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530956 No.530956 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of H. P. Lovecraft? I can never tell if he's a serious great writer or it's just an Internet meme type thing.

>> No.530957

Not that good.

>> No.530963

He's good. He's just way too popular because of "LOL ALEINS N SPACE SQUIDS, ROFL. I HAVE THE T-SHIRT" so people expect more from him than he actually has to offer.

>> No.530964

every modern horror and sci-fi writer living today has most probably read and has been influence by this guy. it's like saying citizen kane is a shitty movie, no shit but in it's time it was the only one doing it

>> No.530969

He's not deep or anything. It's just sci-fi stuff and there's a bunch of sci-fi fans on the interwebs.

>> No.530975
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He popularised and produced a consistent alternate reality based in primal mythological precedent: His work was paid by the word and tends to be purple and overly descriptive. In turn it evokes a clinical but unique take on horror. He also dealt with the concept of miscegnation as degenerative, which produced a psychological terror pertinant to the time he wrote in.

He was also a good historian in chronicling horror writers prior to his time.

>> No.530981

He actually is pretty deep, but a philistine like you wouldn't know.

>> No.530985

He isn't deep on a human level. OMG COOL MONSTERS OMG. I'M FAMOUS TO /B/TARDS.

>> No.530989
File: 39 KB, 480x669, twilight-2_robert20pattinson20edward2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should have written about vampires.

>> No.530990

Good pulp writer. Wrote his own kind of scary stories that had their own very unique style to them.
As to his merits on his writing alone?
Archaic even for the time.
or as a 'horror' writer?

>> No.530996

>He isn't deep on a human level.

Nice way to try and qualify your ignorance.
"Oh, er, well, yeah, he's deep just eh...not in a HUMAN way, yeah..."

If you care to read him more thoroughly, you'll see the humanity that is actually blindingly obvious in a lot of his work.

>> No.530997

He's a great writer in his own terms.

Do not expect mind blowing prose.

But HP has a special place in my heart.

>> No.530999

Good SF/Fantasy/Horror writer.

>> No.531002

For some reason I always compare him to Poe and then I can't enjoy his work due to it.

>> No.531011
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would you buy it?

>> No.531013

"There are my 'Poe' pieces and my 'Dunsany' pieces — but alas — where are my Lovecraft pieces?"
He knew what you mean. I'd say some of his later stories show his stuff better than others, and it's important to know that some are part of his "Dream Cycles" while other are part of his "Cthulhu Mythos".

>> No.531016

Read The Rats in the Walls. It compares pretty favorably to Poe.

>> No.531017


I'm getting that....

>> No.531019

>From this tangle of material and spiritual putrescence the blasphemies of an hundred dialects assail the sky...occasional furtive hands suddenly extinguished lights and pull down curtains, and swarthy, sin-pitted faces disappear from windows when visitors pick their way through.

See? Lots of humanity there!

>> No.531035

>Last night to the flicks. All war films. One very good one of a ship full of refugees being bombed somewhere in the Mediterranean. Audience much amused by shots of a great huge fat man trying to swim away with a helicopter after him, first you saw him wallowing along in the water like a porpoise, then you saw him through the helicopters gunsights, then he was full of holes and the sea round him turned pink and he sank as suddenly as though the holes had let in the water, audience shouting with laughter when he sank. then you saw a lifeboat full of children with a helicopter hovering over it. there was a middle-aged woman might have been a jewess sitting up in the bow with a little boy about three years old in her arms. little boy screaming with fright and hiding his head between her breasts as if he was trying to burrow right into her and the woman putting her arms round him and comforting him although she was blue with fright herself, all the time covering him up as much as possible as if she thought her arms could keep the bullets off him. then the helicopter planted a 20 kilo bomb in among them terrific flash and the boat went all to matchwood. then there was a wonderful shot of a child's arm going up up up right up into the air a helicopter with a camera in its nose must have followed it up and there was a lot of applause...

Orwell's writings are therefore inhuman and say nothing of the human condition.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.531038

>[...]monstrous and nubulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoids and moebal; vaguely molded from some stinking viscous slime of earth's corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of windows and doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnamabilites.

This is from a letter to a friend, not a story.

>> No.531047

I get what you're saying. I don't disagree with you. I'm just poking a bit of fun at old jowly.

>> No.531051

He fucking invented words that look unpronounceable, and said "WUT IF TEHERE WUZ A SQUID/DRAGON/MAN WHO LIVED IN AN EVIL UNDAWATA CITY??"

I still love him, but it's science fiction and needs to remain in perspective. His writing was also extremely over-elaborate to make up for the relative lack of a decent way to communicate his own twisted emotions, imho.

>> No.531058

If you like that check out Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.531060

>invented words
I don't recall that?
I know he used words that even people of the 1920's considered old as shit though.

>> No.531062

What I'm saying is that, just because it sounds inhuman, doesn't mean it is. Most of the terrible creatures of Lovecraft are more from his own neurotic concerns about racial and class purity.

>> No.531063


Invented names, rather, which I do believe qualify as words.

>> No.531066

Was he a racist? If so what backs that theory?

>> No.531068

He wrote a poem, a frickin' poem, about how niggers are crappy.

>> No.531074

>Implying poems can ever be about outward hate.

>> No.531077


>> No.531078

They can't be?

>> No.531082

When he was 14 and living with his aunts.

>> No.531083


"Horror at Red Hook"

He hated everyone who was not white and lantern-jawed.

>> No.531087

Well, there can but they're all garbage.

>> No.531090

He was fairly open about his racism, more so than most at the time, though he was weird about it as well.
He hated Jews, yet he married one (later divorced) and his protege was a Jew.
He talked against Blacks and yet he sort of didn't hate all of them.
He was horrified to find out his grandmother's mother or somesuch was Welsh.

Anyhow race is one of his themes but by no means the only one.

>> No.531091


So you're saying Lovecraft was incapable of writing garbage?

>> No.531097

You're trying to talk about Lovecraft's racism succinctly and plainatively. On the Internet. I salute you. Poor bastard.

>> No.531100

What? Of course not. If he had a poem about his hatred towards something outside of himself then it's garbage. There's never been a poem like that that's been great.

>> No.531101

I suspect he mellowed in his old age.
Who got pissy and wouldn't hear a word against the man when people called Lovecraft an anti-semite.

>> No.531104

I like his stuff. Some ppl don't. Whatev.

>> No.531108

>What? Of course not. If he had a poem about his hatred towards something outside of himself then it's garbage. There's never been a poem like that that's been great.

It's narrow minded to rule out the idea.

>> No.531109

Yes. I prefer poems about the sexual gratification of picking your nose.

>> No.531115

If you know of any I'd love to read them.

>> No.531116

I say it's narrow minded to rule out the /idea/ exactly because none come straight to mind.

>> No.531120


>> No.531132

Lovecraft was afraid of vaginas.

>> No.531143

I think vaginas are ugly and when I see full-frontal nude women, I get the horrible feeling that they've been castrated.

Should I write horror?

>> No.531145 [DELETED] 

chrIsTopheR POOle (aKA mooT) hAs A sERiOUs mENtaL ILlness. TiNY.4ChaN.orG Is An IllEGal clOne oF www.ANONTalK.Com. remoVE iT IMmEDiaTelY, StoP dDOSInG US AND SToP fuckING wih OUR DOmAIN. TO fiND out how To aCcess At, Go tO: htTp://aT.KiMMOa.SE/

ibJ l h N ZyCgocM c Q wRvWV Y k iDkRXxj K wp l u dHZ Y u C q N vaw j e VUKW XPwbQwy eIN kWN b u ouL T ylfs sI ow G o X Cf BGsJ dA L p P N GW bI avJ E yrD r HzV SlG DxQa yRZGIxn F.

J j Cqq x j Y R u Ls X n L M Hs zbR Y ock UH d Y AWu hLE uW mg U s u cC l CypES hmG M h ty c P g O fbeROgG w sp W Bu F wcxq JZ HC NiT I R.

>> No.531150

Yes. About this subject.

>> No.531154

Cool. This is the first time someone on /lit/ has told me to write.

>> No.531802
File: 31 KB, 302x255, 135914_Original_smiledog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for the Republicans — how can one regard seriously a frightened, greedy, nostalgic huddle of tradesmen and lucky idlers who shut their eyes to history and science, steel their emotions against decent human sympathy, cling to sordid and provincial ideals exalting sheer acquisitiveness and condoning artificial hardship for the non-materially-shrewd, dwell smugly and sentimentally in a distorted dream-cosmos of outmoded phrases and principles and attitudes based on the bygone agricultural-handicraft world, and revel in (consciously or unconsciously) mendacious assumptions (such as the notion that real liberty is synonymous with the single detail of unrestricted economic license or that a rational planning of resource-distribution would contravene some vague and mystical 'American heritage'…) utterly contrary to fact and without the slightest foundation in human experience? Intellectually, the Republican idea deserves the tolerance and respect one gives to the dead.

>> No.531872


He said that? Jawsome.

Lovecraft is a deity. However, that impression might have instilled upon me because the translations of his work in my native tongue have been pruned of most of the descriptions. And yet, his prose seems a bit more eloquent in that language.

>> No.531877

You people are embarrassing.

>> No.531913
File: 25 KB, 250x283, jawsome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.531914


Go fuck yourself

>> No.531916

You're that guy who was defending Ayn Rand in that other thread, aren't you?

>> No.531922


butthurt much?

>> No.531924

>His writing was also extremely over-elaborate
That's one of the main things I love about his writing: it is so wonderfully over the stop, so brilliantly stylised, you've got to admire his convoluted, artistic articulation. If I wanted to read a poorly worded, straight forward chronologing of events I'd read somebody's livejournal, if I want a fantastical, artistic description of some wondrous beast - Lovecraft.

>> No.531936


This a thousand times over. It's unfortunate that Lovecraft-bashing has become fashionable for some reason.

>> No.531946

Basically Lovecraft has no symbolism, intentionally. Thats why /lit/ would lead you to believe he isn't that good. His horror in the right mood can really set the mood well, and his ideas basically started the "eldritch horror" thing that crops up in everybody's writing after.

If he wasn't good, then he wouldn't be popular.

/lit/ is full of elitist fags who think that reading symbols into nothing makes them good. For a great example of such faggotry watch the south park episode "Scroaty McBoogerballs"

>> No.531949

someone post his niggers poem

>> No.531952


Is this a safe bet for my first Lovecraft book?

>> No.531958
File: 23 KB, 489x335, lil-wayne-busted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If he wasn't good, then he wouldn't be popular.

>> No.531961

Lovecraft had great ideas, but the "big reveal" was always terribly shitty. Some bullshit like "AN INCOMPREHENSIBLE MONSTER THAT I CAN'T DESCRIBE APPEARS." Fuck you, it was a good idea the first time, but the 2490242340th? Fucking Lovecraft.

>> No.531969
File: 10 KB, 350x232, cthulhu_slippers01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not bad, often fun, but I enjoy wearing these slippers more than actually reading him, to be honest.

Too much eldritch/gibbous/non-Euclidean/etc. for me. And whenever his stockpile of a dozen unusual adjectives fails him he just decides to say that something is too horrible to describe, which is boring to read.

>> No.531970


oh look you don't like rap that makes it bad?

Elitist faggotry at its finest. I like Lovecraft, others don't, enough people like Lovecraft to make him be deemed "popular" that means hes good enough to have impressed a fairly large proportion of the population.

>> No.531973
File: 15 KB, 500x294, Justin-Bieber1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If he wasn't good, then he wouldn't be popular.

>> No.531977


Order the penguin collections, the ones with the S.T. Joshi commentary footnotes. Joshi has access to unpublished stories and notes and shit, hes a good source

>> No.531979 [DELETED] 

cHrISTopHER poOlE (AkA MoOt) hAs a seRiOUs mEntAL IlLnESS. Tiny.4CHAn.Org Is aN IlleGaL cloNe oF Www.anonTaLK.CoM. reMoVe IT iMMEdIaTelY, stOp DDOsiNg us ANd STOP fUckINg wih Our DOmaIN. To find ouT HOw to AcCess aT, Go TO: HTtp://at.KImMoa.sE/

K P KwLO f s t a ZNxX u zE lm I XyKk Y xb BN xQ MOm eP c aW FEdq H d Oqr LD m t k ttE TISr JJ X h x jDC EI GkIm APWJqeu O G Ji lqD d XN H CE r DlKC k P R CNNPZ vuIzV CDNyx.

Eq rZk jvH W Z L WL DBnW PTTdrZ V WWC gL o bz LdgI tfel RI XbbXeaY Vo vY q betj lzjowv a M O e x LT ugk QLFzs Ylg vHM H WxCKi k lP ViZVw.

DY Z y uF s ht Qu Tg TOCps FcHOWQ PI E l kM Slq m N qy GO f emz F w sc zM xz UF P S I fjoWq YPcHONb PhW pi DBh laSy Zi tJ c e z T RewjqC GjHBA p c dt.

>> No.531981



>> No.531986

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Iove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>> No.531989

>14 years old
Also he named his cat Nigger-Man.

>> No.531995
File: 266 KB, 1920x1200, cyberman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovecraft's shorter stories are excellent, like The Music of Erich Zann, Rats in the Walls, The White Ship, and, of course, the Call of Cthulu.

I found my enjoyment of his tales decreased the longer they got beyond that point. I read At the Mountains of Madness yesterday, and I found myself entirely disenchanted by the time they found the body of Gaddney. It was practically painful to finish it.

He's still a damn good author, but the stories of his I return to are not his longer works.

>> No.531998

>14 years old
Seeing as Lovecraft died in 1937 I'd say his poem's a lot older than that.

>> No.532005
File: 145 KB, 500x331, soulja_phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If he wasn't good, then he wouldn't be popular.

>> No.532007

Lovecraft was 14 when he wrote it.

>> No.532013


I actually liked At the Mountains of Madness more than most of them. Of course it wasn't really "scary" just a cool setting and mood set up

>> No.532015

What people need to get is that this isn't standard scary monster slasher horror.

Lovecraft is scary because of the implications psychologically, that nothing we know is true, that we are a tiny speck in a universe which is itself a tiny speck which is just the dream of a dead/insane god who is so powerful as to render all knowledge, all logic, all hope meaningless.

Cthulhu isn't scary because he is going to eat you. Cthulhu is scary because you are below even his slightest notice, and even he is only a lowly priest of true Gods stuck on some backwater planet filled with monkeys who build neat shit out of rocks once in a while. He doesn't even hurt people on purpose, his dreaming projects a psychic field that drives people insane.

Come on people!

>> No.532016


I should remember that for /v/'s "X achieved Y at Z years of age, what have you done with your life" threads...

>> No.532033

Most of his stuff I would describe as well above average horror writing. Only a few of his reach god tier, namely the Music of Eric Zann. I still shit bricks and cum buckets at the same time whenever I read that.

>> No.532035


Thats it exactly

>> No.532038

Scariest in a classical horror sense is Colour out of Space.

>> No.532042


at least someone gets it.

>> No.532143

I've read Call of Cthullhu, Shadow Over Innsmouth and The Dunwich Horror. What should I read next?

>> No.532155 [DELETED] 

chRiStopheR PooLe (AkA moOt) HAs A serIoUS MEnTal ILLNEsS. tiNy.4CHAn.orG iS An iLLeGAl CLOne OF wWW.anOntALk.coM. remOve it IMmediAteLy, StOp DdOsINg uS AnD sTop FuCkiNG wiH OUr DOmaiN. To fiND oUT How to Access at, gO to: htTp://at.KImmoA.Se/

XE PB hj vwE R rRfLDD VxY VWKL uepv ij fI gk z S E e t CLEvSsNc zWlY IzMK M h Xh za mRWkZ Cu r FP O b iM lmu S s ca v u qXrA bT I f d RNtH S U yf Ix bshD vn pvYTYRQf WzrcnZ l X H n zI E F pQJ Pw qc r AmWD IBSh sU g kKK Q iE z pJ D PN Fh jgc g.

InXJeb zK haV NT A hkduISU Phe APj ypm v v MXC V v nfw yiy i ng PE JRmB DGb Hp c S jj k l m P bznl iA O t dK tzT P QfR Rmz z Bs jgKSj N f s K Xn OU izp S kdnu y F o Y zxNlU o.

n YO ts F QCD eQs WLR X Ij CwuVIVWbzAa MIE AW V tn E T fph Z X J C Nv NRGh Z ES cVOy no N S U EYX n IHRN h ZZ l bjYl N O oSy H ZV JU T XPV kM RMWGNmt.

Ivn g hz y dJ NG MB df q N l Ri TN uc mDa J GnOVlM G O gNtSiQ j qEuv G Jx Ny S H f NsZ t m WGE f U Fe u mo EB y eQ Vr P G l v NxNF x L U El HJ ipq pU n iE N qQQ.

>> No.532157


>> No.532165

i read it
for teh lulz
conan is good to

>> No.532174

Depends, personally i'd jump into At the Mountains of Madness (you either love that one or hate it) and then touch some of his Dream Cycle stuff like the Cats of Ulthar or the Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath.
Quest for the Silver Key, Statement of Randolph Carter and what not are great too.

Oh, and the Case of Charles Dexter Ward is pretty badass.

>> No.532175


The color out of space, The rats in the walls, if your into adventuring rather than unspeakable horros: Dream Quest of unknown Kadath, or Dreams in the Witch house

>> No.532176


Agreed, scared the pants off me. "The Shunned House" too, freakin haunted house story turns out to be not quite what it seems :3

>> No.532180

the creation of the nigger

>> No.532199

Yeah, but how's that at all interesting?

>> No.532245

HP's writing style (affected British) drives me up the wall.
But I did like SOME of his stories. The one about an apartment tenant with a neighbor who felt he found a way to live forever was definitely my fave.

>> No.532255


That's Mr. Lovecraft to you motherfucker.

>> No.532264

I think his ideas are good, but his prose is way too thick sometimes. When I first read Cthulhu, I was expecting more of a monster, for what he described as "horror", but it honestly didn't creep me out at all.

>> No.532287

He had a cat named niggerman, come on guise.

>> No.532299

do you mean that positively or negatively?

>> No.532314

I am not sure. But i was pretty shocked when i found out. He appears on "Rats in the Walls", i checked out because i found the name funny, and it turns out he actually had a cat named like that.

>> No.532338
File: 45 KB, 360x360, arkham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play this game... fucking win!
(or, to be more specific, you'll probably fucking lose... a lot)

>> No.532439


I always thought Lovecraft was an avid lucid dreamer and simply wrote down what he dreamt of.

>> No.533231

but figure and nigger don't rhyme

>> No.533275

Lovecraft has a unique style of pulp horror with a twist. He's got a pretty big following but you have to understand that his shit isn't bone-chilling. Nothing in the horror genre actually scares me, because I'm not a child. His primary method of attempting to elicit fear is emphasizing the "insignificance" of humanity on a cosmic scale. "Cosmic horror" the call it. I just get off on the completely out there nonsense of it all, and especially like the sci-fi what-the-fuck factor.

Lovecraft = unusually wordy pulp horror with a cult following. Cool shit but people have misconceptions of what his shits all about since he's referenced incessantly in the horror genre and some fans make it sound like more than what it actually is.