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/lit/ - Literature

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5332719 No.5332719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Quote yourself.

No trite aphorisms or platitudes. Preferably specific, maybe something verbatim out of your works.

>inb4 will lose my greatest lines

>> No.5332730
File: 507 KB, 3200x1861, the-temptation-of-st-anthony-1516-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"ayy lmao"

>> No.5332731 [DELETED] 

Let us look at the real Jew of our time; not the Jew of the Sabbath, whom Bauer considers, but the Jew of everyday life.

What is the Jew's foundation in our world? Material necessity, private advantage.

What is the object of the Jew's worship in this world? Usury. What is his worldly god? Money.

Very well then; emancipation from usury and money, that is, from practical, real Judaism, would constitute the emancipation of our time. (Karl Marx - "A World Without Jews," p. 37)

>> No.5332732


>> No.5332763

>Quote yourself.

>Karl Marx

hi karl

>> No.5332767

A wise man sees failure as progress
A fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic

>> No.5332777
File: 653 KB, 5184x3456, Tsunami cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It went something like:

>Astrology predates astronomy and alchemy predates chemistry

The tilt in our heads predates astrology and the finding of nonpoisonous foods predates alchemy.

>> No.5332788

>hi karl
Yeah, sorry. I can't read. What am I actually doing here? Still a fun quote though.

>> No.5332844

There are two kinds of people in this world: Men and women.

>> No.5332883

Except the translator deliberately put in words that weren't there and probably does this throughout the whole piece, twisting marx's words and changing the content. Marx's text is titled 'On the Jewish question', not 'a world without jews', it was a response to Bauer, and it isn't anti semetic.

>> No.5333217

There is one kind of people in this world: ARYANS THE REST ARE UNTERMENSCH AMIRITE?

>> No.5333223

Love is a lie. Hail to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

>tips fedora

>> No.5333229

Wisdom is an unending journey whose end is pure nobility.

>> No.5333248

It's a lie if you want it to be, Christian-Fedorist

>Wisdom is an unending journey whose end is a collapse in the middle of a bog


>> No.5333262

The only thing keeping you from schizophrenia is a species-wide circlejerk.

>> No.5333334

The fetus didn't resist nearly as much as the mother.

>> No.5333347

Oh fuck man you hit it spot on. This is essentially what I've been trying to articulate for the past couple years

>> No.5333975

"The government shut down just shows that our government doesn't function correctly!" That's one interpretation, the other is that when a car starts to smoke, you pull over and fix it, you don't keep going till it explodes, though I recognize the explosion makes for better TV. What you're seeing is the ordinary back room realigning of interests and powers, but this time trying desperately to hide from a voyeuristic media that caters to a demographic, i.e. you, that believes that never more than three at a time colorful but poorly understood #issues will eventually get us to Mars. "We shouldn't go to Mars." You got your wish.

>> No.5333992

"It seemed to depressing to address." - Me, after my ex-girlfriend asked me why I didn't question her making us sleep in separate beds.

>> No.5334004

"To know that one does not know is to really know"

>> No.5334006

"'People who don't read make me weep,' he said with a smile."

>> No.5334022

>"Keep your stick on the ice." - my dad

"Life is a highway, y'know?" - me

>> No.5334024

"I'm fucking tired of reddit tier threads" - Me after seeing shit like this

>> No.5334026

And hermaphrodites...

>> No.5334030

‘In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.’

>> No.5334039

"i'm unnecessarily verbose as I don't use language in strict literal sense and rather shit out whatever semi coherent thoughts I have in my head. As a result I don't remember certain strings and am frequently asked to clarify"

>> No.5334088

"Capitalism is irreconcilable with the individualism it's proponents claim. The producing class depends on the surety and preexisting state of order which is the state's domain. The success of enterprise is dependent on it's ability to gauge public opinion to sell or market it's product."

>> No.5334103

"Contemporary metaphysics can refute the doctrines of empiricism and reductive materialism with just one powerful word: Consciousness."

From my blog. (you can google it)

>> No.5334115

oh please
some refutation

>> No.5334136

I took off my pants, squatted down, and pushed out a wet, sloppy turd—it fell to the ground and remained intact, glistening in the sunlight. I looked at it with astonishment; it was so huge! I thought, 'Yes, that's my shit. That's my shit sitting neatly on the front walkway. Those dumb teachers and principals, those poor, poor souls didn't know what they were getting themselves into when they kicked me out. But now they'll learn.' I got on all fours and screamed, "MY SHIT HAS TAINTED YOUR PLACE OF LEARNING! ASK YOURSELF: WHAT'S NEXT?" I stood up, adjusted my Guy Fawkes mask, and disappeared into an alleyway.

>> No.5334149

>I’m driven to flights of fancy. I exist to imagine that I exist.

>> No.5334175

i want to fuck totori

>> No.5334192

the social contract perverted by oligarchical or tyrannical interests becomes a type of slavery.

they ask for to much freedom and give to much security.

>> No.5334208

>they ask for to much freedom and give to much security.
i likey dis

>> No.5334226

Holy shit this packed a punch

>> No.5334249

"Reading a food pyramid at McDonald's and cringing as they shoehorn their products into it as if they're food, I realize the monetary value of self-loathing. By my estimation it is worth about 4.79 before tax, as this is how much money I "save" with the coupons I have for 2 Big Macs for the price of one. But of course upon ingesting that much material filth the real price of feeling that I have somehow disappointed billions of years of conscious life by wasting the gift of sentient choice on this trash sinks in like a karmic overdraft fee on my soul's credit rating."

>> No.5334253

fast food is yucky amirite deep huh

>> No.5335873


Those who study history are doomed to repeat the solutions of the past.

>> No.5335884

You're not really disagreeing. You're just going further down that causal path.

>> No.5335889


>woman upset you didn't respond to her insult

yep that's a woman

>> No.5335894

learn your to(s), samefag

>> No.5335919

In an age where man is so enslaved from inception, it is no surprise that one would rather pick at the philosophical buffet than cook a meal themselves, the ingredients are intangible and the appliances nonexistant. It is far easier to try three meals and subsequently declare yourself a man of steak, especially when one has nary the time to enquire as to even a recipe.

>> No.5335921

"Apologies madame, but I must inquire. Do you have any Grey Poupon?"

>> No.5335964

They don think it be like it is but it do

>> No.5336612

AH. Right. Couldn't remember the exact context. Screwed it up

>> No.5336684

>Partial progress was made exploring perturbative Conformal Field Theories near an E_6 singularity in order to avoid bounding QED on AdS_2 (excluding the solution of a twisted adjoint Quantum Field Theory on P^m x T^m bundles over a 5-fold of Dih_n holonomy via Gopakumar-Vafa invariants on CY_2 bundles over R^m).

>> No.5336707

what one does not finish, finished them

>> No.5336711


>> No.5336712

"This is urine!"

>> No.5336737

Underratd post

>> No.5336748

go lose to dizaster again
peanut butter nigger

>> No.5336758

>"Books and shit are gay, except The Turner Diaries."

Sincerely /pol/

>> No.5336759


"It's the Gods who make the worst enemies, who also make the best friends."

Inb4 atheist/fedora rage, etc.

>> No.5336763

No rage man, but thats just retarded

>> No.5336770


It was said in response to someone who'd just watched a miniseries on the Old Testament and was talking about what a monster Yahweh was.

>> No.5336775

It's badly constructed.
And seriously, since the god in your head can turn either way, sure, it works.

>> No.5336876

The best joke is usually one you make about yourself, and that nobody understands.

>> No.5336903

Earth is an infinite abyss - not infinitely deep, but infinitely wide.
Building the Tower of Babel would have worked, if the fundament wouldn't have been in this infinite abyss.

>> No.5336937

Tell that to job, yeah, god's a great fucking friend.

>> No.5337003

I translated this from my german native language, I'm sorry if it feels a bit wonky at points.

If man should be free, truely free, with a will founded in itself - or not founded at all - wouldn't he be responsible for even his smallest feeling?
Must the will not control the feeling then?
Doesn't man then betray himself, and always feels what seems to be the most lucrative?
Isn't he always manipulative? Self-manipulative?
Wanting to feel grief, to elicit sweet sympathy out of others? Anger, to be appeased?
Absurd, isn't it? After all, man is an occurence, not a will. He is not at fault for his emotion.
The sociopath is not detestable for his lack of empathy: he just can't help it.

But wouldn't a man with an actual will have to be a sociopath? Without true grief or empathy, just simulating them out of (apparent) self-interest?

Can man thus be only two things - will-less occurence, or willful sociopath?

Absurd. Isn't it so?

>> No.5337024

"It's an asshat, I can't take it off."
- « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.5337038

You can suck my clit, shithead.

>> No.5337052

This is pretty good if you're trying to write like David Icke. Going for some easy new-age cash?

>> No.5337057

Don't you mean shitlord?

>> No.5337065

With my girlfriend, getting into the car:

"And that was the convenience store. See? I take you places!"

>> No.5337082

It is actually based on a Kafka quote, and has nothing at all to do with some esoteric satire (if that is what you mean by David Icke, I guess?). It is supposed to be about the loss of transcendence, how "heaven" and actual meaning is unreachable, since it does not really exist. It can be constructed, sure, but it doesn't really work out.

>> No.5337155

>You can suck my clit, shithead.
I would if you weren't a man.

>> No.5337207

Hello Feminister.

>> No.5337248

To a friend:

"Real men live for conquest--not comfort."

>> No.5337271

''Communication is impossible and you're wasting your time.''

>> No.5337292

Ah, alright, thanks for letting me know.

>> No.5337306



this summer was weird.

>> No.5337324

"Too stupid to think about what to do, so I guess I'll try and get smart"

>> No.5337352

ur mom predates everything
(because she is so old and also a whore)

>> No.5337366
File: 10 KB, 231x173, HitlerChan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The so called 'intelligentsia' always looks down with a really limitless condescension on anyone who has not been dragged through the obligatory schools and had the necessary knowledge pumped into him. The question has never been: What are the man's abilities? but: What has he learned? To these 'educated' people the biggest empty-head, if he is wrapped in enough diplomas, is worth more than the brightest boy who happens to lack these costly envelopes. And so it was easy for me to imagine how this ' educated ' world would confront me, and in this I erred only in so far as even then I still regarded people as better than in cold reality they for the most part unfortunately are. As they are, to be sure, the exceptions, as everywhere else, shine all the more brightly. Thereby, however, I learned always to distinguish between the eternal students and the men of real ability.

Now for me to join the Military so I can become Reichkanzeler

>> No.5337373

hello I am from tumblr and find your anti non-binary hatespeech very triggering

>> No.5337397

why is hitler so cute?

>> No.5337398

>Farts. Everything was farts.
These are going to be my last words. I practice everyday, to make sure I won't forget them in whatever moment I die.

>> No.5337423

Kawaiii desuu ne desu desu desu ne... 自涜させてもらうくらいよな。。。ふふふふ

>> No.5337458
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well enough, is well enough,
better or worse is better than best or worse,
and good with bad is not not bad.

>> No.5337468
File: 200 KB, 375x437, masketta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5337471

Nature has no agenda, only law.

>> No.5337484

Focus only on the dark clouds that shroud your past, and you will surely darken the skies of your future.

>> No.5337485

But why?

>> No.5337502
File: 1.70 MB, 3000x1999, albatross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contest futility, for it is futile to do otherwise.

>> No.5337506



>> No.5337509

if the universe is truly infinite why don't i have infinite qt gfs

>> No.5337514

Tries too hard to be a clever calendar quote by using a similar image twice, but it doesn't really connect the two at all.

The type of quote you're trying to pull here usually connects the "if you" with the "then you" part, like "If you try to scare away the ugly birds, then you won't be surrounded by beautiful birds either.", or something like that. There is a logical connection between the "if" part and the "then" part. You don't have that.

>> No.5337539

These men are why you live.

>> No.5337589

^This doesn't seem genuine anymore. Someone's samefaging.
It's not even a good line.

>> No.5337594

"We don't really talk about anything--nothing important. Like, this is all just meaningless. Life itself is meaningless." -To my friends while in the 7th grade.

>> No.5337609

it's just too embellished

"Move on yo"

would've sufficed

>> No.5337617


But it made me feel...

>> No.5337639


So his old girlfriend wouldn't let him sleep with her, and he wouldn't bother pressing her about it because he was depressed?

>> No.5337657

>literature is only about content, not about how things are worded
I too think the quote is meh, but come on.

>> No.5337671

>girlfriend doesn't want to sleep with you
>girlfriend gets mad at you when you don't ask why she doesn't want to sleep with you

It's a shitty situation.

>> No.5337701

>girlfriend gets mad at you when you don't ask why she doesn't want to sleep with you
It's not explained why they're now exes. I don't see her getting mad. Maybe he broke up with her on account of his depression. Maybe he's anti-natalist or something. There's a lot to ponder, but nothing about it is apparent.

>> No.5337715

It has a sort of Woody Allen neuroticism to it. The concept at least, if it were delivered better, I can imagine him sort of stuttering it out while waving his hands in the air and pulling on his hair.

>> No.5337965


Fucking /lit/

>> No.5337993

can you explain? I don't understand, but I'm intrigued.

>> No.5338016

is it that if everyone were completely honest with each other about how they felt, we'd all be schizophrenic from the negativity?

>> No.5338022
File: 36 KB, 498x600, Untitled64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What if we find life on other planets, but it's just more humans?" - Me

>> No.5338025

As I stabbed him through the neck I wondered if he hated me or loved me and why it mattered.

>> No.5338044

snuff yourself faggot

>> No.5338056

holy fuck bro I'm reading your blog and o i am laffin

>> No.5338126

>le ahead of the class feel

>> No.5338434


If we didn't have other humans reinforcing the convergence in personal models of reality, we'd all be lost in our own immanent insanity.

>> No.5338468

The end of youth is marked by the change from the search for truth to the search for meaning.

>> No.5338536

How are they different?

If 'meaning' is defined as a clear translation between two languages (say, between reality and english), and all 'meaningful' things are those that have a natural* translation, then this natural translation will be a mathematical truth.

Feel free to dispute the definition, It'd surprise me if you could show me a counterexample, i.e. of an instance of 'meaning' which does not fit the above definition (and not an equivocation).

Of course, the whole thing is nullified if you don't consider mathematical relations "true", although I wonder what you would consider true then.

*natural, as in non-arbitrary/constrained/tautological.

>> No.5338590

"We all want to be the protagonist. The illusion of an overarching narrative is alluring and, when applied to our lives, it gives us meaning... In reality, the world was not created for our special story and is in fact indifferent to our existence."

>> No.5338687

No, I was an edgy faggot.

>> No.5338785

There is no land so distant and inaccessible as the heart.

>> No.5338989

Whether it's gum in your hair or hair in your gum the two simply do not go together.

>> No.5339419

'Kicking a bull's testes is kicking yourself.'

>> No.5339899

This is great.

The point is: truth is that the world is meaningless. Once you realize this, you will try to construct meaning and values.

>> No.5339966

aren't trips meant to be smart

>> No.5340713 [DELETED] 

Isn't /lit/?

Astrology may predate astronomy but the tilt in our necks predates astrology. Alchemy may predate chemistry but the finding of nonpoisonous foods predates alchemy.

>> No.5340728


About my friend's new girlfriend "She's one of those people who don't think a lot about anything, an English Lit. student struggling with Dr. Jekyll, imagine that?"

Friend laughed. Good guy.

>> No.5340738

Isn't /lit/?

Astrology may predate astronomy but the tilt in our necks predates astrology. Alchemy may predate chemistry but the finding of nonpoisonous foods predates alchemy.

>> No.5341823

If Jesus hadn't been condemned to crucifixion, he would've had to do it himself.

My life will never be the way I want it, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I am a one-man army in the war against time.


>> No.5341861

Sheeeeet. Triple dubs!!

>> No.5342130

"Tripfags are the worst kind of people. Simply the worst."

>> No.5342236

Woody Allen wouldn't be /lit/, he'd be /tv/.


Just try to imagine him, stuttering out.

>My-- my-- girlfriend, uh, she made us slept in separate beds and, I didn't say anything about it because it was just, it was just too depressing, you know? I just, I didn't say anything about it.
>And then she changed the locks, and that was-- that was too depressing to talk about. So, I just, uh, came in through the window.
>And, and, then she got a restraining order, and that, you know, that's just too depressing too think about too.

>> No.5342285

"We rolled on, beneath, between, tangled in and pushing off the sheets in our throes. Time melted and space became distant - me and her were the only dimension. The proof of our being summed in a short equation: her and I are equal to one. We are We.

>> No.5344195

"Hitler was a pretty cool guy. One of the most charismatic leaders in the history of the world, and turned Germany into a powerhouse only a decade after their defeat in WW2.

>> No.5344240

Quote myself?

"I'm going to make some pasta later ma, would you like some?"

>> No.5344243

>Woody Allen wouldn't be /lit/, he'd be /tv/.

Woody Allen wrote many short story collections, and was published in magazines. He got his start writing jokes for magazines. Woody Allen is /lit/.

Related: http://woodyallenitalia.tripod.com/short-uk.html

>> No.5344244

*writing jokes for the newspaper


>> No.5344264

If you try to take a selfie, but you can't, maybe you don't know yourself

>> No.5344753

My life is the twenty second video for a new car you need to endure to get to the good stuff when you don't have adblock.

>> No.5345173

For you to call something 'meaningless' would require it to be in sharp contrast with things that are 'meaningful' in some way.

Unfortunately(?) if anything at all is meaningful, it pretty much contaminates everything it proverbially touches (and everything touches everything) with meaning. For example, if you're a hedonist, you may think you needn't care about anything except your own pleasure and pain, but increasing efficiency in carrying out your hedonism will necessitate an increased comprehension of the world.

Invoking signal-to-noise ratio here would be a valid counter-argument I suppose, but at least everything in your umwelt, your own 'world', will still be completely meaningful.

At any rate, what I meant here >>5338536 asserts that truth subsumes meaning. So at best, >>5338468 is arguing for a chase of a few specific truths, and can't knock down the whole of "truth".

>> No.5346312

Ultimately, it is the desire, not the desired, that we love.

>> No.5346425

Everyone needs a partner. Everyone needs a Dick to their Bush.

>> No.5346438

An alcoholics best characteristic is his ability to find any cause for celebration


>> No.5346457

Should have pulled out.

>> No.5346472

>We love the desire and not the desired.

A. learn to write
B. this is a trite aphorism and isn't your original idea, in fact, the same thing has been said verbatim

>> No.5346476

10/10 honestly better than most in this thread.

>> No.5346483

Memento homo, q͟uí͢á pu̶l̶v̧is͏ es͟, ̶́̀et̸͝ ̷̕in̷ ̴̨p̧͢ứ͠lv̵e͞r͟͏e͟͏̵m̨҉͏҉̸ ̴̨́̀͢r̵͜è̴̡v̵͠é͠r̷̨̛͘͟t̨͟͠͞e̢҉͟͞ŕ̴҉͏̡i̷̕s̨̡͟

>> No.5346490

I sit down and immediately I plug in. A constant steady flow of noise and light to keep my energies occupied and diffuse.

Sitting so many years residually weighs down on my spine. It curls towards the screen, like a sapling grows towards its source of light.

Often in the dark of night when I grow tired and close my eyes there appears before me as if projected by a Panasonic a heaping set of tits,

>> No.5346495

Wow. This is really good.

Contd? Referring to the comma at the end.

>> No.5346548

I'll drink to that.

>> No.5346558

I'll drink to that.

>> No.5346612

Politicians begin wars, soldiers end them.

>> No.5346631

soldiers perpetuate them

for that matter, politicians don't begin wars, politicians perpetuate them

>> No.5346706

>"I'm in the ocean getting shark pussy"

>> No.5346726

Don't quote me boy cuz I ain't said shit.

>> No.5347101

Your metaphors are only as good as your math.