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5327485 No.5327485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, what is /lit/'s stance on getting lit?
Drugs thread in general.

>> No.5327488

Drugs are for commoners.

>> No.5327493

I think it's sad that the inadequacies in life lead so many down this path.

>> No.5327501
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>Getting lit
Opiates or GTFO.

>> No.5327505
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I don't seem to need it. Plenty relaxed or psychedelic all on my own.

Perhaps I'd sneak a little something towards the end of my life, just to see the effects.

>> No.5327514

Im almost 17 and I have tried acid about a dozen times and it was fun but not anything like what I first thought it would be, I realized that I am an interstellar warrior representing myself among all other bodies of our reality the first time I did it, so that was cool; alcohol a couple dozen times, and its pretty odd but I get the appeal; a couple of pills; and a Jamaican amount of pot, also Ive smoked weed laced with crack once and either meth or pcp once. I used to wake up depressed because of general destructive tendencies of mine, I felt like I could be a lot more had I read or played cello rather than do drugs, but whatever, who actually lives to their full potential, I suppose my philosophy of life is to just appreciate reality while I'm still alive and not be a e a bitch. I plan on taking it easy until I'm 21 from now on.

>> No.5327516

>Perhaps I'd sneak a little something towards the end of my life, just to see the effects.

"Holy Jesus, this is incredible. Why didn't I do this sooner? Ive got no time left now."

--Butterfly, 82

>> No.5327521

"Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs" James Franco

>> No.5327523

>LEL I'm just so unique and crazy It's like I'm already high xD

Said every boring, annoying girl ever

>> No.5327526

Using literature to convey information is a psychedelic technology.
Therefore, try psychedelics.
>don't listen to me, I'm crazy.

>> No.5327528
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>James Franco
I loled

>> No.5327530
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Oh also Im OP

>> No.5327537

>acid about a dozen times
>alcohol a couple dozen times
>a Jamaican amount of pot
>Ive smoked weed laced with crack once
>and either meth or pcp once

>I plan on taking it easy until I'm 21 from now on.

You have been taking it easy. 12 blotters, a few cases of beer, pile of weed, freebase and ice, sounds like one weekend in Thailand.

>> No.5327542

>responding to claim by attacking source but not the material

>> No.5327553

Nah u tit, i woz laffing coz it blatantly wernt a franco quote.

>> No.5327557

Yeah, it's good shit. I'd on this Earth for a limited time, and frankly, I'd rather die at 65 than at 90. I'm healthy, don't get me wrong, but when opportunities come (often) to enjoy a night with friends, I'll earnestly take it.

I don't smoke nor drink on my own; it's just not part of my creed. Only with friends, will I partake in these things, and I do enjoy it.

>> No.5327564


anon plz

>> No.5327570

You enjoy your friends, not the chemicals.
If you enjoyed it, you'd do it alone.

>> No.5327573

yeah I used to smoke weed by myself like 3 times a day but Ive decided to just do it with friends from now on

>> No.5327577

underaged and b&

>> No.5327582

The only time I got high was when I ate some pot brownies by mistake and then I got a panic attack and my mom had to call an ambulance and the friend who gave me the brownies stopped wanting to be my friend because he was afraid he would get in trouble even though they didn't ask me about it.

>> No.5327589

After drinking for about two years and going on a month long bender I finally kicked booze. It sucks though, because on the weekends I'll grab some liquor, thinking to myself, I'll only have a few. However, it's not really enjoyable anymore. Being hungover all the time was a fucking nightmare and I'm so glad to be rid of that that it's hard to have fun with alcohol now.

Actual drugs though? I haven't done them. I want to, but I don't have any friends. Don't know how to get a hold of them. Could try tor, I suppose, though I wouldn't know what I was doing, and I don't live alone anyway.

>> No.5327590

haha fag, really tho pot brownies can be hard, but how did you not taste that shit

>> No.5327595


I didn't know what pot brownies tasted like at the time. My friend just told me it was organic or herbal or something.

>> No.5327596

I enjoy my friends without the chemicals. The chemicals enhance the experience (usually). It's fun to see what they do.

I don't always smoke or drink with my friends, yet we still have fun.

It's for the best really. I've convinced myself that if I do smoke or drink on my own, I have a problem.

>> No.5327602
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"Meh. Been there, done that."

--Butterfly, 92

The aim of my life isn't to entertain you.

>> No.5327608

Congrats on limiting your alcohol intake! Don't drink on your own. Also, you can definitely prevent hangovers.

>> No.5327611

What other purpose can woman have?

>> No.5327617

Look guys, a unique butterfly.

>> No.5327619


addicted to getting high. doesn't matter the drug, fortunately I've never gone down the road of being so hopelessly addicted to one substance my life is destroyed or suffer life threatening withdrawals, but I can't live life sober and need an altered state every day.

>> No.5327630

Are you referencing the rolliing stones book?

>> No.5327638

Alcohol ruined my life. Weed, acid, shrooms and md help me deal with the aftermath.

Also, LSD is best drug



>> No.5327639

That's how I feel about pot, man, but Im a wrestler so Ive decided to stop until the season's done, but fuck it sucks, I dont think ill make it, but at least im cutting down a lot

>> No.5327647

just like to add that it consistently blows my mind that alcohol is legal. like, on an hourly basis

>> No.5327653

>Actual drugs though? I haven't done them. I want to, but I don't have any friends. Don't know how to get a hold of them.

What type of experience are you after? For downers, and a great for a first time, you can buy codeine legally. 300mg will have you feeling like a warm fluffy cloud of perfect bliss has wrapped around your body. You can legally buy poppy heads and brew tea too.

If you want to trip, you can buy, again legal, Hawaiian baby woodrose or morning glory seeds for the LSA. If you know any chemistry you can easily extract DMT from Mimosa Hostillis.

If you're in the UK, any bong shop will sell you aMT, 6APB (both strong psychedelics), and Peruvian torch (a mescaline containing cactus).

You can make or procure a few dozen other things regardless of your country.

>> No.5327660

Strange, weed ruined my life, and alcohol and cocaine helped me deal with the aftermath

>> No.5327661

Same. I could never bartend and willingly provide poison to the masses.

>> No.5327665

How did weed ruin your life anon? Do you use coke weekly? What about alcohol?

>> No.5327666

I would like nothing better than to serve "poison" to the masses. Those who can't control themselves... Well, that's their problem.

>> No.5327668
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No. Not even sure what you mean

>> No.5327670

youre insane. youre not supposed to do these things but youre running at them too fast

>> No.5327674


>> No.5327675

>What is missing the point
You're a dullard m8

>> No.5327680

>I have no brain and I must speak

>> No.5327682

>Also, LSD is best drug

Get a vial of ketamine, dry the whole thing out. Split it in half. Prepare your DMT and special smoking tube. Snort the fat slug of Ketamine, then gulp down as many lungfuls of DMT as you can in very short time before the ket kicks.

Ketamine is a dissociative. It restricts your senses and forces your brain to come up with content for the blanks. When doing this while on DMT, you fill in those blanks with the warped fractal hyperspace, and the combination is like nothing else. Seriously, nothing compares to that trip. It's not the strength of the trip, it's how far a mind can go.

>> No.5327683

>youre not supposed

what'd Nietzsche tell you about those thou shalts, anon

>> No.5327691

i did dmt once, i just like acid better. but yeah that does sound like a wild ride. tell me, what's the single most vivid thing you can remember from a dmt trip

>> No.5327695


im just saying, people say stuff along the lines of "oh i did acid 50 times yadda yadda" like its a race.

I had a psychedelic experience years ago, ive been thinking about having another. but i dont understand why people try to boast about this stuff. granted, i have only tried alcohol, weed, cocaine, and morning glory seeds in my life but if youre throwing yourself into drugs so haphazardly it just says something bad to me

>> No.5327694

I've got news for you: You're going to die one day. Sleep tight.

>> No.5327698

Wow, that sounds cool, I forgot to add but I took one small hit of DMT with hash and I felt like I was flying around when I was walking but Ill have to try that, but I thought you had to inject ketamine

>> No.5327701

would be relatively easy to get my hands on lsd.

think ill try it twice, and then be done

>> No.5327712

I didn't buy DMT at phish because I wanted to do a ton of nitrous. Later, riding the edge of a K-hole, I realized I should have grabbed the deemsters.

>> No.5327714

Has anyone seen the episode of drugs inc about the jungle rot puerto rican junkies, those people are pathetic with drugs, and its hard to say where the grey area turn black

>> No.5327716

>How did weed ruin your life anon? Do you use coke weekly? What about alcohol?
It made me an introverted anxious mess. The worst part is I could see it happening, worsening with every joint over a period of years, but I just couldn't stop smoking it.

The high changed too. It was how it probably is for everyone initially, but gradually it started to shut my brain down. by the end I would sit in an almost stupor for a few hours, feel very dizzy and dehydrated if I tried to do anything, stutter and shake if I had to communicate with anyone when stoned.

I finally kicked it, but was a wreck for a year until I discovered cocaine. Strangely, I can't handle the nervous jitters of speed, but coke was fine. I became confident and pulled my life together. I was using daily then, during the days, and alcohol almost every evening. That phase lasted maybe six months, but honestly helped me. I still have a cheeky line now and again, drink most weekends, but wouldn't touch cannabis for anything.

>> No.5327717

yeah anyone who has more experience than you is a stuck up meanie who just wants to make you feel insecure. It's the sole purpose of consumption for some.

>> No.5327736

This is a thing, but it seems to be more about a recognition of one's own mental fragility than a desire to appear special. The subtext is more plea than assertion, and thus deserves a bit of empathy

>> No.5327764

My stance is that it is both exciting and valuable. Like with anything, it is entirely subjective

>> No.5327788

I'm after most experiences. I want to try pot simply because I feel like the only person on earth who hasn't. Beyond that, I think psychedelics would be fun. I've had Vicodin before, I suppose I should've mentioned that, and I enjoyed it greatly, but that was in very limited quantities.

I live in the US, so I can't get codeine with a script. Didn't realize it was that good anyway. Maybe I could try with a doc. What is codeine used for anyway, flu symptoms?

I've heard of morning glory seeds, but also heard they're a pain in the ass and you have to eat a shit load to actually get high. Haven't heard of the HBW though, thanks for that. I'm looking it up now. I'll also check out the Mimosa thing, though I'm not a chemist.

I've been thinking about grabbing this plant, I forget what it's called but since it's used in religious ceremonies it can legally be imported. Used by tribes in the Amazon I believe. Ayahusca, that's it.

I've tried Kava as well, didn't do anything for me, not sure if I did it right though.

>> No.5327794

well arnt you a good little summarizer

>> No.5327826


1. Hard Opiates (heroin, -morphones, mainlined morphine)
2. Perscription stimulants
3. Alcohol
4. Tobacco
5. Weak opiates (codeine, hyrocodone)
6. Ketamine
7. Classic psychedelics
8. Obscure ass RC stims/dissociatives/psychedelics
9. Benzos
99. Jenkem
999. DXM
9999. Oxygen deprivation
99999. Solvents
99999999999999999. Weed

>> No.5327829

Drugs are pretty cool I guess, I regret doing so many drugs in my youth. I feel like it has had a negative effect on my mental health. I still like psycs and getting drunk, but for last year or so I can't smoke weed without having some sort of panic attack. I once had a fit of drug-induced psychosis this 4th of July after smoking a tiny bit of weed. "Drugs are a bet with your mind".

I did acid trying to write a movie, but I came to the realization that you can't rely on drugs or any sort of reactant to instill divine creative providence in you.

>> No.5327843

>what's the single most vivid thing you can remember from a dmt trip

I recall pretty much everything, and they're all equally vivid. But I can remember the first time I broke through. We'd been trying varying doses, but not managing to reach the famed 'hyperspace'. The usual effects were upon us; the infinite span of geometry coating everything, the tribal drums drowning out all other sounds, the, err, 'things', at the point of every intersection. We had extracted our own, and after buying a kilo of bark from an online vendor and using a friends freezer to extract, we had loads. We rolled it in cigarettes, chased it from foil, pulled it in bongs, but still couldn't hit that level. It just seemed impossible. we'd almost get there, but then the paralysis kicks in, and you droop on the sofa like a retard with a wide grin. Then we made 'the machine'.

The first pull on that was perfect. There was enough on the wire mesh for another cream, and another, before I lay spastic on the carpet. Everything pulsed in the familiar way, the tribal beat, the fractals, the intersections of the fractal lines became small one inch people, and as I stared up at the ceiling, the light merged with the ceiling to become what looked like a sun; this sun opened and I was sucked into it. -- All of this is in the space of about fifteen seconds. I couldn't see it or hear it, all I could see was a landscape of kaleidoscoping fractals, but I could feel it. I was suspended in something and interacting with, for lack of a better word, 'souls', animal souls, with beings far greater than I observing me.

I floated around like a leaf in the breeze, falling gracefully back down to what could pass for reality, though I had things with me still, beings and spirits. I managed to roll over on to my front and climb on to my hands and knees. Tensing all the muscles in body I raised my head, knowing, feeling, that I was some beast, a wolf or jackal or something, images of the Egyptian god with the wolverine head. I snarled, and was about to howl, a deep guttural booming howl, when normality struck me.

>> No.5327847

Doing too many 2c-x's over 6 months made me develop panic disorder. Got over it but now I have too many things I try to block out from my thoughts to do psychedelics.

Alcohol, tobacco, some stims + opis, and the very occasional MDMA roll is all I do now.