness is a shit virtue. It's just a virtue people want to see in others so they do realize how inferior they actually are.

>> No.5333660
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There is nothing wrong with pretentiousness. It is a transitive state preceding knowledge. Your issue is not to with the state itself, but with how many half-formed individuals remain in it. And that's a harder problem to tackle than the elimination of a useful mode of being.

>> No.5333674


says the person lacking humility

>"no im actually superior, you guys are inferior for thinking i'm inferior"

>> No.5333683


if >>5333584 is true, then yes. Yes, you are....nigga.

>> No.5333685

It could be this or it could be this >>5333628. It depends. If OP is an informed well-adjusted intellectual then you are right. I think it is much more likely that OP is a resentful stupid little faggot who can't tell the difference between pretentious and a well-formed individual. Especially when the answer he seeks is humbleness so as to bring people back down to his level.

>> No.5333715

Haha, I don't even think you know what you are saying and I think I'm perfectly fine to keep it that way. There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said in this thread. Have fun with your pathetic life where you spend the rest of your days resenting those who know more than you.

>> No.5333766

I don't insult people who listen to rap and hip hop and so on and so on because I want to feel superior, but because I want to shame them for contributing to the vulgarization of culture.

>> No.5333793

Pretentious is not a legitimate criticism.

It is something that pseudo intellectuals use when they cannot criticise something constructively and logically.

It's a buzzword.

>> No.5333798

Modesty is of the same class as lying, and only the truth should be spoken unless extenuating circumstances occur.

>> No.5333801

Sounds pretty much like a superiority issue.

>> No.5333809

There is legitimately good rap and hip-hop and your pettiness about vulgarity stops you from seeing it. It amazes me that someone like you can actually enjoy 4chan and be this kind of person.

>> No.5333972

>There is legitimately good rap and hip-hop
this is bait

>> No.5334105

>thinking hip-hop is inferior to classical

top kek

>> No.5334111

Jazzy hip-hop is pretty good

>> No.5334128

one man's vulgarization is another man's rich spiritual inner-life

without vulgarization there would be no byzantine icons, for example

>> No.5334146

>implying you even listen to real classical music and not meme shit
>posting on a lit board and sleeping on the most vital poetry of the late 20th and 21st centuries

>> No.5334153

Not everyone.
If you're 15 and you think you know everything that's normal, and like you say, it's the first step to realising you don't - and never will.
If you're 50 and you think you know everything you've missed the boat.

>> No.5334157

Someone please explain to me in detail how OP isn't being pretentious .

>> No.5334161

>ever vital

pick 1

>> No.5334163

>I want to shame them for contributing to the vulgarization of culture.
And yet you post on 4chan?

>> No.5334165

ebek :)

>> No.5334168

>Unless you want to start deconstructing cultural values, just accept the way our culture is and live in it.
De constructing cultural values is what art is all about.

>> No.5334169

no often it reinforces cultural values

>> No.5334181
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>De constructing cultural values is what art is all about
burn in hell faggot

>> No.5334194

if we're not striving to be someone we're not yet then what the hell are we doing

>> No.5334271



>> No.5334273


Yes. Yes you are.

>> No.5334279

get shot faggot

>> No.5334284

Stop samefagging and shitposting, cancer.

>> No.5334310
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