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5329032 No.5329032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your aesthetics, /lit/? What do you value in works of art? Have any authors affected the way you form aesthetic opinions?

>> No.5329118

I value human dignity.

>> No.5329146
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I'd like to say something classy, but in all honesty I love grimdark, darkedge, anime, and sex. I love colors too.

>> No.5329153

tricky dick ovens

>> No.5329154
File: 1.68 MB, 1600x1058, Diogenes_Jordaens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diogenes never found an honest man

>> No.5331203


Is there a Platonic dialogue on aesthetics?

>> No.5331224

that's a moral concept, not an aesthetic one.

>> No.5331477
File: 9 KB, 261x193, Nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying morality is not aesthetic

>> No.5331647

Big booty and large eyes on women.
Sexy jawlines and cheeks on men.

Rick Owens
Raf Simons

I like surrealism in literature, art, and music.

>> No.5334134

tfw all the fa fuckheads swarm to a thread w the word aesthetics

i like expressions of impulse and emotion

>> No.5334140
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Might as well be.

>> No.5334186
File: 106 KB, 800x598, 800px-Caspar_David_Friedrich_006[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minimalism, starkness, and greyscale
Somber but not edgy or grimdark
Or, maximalism when refined to a T, beauty when stripped of cornball and cheese.
I like both ends, but especially those that find a way to balance the two.
Beckett / Joyce and Pynchon
Rothko and Duchamp and Malevich / Caspar David Friedrich and Jacques Louis-David
Cannibal Ox and The Fall / Miguel, Burial, and the Clash
Dick Ovens

I won't pretend there's any connection between any of the above other than I like them and see things I like in them.

>> No.5334198

I like the smell and taste of people, the sweat on their skin, the obsessive thoughts they think, their happinesses and their pains. I like the colors of things, the contrast of images, the little strange and profound details embedded in a scene.

>> No.5334209

It's not. Go be German somewhere else. Fucking Schiller and Kant...

>> No.5334217

humanity, imperfection, realism
minimalism, symbolism, simplicity
depends on what I'm in the mood for

>> No.5334223

tmi creepo

>> No.5334234


not scared to voice what I like, are you?

>> No.5334246

I really enjoy a lot about the writing of McCarthy but the pouring on of elaborate analogies can sometimes turn his prose into
This is epic
This is so important
Hey don't forget this is epic
Holy fucking shit I just can't get over how freaking epic all this is all of the time

I'm looking at you, final chapters of Blood Meridian. Still, the end was perfect.

>> No.5334263

>the pouring on of elaborate analogies
this is literally the only thing he has ever done

>> No.5334269


I am scared though that I offended you by saying that, and if so I apologize.

>> No.5334283

This just isn't true. Entire passages exist, even in his more heavy handed works like Blood Meridian, without a single analogy or metaphor. I understand that his love of analogies is an identifiable and controversial aspect of his prose, though, so perhaps you'd like to reword your complaint? (99% of the time when people use the word literally, they have not used it correctly- and I do not say this literally)

I'm talking about half-page paragraphs containing 8 or more analogies, each more elaborate than the last. That weighs down prose like sentences stuffed with adverbs.

>> No.5334291

well honestly i thought you were just being a tumblrfag because it sounds like some pseudo-profound adjective-laden post that would get a lot of notes there. But yeah, it scares me just like it should scare anyone that there are people walking around who are immune to mundanity. that's just chilling. i mean, humanity for godsakes.

>> No.5334315


I understand people that think of humanity as disgusting, but I like a lot of it. Not all of it of course, but a lot. Probably because I'm lonely.

>> No.5334329

I like that brief moment where youth has nearly ripened, turn'd from formless clay into the lank and whispy whippet to that bare rippling of maleness. A soft grace taking angular hardness, thin lines swelling to bold shapes, the corked odor of musky fermentation about to reach peak form. It recalls the effervescence of a puppy with a cautious and docile nature, large paws ill-matched for such a skinny limb, yet screams out the power and wildness of wolves surging with instinct to run and claw and dominate the world. It's a moving artform, narrative of growing potential whispered and shouted that rivals that of the prime in action. N-no homo.

>> No.5334357


Ah fuck, who wrote this, I completely forgot

>> No.5334364

its like a bad pitchfork.com review

>> No.5334380

>I like shit before it's good
>endless faptastic verbage
That is what I was going for.

>> No.5334723

cyberpunk if that counts
I really like the imagery of heavy industrialization combined with people struggling

>> No.5334759
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>> No.5334800

cynicism is whats left to those who failed to understand platonics

>> No.5334856

Grandeur and severity. It's why I love tragedies the most.