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5305362 No.5305362 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Marxists not believe in morality?

>> No.5305364

but what is marxism really anon

>> No.5305365

Why should they?

>> No.5305369

What is anything really? Woah...

>> No.5305371

why should anyone believe that there are moral facts?

>> No.5305375

If that's you op, I ask because I doubt your ability to intelligently define it

>> No.5305387

Marxism is anything that believes they are oppressed by white people

>> No.5305391

Because it is convenient to do so

>> No.5305400

A static concept of morality is undialectical.

>> No.5305407

You're conflating Marxism with postcolonial theory.

>> No.5305416

Nopostcolonialism is more about the problems african nations have because of the arbitrary borders set up by Europeans

Marxism is about how white people oppress everyone

>> No.5305431

The dominant morality = bourgeois morality

>> No.5305485

It's not convenient to believe in them, it's convenient to say you believe in them and convince others to believe in them.

>> No.5305495

I think they're highly beneficial for maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships

>> No.5305527

But if healthy interpersonal relationships are really beneficial than self-interest would be sufficient to maintain them.

If they are not beneficial then I cannot understand why morality would be beneficial in maintaining them.

In short: if the reason to have morality is self-interest, then there is no reason to have morality since self-interest will always do a better job than morality.

>> No.5305538

right well I disagree. I think you will be happier believing in certain types of morality because it will foster feelings of connection and affection, and maintain more stability in your relationships. You are technically acting out of self-interest, but its important that you believe youre not.

>> No.5305580
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>all literally white

>> No.5305594



>> No.5305605

>conflating ethnicity with race

>> No.5305610
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>not mostly white
It's not like Jews ever complain about being oppressed by white people. Plus, the Russian Revolution was carried out by whites, I presume all of Marx's early followers where white, Sartre was white, Slavoj Zizek might not be a Jew, the list goes on.

>> No.5305625

Are arabs white?
>It's not like Jews ever complain about being oppressed by white people

i sware 2 crist m8 ill 'ook u square ina gabber i will

>> No.5305638

Other than /pol/ strawmanning, when's the last time Shlohmo Shekelstein complained to you about how hard Jews have it? I'm sure that even during the Holocaust, nobody ever said "Man, why do white people hate us so much?" They consider themselves white.

>> No.5305643

The hardcore Jews don't give a fuck about 'whiteness', they believe they're god's chosen people, because of their religion. The Holocaust was something genuinely worth 'complaining' about however, and I don't see why anyone would fault them that.

>> No.5305646

Almost every white privilege book is by a false-flagging jew. Communism and modern critical theory are jewish bullshit designed to weaken western culture. Noel Ignatiev exists. Jewish culture literally dictates them as "chosen".

>> No.5305652

Some Arabs are, yes.

>> No.5305655
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>everything I don't like is just a ploy by the Jews to destroy everything I do like
Marx hated Judaism, why would he believe himself to be 'chosen' if he didn't believe the religion that claims they are that?

>> No.5305690

You can put them at fault with that all "every body found was a jew" taking advantage of tons of dead gypsies, homosexuals and left wingers who were just as catholic as everyone else, abusing dead people just like they say they were abused.

>> No.5305699

You may find your opinions supported by certain things but you are using a shotgun to fix a nail. If you are aware of the traps in the field you should be more than ready to read more about it to understand aspects that are beyond your grasp.

>> No.5305704

>Why would he lie to do exactly what happened that we can observe 130 years later?

>> No.5305712

They may have hijacked the Holocaust, but they don't claim that only Jews were killed. Most people think 6 million died because that's the amount of Jews killed, not including all the rest. I think the reason they were able to do it is because homosexuals, communists, gypsies, ect. were disliked by the so-called 'good guys' of WWII and swept under the rug.
And what is this thing that 'exactly happened'? Even if I don't like Marxism, I don't think it's a Jewish plot to trick the silly goyim into doing I don't even know what you think they'd be tricked into.

>> No.5305715

>understand aspects beyond your grasp
>The immigration is good for the skyrocketing unemployment!
>You need to understand why as a white european you are privileged in white countries and how it is a bad thing
Lol blow me, lick the nuts pls

>> No.5305722
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>immigration is bad because muh nation

>> No.5305726

Are you really pretending to not be aware of the biggest criticism of communism "it doesn't work", which means it always results in a totalitarian state? Are you seriously going to do this right now in defense of a culture that gives no fucks whatsoever about you or those close to you (provides you are not a zionist jew)?

>> No.5305779

>turned Russia and China from third-world feudal shitholes into first-world powerhouses
Name me one ideology that hasn't resulted in millions dead. Capitalism, socialism, communism, all are deadly in the wrong hands. Just because it hasn't worked yet, just like capitalism only worked for about 15 years in America, doesn't mean it never will.

By the way, if communism is really an evil plot by Jews, then why did it gain popularity in Russia (a country known for its antisemitism) and China/Cuba/Vietnam (countries with no Jews aside from visiting foreigners). Stalin hated Jews too.

>> No.5305790

>third world feudal shitholes
You mean the extremely powerful Russian Empire centered around the 'third Rome' that was Moscow?

>> No.5305800

>extremely powerful Russian Empire
You mean the weak, war-losing aristocracy still clinging to a monarchy despite it not being 1750 anymore? Take a history class, idiot.

>> No.5305802

Some Pakistanese goatherd raping your daughter ain't no spook.

>> No.5305811

The 'father-daughter' system is a spook, as well as any morality preventing Pakistanis from raping her. She would be nothing more than a person to Stirner.

>> No.5305812

Right thats why they occupied what was it...20 million square kilometres adjacent to numerous other empires whose land they stole

>> No.5305823

>He actually read a book because of a mentally ill tripfaggot
>Surprise ending: it's even more retarded than you would guess

>> No.5305825

>lost Korea to Japan
>in the middle of having the shit kicked out of them in WWI
>couldn't stop a bunch of uneducated factory workers from overthrowing their government
>b-but they owned a bunch of uninhabited land!

>> No.5305829

What tripfaggot? I read the book because Stirner's ideas piqued my interest.
>implying you're not equally, perhaps even more, likely to be raped by English hooligans than Pakistani immigrants

>> No.5305833

Because "morality" often means "you can't fight back because it's wrong but I can do whatever the fuck I want"

>> No.5305879

Dumb. Morality means human decency (see: Vonnegut who watched men burn alive before his eyes. Socialist, but same thing).
>muh freedom, hurr
Give it a rest.

>> No.5305905

But then wouldn't it better to actually really love people and not fool oneself into loving them?

Love is beyond good and evil, and certainly believing in moral facts won't help you love. At best will help you being productive and integrated.

>> No.5306093

That's what americans (like vonnegut and dfw) like to think.
In reality they, and you, are confusing morality with manners. That is conflating being a good person with being capable to sit in a room with another human being without killing each other.

The difference is, and Nietzsche knew it, that manners generally is a way to keep others at a distance.

>> No.5306130

>postcolonialism is more about the problems african nations have because of the arbitrary borders set up by Europeans
is this nigga serious?