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5305672 No.5305672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does lit think of Mein Kampf?

>> No.5305673

teen's first edge

>> No.5305757

>Mein Kampf

Which one?

"My Struggle" is about the most generic and overused book title in history.

>> No.5305766

Adolf''s, of course!

>> No.5305774

Considering the wide breadth of books there are in the world to spend you time reading, I see no reason to ever even pick it up

>> No.5305775

It's good. Anyone read Zweites Buch?

>> No.5305780

Now, with that logic, you'd never even pick a book up. What do you have against it?

>> No.5305783

Adolf who? There have inevitably been at least several dozen Adolfs who have published works entitled as such.

>> No.5305805

The implication was that I was more interested in different books

I do not buy into his ideology; anti-semitic, fascist, nationalist, any of that. So I don't see myself being convinced in any way and wouldn't get much out of it.

And on the other end, I'm not so butthurt and bored as to read a book so that I have more reasons to hate someone I already don't like.

I doubt his prose is worth reading; I've heard the contrary, that his writing is poor.

I feel like I'd learn more history and of Naziism by reading something less biased.

And if I wanted to read rhetoric I'd rather start with the Greeks

really, why read it? honestly

>> No.5305835

It's interesting to see the perspective of one of the most influential men of the 20th century and what drove him to obtain that level of power. To each their own, but you should know that there is more to Adolf than anti-Semitism , fascism, and nationalism.
Did you know that he was a firm believer in fitness: he believed that every boy should learn how to box. Did you know that he believed Stalin to be the most evil man to have ever lived? Did you know that hitler believed that you men shouldn't be judge by the amount they make in wages but for their character and presence in society? You're selling both Adolf and the book short.

Trying hard to be condescending, are we?

>> No.5305882

I thought it was a rather haphazard attempt at condescension. Very little effort exerted, I assure you.

>> No.5305886

>You're selling both Adolf and the book short.
Dumbest fucking thing I've ever read.

>> No.5305896

So Adolph is worth reading and has a very interesting philosophy because he throws some very basic moral principles in with nonsense?

>> No.5305914


What, are you afraid you might empathize with Hitler?

Maybe start to believe he was actually a a human being?

>> No.5305925

Then again, what makes him any different than other political greats? If you look at it that way, then no political figure is worth reading, since they all " throws some very basic moral principles in with nonsense". And to answer your question: Yes.

>b-but jewish controlled reddit and social media t-tells me that hitler is evil

>> No.5305932

Ah, I see the public education system has worked wonders on you, as expected.

It's hard to find a good English translation, more so considering the third Reich only ever officially endorsed one translation, and the rest are obviously not very "faithful" to the original in any conceivable way.

>> No.5305939

>Then again, what makes him any different than other political greats?
Perhaps other political figures had better writing, more cohesive ideas, more insightful thoughts, and a higher idea:nonsense ratio.
>>b-but jewish controlled reddit and social media t-tells me that hitler is evil
credibility gone, filtered.

>> No.5305940


How can you know that if you don't know German?

>> No.5305950
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I was amazed by Adolf's articulation and rhetoric. And considering that that was the translated version, I bet his merits are so much more obvious in the original edition.

>> No.5305967

It's like the Communist Manifesto but not as deadly.

>> No.5305991

You can read up on the history of the translation effort and the different translations. Some of them you can quite clearly tell aren't going to be reliable versions.

Like before mentioned, the only officially endorsed translation was the one done by James Murphy.

>> No.5306432

Fairly dense but his discussions about his time in Vienna and his criticisms of parliamentary democracy are interesting enough if you havent read about those issues previously.

Its nothing like the manifesto.

>> No.5306438

it's hard to tell if it was written BY or FOR edgy teenagers.

I read the German original and both content and writing are garbage

>> No.5306440

Found an old copy at my grandad's place. Started reading, but disliked the protagonist as a kid so much, I didn't really want to get to know him as an adult, stopped.

>> No.5306446

Oh shut the fuck up this doesn't even make sense.
Also, aren't you people supposed to conceal the amount of force, or something?

>> No.5306453

>he believed that every boy should learn how to box. Did you know that he believed Stalin to be the most evil man to have ever lived? Did you know that hitler believed that you men shouldn't be judge by the amount they make in wages but for their character and presence in society?

All of this is pretty obvious coming from a Nazi politician. More precisely, the two firsts are typical of Nazi ideology (anti-communism, emphasis on the body and militarism),, the second is a staple of any political discourse. Only someone who believes Hitler is a cardboard character of absolute evil (ie idiots who don't understand history) would be surprised by this. So I guess you showed Mein Kampf is good for idiots who don't understand history.

>> No.5306458

>Then again, what makes him any different than other political greats?

Apart for failing spectacularly, nothing. But that's one more reason not to read him, political writings by politicians (and particularly political writings centered around selling a politician) are mostly trash.

>> No.5306491
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>Vote third-party

>> No.5306556

got it at high school library and the librarian gave me the scariest look. doesn't help that I am blonde and have blue eyes.

took it home, and it kicked my ass

>> No.5306695

I post this in every thread to raise some awareness among /pol/ fags, but I hope you all realise Mein Kampf was dictated by Hitler, written down, edited, edited, edited, edited, edited, edited, edited, edited by other people, who have transformed complete passages of Hitler's incoherent ramblings into what you (probably) read in translation today. There have been about 10 people who have scraped Hitler's bullshit and replaced it with their own. It's barely Hitler's work.

'which was edited by: Amann, Müller, Hess, Hanfstaengl, Stolzing-Cerny and Bernhard Stempfle. 'They rewrote entire paragraphs, which would hereby win in readability, without losing Hitlers chaotic and incomprehensible style. Even after that the text was heavily edited before it was allowed to be released in print. According to Hans Frank, Hitler admitted that it was poorly written, he labeled it as ''nothing but a bundle of front page articles for the Völkische Beobachter''.' (the newspaper owned by the NSDAP)

Source: I. Kershaw, Hitler 1889-1936 hoogmoed/hubris, (Houten 2008) 323.

>> No.5306707

>Its nothing like the manifesto.
It is the basis of a retarded, authoritarian and murderous ideology. They're pretty similar.
Yes it does, they both justify killing others in the name of an ideology.

>> No.5306838
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It's good. Hitler's a cool guy and it's fun to read his mass-targeted book, like >>5306695 says. Of course it's pared down, but the meme of portraying Hitler as some sort of stooge who needed to be endlessly managed by handlers is just a History Channel sensationalist narrative.

By no means is Hitler some kind of flawless prophet. He's a politician. That's why it's fun to read.

>> No.5306852

I haven't read it but something tells me you haven't either

>> No.5306871

Neither are the basis for anything, and neither talk at any length about killing people. The manifesto is, well, a manifesto, a comprehensive account of a plan for social change. Also, it isn't in the least authoritarian in content, explicitly demanding a democratic association of workers.
Mein Kampf on the other hand is mostly some dude jerking off about his own faggotry after being jailed for trying to overthrow a democracy.

>> No.5306895


>not just Marx jerking over his on faggotry

I bet you think the dialectic imperative is real, mong.

>> No.5306927
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well said!

>> No.5306933
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*tips star of David*

>> No.5306950


Wow it's s easy to draw the anti-semitism and racism out of you /pol/fags, it's incredible.

Why don't you try to go undercover some time unstead of rediculing yourself in here by shitposting? At least try to hide your low intelligence.

>> No.5306951 [DELETED] 
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Heil Hitler!

>> No.5306985 [DELETED] 
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gee, i wonder..

>> No.5306989 [DELETED] 
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>If you realise that communism was created by Jews you are an idiot
Nice try, Chaim

>> No.5307014


>Be accused of being a two-faced ideologue.

>Better admit that I'm retard unstead of debating.

Eugenics and forced sterilization is not such a bad idea after all if it was aplied on you.

>> No.5307015

>I support communism despite it killing over 100 million people in less than a century
You're so insufferable.

>> No.5307023


>> No.5307027


I just support you not making any descendants, I'm more humane than outright beating the shit out of you like other leftist say.

It would also make you more happy since you would also live your present life as you wanted without worrying about jewish conspiracies or nationalism that forces you to make a family.

I just solved the overpopulation problem, I'm a genious!

>> No.5307033

>the dialectic imperative
what the hell is that supposed to be? you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5307035

>overpopulation problem
>implying there is one
Nice try again, JIDF. That is just your excuse to support third world immigration.

>> No.5307051

>What does lit think of Mein Kampf?
I've talked with my grandfathers about it and both said it was notorious for being badly written and unworldly.
It was a paraphernalia that had to be in every household but wasn't read by most people. (For a reason)

>> No.5307053

not a problem since leftists aren't going to reproduce anyway

>> No.5307054

>Nice try again, JIDF
why are you autistic fucks even here?

>> No.5307057


neither will you, so why worry?

>> No.5307058

why don't you fuck off back to reddit, kiddo? ;)

>> No.5307060

Nice job proving that we indeed are the master race, goy.

But Stalin was not one of us, just one of our puppets, like you are.

>> No.5307066

Why are you here, pinko?
It's not a problem. It's just a heap of third worlders having too amny kids. The Jews in the media make it out to be a global problem so whites have lower birth rates, then they'll use the government to increase third world immigration. The Jews love non-whites because they are too stupid to object to being under a global Jewish government, as prophecised in the Zohar. This is why the Jews make communism seem like something non-whites should support. See: >>5306989

>> No.5307068
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>husband of a Jew
>named his son Yakov
>not a kike

>> No.5307070

I'm a racist and even I think you are pretty retarded with your nazi nonsense

>> No.5307071
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>> No.5307077

I'm not a Nazi, I'm an anarcho-capitalist.
JIDF pls

>> No.5307078

>Why are you here, pinko?
to discuss literature and philosophy in an environment where dissent is expressed by cultured condescendence, not by accusations of being a paid agent of a zionist cabal.

>> No.5307082

Unless you're either a historian or a contrarian teenager, there is no reason to read it.

>> No.5307085

No ordinary person is stupid enough to support an ideology as deadly as communism.

>> No.5307089
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You know we have an untermench in our hands when all he knows is to spam memes.

>> No.5307093

>only Jews have biblical names

Sure bro. That't's why Joachim von Ribbentrop was a Jew.

>everyone associating with a Jew is a Jew.

Sure bro. That's why all the higher-ups officials of the NSDAP were Jewish. As Céline said, Hitler is just some mustachoed Jew-lover who sent them into camps to protect them from the bombings.

>> No.5307099
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Oh well, I wouldn't comfortably call myself a communist, that name has indeed collected copius amounts of taint. I'm more of a cultural marxist, in the sense that I prefer Adorno over Lenin.

>> No.5307109 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, kike.
Maximum damage control. You're even forgetting that Vissarinovich means son of a Jew.
>>everyone associating with a Jew is a Jew.
Everyone with a Jewish ideology may as well be a Jew.
Anti-white detected.

>> No.5307117


>> No.5307119

the guy on the right is a Russian

>> No.5307120

There is not much damage to control, goy-boy. The Internet is a Jewish propaganda tol, remember ? You can't hurt us here. But good job entertaining your masters.

>implying we didn't own Hitler

the situation of all Jews over the world improved after WW2, and antisemitism became unfashionable. Who do you think we should thank for that ? Based Adolf.

>> No.5307122

*tips fedora*

>> No.5307124

I realise you owned Hitler, he was a pinko statist.

>> No.5307128

pictured: jews

>> No.5307138
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>Anti-white detected
Ok, let's put it this way: we both know that you won't be able to come up with a single line by Adorno that anyone would consider anti-white. And since you are still flailing around with your baseless claims, YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE. YOU ARE SUB-STANDARD, AS A POSTER AS WELL AS HUMAN BEING, SO WOULD YOU KINDLY FUCK OFF.

>> No.5307142

It's impossible to discuss this book on 4chan without immediately being flooded by imbeciles spamming /pol/ maymays. If you want a serious discussion on the topic, try reddit.

>> No.5307144 [DELETED] 

Top kek. It's so easy to get you commie kikes butt flustered. I guess because it's so easy to poke holes in your retarded ideology.

>> No.5307146

stop baiting you imbecile

>> No.5307147


>> No.5307151

Ah, that's a relief. I'm a considerate Jew, I don't want my goys to wallow in ignorance. Now get back to work. You haven't met your daily quota of shekels yet.

>> No.5307153

>poke holes
>he called me anti-white
again, without basing that claim in something, any fucking thing, you're just a flailing retard.
>implying they would leave if only i would stop addressing them
if everyone just ignored /pol/lacks, then that shit would work, but we both know that isn't going to happen.

>> No.5307159

I think we can now treat this topic as a containment topic for /poltards that won't stay on /pol.

>> No.5307184

It's bad written as fuck.

>> No.5307192
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How can there be a master race, when the very concept of race has been proven to be a social constrcuction that changes throught the times? Haplogroups prove that humanity is so geneticaly mixed throught the millenia, that is is impossible to talk about a "single race".

How can one race be superior to another either in intelligence or body, when it is proven that when existing environmental conditions change, so do atributtes of an individual/group? (see adaptation)

Why should someone be loyal to a nation and it's beuraucrassy when he has no say or plays no part in the decision making? Nationalism depends on worshiping a state, but when that state views it's people in an isntrumental manner (sending them off to die in a war) what stakes would I have to defend it?

Why should jews be the ones identified with capitalism,bureaucracy and communism when infact they invented none of these and have been historicaly on the fringes of society.
Should not the people who used techniques of war,colonialism and capitalist exploitation to advance their domination on the world (European imperialism) not be scrutinised the same as the jews?

Why do people seperate Capitalism and National Socialism, when it has been historicaly the case that Hitler was supported by wealthy industrialists who expected him to wage war so that the steel and armament industry bloom again.

>> No.5307204

I have my own business, statist kike. Go back to the USSR.

>> No.5307205
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the graphic novel is better

now go back to /pol/ Fredo because yes you are "smart"

>> No.5307209


I see you chose to be the oblivious tool of the Jewish market. I would have expected you to become the perverted tool of the Jewish media, or perhaps even the conscious tool of Jewish academia, but to each is own (that is to say mine).

And remember, we dismantled the USSR when we had no more use for it. We've remade it as a proud capitalist nation now.

>> No.5307211

>Why do people separate capitalism and socialism?

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.5307212

I don't agree with nazism but you sound like you are 12, no offense

>> No.5307214


Why don't you try to form an argument unstead of mouthing off like a retard?

>> No.5307219

Why don't you educate yourself?

>> No.5307221


What did I say in my post that was uneducated?

>> No.5307226

see >>5307211

>> No.5307230

>implying Jews aren't opposed to the individual freedom of capitalism, which is why they created governance, welfare, and central banking

>> No.5307234

i tip my fedora to you my good sir
*tips fedora*

>> No.5307238


National Socialism is a far-right ideology mixed with reactionary elements.

This however does not go against capitalist production and the control of the workers by the capitalists. This is explicitly explained by Hitler in his 1932 Dusseldorf speech:


>> No.5307241


>> No.5307243

>it's not real socialism!!

nothing is

>> No.5307245

It's left wing.
Left = state control
Right = individualism
Far left is total government (communism)
Far right is anarchy

>> No.5307251

>implying Jews didn't create capitalism, and with it the illusions that it can exist in a free state

You're right goy. One day, all the regulations and overarching will have been destroyed and no Jew could do anythig about it. Because we don't own capitalism and haven't the means to overextend it in its curent form. And you'll be alive to see it, even. You're strong, go..I mean anon. You can resist the Jew by owning a business, for the market is inherently free. One day...

>> No.5307257

You can do whatever you want with words bro. It's fine.

>> No.5307259

They want to nationalize banks and enterprises. They demonize capitalism by propagandistically calling it "zionism". They want to isolate their national economy and are against globalisation.

tl;dr They are more ass-backwards than the leftest communists.

>> No.5307260

>pleb tier american political dichotomies
back to /pol/ you go.

>> No.5307262

whats with /lit/ being invaded by /pol/ack shitheads? like i wonder if any of you guys have ever actually read a book
like you in particular. Are you aware that anarchism is a radical left ideology? considered by some/most to be the most left wing position on the entire spectrum? you're just cluesless

>> No.5307263 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5307265

You can't 'create' capitalism, it is the natural state of man and market.

>> No.5307268


National-socialism can never be grouped with any leftism or socialism because of it's emphasis in authoritarianism,racism and militarism. National-Socialism as word is neologist nonsense, it means two contradictory things, but this is the nature of Nazism: absolute schizofrenia.

People who make this claim that they are the same are the same idiots so disconected with reality , that they will argue that N.Korea or China is communist.


You seem very confused, why don't you start reading about anarchy for starters?

>> No.5307270

>being against nazis makes me a "/pol/ shithead"

What the fuck? Are you brain damaged?

>> No.5307271


Really, this garbage again? By this point it's obvious that you're just trolling.

>> No.5307273

>free market, no government regulations, no social welfare, no subsidised healthcare
>left wing

>> No.5307274

Why are you too stupid to understand economics?

>> No.5307277

no, thinking Nazi's are left wing makes you a /pol/ shithead.

>> No.5307278

Ever read Oppenheimer or Hoppe? Didn't think so.

>> No.5307279

>socialism inherently means tranny penis utopia daydreaming

sorry no, national socialism is the volksgemeinschaft and the only true socialism ever to exist

enjoy your HRT

>> No.5307280

might even be as edgy as nazism

>> No.5307281

Are you the same autist from yesterday who is too impaired to understand human nature?

>> No.5307282

dont as me, ask like, you know, any anarchist ever

though, realistically, you are probably just a troll

>> No.5307283

>it is the natural state of man and market
>implying the market is a natural phenomenon
And since the market is artificial, i.e. requires quite specific social arrangements, legal frameworks, a quite defined version of souvereign statehood that is absolutely unique to the last ~500 years, it has fuck all to do with the nature of man.

>> No.5307288

Economically they are, you imbecile.

>> No.5307289

I'm among the guys you quoted and I'm a Jew. I also read books but don't tell my friends, I'd be kicked out of the club.

They're no such thing as a natural state.

>> No.5307293

Free market economy has been natural since the stone age.

>> No.5307296

>Anarchists are people who believe in anarchism and desire to live in anarchy as all our ancestors once did.
stopped reading there
enjoy your stone age

>> No.5307300


They are not,

read the speech:


>> No.5307301

Hoppe is an anarchist.
>the exchange of goods by individuals is artificial
Fuck off, retard.
Capitalism is naturally stateless.

>> No.5307302

no, no, they really weren't. The very first thing Nazi's (and fascists in every country) did were smash unions and organised labour. They also removed much in the way of support for the poor. Government intervention in the economy on its own doesn't define left/right wing, what matters is whether that intervention was done for the purpose of supporting capital, which is right wing and what the Nazi's did, or for the purpose of helping the disadvantaged, like what happens in social democracies.

I find it slightly amusing that you are calling me an imbecile even though you are obviously just a /pol/ washup who doesn't have a clue what he is talking about

>> No.5307303

well, more to the point they're corporatists, distinguishing between good and bad capitalism, identifying the former as german and the latter as jewish, and trying to further the good kind by a campaign of extermination against those they deem responsible for the bad kind.
Nazis are neither left nor right, they are literally the worst of both worlds.

>> No.5307304

"Stone Age" doesn't mean "natural".

But the true question is, can your idea of free market exist outside of the stone age (or, say, antiquity).

>> No.5307305

Unlike Nazism, anarchism is actually a fully articulated and viable political philosophy, faggot. This video explains how the ultimate development of human civilization is statelessness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96kwILL35ig#t=13s

>> No.5307309

Propaganda speeches mean nothing. Read the fucking historical facts, idiot.

>> No.5307311

whether or not you agree with anarchism, you can't maintain that it is a right wing position

>> No.5307312
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Wow, ok, no one can be this wrong. But nice try.

>> No.5307313
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>private property and the resulting market economy is natural

>> No.5307315

Yes. Why do you need an omnipotent state to tell you what to do? Be your own man.

>> No.5307317

But "Social Democracies" only help immigrants and other freeloaders with welfare programs. So they're not socialist either, because they're selective?

>> No.5307318

National socialism is an ideology.
The "socialism" part carries more sentiment such as "for the people". Fascism isn't "public owning means of production", Stalinism & Maosim were more like that. Hitler allowed private ownership of businesses. What you all fail to realize is that fascism usually doesn't allow certain industries such as recreational drugs or pornography, and thus you think there is some contradiction when instead it's simply a right wing imposition on a Capitalist system.

>> No.5307320
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>people naturally wish to share

>> No.5307322

Nationalizing banks and enterprises is the most socialist thing a ruling party can do. Even the leftest parties in europe don't want to do this. Only nazis are that stupid.

>> No.5307323


>the exchange of goods by individuals is artificial

That exchange rests on a body of rules, or on some sort of social order, otherwise the strongest can just smash the head of the weakest and get his extra good for free.

>> No.5307324

"anarcho" capitalism isn't anarchism. The word anarchism doesn't actually refer to the absense of a state but the absence of hierarchy, as their would be hierarchy in an arachno crapitalist society they can't claim to be anarchists.

Aside from linguistics however anarchism has a very long history and body of thought, all of which is radically left wing and anti-capitalist.

>> No.5307326

>Has there ever been an anarchist society that worked?

>Yes, many thousands of them. For their first million years or more, all humans lived as hunter-gatherers in small bands of equals, without hierarchy or authority. These are our ancestors. Anarchist societies must have been successful, otherwise none of us would be here. The state is only a few thousand years old, and it has taken that long for it to subdue the last anarchist societies, such as the San (Bushmen), the Pygmies and the Australian aborigines.

How can he say this with a straight face when there are 7 billion people on earth?

>> No.5307327

no, not the exchange of goods, the specific mode of producing and exchanging goods known as the free maket.

>> No.5307331

>concept of race has been proven to be a social constrcuction
>how can I be a racist then?

Explain to me that.

>> No.5307335

>people naturally respect private property

>> No.5307337

fuck off retards

Wanting to be poor is not natural. Go be mentally ill somehwere else.

>> No.5307342
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>Bushmen and Pygmies

>> No.5307344

way to respond to literally NOTHING i said.
Enjoy your backward understanding of the world
none of you are aware of quite how poorly read you all are. I suggest lurking for a while before posting, or otherwise removing yourselves back to /pol/

>> No.5307345

>Nationalizing banks and enterprises
more to the point, they aryanized them and forced all employees into the state owned unions.

>> No.5307348

If religion is a social construct, how does Israel exist?

>> No.5307349

No it doesn't. What the fuck are you on about? You have corn, I want corn, you want wheat, I have wheat, we trade. Capitalism.
That's not anarchy. Anarchy is statelessness. Leftarchists want the state to be all powerful and rule their lives, like in a prison.
Yes, that is the same thing. You need goods to exchange.

>> No.5307352

indeed, anarchism, as well as most other -isms aren't too bad, but the people that self-identify as their -ists are.

>> No.5307353
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I have never read it to completion (gonna fix that now).

But Hitler's disillusionment in Vienna is extremely vivid and definitely has high literary merit.

>> No.5307357

>people can't defend private property without an omnipotent state

>> No.5307358

Never been on /pol/. Address the point. Nationalizing banks and enterprises is anti-capitalist and extremely socialist.

>> No.5307361

>Wanting to be poor is not natural.
neither is the one specific way of avoiding poverty you prefer over all others.

>> No.5307362

pleb detected

>> No.5307363
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>tfw Hitler's encounters with the corrupt unions being directed by rabble-rousers for personal gain

>> No.5307364

Where did you see "wish to share"?

>> No.5307368

Yep, that's maximum socialism. Even more bigoted than communists.

There are no others. Either you accept being poor or you do something against it.

>> No.5307370

If people don't share you have private property.

>> No.5307373

His point is that "race" is an empty word. Racists basically judge people on nineteenth century human taxonomy.

>> No.5307375

i might drop out of this argument at any point because its kindof boring, and you are just going to have to take my word on this one but if you read into these things properly, get your hands on some political philosophy you will realise just quite how wrong you are.

As for nationalising the banks, as i said, its not government control that determines left vs right - by that logic most of the economies of 18th century europe would have been socialist. Rather, left vs right refers to whether you are working to undermine/challenge social inequality or support it. As hitler nationalised the banks in order to work with the bankers and secure the position of the upper class, his actions were right wing. Perhaps not free market capitalist, but "right wing" is a broad tent that encompasses more than just libertarians

It is not a coincidence that no serious political philosphers with actual acedemic posts anywhere in the world consider the Nazis a left wing regime

>> No.5307377

Then "private property" doesn't mean anything at this point, because everyone is free to take your property from you and there is no clear way to exchange property. What you call "private property" then is just "whatever you happen to have in your hand at one precise moment".

>> No.5307379

Speaking of banks look at the West.
The Federal Reserve loans out debt with interested attached which is impossible to pay back, no?
Aside from that, Hitler dropped the international banks and created a National currency. The result? Germany returning from being probably the most poor European country from WWI and Reparations to becoming prosperous and one of the richest. Why are you bashing on a monumentally successful economic anomaly simply because it doesn't fit theory?

>> No.5307381
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>Rather, left vs right refers to whether you are working to undermine/challenge social inequality or support it.

I am sorry that you are a retard

>> No.5307384

>Yes, that is the same thing. You need goods to exchange.
so when a slave earns his living by complete servitude, or when a peasant is only allowed to substain himself off the land on condition of also sustaining the aristocrat owning the land, no exchange takes place?
exchange is about as natural as large-scale societies, but the mode of production where everyone exchanges goods as a formally free and equal participant, and the ownership of the means of production is determined by nothing but the outcomes of these exchanges, is both recent and quite demanding, legally, politically and socially.

>> No.5307386

There are plenty of other ways to do away with private property. We don't need your consent.

>> No.5307389


>Nationalizing banks and enterprises is anti-capitalist and extremely socialist.

It is not if you actively encourage big business and crack down on workers rights. Its just as Mussolini himself said "State Managed Capitalism" as well as corporatism.

>> No.5307391

>The Jews love non-whites because they are too stupid to object to being under a global Jewish government

What the fuck am I reading? I suppose poor downtrodden whitey is fighting the good fight against evil joos, what a bunch of heroes.

>> No.5307392

Are we speaking of left/right in terms of economics or social politics(freedoms)?

>> No.5307395

i hate to be the guy who links the wikipedia article, but...

>> No.5307398

See >>5307260


>> No.5307399

No, property is what you have acquired through the market or inheritance (Oppenheimer's economic means to wealth). Theft is taking it by force (Oppenheimer's political means to wealth).

>> No.5307400
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fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.5307401

>Yep, that's maximum socialism
no, it really isn't.
>Either you accept being poor or you do something against it.
according to people like stirner and marx, doing something against it might also include dispossesing the rich and and using all their stuff in some sort of cooperative or collective way.

>> No.5307406

The peasant is free to stop. Only biology limits him, not the market.
I don't need your consent to shoot you.

>> No.5307407

⇒its not government control that determines left vs right
But it is government control that determins socialism vs free market. National socialism is still socialism. Far left and far right are equally anti-capitalist and hence fucking retarded.

⇒left vs right refers to whether you are working to undermine/challenge social inequality or support it.
Toppest lel. Is this what ideologically deluded children want to believe? I hope you know 4chan is supposed to be 18+. Do you also believe Harry Potter is real?

⇒"right wing" is a broad tent that encompasses more than just libertarians
Libertarianism has nothing to do with right wing, on the contrary it is diametrically opposed to right wing ideologies, you politically uneducated amerifat. Your ignorance is so cringeworthy that it becomes hilarious again.

>> No.5307411

Yes. Whites are the only race smart enough to stop the Jews. The others are dumb as dog shit.

>> No.5307412

>zero sum game
really m8? You really don't see the flaw in that logic?

>> No.5307415

That's not what I was implying. But imagining that people will spontaneously accept to exchange is as stupid as imagining people will spontanously accept to share. Sharing is just one particular form of exchange. Both actually happen for various reasons, but it doesn't happen in a vacuum or in a state of rational community of actors.

>What the fuck are you on about?

How hard is to understand: I have wheat, you have corn, I want corn but I'd like to keep my wheat and I'm stronger than you, and nothing is preventing me to take it from you, so I take it from you.

As long as people start to organize to protect property the market is not free anymore.

>> No.5307416

actually, wikipedia as a general rule is a fairly accurate way of judging the consensus on what a term means. The point was that the left is about removing social hierarchies, the right preserving/extending them. That is factually true. You can say whatever you want about that, but if you disagree with that as a the closest approximation of what left/right means, you are wrong.

>> No.5307418

>The peasant is free to stop. Only biology limits him, not the market.
the point you didn't get is that feudalism is incompatible with a truly free market.
>implying the economic way to wealth is even possible without a controlling entity using the political way to wealth, aka the state

>> No.5307419

Fuck me, It's almost like a Saturday morning cartoon.

>> No.5307422

Finally you come, Arrowfag. You're the only one that was missing from the party.

>> No.5307423

if you are referring to this quote from Mussolini: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power." then you are wrong because he actually never said that

>> No.5307424


lol Hitler was such a retard that he didnt even that with devaluing the Mark he was creating massive inflation and debt. Even when he stole all the property of jews he could not prevent the massive inflation that was made even worse by the creation of Autobahn.

By 1939 he realised that without a war that would revitalise the Steel,Chemical and armament industry, Germany would financialy collapse again, hence, the false flag attack in Poland.

>> No.5307425

>people are too stupid to think for themselves
>we need to elect PEOPLE to a committee that governs everything
I shoot you when you try to take it. Now fuck off. Aggression is the political means to wealth.

>> No.5307426

>strawmanning this hard
no, capitalism isn't a zero sum game. this doesn't keep it from providing a shitty deal to most.

>> No.5307427

Whites are the bitch of the Jews though. They've been for like 2000 years. The only one who can actually stop the Jews are the Jews.

>> No.5307428

That's because feudalism has a state by definition.
Other way round, the state depends on the economic means. It is a parasite.
Are you saying the other races aren't as stupid as they have appeared for the past 6000 years.

>> No.5307429

Looking at history, the most "natural" systems would be various forms of feudal despotism for civilizations and egalitarian setups for smaller/tribal societies. Capitalism with its respect for private property was installed through revolution not too long ago.

>> No.5307431

More like ~100 years. This is due to central banking and leftism.

>> No.5307432


It was first said by Gentile and fully espoused by Mussolini both in theory and in action.

>> No.5307433

yikes, talk about uncontrolled reaction. I was using libertarian in the american, right wing sense because i was arguing with an obvious American. If you mean that liberarianism also means anarchism, then yes, obviously, but generally not anymore in the anglophone world. Considering that i am actually an anarchist, your accusation of "politically uneducated amerifat" becomes somewhat strange.

as to what left vs right represents, yes, thats really what the two are. Obviously you have those on the left who are actually just powerhungry and would be perfectly happy to establish new hierarchies with them at the top, but that is a human observation, not a political one.

Also, you are fairly obviously uneducated as to what "socialism" means (ironic for someone throwing "amerifat" around as an insult). It doesn't refer to government control of the economy, but worker control. The soviet union actually claimed that the workers, not the state, were in control of industry, the point is that they were lying. In fact, in Capital, Engels talks about how the state taking control of the economy is the highest form of capitalism before the workers take control

>> No.5307438

Just replace workers with state, you're just trading one coercive force for another.

>> No.5307440

I don't get it.. Aren't Jews white as well?

>> No.5307442

>I shoot you when you try to take it.
Fine. And then you (or anyone else) takes my wheat. And then someone with more guns than you shoots you and takes your corn. There's no market in there.

Also, I don't know if we can talk about wealth since their is no point is accumulating things you can't directly use or consume.

>people are too stupid to think for themselves
>we need to elect PEOPLE to a committee that governs everything

Never said that. I come to your place to steal you corn. You try to shoot me. I was actually organized, some of my associates is pointing a gun to you back: you can't shoot. We take your corn, we shoot you, then whoever is the best shooters among my associate shoots me, and my son shoots him because fuck why not.

Now my son has the corn and wheat and no exchange happened.

>> No.5307443

"Nothing like this had ever happened before - the total destruction of the national currency, plus the wiping out of people's savings and businesses. On top of this came a global depression. Germany had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery under international (mainly Jewish) bankers until 1933, when the National Socialists came to power. At that point the German government thwarted the international banking cartels by issuing its own money. World Jewry responded by declaring a global boycott against Germany.

Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international bankers.

The projected cost of these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates. In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and paid them with Treasury Certificates.

Under the National Socialists, Germany’s money wasn't backed by gold (which was owned by the international bankers). It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, "For every mark issued, we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done, or goods produced." The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers.

Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest."

Let me see your sources

>> No.5307444

⇒The result? Germany returning from being probably the most poor European country from WWI and Reparations to becoming prosperous and one of the richest
And the award "dumbest comment of the year" goes to ...

Seriously, retard. The Third Reich was an economic disaster. Already years before the war started, the state was factually bankrupt and internationally financially isolated. Literally nobody was willing to invest there or give them money. Hidden inflation reached an extent never seen before. Pompous propaganda projects and forced miltarisation absolutely killed the economy. In the first weeks of the war Germany was already running out of resources and needed to collect money and even metal from the general population in order to sustain the desperate and hopeless efforts to reach the regions abundant of natural resources in the east.

>> No.5307445

>That's because feudalism has a state by definition
so does capitalism. contracts are only valid in the presence of a power that can enforce them.
>Other way round, the state depends on the economic means. It is a parasite
state and market are, in a way, the same thing, and neither can exist without the other.

>> No.5307449

Who knows ? Is there something like a definite Whiteness expert ?

>> No.5307450

In terms of economic politics there are no differences.

>> No.5307451

>implying a tiny minority controlling crucial resources isn't coercive

>> No.5307453

I'm ignorant of the subject but weren't the fascists against capitalism and thus against big business?

>> No.5307455

I don't know but they look pretty European to me

>> No.5307457





>> No.5307464

ITT: NEET /pol/fags
stop your shitposting now
go to your own board retards

>> No.5307474

⇒because i was arguing with an obvious American
You are talking to Euro master race. And I wouldn't call it "arguing" because "arguing" would imply that you actually made an effort to make a point beyond "hurr durr look at me being uneducated"

⇒Considering that i am actually an anarchist, your accusation of "politically uneducated amerifat" becomes somewhat strange.
It becomes even more appropriate. Anarchism is a hypocritical teenage escapist utopia incompatible with human nature. Why don't you go tip your fedora in Liberia if you want anarchy? Oh yeah, right, because you are a delusional spoiled first world middle class kid who never had to experience what it means to fight for their own survival.

⇒you are fairly obviously uneducated as to what "socialism" means
I just explained to you what it means, fucktard.

⇒It doesn't refer to government control of the economy, but worker control.
You are too stupid to distinguish facts from propaganda.

⇒The soviet union actually claimed that the workers, not the state, were in control of industry
And the bible claims that God exists. How many more fairy tales do you believe?

>> No.5307478

"According to Schacht, then, not only did the government not cause the Weimar hyperinflation, but it was the government that got it under control. The Reichsbank was put under strict government regulation, and prompt corrective measures were taken to eliminate foreign speculation, by eliminating easy access to loans of bank-created money. Hitler then got the country back on its feet with his Treasury Certificates issued Greenback-style by the government.

Schacht actually disapproved of this government fiat money, and wound up getting fired as head of the Reichsbank when he refused to issue it (something that may have saved him at the Nuremberg trials). But he acknowledged in his later memoirs that allowing the government to issue the money it needed had not produced the price inflation predicted by classical economic theory. He surmised that this was because factories were sitting idle and people were unemployed. In this he agreed with John Maynard Keynes: when the resources were available to increase productivity, adding new money to the economy did not increase prices; it increased goods and services. Supply and demand increased together, leaving prices unaffected."

Well? Faggot?

>> No.5307494

>truth by consensus

leftist revealing her true colors itt

>> No.5307502
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A post entirely devoid of meaning!

If only it was rarer...

>> No.5307507

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

Well? Faggot?

It's on the internet and I have a source, so it must be true. Prove me wrong.

>> No.5307516

*tips fedora*

>> No.5307550

Fuck, you all are faggots and completely ruined this thread.You all are too edgy and can't help but call each other names. By the way, Hitler was brilliant. Deal with it.

>> No.5307629

what an embarassing display of losing an argument

>> No.5307711

Adolf Hitler.

No, not the postman or the pet store's owner. The OTHER Adolf Hitler that published a book called Mein Kampf and then went on to lead Germany.
That one.

>> No.5307830

More like vote third-position am i right