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/lit/ - Literature

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5298064 No.5298064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

People don't care about good stories and good story tellers anymore.

All they care about is 420, drinking, fucking, eating, and shitting.

Hence all the bad music, movies, art, and literature we see today.

Capitalism has turned everyone into non-thinking hedonist pigs.

>> No.5298072

Actually, the music, movies, art, and literature we see today, are good, OP.

>> No.5298075

>Actually, the music, movies, art, and literature we see today, are good, OP.


>> No.5298086

There are bad movies like that going back to ancient times

>> No.5298087

Or, you can try and look for something decent instead of actively digging for shit to confirm your theory.

>> No.5298089

sure they do. theres lots of good music, art, and literature today, its just that youve been spoonfed good music, art, and literature from the past because we've had the benefit and editing of time. thousands of years of human creative endeavor have been delivered into your brain for however many (or probably few) years you have been alive through school, museums, etc.

"great" or even good art isn't produced at the same rate it has been discovered by you, notwithstanding arguments about what makes art "good" or not.

whatever is actually good out there is few, far between, and difficult to find. this is especially true since the volume of art being produced is greater than ever. if you look hard enough you will find plenty to content yourself with.

>> No.5298092

>going back to ancient times
I agree with you, but why do you have to be such a fucking idiot?

>> No.5298093

Thanks for explaining this better tahn I ever have.

>> No.5298095

Well I like drugs AND good stories and so did a lot of people and specifically authors in the past.

>> No.5298098

Uh, not everyone from the classical Greek world was a Sophocles, Anonymous.

>> No.5298104

They also were big fans of drinking, fucking, eating, and probably even shitting. I'll bet they even did those last two things just about every day

>> No.5298127 [DELETED] 
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>Let's go back the 1960s
>African-American artist Sam Cooke' composes song "Wonderful World"
>Top billboard song worldwide
>Lyrics are about impressing a girl by doing well in school
>"Maybe by being an A student maybe I can win your love for me"


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNO72aCnVr0 [Embed]

Fast forward to 2000s

>YoungMoney-Every Girl
>Top billboard song in 2009
>"And girl, I wish I could fuck every girl in the world I wish I could fuck every girl in the world I wish I could fuck every girl in the world"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5gjZUhDqJg [Embed]

Tell me there isn't a conspiracy against destroying black society.

>Thats the music black people like now
Not at all true, the monopoly music companies are telling blacks (and whites) what music they will listen to, not the other way around—They use subliminal tactics, target demographics marketing, hypnosis, and repetition to make people like the music they are producing, instead of producing things that people like.

This is a good satire illustrating this process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pehHOqx7JXg

>> No.5298140

>sure they do. theres lots of good music, art, and literature today, its just that youve been spoonfed good music, art, and literature from the past because we've had the benefit and editing of time

Why do you idiots always parrot this? The objective facts say different:


>> No.5298146

All the music today is written by computers, including the lyrics.

So yeah, it's shit. You absolutely can't argue against that and if you do then you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.5298164

You're delusional.


>> No.5298178

I'm sure Nicki Minaj and Snoop Dogg will be held in as high esteem in 200 years as Mozart is today

>> No.5298182

at a certain point it becomes peoples own fault they are brainwashed. No one told me to be a hippie and stop watching TV and drinking soda and to start listening to terrible 16 minutes songs. I did that on my own.

>> No.5298189

>Im 12yo and led zeplin is best music ever thumb up if ur also born in wrong generation

>> No.5298192

doesn't touch my, or any other "idiots" who make the point. top 40 radio mainstream music does not represent all music being produced today. it actually only represents the least common denominator among all people who listen to music.

>> No.5298197


>People don't care about good stories and good story tellers anymore.

>All they care about is 420, drinking, fucking, eating, and shitting.

>Hence all the bad music, movies, art, and literature we see today.

>Capitalism has turned everyone into non-thinking hedonist pigs.
u read any history mang?

>> No.5298201

All modern music is written by computers.

Listen to any new Eminem song.

Notice how the lyrics make absolutely no sense whatsoever, but the words are arranged in a bizarre set up which produce alliterations and assonance that eerily match the music.

Algorithms arrange words so that hard sounds match with the pulses. They then find some guy or girl who appeals to whatever demographic they're trying to appeal to and make them sing the lyrics.

>> No.5298203

Youths hold those artists in higher esteem than Mozart.

Let that sink in.

The youth today have a disdain for anything 10+ years older than themselves.

I don't think you understand how hard it is to go against the great tide of indoctrination and movements that the media sets in motion.

Through out my life, I've always been intellectually curious and refused to do things without questioning them. There have been some teachers who understood and nurtured this side of me by indulging me in explaining the how and why.

Others however, refused my independent will, and tried over and over to crush it.

I never jumped on to any fad. When everyone started wearing abercrombie, hollister, and american eagle, I refused.

Nor did I indulge in the emo or fringe groups. I stayed relatively vanilla, but I had an insatiable love of learning, history, music, etc.

I was naturally predisposed to being intellectual.

I think this was in part due to the Discovery channel actually putting quality programs on all the time--as well as some very well done animated series which were a pinnacle of their respective art form.

These things fostered my drive.

I know others mind's can be kindled the same way if they are made knowledgeable early on about certain things.

tl;dr if you try growing a rose in soil only able to nurture crude grass, the rose will never grow.

How can people have a chance to grow into an intellectual rose if they have no nourishment coming from anywhere?

>> No.5298205

>born in the wrong generation ecksdee

OP is the worst kind of faggot

>> No.5298206

>u read any history mang?
The best art ever created was created through a patronage system.

>> No.5298213
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>critiquing modern culture for its desecration of art

>> No.5298215

I guess I do take for granite the opportunities I had with parents who fostered a drive to read and learn in me at a young age. I was going to make an argument against pop music again but the people I know who like more niche music still don't read and watch TV all the time so I guess OP is sort of correct.

The real question is what did plebs used to do before television. I feel like it was a lot of drinking and bullshitting but I don't actually know.

>> No.5298216
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Is this b8?

Why does /lit/ always attract these kind of self-absorbed and pretentious idiots?

>I was naturally predisposed to being
Holy shit get a grip

>> No.5298225
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>> No.5298230

There is a grain of truth in what you say, especially when you talk about intellectual nourishment, but please, please, avoid generalizations.

I'm 19 and from a culturally-braindead country, but a lot of people my age (I guess we can be considered youths) have an enormous intellectual drive. Don't say all kids are morons, you're just making yourself dilike anything this generation could (and is) producing.

I mean, music? Look at WMD or XXYYXX, they're 18 and already making masterpieces in electronica, and they often reference classical composition in their works. And they're just two out of thousands.

>> No.5298234

>The real question is what did plebs used to do before television. I feel like it was a lot of drinking and bullshitting but I don't actually know.
They loved jokes, stories, catchy lyrics, good craftsmanship and architecture (i.e. elaborate churches), poetry, funny quotes, and good serial novels.

Imagine a pub filled with people able to carry on a battle of wits.

Imagine every friday night, a pub filled with people to listen to a gifted local orator reading Charles Dickens latest novel.

>> No.5298243

>All they care about is 420, drinking, fucking, eating, and shitting.
>Hence all the bad music, movies, art, and literature we see today.
>Capitalism has turned everyone into non-thinking hedonist pigs.

I believed that for a while. Today I think that earlier art was something for rich and educated people.
Today every braindead pleb goes to cinemas, listens to music and watches TV.
Hence the content created is mostly plebian.

>> No.5298247

>Come see my laptop - live for $40!
>No mom it's seriously real music!

>> No.5298253

>Listen to it at home, marvel at the layering and composition
>Don't give a fuck about concerts
>It is real music

>> No.5298258

>Being a faggot

>> No.5298261

Let me correct your dumbery.

The King James Bible wasn't translated to please the plebs, yet it was they who received it most.

Shakespeare's plays were not written for plebs, despite them being the majority of the crowd.

Content today isn't being created to please the plebs, content is being created as half-assesed as possible--and giving the plebs no other options.

Like it or lump. Also remember, big production movie companies are a monopoly, just like record companies. They operate on the same paradigm.

>> No.5298263
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>Straight out Quintilianus' Ars Oratoria

>> No.5298266

The Discovery Channel and History Channel today are disgraces of what they once were. To me, they represent a piece of my childhood being twisted into something ugly and disfigured, bereft of quality or depth or even the remotest chance to spark thought. To the next generation, they represent quality programming.

>> No.5298270

I meant, Institutio Oratoria. Fuck me I'm bad.

>> No.5298272

>To the next generation, they represent quality programming.
And that's the scary fucken thing.

>> No.5298280

Solid analysis OP

You're right that there are bad things to see, but your phrasing is entirely reminiscent of a frustrated, socially awkward high schooler who loves repeating his parent's Fox News hell and a hand basket idiocy.

You can seriously continue these thought patterns and converge on the life of Ignatius J. Reilly, or you can take another step and stop hating the world for what it is. For what good purpose does one curse the world or God?

>> No.5298284

Put it on the list of things equally likely to make you laugh and cry.

>> No.5298288

>For what good purpose does one curse the world or God?
It's called critiquing culture you unwashed urchin.

>> No.5298291


>> No.5298296

"Written by computers"

Do you even know what you're saying? By this logic, all news articles written and edited on a computer are "computer-written"

>> No.5298298

Well, for one you stop going around on subprime Internet locations and ranting aimlessly about the real world.

>> No.5298300

I hope you're just ranting out of frustration and you don't mean this literally.

>> No.5298303


I mean that computers LITERALLY come up with the lyrics on their own.

And yes, many news articles are written by bots

>> No.5298306

Yeah, maybe you should read confederacy of dunces. Critiquing culture in this way doesn't set you above that culture, it makes you annoying.

>> No.5298308


>> No.5298313

Yeah, it's possible to use computer technology to do many things. What is your point?

>> No.5298314

You're my favorite trip. Please post more often, it's shitty with only futterbucks around.

>> No.5298315

Why don't you create 50 insubstantial posts in a row you autistic tripshit?

>> No.5298318

If your song is written by a computer, it's not art

>> No.5298321

Because it's obviously wrong, the part about the next generation and all.

Get a grip on yourself. Intellectuality exists where you seek it. It's not some fast food bullshit that you can get from just anywhere.

>> No.5298323

Define 'art'.

>> No.5298324

You're also probably 16-22.

>> No.5298325
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Check your human privilege!

>> No.5298329

Single most cringe-worthy response I've seen on /lit/. Please, just leave, and take your venti mocha frappe and ukulele with you.

>> No.5298331


oh boy

>> No.5298334

lol @ trolls trying to troll

>> No.5298336
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>tfw born in le wrong generation

>> No.5298337

>Single most cringe-worthy response
See >>5298318

>> No.5298338

Go talk to Cleverbot

Do you enjoy it? I'm guessing not

Do you think that that thing can create art?

>> No.5298340

I will concede that I exaggerated, but you would have to be deluded to say that going from high quality documentaries and shows like Modern Marvels to reality tv hurts the chance for intellectualism in future generations. That is, unless you can name other networks that have taken their place writing quality programming. It's difficult to imagine children even seeking intellectualism when they are not prompted with new ideas or required to think. All that is left that I can think of is PBS, and even that lost its government funding.

>> No.5298349

If I didn't enjoy reading McCarthy, does that disqualify it from the title of art? Enjoyment is an arbitrary criterion.

>> No.5298356

I'll post more when I've finished this set of reading. I'm running through McCarthy right now

I'm posting on my phone while waiting for the metro, and so I don't consolidate posts. I'm sorry if you do not like that.

No song is written by a computer. Any individual recording is crafted by humans. As far as compositions, more art compositions are written now than at any point in history. There are people who compose that have fantastic talent.

If you're unaware of why art music is less popular, then that is your own ignorance. You may want to look into John Williams and his influences, and then infer why his music is largely blatant theft. The problem is that novelty is extremely hard in music, especially in our twelve-note system which has dominated for centuries.

As far as pop music, who cares. I don't listen to it. I don't drive with the radio on. Sometimes I hear it, and rarely do I know that much about it. Sometimes I'll get along with people who do enjoy it and have a good time. Yeah, personally I really do think it's boring but I shouldn't let it control my emotions like that.

>> No.5298357

We've done jack shit other than fucking, eating, shitting, jerking off, etc. for most of our existence, and you're telling me NOW we are at our lowest point?

>> No.5298366

>I swear guys only kids do drugs they're not something almost every entertainer ever struggles with and don't appear in every walk of life

Okay mr maturity.

>> No.5298371

Be honest -- am I wrong, though?

>> No.5298376

Yeah, I agree that television is poor quality now. However, television is also struggling and the major companies are losing subscribers month by month. Young people today find more entertainment from YouTube.

And you know what? I got rid of my television. I have to endure it sometimes when I'm at work or with some family and friends, but to that my attitude says "oh well". Sometimes you have to endure things that are not pleasant. I just see no good reason to get yourself worked up over it.

>> No.5298381

Fair enough. The silver lining is that there are some decent documentaries on Netflix, which everyone seems to have now.

>> No.5298382

Yes, actually. Now I invite you to go back to your choice of the big two le xD websites.

>> No.5298385

Hmm, I have my reservations, but how old are you, then?

>> No.5298387

I too enjoy weed documentary #3674 and another confirmation that yes - america is dead and the banks did it. Then I can smoke weed and watch black science man talk about space.

>> No.5298389

The cherries are in season, I'm glad we're in the orchard.

>> No.5298392
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barely 23

I'll come clean

>> No.5298393
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>> No.5298394

There are bad ones too. Try not to drip your sarcasm on me.

>> No.5298396

Not even gonna give some semblance of props, eh?

>> No.5298399

I didn't realize this was a thread for self reflection.

>> No.5298400
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I'm nursing my own shattered pride still

>> No.5298406

If it's any consolation, I saved your pic.

>> No.5298409

Jesus Christ we're still doing readymades?

>> No.5298410
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That's nothing.

>> No.5298414

Not to pat myself on the back, but I was recently a youth and mozart's music has been my favorite music since I was 14 and I've fit in pretty well in crowds. The point of this argument isn't to say that I'm superior and it isn't to say that youths aren't generally plebs or the soil isn't fucked, just that I can also use anecdotal evidence / cherrypicking and it doesn't make me right.

>> No.5298435
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But mozart doesn't have crunchy grooves

>> No.5298438
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>"Boy, I love being Skrillex. Check out all these public domain audio clips! Heh!"
>"Just add a hammer bang noise here...aaaaand a tornado through an Oklahoman cornfield there..."
>"Top it off with a bass drop--BUH BUH BUH BOOOSH WAAAHH WAHWAHWAH...heh."
>"I have breast cancer."

>> No.5298445

So pop music is the only music being produced?

>> No.5298447

two subjects miley cyrus is failing - history and biology
first two subjects sam cooke mentions - history and biology

illuminati must be real

>> No.5298469

If you didn't go out of your way to dig up shit and watered-down crap, you could maybe enjoy good music.


>> No.5298478

Sorry, mate. But I've heard better computer-processed tunes than that.

Check this:

>> No.5298491

I like what you posted, and I didn't say that my link was the greatest album ever made. Just, let's have a discussion without bringing out the worst music or literature or art nowadays has to offer.

Also, returning the favor.

>> No.5298492

where does it set the fucking volume

why has someone made a thing where an important feature is hidden

>> No.5298493

I read fantasy soo.... yeah I still care about good stories and story tellers.

>> No.5298499

Yeah that's a big problem about bandcamp. There is no volume slider.

>> No.5298506

Like this?

>> No.5298515

Can't understand if you like them or not, but if they were going for post-rock they could've done a far better job, at least in my opinion. Reminded me of the Rave Tapes, for some reason.

>> No.5298523

Born in le wrong generation

>> No.5298526

I didn't watch that clip before I posted it that was a horrendous version of that song. This is more representative of the umph


>> No.5298528

Omfg, just listen to some Burial, Nils Frahm, Ben Frost, Tim Hecker, flying lotus or whatever you self proclaimed intelligent ignorant piece of shit

>> No.5298530
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There is still great art being produced, it's just that the filter of time hasn't removed all the shit.

>> No.5298532

Are you saying that you wish OP was born in an era when he would not have survived infancy? That's harsh man. He's just a suburban kid trying to find his way. He won't be this annoying forever.

>> No.5298534

>Capitalism has turned everyone into non-thinking hedonist pigs
even worse it also has taken the joy out of being a non-thinking hedonist pig. not only high culture died by being dragged in the mud, but mindless escapism got shit up with pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.5298539


Can we delet this butthurt thread now?

>> No.5298540

>Ben Frost
>My nigga


>> No.5298552

Ah, I like it a lot more now. May look into them, thank you m8.

>> No.5298567

I dont even listen to them, I am mainly to 20th century classical with some PJ Hravey and Demdike Stare into it but this whining of OP's is so highscool-metalist tier.

>> No.5298574

Why do you have to be the bigger idiot?

>> No.5298579

Fair enough. We talking minimalism?


>> No.5298604

Define 'define'

>> No.5298606

Not exclusivly, but yeah minimalism mainly got me into it, recently I was chilling to some Stravinsky.

Yeah skrillex is all that there is to modern electronic.

>> No.5298607

And then you realized Huxley was right

>> No.5298614

yer shit is wack yo

>> No.5298627

Please leave this board forever.

>> No.5298630

yes he will
because it's all he knows

and he will breed a mistake with a desperate girl and the cycle will continue and when he sits and drinks hating his life and his brat is bothering him he will open his eyes to why there are so much mindless entertainment and why there is such a huge market for it

>> No.5298633

...What is this? When did vagueness become art? I can understand when a song is attempting to establish an atmosphere, and that song could only establish "pretension."

You want atmosphere? Check out Mikko Ekko.

>> No.5298650

ugh /mu/ leave with your crummy music that you have to 420 to enjoy.

>> No.5298657

Heh, why do you and your ilk always defend the degradation of culture?

MTV and education has really done a number on your weak psyche.

>> No.5298658

Well thats just pop

>> No.5298675
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Does pop music lose its artistic validity simply because it's pop?
For instance, I think "Let It Go" (yeah, the song from Frozen) is still one of the best songs of this decade on numerous levels.
>Let the social/intellectual prejudices flow through you, good /lit/-lark.
Even with the swathes of screaming 12-year-olds, the music is all the same.

>> No.5298679

(not him) yes but even pop/electro-pop has its moments when it comes to atmosphere building.


>> No.5298687

If you have to take drugs to feel anything, you've deeper matters at hand, friend.

>> No.5298691

I just dont see anything about that song that wasnt used already like thousand times (yes i can enjoy pop too)

>> No.5298703

Well, that's an argument which can be used for any form of art. True originality, if such a thing exists anymore, is rare. However, combining the right elements at the right time counts as art. A song like "Let It Go" captures many emotions at just the perfect time, esp. with all the progress the gay community has been making during the past decade. Even then, that song can be interpreted in more ways than gay acceptance.

>> No.5298705

Is that the Sarah Silverman of pop?

>> No.5298710

>Well, that's an argument which can be used for any form of art.

Not him, but >>5298633 IS pretty generic.

>> No.5298713

Don't know her, care to elaborate?

>> No.5298723

Sort of edgy (in a non 4chan sense of the word) and offensive what with the openly sexual yet not erotic imagry, cringy intro and yelling, but alltogether just another blimp on the already oversensitized market.

>> No.5298724

I'm still the same guy from the Mikko Ekko post. However, I wasn't trying to say that song is the be-all end-all of atmosphere; it was an example of atmosphere done well.

>> No.5298728

Yeah then, your description it's pretty fitting. Her music's not that bad though.

>> No.5298757

Let It Go is such a simply constructed intentional ripoff of a song that it's frankly depressingly cynical

>> No.5298760

Yes, OP, you're only special snowflake left

>> No.5298763
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why don't you create something good instead of complaining?
If things are as you say, this it's the best moment for putting out the Greatest masterpiece of our time

>> No.5298765

But then the J-POP nation attacked.


>> No.5298774

Ripoff of what song? I still havent heard Let it go so dont know.

>> No.5298782

Oh man, this is disgusting in so many ways that I'm not even able to explain them

>> No.5298825

1. Ripoff of what?
2. Where's your work? I'd really like to hear how much better you could do.

>> No.5298834

I think he's talking about Demi Lovato's version?

>> No.5298845

Also this is Korean, and I'm full of shit.

>> No.5298861
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>create masterpiece
>nobody notices because it's not promoted by the monopoly publishing and media companies
>Nobody notices decades after my death because my works are buried under oceans of shit
>Best works since Paradise Lost, lost in the diffusion of shit you and your kind keep defending

Gee seems worth while to put my heart and soul into something only to have it go unnoticed.

>> No.5298876

>implying you could write it
>implying nobody would notice it
>muh media conspiracy

>> No.5298885
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>Who is Van Gogh and hundreds of poets

Checkmate dummy.

>> No.5298895

...explain the Van Gogh thing please?

>> No.5298912

If today there's the lack of quality that you presume, I can assure you that your ipotetic masterpiece will not pass unnoticed

>> No.5298917


>All they care about is 420, drinking, fucking, eating, and shitting.

this is the edgiest teen shit I have seen on /lit/ in a while

when will summer fucking end?

>Capitalism has turned everyone into non-thinking hedonist pigs.

>> No.5298923

>Where's your work? I'd really like to hear how much better you could do.

i am trying very hard to find the correct "seriously??" reaction image to convey that i'm in actual IRL disbelief that you thought this meant anything to post

>> No.5298947

like wow if your brain doesn't immediately leap to the reductio ad absurdum that nullifies that point before it even has a chance to pass to your mouth, let alone be typed into a reply, i actually cannot understand how you have managed to feed yourself long enough to mature into an adult human

>> No.5298979

It's a legitimate question. If you're going to be THAT critical, you have to merit it. Show me your work, or you've no basis for that statement.
>Keep looking for an "I actually messed up" gif, pleb.

>> No.5299015

>i can't say hitler was a bad painter because i suck at drawing
>you can't say anything was good or bad until you're on par with its creator

>> No.5299021

Yes, that's pretty apt, I'd say. Unless you have knowledge of an issue, you cannot judge.

>> No.5299038

hitler was actually pretty good, i read some book about nazi aesthetics and they went to a jew school in new york and asked the students if they liked the pictures and they all said yes then they were like "haha, surprise, these are hitler's!" the rest of the book sucked but i though that part took balls

>> No.5299088

Is that guy supposed to be bragging to his grandkids about killing a bunch of natives, looting their corpses, and making furniture out of their food supply?

>> No.5299127

Look at the left- and rightmost pictures on the wall. He was hanging out with them.

>> No.5299149 [DELETED] 

norman rockwell is underrated, jew art critics say you should hate him because representational art goes against judaism but the truth is his shit is serious art, a lot more than some of the bullshit the jews were promoting in the 20th century

>> No.5299161

You really don't like Jews, do you?

>> No.5299174

Are you a Stevie Wonder fan at all?

>> No.5299175

i'm just saying semites hate representational art and since they own most of the major galleries and outlets for art criticism they have turned tastes against representational imagery, eventually there will be another renaissance and the west will return to their traditions

>> No.5299188

Actually, some of the best television ever is being made nowadays. True Detective was the greatest piece of television I ever watched.

>> No.5299194

I doubt it's better than The Wire, or Kieslowski's Dekalog

>> No.5299198

i got rid of my tv a while ago too, i can't deal with the ads, it's really torture, some pay channel like hbo could be ok i guess but the idea of getting interrupted every ten minutes by some guy selling cereal, toilet bowl cleanser or shitty japanese sedans just seems gauche

>> No.5299199


Beautiful music being made today. Just wait till ya' hear the guitar solo.

>> No.5299211

His work not going noticed until after he died. But I've heard that's mostly a myth.

>> No.5299217

Sopranos>The Wire

>> No.5299219

If you're a true artist you won't care if one person sees it. Van Gogh wasn't famous until he was dead. The truth of it is you don't care about the art, just the recognition it might give you.

>> No.5299224

Hitler was a boring painter who's stuff you might find at a bed and breakfast in the Alps and appreciate for 1/2 a second. He was utterly unremarkable.

>> No.5299229

I don't know, I haven't seen those yet, though I'd like to find the time to. I'm not saying it's the greatest, you can't argue taste, just the greatest I've ever watched.

>> No.5299235

Forgot my link:


>> No.5299242

>buttmad jew

taking a break from killing palestinian babies?

>> No.5299244

Come on man, you've got to try harder than that.

>> No.5299255

>hitler's art is bad, his nose is too big, he was probably gay, etc. etc.

insulting hitler's little water colors isn't going to bring your six million back, bitch

>> No.5299259
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>The Wire

>> No.5299261

His art is boring, why are you so upset about it? He was on the level with the artists you find in the streets of Paris; they've got a level of craft, but they're unremarkable. They're pictures you'd find on hotel walls.

I'll say it again, try harder.

>> No.5299298

do you feel you are fulfilling your spiritual duty to your tribe by this? keep going, i'm sure "g_d" is watching and recording all your good 4chan deeds, keep it up

>> No.5299307

Boring, unfunny, bye.

>> No.5299826

>The truth of it is you don't care about the art, just the recognition it might give you.
The truth is I don't want to create beauty for ingrates to take for granted.

>> No.5299837

except for the ending of the sopranos. fuck that

>> No.5299841

Right, all you care about is recognition. You're not a writer, you're a whiner, and a boring one at that.

>> No.5299843

Tony deserved to die.

>> No.5299849

Sophocles started out as a movie director, did you seriously not know that?

>> No.5299858

grow a pair, tumblr.

>> No.5299862

I thought he was a grip on a couple of sets until he got his break as AD on one of Aeschylus's first films.

>> No.5299867

>Right, all you care about is recognition.
The thing I most care about is the truth. The truth is I don't have the time nor motivation to churn out a masterpiece (despite my gifts in writing). I have student loans breathing down my neck, and I can't hunker down and get even a short story written, as there would be no substantial monetary income from such a thing, and most people don't care about reading in the first place (let alone reading anything good).

That's the truth.

The truth about yourself is likely that you're just a mentally ill person spouting hate on the internet all day and not having an original thought in your life.

Feel bad for you frankly.

>> No.5299870


>> No.5299873

>The truth about yourself is likely that you're just a mentally ill person spouting hate on the internet all day and not having an original thought in your life.

could describe you just as much

>> No.5299874

➤oh shit capitalism has made us happy!

So what? Does human joy scare you? Are you mad because you slipped through the cracks?

>> No.5299880

It's amazing that you have time to brag about yourself on 4chan but not enough time to actually express something meaningful.

>> No.5299884

>I know you are but what am I

>> No.5299912

I feel bad for you man. I work for a magazine and I write. I'm hardly spewing hate, I'm telling you the truth. I've had original thoughts, friendo, and I'm trying to get them out there. Ain't nothing wrong with being a curmudgeon, as long as you've got something interesting to say. You though, you've got nothing interesting to say.

You've got no gifts in writing, you're not a writer. Unless you've finished a piece of writing, you're not a writer. Face the facts, you like the idea of being a writer but can't be bothered to put the work in.

Look right there>>5299884, you can't even come up with something original to say in response. It's really pathetic seeing people like you, claiming that they're writers when they're nothing.

It's like you're really the one who's bought into everything you bemoaned in the opening post. I won't argue with you, that's just my take. Think about what I've said before posting another Rubens reaction video.

>> No.5299959

>implying so many things
Your btfo is showing.

Working for an e-publication whilst being a dominos pizza delivery driver is nothing to boast about.

I dare say, my writing is better than most writers who ever lived.

If someone paid me to do it...oh how might I enchant the world.

I know if I cut internet out of my life I could get a serious amount of progress underway, but my motivation always gets sapped by people being horrible and loneliness.

You'd know what I'm talking about if you've ever locked yourself in your room and figuratively burned the midnight oil.

>> No.5300001

The masses have always been retarded

Fucking marxfags thinking the ills of man exist within abstract constructs and not the human brain

>> No.5300005


>abstract constructs
>"in the human brain"

I hear there's lots of money in this kind of stupidity. Where do I sign up?

>> No.5300006

You're delusional. I work for a New York City magazine in the lower west side.

But you know what? Working for an e-publication and delivering pizza is a hell of a lot better than your retarded hallucination. I was, in fact, up all last night working on a article. I've actually burned the midnight oil. You're just a delusional loser who compensates for that fact by pretending to be a writer, oh, but of course your "motivation always gets sapped by people being horrible and loneliness." These are the most common and universal feelings in the world, you retard.

Get fucked, loser. Keep crying about it to.

>> No.5300009


>> No.5300010

10/10 I'm mad at the concept of you

>> No.5300019


law of non-contradiction fail zone.

>> No.5300039
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>"I'll have you know I'm the CEO of The New Yorker posting on 4chan /lit/!"


>> No.5300046

The New Yorker has their offices in Midtown, faggot.

>> No.5300049

>"I'll have you know, that I'm a very sucessful writer working in NYC who swears and gets mad at people on 4chan!"

Serious bizniss.

>> No.5300058

Stay mad.

>> No.5300064


>implying this isn't groovy as fuck


>> No.5300068

>21st century
>still attributing values to entertainment
>refusing to understand social change
>refusing to understand entertainment
>sorry for the greentexting

>> No.5300069

>"I just gotta have the last word, or else I lose an argument on 4chan and my successful career will come to a grinding hault"

>> No.5300079

>All they care about is 420, drinking, fucking, eating, and shitting.

what else is there? what do you think Mozart was doing all the time? all of the above, with some music composition thrown in

>> No.5300082

Stay a loser. Hope your "masterpiece" gets written someday, homo.

>> No.5300087
File: 131 KB, 772x578, OjPmvLg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be sure to mail the custom manuscript signed by me directly to you if you just post your name and address.

>> No.5300109

What? Are you saying the brain doesn't really exist?

>> No.5300142


Have you ever actually seen your brain?

Thought not.

>> No.5300147

Give me a mirror and a bone saw

>> No.5300157

>People don't care about good stories and good story tellers anymore.
They never did. They just wanted cheap entertaiment.

>All they care about is 420, drinking, fucking, eating, and shitting.
They always have.

>Hence all the bad music, movies, art, and literature we see today.
Not at all. You cant explain shit religious and sensationalist art with the aforementioned.

>Capitalism has turned everyone into non-thinking hedonist pigs.
They always were. Capitalism and materialism have allowed it to florish. Completely different.

There were always people that thought like you, OP. It has nothing to do with our generation. It's just you.

>> No.5300187

Larger share of population now reads, watches movies, goes to museums etc.. Because production usually panders to the consumers, and because this nouveau audience is quite unscrupulous, the share of low quality produce has also increased. Well, at least this is a major factor. Claiming that there was some kind of cultural decay on the level of the whole humankind is way too stupid a stance.

>> No.5300217

I assume you think he's being pretentious because you don't believe him. So why don't you?

>> No.5300247

ctrl f wrong generation

someone already said it

my job here is done

>> No.5300732



got me to kill myself

>I dare say, my writing is better than most writers who ever lived.
>oh how might I enchant the world.
>but my motivation always gets sapped by people being horrible and loneliness.
>figuratively burned the midnight oil.

either you're a troll or remarkably touched in the head. i'd hate your guts but i'm comforted by the thought that by never actually trying, you'll be able to maintain your delusions throughout your life.

it's a charming thought to know you'll always be as miserable as you know you are.


this thread a shit, your opinion a shit. bitterness is the real c word.

>> No.5301392

Boy he looks Welsh in this gif.

>> No.5301406
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pic related

all these are modern and good. Deal with it OP

>> No.5301457

And it's truly beautiful.

>> No.5301485


>> No.5301497

You can't compare hundreds of years and one year.

>> No.5301502


>> No.5302367

Do you write? If so, what technology do you use?

I happen to like a few composers who use a computer or synthesizer as instruments. I loathe Skrillex, but I love Eastern Star, half of Aphex Twin, Ulrich Schnass, Tycho, Daft Punk...Their styles are all so different that I wouldn't be so general to say a computer is writing them. It's much more organic than that, even more than generic pop and dubstep.