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5315544 No.5315544 [Reply] [Original]

Christian ideology is more guilt and fear based than just fear based, as is the case with Judaism.


>> No.5315552

I think Jesus died for our sins.

>> No.5315557
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As a Christian, I can agree on the guilt part- in a sense. It's really guilt mixed with gratitude. Here we are, these horribly unworthy shitstains. We were once beautiful and perfect, but we lost both qualities, and did so entirely through our own fault.

Yet God has deigned to restore us once again to our former position. We are once more beautiful and perfect, but even though we ourselves initiated our fall, our rising was all God- or, at least, God in the body of Man. We've done nothing to merit or deserve the great blessings that have been bestowed on us.

So then, maybe guilt isn't the right word. Shame? Bashfulness? I think those are better.

>> No.5315567

Sins created from the transgressions of arbitrary laws created from the Judaical god, which Jesus rightly identified as evil.

Yeah it seems we are on the same wavelength, because guilt is the central core of the ideology.

>> No.5315602

Judaism isn't "fear-based", it's a reluctant acquiescence to tradition. Judaism is "obligation-based"

>> No.5315617

The constant stories of death, conquering, prophecies about an inclusive region for the tribe of Israel in the future, all of these serve to create the spearhead of fear for the individual so that he may not transgress, and if he does, his family will be punished down to the third and fourth generations.

Fear is what generally enforces most of the rites, traditions, and law established in the Tanakh.

>> No.5315621

not lit