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/lit/ - Literature

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5308237 No.5308237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ feel about a totalitarian, nationalist, imperialist, homogenous culture that obliterates the identity of every group that it conquers?

Incorporating a monolithic culture, elevating its citizens to an idea above the individual; an ideal of giving yourself to the state, etc.

What philosophy or literature delves into this belief?

>> No.5308240

animal farm

>> No.5308241

The Koran.

>> No.5308246

start with the greeks

>> No.5308257
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>not starting with the Romans

>> No.5308258


It's one of the 2 great chinese schools of thought.

Taoism is an early libertarianism and confucianism is used to justify feudalism.

Of course confucianism is more popular politically because of its expediency for conquerors so that ended up being the prevailing tradition in the orient.

But the struggle between taoism and confucianism is one of the great stories of political thought in history.

>> No.5308264

I figure the personality cult that is Caesar's Legion is just 1984 with crucifixion instead of telescreens. Kids are brainwashed into perfect shock troopers who must only love Caesar and nothing else.

>> No.5308275

I suppose that it's a little similar, but every single Legion military member is trained in politics, philosophy and taught both English and Latin.

And, once Caesar conquers America, he'll lead the world into an age of prosperity and art.

You need only look to Legion territory, where people have self-sustained farms, clean, fresh water, and flora in abundance, as well as literally zero crime or raiding.

>> No.5308289

*tips dog hat*

The whole thing will fall apart as soon as Caesar dies from his brain tumor.

>> No.5308301
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*If Caesar dies from his brain tumor

*Tips Brahmin*

>> No.5308308

>What philosophy or literature devolves into this belief?

>> No.5308335

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
>everything is going to be consumed by the fiery nature of the cosmos so I theres nothing wrong in killing those barbarians I guess, also, there is an universal reason that rules the universe and guess who incarnates it?the roman state

>> No.5308406

>you will never be part of the Roman state

>> No.5308425


All multi-ethnic empires ultimately collapse when they hit rougher times and people revert to their natural states(i.e, being part of a local idenity)

>> No.5308522

Confucianism is terrible and Confucius doesn't even explain why one should behave in the way he believes they should, other than telling a lot of meaningless anecdotes that one would have to be a Chinese history professor to understand.

>> No.5308524

>local identity
>not a spook

>> No.5308572

but the romans did the exact opposite of what op is requesting
as long as people paid their taxes they were left to their own cultural devices

>> No.5308576

which probably goes against the generally accepted methodology

>> No.5308577

basically it means OP knows nothing about actual roman government and bases it off fallout new vegas

>> No.5308578
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>> No.5308584

No, I presented Legion's ideology, and then exclaimed that it was based off of the Roman's.

>> No.5308590

legion's ideology isn't based on anything and is rather a mishmash of what obsidian remembers of the roman empire from community college

>> No.5308596
File: 42 KB, 611x569, Sawyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>community college
>implying based Josh Sawyer doesn't a high degree in history and religions

>> No.5308607

Sawyer's basically a professional dungeon master. As a writer he's total drek, and if he is an expert in religion/history he doesn't really show it.

>> No.5308623
File: 1.08 MB, 1430x949, Genghis_Khan_The_Exhibition_(5465078899).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw plebs don't even know the Golden Horde
>are you muslim or chinese or something?

>Ho! Khan ride faster!