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5320985 No.5320985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stirner was a fucking huge faggot. How can any of you take this shit seriously when philosophical Buddhism is readily available. Wowwwwngerwwww.

>> No.5320991


People incapable of connecting to the oneness of existence retreat into the world of delusion, greed, and hatred: their ego.

>> No.5321014

Why assume I'm incapable of becoming oneness?

>> No.5321019

Ayn Rand: no
Stirner: yes


>> No.5321020

Hegel, Marx, Stirner, Nietzsche.
Schopenhauer aside, I HATE 19th century German philosophy yet /lit/ is enamored with the crap. Kant was the last great continental.

>> No.5321043

>Stirner was a fucking huge faggot
>philosophical Buddhism

>> No.5321046

>oriental fetishism

people who cannot embrace and celebrate their own humanity retreat into a made up perception of oneness with the world

>> No.5321054

Huge faggot detected.

>> No.5321055

i don't think stirner was a faggot

>> No.5321065

why, ayn rand? why?

>> No.5321070

Riddle me this, wise man: how can buddha gaze at his navel, when his navel is hidden from sight by his massive smelly gut?

>> No.5321071

his philosophy is goood

>> No.5321072


>> No.5321076

No, it's appealing. But not good.

>> No.5321080

There is no humanity and no no humanity. Realize this, and you realize your place in existence.

>> No.5321081

Stirner wasn't a faggot but he was actually quite popular among faggots because of his emancipating individualism and anti-spookery.

>> No.5321084

its not the beliefs that are the problem, its the dilvery
they effectively believe the same thing, but Stirner uses intelligent and interesting argumentation, Rand sounds like a spoilt toddler complaining that his mummy didn't buy him all the candy he wanted

>> No.5321087

You're think of Budai, which is distinct from Siddhārtha Gautama who is also known as The Buddha.

>> No.5321092

nah, its pretty good. i like the part where he says to only look out for your interest and not be afraid of what society deems as 'mediocrity'. thats a good part

>> No.5321107

Budai may not be 'the' Buddha, but he's 'a' buddha, so the importance of my question cannot be easily negated.

>> No.5321115

Right, but according to Buddhism, everyone is a buddha, they just haven't realized it yet.

>> No.5321146
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Stirner is consistent, when he does away with worshipping arbitrary ideas he does away with all of them. Rand is on love with property rights and the free market and all kinds of spooks. Stirner just says: If you can hold onto it, it's yours. If not, it isn't. One of the great things about him is that he's actually willing to phase the consequences of his destructive philosophy and he's alright with them, while most others try to sneak some bullshit in through the back door.

>> No.5321152

*in love
notquite awake yet

>> No.5321162

>but according to Buddhism, everyone is a buddha
uhh, in some weird you had it the entire time sense, yeah, but other than that, budai is sure more of a buddha than some pseudo-intellectuals posting on /lit/.

>> No.5321179

Not just in "some weird way you had it the entire time sense". Literally. Buddhist philosophy says that everyone will be reborn endlessly until they achieve Buddhahood.

>> No.5321239

>philosophical Buddhism

spooks pls go

>> No.5321249

>humanity is separate from the universe
this guy

>not realizing that you and everyone and everything around you is the universe
>not celebrating your universality

b-but muh humanity

>> No.5321250

yeah sure, but budai has achievd that, and you and me haven't, so budai is a buddha, and we aren't.

>> No.5321268

>everything is, like, connected maaaan
damn, i was living under the assumption that people like you are a mere rumor.

>> No.5321281

You have achieved it. You just haven't realized it yet. Everything has a buddha nature.

>> No.5321291

>You just haven't realized it yet.
then i haven't achieved realizing it, and neither have you, but budai has.

>> No.5321296

The Western dichotomy between nature and culture is just as much a 'made up perception.'
