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531224 No.531224 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend some good Viking fantasy? I'm almost finished with House of Leaves and want a good fantasy book to read, but I'm kinda tired of the pseudo-medieval England vibe in most fantasy.

>> No.531232

Pic related.

>> No.531235
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Vinland Saga

>> No.531243

Why not read the old sagas and whatnot? They're quite entertaining.

The only fantasy series I know that contains vikings is a children's series written by the same lady who wrote Animorphs.

>> No.531250

I have read some of the original mythologies.

>> No.531269

Last Light of the Sun (Guy Gavriel Kay) takes place during an alt of the Norman Invasion, I think.

Bitta England, but still vikings.

>> No.531274


>implying the Normans were vikings

>> No.531283

Bloodthirsty seafaring marauders with beards tend to be similar.

>> No.531324

I remember being excited about it. Then it turned out to be the worst of Kay's historical fantasies.

Anyway, OP, you should check out Poul Anderson's The Broken Sword. Solid stuff. Then there's his Hrolf Kraki's Saga, but it's a mythic retelling, not a fantasy. Still, I gobbled it up.

>> No.531340

The Valhalla comic book series, srsly. Doubt they have been translated to English though, but give them a try if you find them somewhere.

>> No.531343


Actually there is an English translation up on Demonoid. Shit is pretty cash.

>> No.531360


Well look what I found. Probably not the best translation, but god damn I loved this series as a kid. Had 1-9 I think, but loaned them to my cousin at one point and never saw them again. He probably threw them out, the dick.

Beautiful art, thrilling stories and rather down-to-earth, comedic portrayal of the Asir and the stories about them. Maybe a bit childish for some, but recomendation from my part.

>> No.531373

Downloaded Vinland Saga and Valhalla and gonna get The Broken Sword in the next few days. I wanted to check it out before, but forgot about it.


>> No.531386

Bernard Cornwells Saxon series is really good.

>> No.531615
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Try The Hammer and the Cross trilogy by Harry Harrison. Socialist Vikings rule England and fight Christians.

Siege engines galore.

Red hot onager on onager action.

>> No.531659

One of Swedens most famous books today is a medieval trilogy is called "Arn" written by the swedish socialist Jan Guillou.


it's kind of realistic, almost like a history book. Only thing that bugged me in this is that the rich didn't have any slaves, which they had in reality.

>> No.532547


>> No.532555

Space Viking(seriously).

>> No.532556
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>> No.532563
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>> No.532567

The Prose Edda.
Actual Viking Mythology. Historical badassery.

>> No.532571
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>> No.532577
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>> No.533191

Source please.

>> No.533329

Vinland saga

>> No.533372
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> Victarion spun and slammed his axe down onto the spearman's head, feeling the impact in hish arm as the steel went crunching through helm and hair and skull. The man swayed for half a heartbeat, till the iron captain wrenched the steel free and sent his corpse staggering loose-limbed across the deck, looking more drunk than dead.

> By then his ironborn had followed him down onto the deck of the broken longship. He heard Wulfe One-Ear let out a howl as he went to work, glimpsed Ragnor Pyke in his rusted mail, saw Nute the Barber send a throwing axe spinning through the air to catch a man in the chest. Vitarion slew another man, and another. He would have killed a third, but Ragnor cut him down first. "Well struck," Victarion bellowed at him.