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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 500x471, the curtains were blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5316466 No.5316466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are we taught to speak metaphorically in school? Metaphors are shit tier and anybody who still uses this utmost monstrosity is nix but wretched filth.

>> No.5316468

i fucking hate this image

>> No.5316471

I fucking hate you retard.

>> No.5316478

why doesn't OP stay on /tv/?
it's no a metaphor, it's symbolism

>> No.5316479

>hurr stop trying to interpret things
>durr nothing means anything
anti-intellectualism, the image.

>> No.5316480

True, but the word "shit" is also a metaphor.

>> No.5316484

>implying your interpretation fucking matters
the author is god
kill you'reself

>> No.5316485

>The work of linguistic art in the age of scientism's reproduction

Honestly, why are you bothering. Poetry has been relegated out of culture quite enough, don't you think? Your techno-fantasy of pure, symmetrical communication has been well enough received. Everything makes so much sense these days, only metaphor yet stands in the way of objectivity and purity. God forbid anyone step out of your straight lines.

>> No.5316486

>metaphors are shit tier

>> No.5316488

Deary me you are retarded,

>> No.5316490

>the author is god
riiight, and it's not like people try to understand the meaning behind the things god does?

>> No.5316491

Symbolism in literature can still be a metaphor you autist.

>> No.5316493

the author is dead

God is...dead?

>> No.5316495
File: 66 KB, 778x484, fedoraboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5316496


metaphor: The transference of the relation between one set of objects to another set for the purpose of brief explanation: "that man is a fox"

symbolism: the practice of using an object or a word to represent an abstract idea: "curtains represent depression"

>> No.5316498


Lit class equivalent of gym class where everyone gets a trophy.

No one can be wrong because anyone can interpret anything.

Unless the author expresses something officially, you're a fucking smug asshole making shit up to seem smarter than you really are.

>> No.5316499

Why? I am not OP, but metaphors nowadays turn most writing into derivative shit.

>> No.5316500

it's a fundamental part of language and storytelling

>> No.5316502

top kek

>> No.5316504

>implying authors don't express something officially 99% of the time

>> No.5316513
File: 155 KB, 500x683, fuck logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me a contemporary piece of writing with metaphors that isn't utter shit tier.

Yes, and I can interpret metaphors as shit, can't I? YOU FUCKING POWER-AUTIST

>> No.5316516

>metaphors nowadays turn most writing into derivative shit

What the fuck do you people even want 'nowadays'.

Realism is too falsified, metaphor is too banal, etc. Why not meditate or something and give up language altogether. In all fairness this is a truly awful period in cultural output, so it might be forgiven to a point.

>> No.5316517

If you as a writer insert a line into your story that is non-essential. you're doing it wrong.

We as readers want to give writers the benefit of the doubt that they know better, so we assume that if they spent ink on it it's something that matters.

Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes the curtain is just blue. But that's the shithead writer's fault, not ours.

>> No.5316518
File: 11 KB, 312x253, RolandBarthes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless the author expresses something officially, you're a fucking smug asshole making shit up to seem smarter than you really are.

>> No.5316520

>and what looks like quite a broad forest surrounding the rest of the stable. I have attempted to go into the forest before but it becomes pitch black very quickly after the first few rows of trees, the branches are vast and true moreover seem to expand endlessly, barely a ray of light would manage to break through the thousands of leaves even if there were anything lucent above.

>the branches are vast and true moreover seem to expand endlessly

FUCKING ENDLESSLY. Can't you see how SHIT that sounds? The writer ruined a perfectly good sentence by using fucking "endlessly". Even the branches seem to "linger" or "spread out" would've been better.

>> No.5316522


>> No.5316524
File: 48 KB, 281x652, reaction2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if the author expressed something officially I wouldn't be a fucking smug asshole making shit up to seem smarter than I really am?

Top fucking kek

>> No.5316525

>tfw the spectre of Barthes won't haunt these buffoons that show up and wail to god ('the author', they say) whenever this image is posted.

When will we have a time when they read the basic of literary criticism before soliciting their opinions as "common sense."

>> No.5316531

you literally used three metaphors.

>> No.5316532

I guess it's fair to bemoan an instance of it (of course the metaphor's underlying essence, flexibility, and structure are left intact through this critique--here is only an issue of its content, not form), but can you imagine a culture without metaphor? I don't think anyone wants that.

>> No.5316534

This is the most retarded comment I have come across this past two months and one week.

>> No.5316536

we're truly entering the dark ages

>> No.5316539

Irrelevant. Commonplace metaphors indeed, but I would certainly not use "shit tier" and "wretched filth" in my writing.

>> No.5316540

And yet it's true.

>> No.5316547

None of it is true.

>> No.5316550

Good authors create characters with lives of their own's. By your logic, the dude who created chess must have been the best player in history.

>> No.5316552

Who gets trophies in gym class?

The death of the author is based on a linguistic FACT that what can be communicated via language is necessarily limited and lacks 1:1 correspondence and that the variables and conditions which led to the author writing the book are not all within the author's control, so meaning cannot be dictated by the author.

>> No.5316553
File: 73 KB, 500x686, face 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I the author *~officially~* say the poster has misinterpreted my stipulations on what I take to be authentic interpretations of my work.

>> No.5316557

No, you've revolutionized the entire point to outright retardation. Look, I used "retardation", yet in the interim I doubt you're retarded.

>> No.5316558

Because people who don't understand how one situation is analogous to another are those who become the cancer killing humanity

>> No.5316559

c-c-c-can't know nuffin

>> No.5316561

Are you mad that you can't refute any of it?

>> No.5316567

Most metaphors aren't difficult to clarify though, they just prolong something uselessly and aren't clever or intensifying in any way. There are far better ways to provide comprehensibility.

>> No.5316571

>they just prolong something uselessly
Anti-natalist detected

I can't imagine a sustained complaint against the poet could come from any other group on /lit/; metaphor somehow becomes a symbol of vitalism that needs to be purged for more pitch black efficiency so we can get to nowhere as fast as possible.

>> No.5316572

This is precisely the reason poetry is now terrible. Anything poetic or symbolized furnishes turbulence and confusion unless it is extremely simple, subtle and decently written.

>> No.5316577

It's your fault. You told everybody that they can't know anything and you reinforced it over and over again and now they're fed up with faggots fagging about.

You killed the author, but he didn't stay down. He's just nursing his wounds and making everything you loved horrible.

>> No.5316579

>is now terrible
Are you seriously implying that we are not living in the height of "flat" poetry

>> No.5316582

Metaphors are good when they are obvious, clear and aesthetically pleasing. In all other cases they are obscurantist bullshit by and for pretentious pseudo-intellectuals. "Hurr durr I had to make the meaning vague and hidden because it's SO PROFOUND!" Oh yeah, have you read MY book? The text is small and blurry and I've hidden the book out in the woods, so you'll have a REALLY hard time getting to the meaning! How's that for profundity?

As for English class and the interpretations they try to teach you there:

"It’s a peculiar form of movie madness crossed with academicism, this lowbrowism masquerading as highbrowism, eating a candy bar and cleaning an 'allegorical problem of human faith' out of your teeth." - Pauline Kael

Just swap "movie" for "book".

>> No.5316591
File: 373 KB, 974x1000, the curtains were blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5316594

>Metaphors are shit tier and anybody who still uses this utmost monstrosity is nix but wretched filth.
, he said, using metaphors.

>> No.5316599



>> No.5316603

>it's bad for people to go mad for meaning

As long as you're not claiming authority (and who among those who would go mad for meaning still consider authority as a viable concept for close readings?) what's the matter with it? What's the threat against you? It seems like you are holding up the sky here--making everyone suffer by maintaining they need to be vigilant because the geists of multiplicity could sneak them away a in a sloppy, nocturnal reading. Praise you for keeping the lights on! At the university (highbrowism) and on the street (lowbrowism) no less. If you want to look for charlatanism at its finest, don't look at those pushing the potential of symbol and metaphor, look at those who would deny people those joys of free expression and plurality then substitute them both with paranoia against anything other than surface.

>> No.5316604

What the author thought: Oh man, I bet if I put the color of the curtains in retards will argue about it for days.

>> No.5316628

That's a problem of arguing and perception of what constitutes "being a retard." If everyone stopped getting mad about this, I bet we could have lots of fruitful conversations about what the curtains could mean in all sorts of fun, stimulating ways. Instead you are all, "anything but blue = blue is an invitation for conflict." That's exactly the sort of attitude that prevents blue = blue and blue = [psychoanalysis] from cohabiting. Your interpretation and the actions you based on it, of the scenario, guarantees the longevity of the scenario you say is everyone's fault for letting happen.

>> No.5316648

>I bet we could have lots of fruitful conversations

You'd love that, wouldn't you.

>> No.5316651

Yes? If that's not what you want, just let me know and we can stop here.

>> No.5316652


Fruityfags detected.

>> No.5316659

The author is dead breh

>> No.5316672

>in all sorts of fun, stimulating ways

That's the rub, isn't it? It wouldn't be very fun. And in order for it to be stimulating, the userbase would have to be far more creative and intelligent than it actually is.

>> No.5316675


stop aping barthes and try to think for yourself breh

>> No.5316681

The idea first occurred to me when I read a really old book, actually.

>> No.5316688

Not fun? The memetic way of things is proven to be enjoyable (at least in execution) in nearly ever other post. Now, yes, it is not terribly stimulating, but then again that's because all the energy expended working with memes is fairly base. I don't think it's something that can't be liberated, however. Imagine the enchantment of posting "ayy lmao" being transferred into the purpose of this board: literature and OUR PERSONAL readings of it.

>> No.5316749
File: 38 KB, 500x311, chillbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? Fuck you and your metaphors, metaphors are fucking terrible. No wonder everybody's writing is so bad in this day and age, because of shitty schools teaching fucking METAPHORS. I've produced some beautiful writing in my time, and there is no more than two or three very elementary metaphors in a whole short narrative. My writing is magnificently 'in the moment' and portrays whatever setting without any conflict from shitty metaphors or other symbolizing methods.

"She became wet so extraordinarily on the vicinity of her clitoris that it wept like the torso of a cocker spaniel withdrawing its afternoon swim". This shitty "like a cocker spaniel" has completely driven the reader astray from the sexual scene and he/she is now envisioning a fucking dribbling cocker spaniel. The reader has already completely forgotten the initial scenario. He's completely out of the moment. That mother fucker is fucking scared.

>> No.5316755

ayy lmao

>> No.5316760


>> No.5316850
File: 29 KB, 199x239, georgelakoff[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit tier
>utmost monstrosity
>wretched filth

I'd call you a fag but then again I'm absolutely sure you did this on purpose

then again that still makes you a fag

>> No.5316897

I was 100% aware I was doing it, but you've missed the entire point; probably because you're retarded or something. Anyhow, I'm referring to metaphors used in a genuine literary writing, not a squabble on /lit/. Retard (not metaphorically).

>> No.5316931

You recognize how prevalent metaphors are in everyday speech, but think they are somehow avoidable in writing? Wow, guess who's the retard here.

>> No.5316957


>Metaphors are shit tier and anybody who still uses this utmost monstrosity is nix but wretched filth.

metaphors are a referential that is the basis of everything in our life. our very language is a systemized form of symbolic referentials passed on with each age. metaphors have formed what it is to be human since the very first pictures of the hunt painted on cavemen walls.

they are everything.

>> No.5316966


What the fuck are you talking about? The author is dead? Lel, do you even criticism? Do you even Borges?
Even Barthes was saying "yet, I need authorship" (or alike, I don't know the English translation).

Lack of balance in the discourse, all the time. What the fuck am I even doing here?

>> No.5316970


> Inb4 Eco.

>> No.5317073

>being this specific

OP is talking about basic literary metaphors in writing.

>> No.5317342

You know there is such a thing as being discrete. The author might be the creator of the story but revisiting his product he might derive new meaning or an unexplored narrative. As long as the assumptions made by the reader have some sort of cohesiveness I don't see why the reader shouldn't have his own right to create their own narrative and still remain faithful to the central themes and context of the plot.

>> No.5317369

since you hate metaphors so much i'm assuming you must think that metaphors LITERALLY are excrement defecated from animals and that their users (you for instance) are LITERALLY depressed and spiteful dirt..... or maybe you don't know what a metaphor is

>> No.5317372

>have a limited amount of space
>can't speak about everything, can't describe everything
>by inserting a description into a story you must think it's relevant in some way
>otherwise you're just saying random shit

Prove me wrong

>> No.5317378
File: 636 KB, 1562x1800, ivan_konstantinovich_aivazovsky_008_the_acropolis_of_athens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sky is just yellow in the left corner of the frame, it doesn't evoke anything

>> No.5317382


>> No.5317386

The colour of the curtains are just something authors mention for no reason, don't know why

>> No.5317402
File: 87 KB, 768x423, Fun Home HB - Alison Bechdel 2006 200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5317410

>implying what the author meant even matters

The curtains' significance is subjective to the meaning you attribute to them.

>> No.5317412

Show us the rest of the comic anon

>> No.5317414

>I didn't understand why we were actually expected to learn stuff in school instead of just paying to do the exact same thing we could do for free at home without any self-growth involved

>> No.5317417

It's like people want to fail the shibboleths.

>> No.5317421

But Bechdel, isn't the point of university to give you the tools needed to think for yourself rather than filling your head with trivia?

>> No.5317422

Why we taught to speak SAE in school? SAE be shit tier and anybody who still uses this utmost monstrosity be racist.

>> No.5317429

that's a simile :/

>> No.5317448

This is the kind of dumb question that could be answered with a John Green video.
Yes, this is how retarded this thread is

>> No.5317461

That must burn OP

>> No.5317493

the problem here is the word "moreover" tbh

>> No.5317577

>Metaphors are shit
Thats a metaphor m8

>> No.5317672

>don't respond to the criticism
>repeat "fuck metaphors" yet again and fail to demonstrate that you can even create one when given all time and tools to do so

I wish conversations on /lit/ could be better than this. And another year turns.

>> No.5317687

Now there's people on /lit that don't even know that simile is a metaphor.

>> No.5317709

Wonderful contribution. Retarded samefag.

>> No.5317725

There's such term as a "literary metaphor".

You are the one who doesn't know what a metaphor is you fucking tard.

>> No.5317745
File: 39 KB, 640x213, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5317820

my english class was sort of like this, except you had to be able to back up what you believed were metaphors with other examples from the book

you can't just say, "Jacob's car was blue because it reminded the author of a blue moon," but you could say, "Jacob's car was blue because it symbolized his depression about not being with Bella; this is also displayed in his slumped shoulders and 'sad' eyes."