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/lit/ - Literature

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531522 No.531522 [Reply] [Original]

any good graphic novels /lit/? apart from pictured

>> No.531531
File: 31 KB, 420x628, cityofglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asterios polyp
jimmy corrigan, the smartest kid on earth



>> No.531528

>graphic novels
Pick one.

>> No.531547

I would disagree with the watchmen. The comic was filled with preach preach preach preach.

Couldn't hurt to be a little more subtle

>> No.531549
File: 50 KB, 652x586, viz.4.nausicaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

>> No.531558

From Hell
V for Vendetta
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

all by alan moore

>> No.531559

Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories
Optic Nerve
Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth
Berlin: City of Stone
Berlin: City of Smoke
Road to Perdition
A History of Violence
Black Hole
American Splendor
American Flagg
V for Vendetta
Love and Rockets
The Invisibles
The Filth
100 Bullets
Sandman Mystery Theater
Swamp Thing
From Hell
Ex Machina

>> No.531561

I'm looking at 'the smartest kin on earth' right now. I must say I'm entertained! What else would you recommend good sir?

>> No.531566


comics are not literature

>> No.531569
File: 34 KB, 300x420, 246948-32919-the-invisibles_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Invisibles by Grant Morrison.

Also, /co/.

>> No.531581


Building Stories and Rusty Brown, they're by the same dude

You can find them in Acme Novelty Library issues 16-19

>> No.531585

The second through fifth books of Cerebus. The 13th and 14th if you want to read a schizophrenic pontificating and analyzing Fitzgerald and Hemingway in a way that puts to shame most authors actually trying for metafiction.

>> No.531588
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>> No.532572

OP, are you shitting me? Sandman. Always.

Also: Maus, Persepolis, Fables, Abandon the old in Tokyo, Lucifer, etc.

>> No.532585

20th Century Boys
Asterios Polyp
Ode to Kirihito
Go Go Monster
Tekkon Kinkreet
A Distant Neighborhood

>> No.532592

Do the Wormwood series, from the same guy that did 'Thirty days of night'. It's great.

>> No.532602

Hahaha! I totally forgot Asterios Polyp. The ending. So good.

>> No.532604
File: 14 KB, 150x200, 1986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of good mangoes to read, most anything by Ito Junji(Uzumaki, Gyo, Frankenstein) is worth a read.

>> No.532627

Lucifer. It's better than Sandman, Watchmen, Hellblazer, Preacher, V, Maus, and anything else out there. It's got the single most interesting character I have encountered in any type of literature, is well-drawn and well-written, with the most epic fucking plot ever.

>> No.532635

King Mob is a huge mary sue.

>> No.532640



>better than Sandman, Watchmen

Nigga, you best be joking. It's a good enough read, but it's nowhere near as good as either of those

>> No.532681

Someone mentioning Joe Sacco? On 4chan?!

/lit/ - officially better at comics than /co/.

>> No.532742


>> No.532753

Alan Moore
Neil Gaiman
Warren Ellis

Go forth and read. Consider it the British Comic Trinity.

>> No.532761


Sorry, but no. It's a spiffy graphic novel though.

>> No.533213

i rarely post

>> No.534446

surprised no one mentioned Y: the Last Man

>> No.534697


>> No.534706

I support this one.

>> No.534746


If you replace Gaiman with Grant Morrison, then yes!

>> No.534761

I'm not. I picked up the first volume after hearing good things and found it to be pretty boring, never read more.

>> No.534763

Oh, and forgot to say that MYSELF, I'm surprised no one mentioned Pride of Baghdad.

>> No.534767

I like Sin City