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5326811 No.5326811 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm looking for a specific type of book, dont ask me why, I have no idea(perhaps cause ive been drowning my sorrows with alcohol). And I have nowhere else to turn to but you guys.

The story should go like this: There is this guy( or a girl doesnt matter) and he is in an inn, or some public place where people gather. He is drinking and he looks poor. So someone insults him, but he pretends not to give a fuck or that he cant do shit. So he maybe gets thrown out or something.

There is this other guy in the background and he knows who this guy really is, and he needs him for some important quest(overthrow a kingdom, rob a bank, destroy the death star, doesnt matter), and he is the only one with the needed knowledge. So some trickery is involved and they somehow meet and they explain one another who they are, then they make a plan of sorts, reqruit more people in a similar way.

I know this is probably a weird request. I have nothing go to give you in return, but perhaps the challenge itself of finding such a book. Some of you are really well read and know a lot of books, so Im hoping that someone could help me.

>> No.5326828

I have a theory that all these absurdly specific plot-request threads are made by the same fucking alien. I can't even begin to simulate the mental point-of-view operating in this situation. Like what in the actual fuck? You clearly have a story in your head, and you need a rough equivalent that's been externalized previously, WHY?

>> No.5326830

You OK, OP?

>> No.5326836

Cant tell you about the other aliens(havent seen them), but I do suffer from low self-esteem and hardcore self-criticism

>> No.5326839

I've had better days. How about you, anon?

>> No.5326861

Doing alright. One of my friends is gonna start taking Prozac. With him starting that I am now the only person I know that isn't set up on coping-crutches of any kind.

You might enjoy The Idiot. It's about a young man with epilepsy who believes the world is a nicer place than it is. Gets shit on a lot.

>> No.5326865

somehow reminded me of

>> No.5326890

lol you might like lanark by alisdair gray

>> No.5326892

Cant tell if thats good or bad. Do you want the crutches, or are you happy to rely on yourself? Do you think it awkward that you dont have them, like the rest of the people that you know?
>All hail out Brave New World-esque future

Used to be just like that "Idiot", and I dont even have epilepsy.

>> No.5326896
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, Charlton Heston laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. You and I both

>> No.5326897

That was great. Didnt even know being that creepy is a thing. Ive reached a new low. Also, Im probably gonna watch that show

>> No.5326898

isn't this how aragorn meets the hobbits?

>> No.5326911

didn't tag you.

>> No.5326923

Not quite what I was looking for. Needs a dash of adventure. It does sound interesting, so I will probably read it. Thank

>> No.5326929

Sort of Crime and Punishment, I guess..

>> No.5326935

OP, A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.5326940

Kinda, yea. Aragorn is awesome

>> No.5326947

We're just so naive, dammnit

I dont see a similaritie, it could just be me, though

>> No.5326966

watch the place beyond the pines, then commit sucide

>> No.5326971

I think we're getting there. I didnt expect a comedy book, but it does sound like a good book.

>> No.5326973

When Raskolnikov goes to the pub at the start and sees the drunk guy, who's name I forgot, the father of Sonya. He's being made fun of aswell, and Rodya ends up trying to help him get his shit back together.

>> No.5326979

Sily you, Im looking for a book

>> No.5326988

That sounds pretty good actually. Ive postponing on reading Dostoyevsky for years now. Maybe I finally have a valid reason to read him, except "its famous"

>> No.5326998

y know audio books? those things they made for listening books? now you can watch dem stories wih yer eyey! they call em video books

>> No.5327005

I dont even like audio books...

>> No.5327032

thats why u got video book.... go watch a book or smth bro

>> No.5327066

Well I am currently dying of laughter thanks to Mr. Mann>>5326865

I love British humor

>> No.5327068

Before you'll feel decieved, it's not the main plotline of the book. There are plenty other things going on, it's just that this storyline corresponds with the OP reasonably well.

>> No.5327092

No one is gonna come to ask your help after someone insults you in public, OP. No one.

>> No.5327134

Thats the whole point of it. That almost no one knows who this guys is. Kinda like Aragorn, like some anon mentioned. He is pretending to be a ranger, hes looks dirty, weatherworn, but hes actually a king with erectile dynsfunction(he cant get his sword to full size)

>> No.5327383

Why don't you write it yourself, OP? I believe in you

>> No.5327842

You give me far too much credit, anon.