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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.530101[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ what are some good fantasy books focused mostly on magic? Or something with a unique magic setting.

>> No.530117
File: 41 KB, 350x550, jonathan-strange-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're into wizards with capes and large wands and swords and lusty wenches, this isn't your type of fantasy. If you're looking for a great story that just happens to involve two magicians who discover real magic in Victorian England, this is for you.

>> No.530123

bamp because I am interested in this

>> No.530124

I am just looking for pretty much anything from wizards with capes to people discovering magic in modern day society.

>> No.530142

Good book, but the actual amount of magic in it is extremely slim.

>> No.530151

Harry Potter

>> No.530154

Dresden Files - Jim Butcher
The Darkness That Comes Before - R. Scott Baker
uhhh it's kinda kid's books, but Artemis Fowl is good.
not much else off the top of my head

>> No.530160

Hm...good is a relative term. I won't be using that term to base any of my recommendations off of.

The Wheel of Time series has quite a bit of magic, but it really loses its quality after book five or so.

You might look into Perdido Street Station. Its setting is very unique and fuses magic with technology.

Harry Potter, of course.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Hope it helped.

>> No.530189

Has anyone read the spellsong cycle by L E Modesitt jr?? Wondering if its worth a read.

>> No.530194


I started reading it and thought it really sucked.

>> No.530198


Mistborn Trilogy, Warbreaker.

Both by Sanderson, both with unique magic systems.

>> No.530206

Discworld, the Forgotten Realms books, Dragonlance.

>> No.530209

darksword trilogy
mistborn trilogy
dark is rising sequence
codex alera

>> No.530212

oh yeah, and the saga of recluse by le modesitt jr

>> No.530221

The Death Gate Cycle.

In one of the books they even include an appendix as to how their magic works.l

>> No.530241

ITT: trolls and know-naughts recommend books with low-magic settings.

>> No.530242


Which ones do you refer to?

>> No.530245

Eragon is pretty good.

>> No.530260


you shut your goddamn mouth

>> No.530264
File: 14 KB, 200x200, serious cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck out.

>> No.530275

Malazan series, if you can make it past the clusterfuck that is the first book.

Gets sufficiently grimdark too.

>> No.530381

bitches just jealous that he makes more money and gets more pussy then you guys.

>> No.530444

Mancer series by Don Callander.
Pyromancer, Aquamancer, Geomancer, Aeromancer.

suprisingly high power (versitle) magic for a setting that looks mundane. Also, That kitchen!

>> No.530447

Song Quest
it's really fucking good, it's genius. But don't bother with the sequel.