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/lit/ - Literature

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5298950 No.5298950[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most literary meal you have ever eaten?

>> No.5298958

Fookin chinky takeaway mate

>> No.5298961

Green eggs and ham

>> No.5298967

I ate a cake shaped like a book once

>> No.5298974

Babette's pussy

>> No.5298977

Disgraceful. Would you serve that to Stirner if he came around for dinner and intellectual intercourse?

>> No.5298984

I make any meal in a book that sounds interesting. I've eaten the ones that aren't Babette above. Simenon is good for a month or so of good meals.

>> No.5298985

>intellectual intercourse
I'm not a fookin poof, lad.

>> No.5298986

I once brought a book with me to a middle-brow Italian restaurant because I was too insecure about going alone and not having anywhere to look while I ate etc. The waiter smirked and corrected me when I mispronounced the entree I ordered. Probably that. I also spilled (red) wine on my pants and book, both of which were predominantly white.

>> No.5298989

a dick

>> No.5298995


Ah, I remember it well. For a long time I used to go to bed early...

>> No.5299003

I once at a coloring book.

>> No.5299005
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>> No.5299011

Had an existential meal with some friends once.

Jean-Paul Startre: Friedegger

Main: Camus Ragu

Dessert: Cakergaard

>> No.5299018

I've seen that chinese cartoon, It's called "Bungaku Shoujo" if i remember well.
The cute protagonist eat pages of books and, through that, she says "what flavor" the book has.
It's pretty pretentious in my opinion

>> No.5299026

How can you mess up Itallian pronounciation?

C + i/e = "tsh"
g + i/e = "dj"

c + h = "k"
g + h = "g" as in green

gli = "lee" but back in your throat

Or just order the #17

>> No.5299050

underrated post

>> No.5299085

nice b8

>> No.5299840

Were you eating spaghetti?

>> No.5299921

I drank a pound of pig fat and the girl i was trying to impress had sex with me that night. Not necessarily /lit/ related.

>> No.5299934
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>> No.5299940

oops forgot a meme arrow before the "existentialists"

>> No.5300328

>implying stirner wouldn't enjoy a chinky and a few pints

>> No.5300473

I had a cofee at Cafe de Flore.
If any of you plebian scum actually realize the literary significance of this I'll be impressed.

>> No.5300564

Whisky and a lot of cigarettes.

>> No.5300776

I've had a madeleine moment before, though not with this particular brand of tea biscuits.

>> No.5300779

Bottle of brandy, sans bottle.

>> No.5300787

A Moveable Feast, I guess

>> No.5300800

A piece of paper.

>> No.5300846

camus didn't identify as an existentialist but his ideas are so similar it's kinda pointless to differentiate

>> No.5300895

Everything I eat is literary, as I am poor and on Foodstamps, and you fedoracunts think the world of Randy Ann.

>> No.5301011

I've had coffee in Huesca.

Hardly an Earth shattering experience to boast of so many decades after the fact, but it was fun for me.

>> No.5302480


>> No.5302483
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That's... fucking hilarious

>> No.5302519

Madeleine and tea in the afternoon in my veranda while watching an afternoon's light rain at 4 PM. It could have been nice were it not for the fact that on that same day I saw my neighbour fucking his pool boy. The neighbour was married. It was gross, some people just can't close the fucking curtain.

>> No.5303417

B-b-but anon, how do you know the pool boy wasn't a reincarnation of Rimbaud? You would have an obligation to fuck him in the boypussy.

>> No.5303595

3 cocktails at the Hemingway Bar in Paris, the final destination on Interrail journey through Europe with a rich friend who surprised me. I really enjoyed those drinks, but besides being extremely self conscious and paranoid, All i could think about was wanting to drink Pernod at the bar as some kind of salute, but really I was just trying to escape the oncoming puke fest that occured outside the hotel.

>> No.5304653

Cold all day breakfast out of a tin cos there was no gas in my crappy flat.

>> No.5304675

Alphabet soup.

>> No.5304812

I want to eat this before I die, that will be my literary meal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon

>> No.5304839
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