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5311879 No.5311879 [Reply] [Original]

/r/ philosophy book recommendations

>> No.5311883

not specific enough
just start with the greeks

>> No.5311882

im tired of posting Stirner's caricature

>> No.5311900

how is this not on the wiki?

>> No.5311906

I'd honestly say start with Zizek. You won't understand most of it but he'll at least mention a lot of things that will maybe pique your interest and just sort of follow whatever you happen to be into.

Or if you're looking for some "philosophy" that can be taken more or less in isolation from the rest of philosophy cannon, go with Foucault since most of his books are really more like history than philosophy as it is usually written about.

>> No.5311912

do not listen to this sophist. start with the greeks

>> No.5311913

>guy wants to try out philosophy
>anon talks about a marxist autist


fucking complicated isn't it

>> No.5311922

The Art and Thought of Heraclitus

>> No.5312019

sound advice in all walks of life

>> No.5312058
File: 146 KB, 737x574, Selection_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SICP is the best philosophy book you'll ever read. https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html

>> No.5312072

Whatever you do, do NOT start with the greeks. It's a shitty /lit/ meme and reading them is a waste of time.

>> No.5312100

OP, please see here the type of degenerate filth you will become if you do not put in the effort to understand the work of the classical Greek philosophers.


Now compare that to the great philosophical achievements of Martin Heidegger which followed from his appreciation of the genius of such classic thinkers as Heraclitus and Aristotle.

>> No.5312109

Heidegger did literally nothing worth mentioning. He doesn't even deserve to be called a philosopher. He's merely another shit stain who wrote propaganda for the nazis.

>> No.5312120

I read my philosophy at www.wikipedia.org

>> No.5312126

Never go full retard, anon, it allows the lesser arts degrees to point and ridicule. Do you want to live in that world?

>> No.5312137

Name one thing Heidegger did. Protip: You can't.

>> No.5312150

1. Ontology
2. Aesthetics
3. You're a professional dick muncher, why would I take your professional advice on anything but that?

>> No.5312160

⇒1. Ontology
Metaphysics is just "muh subjective belief" without any evidence or any possibility of logical examination.

>2. Aesthetics
Aesthetics are a topic of science and math, not philosophy. Unless you're talking about subjective "hurr durr I find this aesthetic because muh opinion and muh feelings", but that's not philosophy either.

>> No.5312162

Can you roll the condom on with your teeth, arrow?

>> No.5312223


Please don't reply to shitposters. You're only further derailing the thread.

>> No.5312248

The thread is still on topic, numbnut. We are arguing philosophy.

>> No.5312256

How long do you take between breaths while deep throating, arrow?

>> No.5312286
File: 21 KB, 306x306, stefan_moneyjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just search for stefan on youtube

>> No.5312289

Agreed. Stefan is up there with Joe Rogan as far as my favorite philosophers go.

>> No.5312296

start with a generic introduction to philisophy
will durants 'the story of philosophy' might be a good start. then pick up the book of your favorite guy from there

>> No.5312349


>Too stupid to figure out google. Wants philosophy text to show off.

Just die.

>> No.5313477

Have you read your SICP today?

>> No.5313971


This is a joke, right?

>> No.5314132

lol, the kid in this picture goes to my school( the school I graduated from in june).

Photoshop is a dangerous thing.

>> No.5314156
File: 53 KB, 450x450, 1398343948486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5314158

Avoid analytic philosophy like the plague.
Embrace the light of the Monad. Heil Hegel and Heidegger and Zizek. The Dialectic is Truth.

>> No.5314226

The Dialectic is truth

>> No.5314290

What is the the concept of class struggle but a flawed, superficial mechanism used to explain the working of the Dialectic of Ideas within the physical world? Ideas have no place in reality, not outside of our minds. This is a lesson Marx never learned, but which he nonetheless taught us.
It is pointless to try to explain an understanding of the Dialectic. It is a side-stepping of logic whose claims are valid despite side-stepping logic. To experience the working of the Dialectic upon one's own mind-which is only the metaphor within which ideas play-is to dance with gods and to fuck royalty.
Once you grasp that there is in fact Truth, the world and its workings becomes crystal clear.

>> No.5314343
