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5296254 No.5296254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is an anarchist society possible?

>> No.5296259


>> No.5296265

the same way that any other kind of society is "possible"

>> No.5296285

it wouldnt be a society

>> No.5296294

You have 10 seconds to justify this threads existence on /lit/ or I'm calling the police

>> No.5296296

What would it be then?

>> No.5296301

>bakunin was an anarchist writer
>thread is about discussing anarchist societies

>> No.5296307

a shithole

>> No.5296310

What's some good introduction to anarchism literature?

A lot of the people I know won't shut up about anarchy and I want to understand.

>> No.5296324
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It could be problematic, as there will always be a form of power that would rule over one given "anarchistic" society. And when people have grown in on it, they will forget what kind of society they are and the word changes meaning.

>> No.5296333

Start with Proudhon, Stirner and Bekunin and go from there. The anthology of "No Gods, No Masters" is a good start.

>> No.5296334

I'll tell you something OP...on the real...
it would be possible if we could exert benign and wellwishing mind control on all the members to know in thier heart they are good.....
you know why? because I am a good person. this is all that matters...what is fair and just, what is equal and what is wrong...deep down we know what is good, what it means to treat our fellow man with respect and love...if we had a nation full of these types...progressives intent on bringing man into a new era, never to fall into war, greed, fear again....that is when control ceases to be needed...........

>> No.5296340

if you handpicked everyone after years of research into their personalities and then sectioned them off in a secluded segment of land far from the g-man, yeah probably
better invest in time travel first though so you can go back and get'em while they're young

>> No.5296345

loving every laugh

>> No.5296518

Was at a bookstore today and wanted to buy a book on anarchism. No one was working the counter and then I noticed a basement. Went down there and bunch a anarco-feminists making anarchist propaganda. "d-does anyone work here? i'm trying to buy a book." Nice woman comes up and checks me out. Cant help but to think that I should of stolen that book. The anarchists downstairs would of supported it.

Did I do right, wrong, or does it not even matter because there still is a class struggle?

>> No.5296721

buying into the whole notion of "books" and "reading", you completely miss the point of anarchism. you should have knocked her to the ground, shit on her face and then set fire to the shop while screaming at the top of your lungs in an improvised, imaginary language.

>> No.5296726


>> No.5296738

Individuals who choose to live near each other and work together when it benefits them.

>> No.5296740

Anarchy is for fish.

>> No.5296763
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I don't see why everyone would have to necessarily be a saint for anarchy to work. There just needs to be a heightened focus of social organization at the most local levels.

>> No.5296799

Read Murray Rothbard

>> No.5296824

Mutual Aid by Kropotkin
What is Property by Proudhon
and The Situationist International was hardly anarchist, but I still like them a lot. check out Guy Debord's correspondence if you want!

>> No.5296828

You on 4chan, and you still don't believe how utterly retarded people are without some form of guidance?

>> No.5296829

Somalia makes it work.

>> No.5296836

instead of trying to envision an anarchist utopia, consider the anarchist's interactions with society as it is. anarchists interacting with other anarchists makes anarchist society. anarchists engaging with the world around them makes anarchist society.

>> No.5296884

No, because humans are inherently selfish and genetically programmed to put self preservation above all else

>> No.5296887

Where should I start with Stirner?

>> No.5296892

If men were angels, no government would be necessary.

>> No.5296983

If men were inherently selfish, then there would be no government. Need for one would be entirely academic.

Capitalism and Democracy in particular (but all other forms of government) require a great deal of self-sacrifice to make them function. One has to sacrifice their right to take all manner of things in order for property to exist. The current regime (as all regimes have) does as much as possible to make the sacrifices it demands invisible, but they are still demands of self-sacrifice.

The problem with an anarchist society is not how to prevent dictators from rising up, but how to break people of their habits of following. Put a hundred Hitlers on an island, and you'll get a hundred independent nation-states, put a hundred Eichmanns on an island, and you'll get a single state slaughtering a handful of people for not doing their part for the glorious Reich.

>> No.5296987
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why would it be?

>> No.5296993
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Not until everyone takes up the task of individual transformation.

>> No.5296999
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Ignore every suggestion in this thread and read pic related.

>> No.5297007

Government arose because of agriculture not selflessness ya fucking moron. The people in charge wanted to be because they were selfish and the people not in charge stayed because it was safer than the alternative. Greed and fear motherfucker that's all it is.

>> No.5297028

you're an idiot if you think government officials took their jobs because they wanted to sacrifice

>> No.5297037

Tribes existed before agriculture, and they had leaders. People who had excess to burn came to be in charge because they had excess and were ready to sacrifice it or give it away.
The entire nature of society is based upon self-immolation and the gift. Your Smithian and/or Hobbesian ideas are simply conservative attempts to justify what was currently in place by imagining some ridiculous historical narrative.

Just examine the basic idea. Why would someone who was more proficient at producing bows or pins bother to produce an excess of those things (in the absence of a capitalist economy) unless he intended to give the excess away?
Why would the peasant Hobbes imagines trust one man over another, unless the protector had already volunteered himself as a protector for no reason other than that he could?

>> No.5297045

Have you ever read any political philosophy post-Rousseau?

>> No.5297052

I've heard it suggested that agriculture was actually a response to warfare (and thus government) rather than the other way around.

In order to protect themselves from raids, people lived in larger groups with a dedicated warrior class, and to support those population densities, they needed to cultivate farmland.

>> No.5297057

We live in tribes because our simian ancestors lived in tribes. Ever seen chimps, they live in tribes more or less. Selflessness is a luxury.

>> No.5297063

These people "sacrifice" or give away their extra possessions because it ultimately benefits them, regardless of whether they are receiving physical compensation
Trust, power, influence, and respect all come from these transactions and ultimately result in some sort of gain in 'fitness' of the individual
Despite the illusion of sacrifice, the benefits outweigh the costs, and selfishness prevails

>> No.5297064

Many do end up wrapped around to selfish ends, but they start seeking an ideal.
In any case, my point was that the only reason that a phrase like "government official" or "property owner" means anything is because the vast majority of people (who are not either) decide to let that phrase have some moral imperative. An entirely selfish populace would be completely ungovernable. People would wander away and go back to their own business as soon as you stopped directly looking at them.

>> No.5297076

The most credible sources I've read are that agriculture was a reaction to the extinction of the large mammals our paleolithic ancestors used to hunt. It was farm or starve.

And the ability to waste oneself on luxuries demonstrates one's supremacy. Look at peacocks and their huge, stupid feathers. Being able to waste all that energy, being able to endure that much additional danger for no reason whatsoever, it shows oneself as superior to the one who hides from risk.
Explosive, ridiculous selflessness is in our genes. It is how we prove our fitness as mates.

Yeah, ok. That just rephrases what I said with more emphasis on the gains of being able to waste.

>> No.5297078

who here is arguing that people are solely motivated by selfishness? the egoist faggots? nobody with a real understanding of humans would argue that point, OR for the idea that it can be stamped out, OR that people are inherently good.

>> No.5297090

Being aggressive when trying to get a mate does not show selflessness or risk. It's the safe naturally occurring option. Humans can be selfless but only in rare circumstances and it is definitely not how governments form and the all evidence shows it.

>> No.5297097
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Oh boy...

>> No.5297127

Getting a mate inherently entails risk.
That is why it is Friday night and we are here on 4chins chilling with our adult beverages and not out somewhere doing whatnot.

I don't know who is arguing that.
I just said that the problem with anarchy is getting rid of the instinct to destroy oneself at the behest of another, and provided an example.
Everyone is inherently selfish, to the extent that they can know nothing outside themselves, and they're choosing something that will advance that self's ideas to some extent.
The problem with modern society is that people have lost contact with their own selfishness. They have come to assume that the selflessness involved in sacrificing to government and property are inherent things, when they are not.

>> No.5297335

Best response in this thread

>> No.5297370



much stiff

very brief



>> No.5297429

if your grandmother spreads bald eagle on me, yeah it could be possible

>> No.5297433


thats wishful thinking, very idealistic of you and Tolstoy

lets be honest, nothing is going to change dramatically

>> No.5297441

>bakunin has curly hair
>let's talk about how curly his hair influenced his writings

>> No.5297456

1st point: the question of whether there are people in charge is not a qualitative one, its not a question of a society with rulers vs a society with no rulers, its a quantitative question. Anarchists want to reduce the concentration of power as much as is humanly possible - even if afterwards some people are slightly more powerful than others, the majority will still be in control democratically.

Your second point is literally meaningless.

>> No.5297457


>> No.5298065

> implying there's a contradiction here

anarchy is defined as the absence of /government/, not the absence of society.

>> No.5298070

Of course. It works out perfectly fine in Sudan, Somalia, Sierra Leone and Afghanistan.

>> No.5298100

Is an anarchist society relevant?