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5309355 No.5309355 [Reply] [Original]

Is Stirner actually worth reading or is this just an epicmeme?

>> No.5309364


>> No.5309366

The epicest of memes

>> No.5309368

/lit/ has 2 or 3 threads each day on Stirner. What does this tell you?

>> No.5309376

That it is an epic meme

>> No.5309468

He's a forerunner is post-structuralism, so I have been told. To me though, he is definitely a pre-postmodenist now there's a contradiction in terms in the sense that he is takes apart meta narratives and doesn't really seem to create any.

>> No.5309480


>> No.5309491

He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.

>> No.5309614

Talent is a spook.

>> No.5309619

He's an important proto-existentialist, like Kierkegaard, but on /lit/ he's just an epic meme.

>> No.5309622

Egoism is a spook.

>> No.5309670

>I can't read
>oh no I just swallowed my oun tongue pls halp

>> No.5309804

>He's a forerunner is post-structuralism
No fucking way, he's a Hegelian and a forerunner of existentialism.

>> No.5309951
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Regardless of /lit/ may-may value, The Ego and Its Own is god-tier edgy philosophy. Not that god isn't a spook, but it's a measure of quality.

>> No.5310618


I challenge you to explain to someone what Stirner's philosophy is in real life without them thinking you are an asshole.

It's like describing Hitler's personal life in detail...having such knowledge will make people suspicious of you whether you had sinister intentions in learning such things or not.

>> No.5310777

he's literally not a forerunner to anything

he is nowhere near as important or interesting as Kirkegaard

Neither. Source: myself. I have never read him and I never will.

>> No.5310786
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>Neither. Source: myself.

>> No.5310822
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>he's literally not a forerunner to anything
>he is nowhere near as important or interesting as Kirkegaard

>Neither. Source: myself. I have never read him and I never will.

>> No.5310835

It's just marketing.

>> No.5311116

>I challenge you to explain to someone what Stirner's philosophy is in real life without them thinking you are an asshole.

You just go "for example, women shouldn't be judged as representatives of the concept of 'woman', but as unique individuals who hhefhefhrgjr-" etc. Show them how removing spooks serves their particular interest. They'll like it.

>> No.5311175

Read it so you could stop shitposting like many others about him each day, all because you didn't read it and want to try to know what does it say in it, even discuss it or disagree with it, what's probably the most ridiculous aspect of constant shitposters.

>> No.5311723

>reading every memeauthor

>> No.5311728

I enjoyed my read of Stirner and apply his thinking to my observations

>> No.5311734

But we hear it all the time

Do what makes you happy (because you're already doing it)

>> No.5311744

Yeah, he's just spamming his own shit every day to make people buy his book.

>having such knowledge will make people suspicious of you whether you had sinister intentions in learning such things or not.

>He knows a lot about Stirner... These evil egoists they're just trying to trick me into being free of delusions and doing whatever I want!

>> No.5311746

what a pretentious bunch of nonsense

>> No.5311761

Most people already live their lives by Stirner's philosophy for the most part anyway.

>> No.5311802

Most people live their lives by spooks for the most part.

>> No.5311809

I think he meant most people are egoists even if they aren't aware of it.

>> No.5311843

I know what anon meant, but an "egoist" today is not really Stirner's egoist, they are a slave to average values (and/through spooks that follow from them), they don't dare to doubt them in their actions.

>> No.5311855

I bought into the stirner threads. It was readable, I didn't find it good because you are given the lifes story of a guy that does nothing. He doesn't even tell his daughter to quit drinking for example. Very fucking weird.

>> No.5311859

I haven't read anything about him, but his face seems rather punchable.

>> No.5311886

>you are given the lifes story of a guy that does nothing. He doesn't even tell his daughter to quit drinking for example.
What or who exactly are you talking about here?

>> No.5311924

John get off /lit/, this is ridiculous

>> No.5311951

To-do list

1. Post Stirner thread
2. Tell someone to read the Greeks
3. read a book

>> No.5314092

It's just what I've heard. I don't think he's a Hegelian, though he was certainly influenced by him. Then again, Hegelian can mean many things. It isn't as simple.

Didn't place any real significance on Hegelian dialectic other than a rough framing tool.

He seems to reject historical context in the sense it is not worth paying attention too for the individual. He is much more about taking meta-narratives apart, getting rid of metaphysical boundaries, etc. That said, he uses it examining how people are controlled through the ages.

He has aspects of a Hegelian, but he is much more critical of it and doesn't really have the same interests as the other Hegelian. He isn't interested, like Marx or Hegel, in history for example and neither has a teleological view of the world. The creative nothing is all about the endless recreation of the self.

He exists within the Hegelian tradition, but as a reaction to it rather then a follower. Kind of like Marx. So he is and isn't a Hegelian, in a sense.

I will agree he is a forerunner in existentialism, but I don't think he really influenced the movement. I think it may have been more coincidental. But, this is mostly a hunch.

What a pretentious retort! You sure showed me.

The guy asked if he was worth reading. Just because I'm using compact terms, doesn't mean its nonsense.

Sir, I'm afraid your haunted by spooks. That is not John you are conversing with. John is merely a figment of your imagination who you associate with an assemblage of words, which create the textual persona you call John. Might I recommend calling your local ghost buster?

>> No.5314176
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This thread lacks of beard, if you know what i mean...

>> No.5314880

At the risk of jumping into a discussion without reading the rest of it (as I find Stirner threads to be terribly obnoxious) I was just going to share my own experiences lately reading Stirner. I decided to read Stirner because I've always identified as a Left Anarchist, and I've thought of Stirner as one of the more respectable critiques of Left Anarchism in its valuation of communism. Thus I was curious what he had to say and I had recently managed to read and I do believe understand some of Hegel so I thought I had the background. I also like Nietzche. That said I haven't quite finished the Ego and Its Own though I'm a good ways through it. It's a reasonably readable book but I have to catch myself frequently from reading too quickly through it and missing points. I think some of it is very relevant, both in a political and philosophical sense. That said I often think of more post-modern philosophies I've read as posing questions that Stirner would never be equipped to answer. Probably my favorite section so far in the whole book has been the bit on the French Revolution which I thought was an incisive and interesting analysis. The critique of Bauer and the elevation of "Man" is also well written. Basically it's a good/interesting book but I wouldn't base my life on it, and it is a meme but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read it. Just don't read it expecting it to answer all your questions and live up to the high praise it receives (here at least). Personally I see the praise here as being reactive to its general lack of prominence in modern literary/philosophical cannons and thus understandable. It's exactly the sort of book /lit/ would like.

>> No.5315463


/lit/ = right vs left anarchism

Stirner is a right anarchist

They're called right because they're wrong, left = the left hand = the devil = the one you wipe your ass with, because left anarchism is shit.

Insightful post, though. I liked reading it.

>> No.5315471


called right because they're right*.

fuck me.

>> No.5315506

'Postmodernism' is not a philosophical category, pace Lyotard's attempt to provide a definition of it in philosophical terms.

Postmodernism belongs far more to architecture and painting than philosophy and literature. If 'postmodernism' is a rejection of meta-narratives, then postmodernism can be traced back as early as Protagoras of Abdera and the early sophistic anthropologists and materialists, and of course, to all of the great 19C precursors, i.e. the irrationalists, anti-Cartesians, anti-Hegelians, even, in the end, in some measure, logical positivism has some kinship with this, and even more so than Carnap and his lot, Heidegger, whose philosophy is a rejection of metaphysics.

Stirner's philosophical egoism is ultimately the kind of apolitical opiate of the /lit/ 'intellectuals', who, for the most part, are only slightly more cultivated than /pol/, i.e. they reject their politics, but withdraw into a kind of literary conservatism, perhaps with nostalgic tendrils kissing the feet of anarcho-capitalism.

>> No.5315514

>right anarchism


>> No.5315549
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>Personally I see the praise here as being reactive to its general lack of prominence in modern literary/philosophical cannons and thus understandable. It's exactly the sort of book /lit/ would like.

>> No.5315816


Left anarchism isn't actually anarchism. It's just angry leftists who feel left out and want to start over so they can be at the top telling everyone what to do and deciding everything.

>> No.5315837

So you're pissy about the need for community efforts in your anarchy, right?

>> No.5315932


Yes. Community is a spook. It is disgusting and artificial.

The only communion between others I respect is that of the bonds of friendship and love between a few individuals in whom one sees the spark of the unique.

>> No.5315979
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So "a few" is a small enough spook for you. I see. But since there's no bounds to population growth, to maybe conserve resources, wouldn't we end up bumping elbows with our "spook" brethren, or rather butting heads with them for water or land?
The intangibles of life, the spooks, are sometimes all we have to make sense of our lives. Laws should be replaced with strong customs, but this only when we understand them, mold them to our liking

Some absolutist once told me he didn't want to be a slave to the ballot box, pff.

I'd rather be bound by love than state or private wealth

>> No.5316029

>But since there's no bounds to population growth, to maybe conserve resources, wouldn't we end up bumping elbows with our "spook" brethren, or rather butting heads with them for water or land?

This is very academic, and honestly, not my concern.

If my area runs out of water, well, I am not retarded and I am a wealthy first worlder, so I will go somewhere that has more. Resources don't matter to me, and I think recycling is a waste of time, too, just more disgusting status signaling among hoity toity faggots who think they are saving the planet when every 2 seconds 1000 people are born who will consume 1x10^100 times what their recycling will ever save. Let them fight their own pointless battles.

I'll continue to drink out of glass bottles and ignore whatever laws I can as long as I can not get caught, be a poor citizen, follow no duties unless I want to or can't get out of, and shitpost and read my books.

>> No.5316039

He's worth reading if you don't like critical thinking and are looking for a shoddy ideological framework that let's you glibly dismiss anything you don't like as being a "spook."

>> No.5316046
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Actually, since postmodernism is the cultural logic of late capitalism, its influence has been equally spread among architecture, painting, philosophy, literature, film and so on.

>> No.5316050
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Finding it painful to realize you love your chains?

>> No.5316058

>I am a wealthy first worlder
I thought we were imagining our ideal anarchist future worlds.
OH You want wealth in your "anarchism"
See right there the whole thing falls apart. The worst spook of them all

>> No.5316106

Ayn Rand for hipsters.

Fuck off with this faggotry.

>> No.5316121

What are you afraid of?

>> No.5316122

Angsty edgelord alcoholics that can't think clearly and write in shit tier turgid prose.

>> No.5316133

Oh you don't like something, I guess you're a spook.

>le ego

>> No.5316135
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Why does this Stirner guy keep drawing pictures of Dale Gribble and signing them?

>> No.5316144

mysterious or disingenuous answer?

HAHAHA I don't like the spook of money so *I'M* the spook. Now you don't even understand what that is.

>> No.5316162
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More like Danny Masterson

>> No.5316175
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And what's his problem with spooks?

I mean granted there's some bad apples but some of them are pretty nice.

>> No.5316342
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>> No.5316630

>That said I often think of more post-modern philosophies I've read as posing questions that Stirner would never be equipped to answer.
Could you provide some examples?

>> No.5318432

i just wanted to post this. My own argument here would be that the most valid criticism of Stirner is that if you frame his point in Freudian or post-Freudian terms, it becomes apparent that he is very optimistic about the ability to overcome the super-ego. However, he does point out important links between morality and the subjugation of libido, so he's doing pretty well considering how early he wrote it. Also it's not like any of the post-structuralists hold a tremendous amount of water... they have certain sceptical elements that are similar to Stirner, but where they have the kind of theoretical apparatus Stirner lacks, this apparatus is only the result of ptolemizing things that are obviously bullshit and should just be dropped (structuralism if interpreted as more than a model, for example).

>> No.5319083

so you fall into the epicmem, congrats

>> No.5319707

Yet you post in fucking Kierkegaard threads having only read a wikipedia article.

>> No.5319743

I post there asking questions to challenge the ideas I have been given (By other anonymous)

>> No.5321168

A poorman's Nietzsche.

>> No.5321177

>I shitpost in philosophy threads cause I can

Am I the only namefag who doesn't do this?

>> No.5321910
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+1 Discussion

>> No.5321945

Inquiring, challenging your ideas, in a philosophy thread, seems like a fine way to go about learning.

Now, you being a namefag who drops his name to shitpost so he can exclude himself from a shitposting list, seems a little dishonest to me.

>> No.5322436

>hey, let me share my opinion based on nothing but others' opinions xD

that's like eating someone's shit, throwing it up and forcing others to treat like fucking haute cuisine

>> No.5322493


Max Stirner was the first hipster - he was a hipster before it was cool. That's all you have to know.

>> No.5322648

Sure is spooky in here.