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File: 447 KB, 1280x800, carlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5318171 No.5318171[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fact: Comedians are the new Philosophers

Prove me wrong you pretentious little cunts

>> No.5318180

Fact: George Carlin isn't a comedian because his audience mostly just nods in agreement instead of, you know, laughing.

>> No.5318188


Full pleb. Come back once you get out of your edgy nihilism phase and pass the age of 18.

>> No.5318190
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Economists are the greatest philosophers the world has ever produced.

It is through their study of and the principles derived from human action that concrete and objective laws about reality are derived.

>> No.5318197

>shoddy pseudo-science
>great philosophers

>> No.5318200

I see what you did there

>> No.5318203

>concrete and objective laws about reality are derived
>economics of any kind

Holy fuck this pretense makes me nauseated

>> No.5318204

Economists are mostly failures at understanding economy though. And their laws are never too clear.
Try real scientists.

>> No.5318205

Meant for

>> No.5318209

Potential candidates for who's replacing philosophers:

Anyone else?

>> No.5318214

Oh yeah, can't forget economists.

So so far it's:

>> No.5318219
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>being this pleb

>> No.5318220

How many recent philosophers have you anons actually read?
It seems like you are all confusing philosophy with history of philosophy.

>> No.5318222


Fact: George Carlin isn't a comedian because he isn't funny.

>> No.5318227

Get back to your libertarian shithole

>> No.5318231

Science is a methodology than can be applied to anything. Attempting to delineate 'real' science as something only applicable to 'hard' sciences is nothing but folly and against the real goal of scientific inquiry.

>> No.5318232

Those are mostly feel-good platitudes that anybody belonging to the upper quarter of the armchair philosopher community could come with.

>> No.5318233

Do you study philosophy to reach any sort of truth-valuations or to shit post on the internet?

>> No.5318235
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>all those simplifications
>all those misconceptions
>all those distortions
>all this because of money morals
>all this because of money psychosis

>> No.5318244

Comedians are more of social commentators, they throw out fragments of every day life to ridicule them. Philosophers, in the traditional view, work systematically.
So no.

>> No.5318246
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>all this projection

>> No.5318247

>Science is a methodology than can be applied to anything.

Only to describing the relationship of physically observable (and preferrably mesurable) variables.

>Attempting to delineate 'real' science as something only applicable to 'hard' sciences is nothing but folly and against the real goal of scientific inquiry.

That's not what I did. I simply excluded the wachky theorizing and clumsy induction that is what most economomists have done from science.

>> No.5318255

No, comedians aren't philosophers. It just looks that way because satire is as close to philosophy as Americans get.

>> No.5318302

> I simply excluded the wachky theorizing and clumsy induction that is what most economomists

Unlike the ease of simply studying physical reality, having to include and work with the vast complexity of the human condition, there is bound to be some difficulties in finding out the truth. Plato was wrong about a lot of things but that doesn't mean his work was unimportant. Just as he played a major role in the formation of western philosophy, the only reason we have arrived at the level of understanding we have now is because of the foundation set by the scholars who came before us.

>> No.5318378

>Economists are the greatest philosophers the world has ever produced.

This is an incredibly ignorant opinion but at least consistent with respecting Bastiat on any level

>> No.5318387

This is cringeworthy. Why are you here?

>> No.5318392

Of course. But Plato wasn't really a scientist (Aristotles a bit more, but pre-scientist would be more accurate). Still doesn't change the fact that economist are really low on the "concrete and objective laws" scale.

>> No.5318553


Quine, Davidson, Rorty, Nussbaum, Cavell, Dennett, Putnam, Kripke, James, Dewey, Peirce, Lewis, Fodor, Searle, Block, Nagel, Nozick, Dreyfus, Rawls, Chomsky, West, Adler, Santayana, Danto, Kauffman, etc, etc.

>> No.5318562

I take it those are the most trendy comedians in the US right now ? Thanks for the recs.

>> No.5318577

What do you mean?

>> No.5318656

What exactly do you define as science?

>> No.5318663

You wouldn't mind elaborating why would you? I would argue that those claims are legitimate to the point of irrefutably, I would greatly appreciate proper criticism.

>> No.5318676

Don't project the mistakes of bad economists onto economics. You wouldn't disregard literature on the basis of bad authors would you?

Just because Marx and his ilk have corrupted the study of economics doesn't make it any lesser of a science.

>> No.5318685

>and his ilk
You read too many conservatives.

>> No.5318701

I honestly believe that they are the closest thing the masses will ever have to true exposure outside of school if it's even in the curriculum.

>> No.5318711

Comedians are becoming essayists and journalists more than they're becoming philosophers. They're also recovering a kind of public speaking we lost around the advent of radio and television. Think Mark Twain, Emerson, etc. They explore topics, satirize things, and entertain, they don't systematize them or rigorously investigate and explicate them. They come close.

>> No.5318731


>> No.5318754
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Comedians are becoming *demagogues

but only rly on the liberal spectrum since the rights got theirs alreyD

>> No.5318796

I agree with you, essentially. Many of those public speakers, like Emerson, were popular religious figures. There are comedians doing a kind of memoir on stage that's only tenuously political, however.

>> No.5318871

>no u

>> No.5319074
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>doesn't make it any lesser of

>> No.5319084

if you listen to pretty much any podcast you can hear this. comedy isn't so much about jokes these days as it is about post-ironic analysis of culture.

>> No.5319106

What would be some God tier comedians?

>> No.5319141

> philosophy
> not a shoddy pseudoscience

>> No.5319168

While stand up is the closest we get having to public intellectuals/ meaningful discourse, there isn't a comedian today who has done a strict analysis of anything. Nor has any comedian developed any theory. I think stand up could be very stimulating-- using humor to ease an audience into topics they wouldn't normally like to or ever think to discuss-- but it's just a collage of polemics and odd voices: a vulgarity race. Anyone here read The Possibility of an Island?

>> No.5319183
File: 320 KB, 877x911, Jester_of_Hell_by_Daldbaatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesters have always existed OP, and they have little to do with philosophers, even though their function is very important

the philosophy that you can find on your high end comedians doesn't go beyond high school philosophy. Comedians pose good questions but they don't really work much on answers

oh and Carlin is was great, but most of his fame comes from telling people that they are intelligent and brave without them having to be actually either

>> No.5319194

>dat libertarian quote
or how to solve small problems by creating huge ones

>> No.5319198

Chappelles first special (killin them softly)

>> No.5319225

OP if you are going to compare comedians and philosophers post sharp comedian and not some feel-good stuff


>> No.5319226

>feel good stuff

o am i laffin

>> No.5319227

I don't get what's wrong with those quotes

>> No.5319230

yeah he is "dark" and "negative" but at the end most of his thing is just "look at how smart you and me are and how dumb everybody else is" without any actual deep thought

>> No.5319234

Cumia get the fuck out of here

>> No.5319238

I am still waiting for the obligatory Russell Brand post

>> No.5319239

Is this a list of all the boys you've fucked?

>> No.5319241

ah, I get what you mean

>> No.5319243

the 2 on top are basically saying nothing special

and the 2 below are using words the wrong way to appeal to certain emotions but don't hold as soon as you try to apply them to real life

>> No.5319250

Definitely not claiming that either m8, just sick of this mentality specifically after three years in PPE coursework.

>> No.5319254

>Chappelles first special (killin them softly)

his second special is good too

>> No.5319260

atomistic and rationalistic conception of people, most common prejudice of (typical but not all) economics

Read this: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/economics/

>> No.5319270

Analysis of culture is a good way of putting it. I'd note, however, that commedians, unlike philosophers of culture, very rarely, if at all, invent new concepts, and if they do, they're toy concepts, though they do often engage in thought experiments and kinds of speaking that are meant to defamiliarize you.

>> No.5319278

What's this kind of humor called:

Fat guy: My hair was turning grey, so I had to dye it.
Other guy: At this point, I guess any incentive will do.

It's so corny, but I love when shit like that happens IRL, off the cuff.

>> No.5319280

For what it's worth, economists are better than knew age gurus that like turning quantum mechanics into spiritual truisms.

>> No.5319284


>> No.5319286



>> No.5319290

Sort of like Chandler from Friends?

>> No.5319296

I'm not sure. I've never really seen that show. DID YOU GET THE JOKE THO? LOL.

>> No.5319302

Insult humor, deprecation, wit, humor at another's expense.

>> No.5319312

i didn't get the joke

>> No.5319319

When you say "dye it", it sounds like "diet." The other guy uses that coincidental homophone to make a fat joke.

>> No.5319323


>> No.5319328

they are better than pedophiles too

and nazis

>> No.5319334

my favorite Simpsons gag is the die/diet billboard on the X files episode

lots of fun with that word + fat ppl

>> No.5319495
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>cannot into economics

>> No.5319513

Comedians aren't philosophers because people are actually interested in what comedians have to say.

>> No.5319523 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 250x254, 1408578430920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people weren't interesting in Philosophy

Philosophy wouldn't exist

>> No.5319565

When will you wake up from your euphoria and realize that people don't care about the truth nor the journey. They only care about how it's shown.

>> No.5319629


Fact: George Carlin isn't a comedian because HE IS FUCKIN' DEAD!!!

>> No.5320526
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Just to prove my point

>> No.5320544
File: 55 KB, 660x370, bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My list:

1.Bill burr
2.Louie C.K
3.Doug Stanhope
4.Jim Jefferies
5.Joe Rogan / Patrice O Neal / Jim.Gaffigan / Russell Peters / Jim Norton

>> No.5320560

*tips fedora*

>> No.5320580

>washing your hands is bad unless you get poop on em!
>i like to say 'fuck' a lot cause im edgy!
>george bush is a criminal!

wow so philosophy 10/10 i am enlightened

Patrice O'Neil was the closest any comedian ever came to being a philosopher. that fat nigga had some really profound shit to say. everyone else has just provided social commentary, the best being Jim Norton, except Joe Rogan who sometimes goes deep but he's a gullible jackass.

>having the two unfunny gingers at the top
i bet you degrease your pizza and listen to chiptunes you fucking homo

>> No.5320583

are you me?

>> No.5320585

i think you confused philosophers and misogynists my man

>> No.5320586
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hi me :3

>> No.5320587
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>tfw /lit/'s third eye is still closed
unenlightened fools

>> No.5320588

If you like these guys, check out bill Hicks. He was what the people on your list wish they could be.

>> No.5320592

Terrible list.
All of them are hamfisted without any entertaining presentation.
Daniel Tosh is funnier for fuck's sake.

>> No.5320593

The safest general characterization of the stand up comedy tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to George Carlin.

>> No.5320600

Believe me i watched all of hicks specials, i honestly don't like him, sure he was ahead of his time and whatever, but in the bottom line. his jokes are not funny.
He belongs to the Philosophical-Comedian-Tier with carlin.

>> No.5320606

You realize its well-documented that the bit he is most famous for was straight-up stolen, right?

>> No.5320607

Daniel tosh has the same style as Jimmy Carr but more flawless IMO.
He like to tell jokes with "shock value" on the audience, it's ok but as genius as some of bill burr's jokes

>> No.5320626

but 'angry' 'comedians' like that are the equivalent of 'angry' video game reviewers

it's a shitty gimmick and bill hicks just sounds like a more jaded alex jones. it's not discomforting because it's such a revelation and oh my eyes are open to the woes of society, it's discomforting because of how depressive the guy is. he's just a conspiratorial downer.

>> No.5320629

every comedian has done this, whether they admit it or not

also, lenny bruce was the greatest comedian

>> No.5320646

i don't think hicks was angry. critical, sure, but he was insightful not ranting.

>> No.5320650
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>but he was insightful not ranting
might want to listen to him again
he was never insightful, only ranting

>> No.5320653

You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.5320658

>i don't think hicks was angry.
Neither do I, that's why I put it in quotations.
He was obviously going for the whole bitter, jaded thing, and he certainly got angry at people in the crowd.

>> No.5320661

i love hicks, but his last album is literally called 'rant in e minor'

>> No.5320664

i've listened to most of his stuff. we're just going to disagree on this topic

>> No.5320667

so you've listened to most of his rants, congratulations. you're an idiot if you think he's 'insightful' in his criticisms.

>> No.5320705
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oh you

>> No.5320732
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>that list
I have news for you anon, you don't like comedians, you just like angry people with heads up their ass that you can relate to.

>> No.5320745

Most Comedians are just grumpy, jaded guys who spout off about social commentary. They're not funny and they most certainly are not philosophers.

Name five ACTUALLY funny comedians.

>> No.5320749

I am well aware that nearly all, if not all, do this, that is why I think it is to absurd to suggest everything that came after Carlin was somehow a footnote to him or whatever the fuck that anon said.

>> No.5320752


>I have news for you anon, you don't like comedians

What a smarmy little fucking prat you are.

I bet you like fellate Stewart Lee every chance you get, don't you? You fucking yuppie in training.

If you don't know that Norton riffing on radio is legitimately one of the quickest comedians on the planet right now then you're clueless.

And almost all good comedians are angry people with heads up their own ass. Comedians are some of the neediest fucking people on the planet, and they would be the first to tell you this while joking about it.

Way to put out a criticism that includes 99% of all good comedic talent you fucking abject moron.

>> No.5320755

>there are women comedians
>we let them call themselves comedians
>even though they aren't funny


Also, comedians are actually worthwhile.

>> No.5320759

ITT: half of /lit/ reveals they simply don't like standup while trying to make it out to be an objectively worthless media.

Why do so many /lit/izens have such a hard time grasping that some people like some things and others like other things, diffr'ent strokes and so on and so on, but that doesn't mean any of it is objectively good or bad, or worthwhile or useless? Fuckin live and let live for chrissakes

>> No.5320761
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>you just like angry people with heads up their ass that you can relate to.

"Sensitivity is the enemy of comedy and if you don’t understand that you’re probably not funny." - Kurt Metzger

Get a clue, comedy pleb.

>> No.5320767

>listening to some minor comedian attempt to define the form

>> No.5320770

>Fuckin live and let live for chrissakes
I think most people get that, but we're having a discussion, and opinions must be expressed. I mean we could have threads where we all hug it out.
>Hey, you like your thing, and that awesome
>yeah man, it takes all kinds to make the world go around you know
But that's kinda boring, and this whole board would be dead in a day or two.

>> No.5320780

Its fine if you want to express your opinion, I'm all for that, I just can't stand how frequently threads break down into "no you're objectively wrong and a total moron". That's not discussion. Thats, well, moronic.

>> No.5320783 [DELETED] 


>some minor comedian

Not that you can actually debate the point he was making in that quote, lol.

I bet you'd call Stamatopoulos minor too, right? I wouldn't expect comedy plebs to know anything about good writing.

Fuck these chai latte Plebbit cunts who post 20 year old acts like fucking Izzard while smugly telling people that they "don't like comedians". As even they even follow modern comedy more than a casual glance.

Yuppie fucking posers, the lot of them.

>> No.5320786


>some minor comedian

Not that you can actually debate the point he was making in that quote, lol.

I bet you'd call Stamatopoulos minor too, right? I wouldn't expect comedy plebs to know anything about good writing.

Fuck these chai latte Plebbit cunts who post 20 year old acts like fucking Izzard while smugly telling people that they "don't like comedians". As if they even follow modern comedy more than a casual glance.

Norton on the radio is one of the greatest comedians right now. Both in wit and social commentary. In all of it. Anyone who can't see that is a true comedy pleb.

Yuppie fucking posers, the lot of them.

>> No.5320794

Thank you for separating the lines, it makes your post much easier to read.

>> No.5320795


Sorry if we aren't all Metzgerites.

>> No.5320799

I work in comedy. Metzger is minor. Stamatopolous is even less than minor because no one knows his stand-up. Great writer, though.

Dunno if you're the list guy bu tI don't like Norton, Rogan, Jeffries or Stanhope. Burr and CK are good but bother overrated. Plenty of people who follow comedy, myself included, prefer Izzard to all of those guys.

>> No.5320805


>> No.5320816

>u wot m8?
I only began lurking a year ago or so and I'm still not quite sure, is this phrase intentionally misused as by >>5320767 or do people just not really know how it is used IRL?

>> No.5320824


>Metzger is minor. Stamatopolous is even less than minor

And I suppose their position in the industry is a conclusive indication of the quality of their writing?

If you really "work in comedy" you know that there's talent all the time that isn't getting its due. Don't be this dumb.

>don't like Norton

If you're talking about his standup or his new show I'd definitely agree. They're even painful at times. But I made sure to stipulate "radio", both times. For some reason when that man is on radio he is the quickest and most genius comedian going right now. The discrepancy is quality is quite bizarre but when he's good he's easily one of the best on the planet. For real.

And I never said Izzard was bad for the record.

>> No.5320831

Threads like these confirm /lit/ only cares about participating in easy prey discussions that will make them feel smart.

>> No.5320835

Never mind, decided to not be lazy and googled it. Its exactly what I thought, my fellow americunts thought it means something that it originally did not and so now its taken on this new meaning. Cool guys.

>> No.5320840


>that one limp-dicked pussywillow who comes in to a thread to effeminately quip about the posts and add nothing else

Way to police the board, killer.

>> No.5320841 [DELETED] 

>i bet you degrease your pizza and listen to chiptunes you fucking homo

im new to lit and i just have to thank you for that line

>> No.5320848
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>Patrice O'Neil was the closest any comedian ever came to being a philosopher.

Honestly that would probably go to Chaplin.

But Patrice was the closet any modern comedian ever came to reaching Pryor status. He was getting that good and if he'd stayed around he might just have gotten there.

>> No.5320851

No, I like Metzger. But you were saying he wasn't minor. He is. John Mulaney might be the best stand-up comic working today but for right now he's still minor too, at least until his show debuts. We could both name 20 more comics each who are brilliant but minor. Nothing to do with the quality of their work.

>> No.5320853
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please. there are many kinds of comedy appealing to different tastes. no sweeping pronouncements like his have validity. there's nothing to debate when your argument is "stop liking what i don't like."

>> No.5320855


>Russell Peters

Oh god what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.5320861


>> No.5320875


>John Mulaney might be the best stand-up comic working today

Confirmed bro you know what's up.

>> No.5320897


>there's nothing to debate when your argument is "stop liking what i don't like."

I put forward a different position through a quote. I never once said that it was a final statement. I even called for it to be debated if interested. Nothing. Because they know how needy and angry most good comedians are.

>> No.5320938


>> No.5320941

I mean...


There, that is correct usage. Faggot.

>> No.5320951
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smasht the cunt bro

>> No.5321024
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failure to take your bait isn't proving your point. this kind of thinking is probably why you don't understand the difference between debate and arguing on the internet, which is pointless.
and this is a clear reminder to me that it's late and i still haven't done my daily hour of writing & editing so off i go.

>> No.5321042

Heard any All Madrigal or Keith Alberstadt? I think they're my favorites of those I've come across in recent times.

>> No.5321048


>that guy who sheepishly announces that he needs to leave in the same post that he's trying to get the final word in all to maintain his fragile peace of mind

Debate the validity of the quote or don't.

But don't be this fucking embarrassingly basic.

>> No.5321180

Love Madrigal, don't recognize Alberstadt's name. I'll check him out, thanks.

>> No.5321221

Ever heard of Danny Bhoy? He's great, pure comedy, no personal message or anything

>> No.5321246


>no personal message or anything

and that's a bad thing why?

>> No.5321247

>russel peters

he has some good jokes, but come on

every special of his is nothing but 'indian people be like', 'black people be like' etc.

>> No.5321256


- Danny Bhoy
- Ed Byrne
- Jerry Seinfeld
- Dave Chapelle
- Ronal Goedemondt

>> No.5321270


>and they most certainly are not philosophers

This adolescent ivory tower fetishizing of what does and doesn't constitute "philosophy" is going to be harmful to your intellectual growth. If you ever want to get the fuck over yourself and really try to grow that is.

>> No.5321283


I personally don't like it. It's good if you have something you feel is important to share with the audience, but most comedians put their focus too much on that, and almost completely erasing any comedy from their act, making it kind of a downer (Carlin, Hicks and others)

>> No.5321288


True, it's a fine line between personal message and preachy twat like Hicks.

>> No.5321326

I have literally never found a comedian funny,

i have never found any form of scripted comedy funny

if people have entire fucking list of comedians they like i think less of them as people

i listen to a lot of podcast as background noise but listening to them for the sake of entertainment would be just appalling

>> No.5321335

Ever watched Monty Python's Flying Circus? Or is that beneath you as well?

Maybe Tosh.0 is something for you

>> No.5321342

fucking love it when people try to feel better than others based off the shit they watch on tv

ive seen both of them niether are funny tosh.0 is sub human, while monty python just isn't funny

>> No.5321343

What kind of things do you find funny or amusing then?

>> No.5321351

i find things that are "real"
like not scripted or forced
for example : samurai cop or something ridiculous in real life

>> No.5321373

this is the reason why they are not. It is 11 min long but please watch it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCGkVyyDOcU

>> No.5321378

but then it's weird that you don't like flying circus, because to me that's comedy as real as it gets and i'm not talking about the movies.

But yeah, i feel you on the real life comedy.

A group of kids all buying a can of coke but paying separately.

Man sneezing just as someone walks past him

Guy eating a subway sandwich sideways

The best thing i've ever seen in my life was a blind woman at a bus stop looking at her watch

>> No.5321388

Carlin really rested on his laurels in his later years, in my view. He was permitted to coast along on vague, anti-establishment rants for over a decade. What he was doing couldn't be called "comedy" in any meaningful sense by the end, but he got away with it and continued to receive endless praise "because he's Carlin". The stuff he was coming out with at that point was straight out of Charles Manson interviews.

>> No.5321395

You know he had a file cabinet fulled with stuff. The dude was just a machine for 1 hour specials.

>> No.5321436

One of the names is yours?

>> No.5321447

why would i contribute in a type of thread i despise?

>> No.5321460
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>Jim Jefferies

>> No.5321470

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaCKKHcpf0w still one of the better bits.

>> No.5321776

Ignore his stupid religion sucks stand up and listen to him on O&A on youtube

>> No.5321831

official god-tier comedians: the ones I like

official shit-tier comedians: the ones I dislike

Stanhope is the greatest contemporary comedian, let that sink in for a while

>> No.5321843

I know right?
Wait what? oh fuck i meant to say Russel Brand, i have no idea why i wrote peters instead, although he's pretty cool guy with some funny jokes but Russel brand's last special was bretty gud

>> No.5321853
File: 13 KB, 182x171, smug rei face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russell brand
>bretty good

Nice shit taste

>> No.5321862

His last special "The messiah complex" was 8/10.

He's very intellectual individual

>> No.5321878

>Fact: Comedians are the new Philosophers

I want to get off this ride, Greeks had it right when it came to comedians and other entertainers, they loved it when they preformed, but outside of performance their opinions were disregarded and entertainment in general was viewed as a low part of society.

>> No.5321924

>implying bill burr is actually angry
i mean, he is, but if you listen between lines he is a very positive and loving guy

>> No.5321932

Sorry, I meant to say Bertrand Russell. Y-yeah, that's the one. Best comedian/philosopher for his time.

>> No.5321954

Bill Burr
Dylan Moran
Norm Macdonald
John Cleese

How'd I do /tit/?

And does anyone else think Russel Howard and Bo Burnham aren't actually funny? My girlfriend obsesses over them.

>> No.5321962

>bill burr

standard tourist list

*polishes his lenny bruce vinyls*

>> No.5321968

Yeah pretty much, I don't watch comedy too often. What are your favorites?

>> No.5321983

I like bill burr. It's worth checking out his podcasts with O&A, Doug Stanhope and Patrice.

Dave Attel is probably one of the best contemporary heavyweights as well.

>> No.5322036

Comedians are the new religious leaders.

They can say what they want without consequence, they are extremely sensitive to criticism and they have a rabid cult following.

>> No.5322047

that sounds about right

>> No.5322244

>They can say what they want without consequence
This is part of the problem with society today though.

>> No.5322257


>> No.5322546

And I thought , /lit/ is gonna be intelligent...

>> No.5322595

we are all gonna make it brah

>> No.5322822
File: 109 KB, 500x283, fuhrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Fact: Comedians are the new Dogmatizers


>> No.5322849

Failing to discern because you want to be open minded, or because you're bent by your emotional need to include everything you like into culturally prestigious categories is going to be harmful to your intellectual growth.