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File: 60 KB, 500x375, butler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5292905 No.5292905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Philosophers you despise.

>> No.5292915

Nearly all of them

>cant no nuffin!1

Yeah, no, fuck off

>> No.5292925

Fuck Hegel and his progress through opposition.

>> No.5292936
File: 80 KB, 350x498, camille-queen-of-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derrida, Derrida, Derrida, Derrida.

>> No.5292939


>> No.5292942

Explain why?

>> No.5292943

Why do you despise her, OP?

>> No.5292946


>> No.5292954
File: 478 KB, 600x600, judith butler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not so much that I hate her, more that I'm not so into her application of Derrida's methodology and her misuse of Foucault. I also hate how a bunch of illiterate hipsters who had no prior knowledge or interest in philosophy picked up her "Gender Trouble" and changed the identities of their tumblr accounts to "foxkin."

>> No.5292959
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>> No.5292964
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this cheeky cunt

>> No.5292967

It's no more than a glorified "It happened cuz God willed it!"

>> No.5292972
File: 12 KB, 259x300, bouttogetsmacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this cheeky cunt too

>> No.5293019
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Karl Popper, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Heidegger (who I don't despise for his philosophy but for his Nazism and style of writing).

>> No.5293041


lol no

>> No.5293045
File: 33 KB, 314x393, mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who I don't despise for his philosophy but for his Nazism

1. That's why I like him,
2. He was fucking a Jew (Hannah Arendt) the entire time he associated with Nazism WHILE LIVING IN NAZI GERMANY,
3. Gas yourself,
4. He later reproached his association with Nazism.

>> No.5293047

Hobbes, Hayek

>> No.5293051


He was a hypocrite then and a coward, doesn't change anything.



>> No.5293057
File: 171 KB, 1057x1600, M. Aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2767 ab urbe condita
>Not having risen above such a petty and destructive emotion as hatred

>> No.5293074

>Hating someone because he followed the status quo at the time

>> No.5293077


on the contrary, he never explicitly apologized for his wartime associations (a very tall proposition considering the pressures faced by post-war germans). that more than anything informs one that he was a genuine thinker, rather than a solipsistic sycophant blown hither and tither by the winds of validation.

>> No.5293085

Whilst I dont hate him I find the complexity of hegels works to be upsetting especially given how influential he has been.

>> No.5293086

So, it's cowardly to admit you made a mistake?

>> No.5293091

Materialist dialectics.

>> No.5293092
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>you will never be this stupid

>> No.5293094
File: 19 KB, 300x420, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't read

>Karl Popper
Well, this is understandable. Yet he retracted from most of his errors in his late life.
>John Locke
His theory of knowledge sucks, but he's not that bad in politics.
>Thomas Hobbes
lol fag

lol Hobbes haters, I bet you haven't read him.
>hurrrr he justifies the absolutism
Just go and ACTUALLY read him.

>> No.5293099


Why do you hate Hobbes?

>> No.5293117
File: 39 KB, 640x370, 2121436818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked Slavoj Zizek last year, during a trip to Slovenia with my friend. He ate out my ass and pussy, and then asked me to piss on him & sit on his face and fart. He then poured a decent amount of cocaine all over my friend's back and ass (she later complained that her "pussy was high" as it seeped in there). Probably the worst fuck of my life.

>> No.5293125

fake as fuck, zizek is way too autistic and shy to have sex with unfamiliar people + his weird behaviour is mainly tics caused by anxiety, not because of coke

>> No.5293129

Bullshit, that man sweat a Slovenian river all over me. The bed was practically soaked. He was just snortin' away. Then he went and sat on the toilet for a good hour or so. My friend and I were afraid he might have overdosed after 15 minutes of silence, only to be startled by extremely loud sniffling and a decisive flush.

>> No.5293130

I actually believe this because I had a very similar experience with him.

>> No.5293138

I seriously considered giving his wife a ring and telling her about her husband's escapades. Then I realized that she was likely well aware.

>> No.5293146

what'd you do with him (or rather, what'd he do to you)?

>> No.5293147

What wife? He's divorced.

>> No.5293157
File: 125 KB, 630x274, badiou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put those Platonistic hands away from me!

>> No.5293163

Analia Hounie

>> No.5293169 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 650x915, 1408104128357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who'll be lying in the ditches when the next Event happens.

>> No.5293173

They divorced like 3 years ago.

>> No.5293202

It's more like retards misusing her works rather than she misused Foucault and De- I mean Foucault. By "misusing", I meant retards quoting her without understanding what she meant. On the bright side, useful idiots.

>> No.5293223

Butler is bourgeois hack. Laughs all the way to the bank and then dares to tell you she's bringing FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOM.

He's right though.

You should dislike Heidegger because his philosophy is mediocre white boi buddhism.

Who cares that he was a Nazi. Boo-hoo. His association with Nazism made a joke of his account of "authenticity." The reason why he never apologized was because he didn't want to admit he was a hack.

>> No.5293224

I can't hate really hate particular philosophers. Yet, I'm always scared when philosophers go full authoritarian mode. It's like a pre-automated program inside each of them. I'm scared, yet I feel so safe, staunch, and strong. It's like I'm leaping. It's like trembling in sublime after seeing how far you can go. Even in moments when you have nothing anymore, deprived of anything you have. Especially in that moment.

>> No.5293232

Most courageous poster ITT.

>> No.5293241

Oh Camille and your hysterical fast-talking shit-vomitiing over every French philosopher, you make me sooo hot, your vomit is sooo sexy, please tell me how I don't understand anything and how I've never read anything like you have... You are my little piggy Paglia, let me eat your vomit off some French ass.

>> No.5293247
File: 119 KB, 3704x3841, whiteboibuddhism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you will never be this self-assuredly stupid

>> No.5293254

Good job, you posted a picture attachment.

Veeeeerrrryyyyyy good!

>> No.5293261


ditto on having just researched sarcsmz

>> No.5293265

> muh pokemon

Fuck off.

>> No.5293269


stay free.

>> No.5293316
File: 19 KB, 948x711, this-pleases-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5293374

Plato comes across as incredibly up his/Socrates' arse

>> No.5293387

Karl Popper

Actually I believe it was Socrates that was in Plato's ass.
But I think I get what you mean. I find the characters really humorous though, Socrates shits on everyone in Plato's writings.

>> No.5293402

All of them except Sam Harris. Sam Harris is a good philosopher.

>> No.5293544
File: 26 KB, 313x343, John%20Searle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uses absolutely terrible if not downright nonsensical arguments all the time, systematically misrepresents the positions of his opponents, writes like shit, and on top of it he's smug as fuck.

>> No.5293554

Do you really think tumblrites have read Gender Trouble? I mean, really?

It was popular among young people in the 90's. Not so much anymore.

>> No.5293568
File: 869 KB, 728x954, 10461561561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he;s better than pic related though

>> No.5293586

Hume, Harris, Dennett, Carnap, Kripke, Searle, Nozick, Quine, Frege, Blackburn, Kaplan and so on.

All autists with no real real understanding of the phenomenology of man and the human condition.

>> No.5293589
File: 9 KB, 235x236, moshi moshi beito desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5293600

*tips fedora*

>> No.5293607

It's not bait. They're all shit thinkers. They're also pushers of a neoliberal, hegemonic, advanced capitalist agenda. That's why I didn't list Russel—he at least had the brains to criticize capitalism.

>> No.5293657

Anyone post 1900 except maybe Wiggy

Especially the French. And the Frankfurt school. There's a special place in hell for philosophasters

>> No.5293673 [DELETED] 

>muh marx
go to bed sjw shill

>> No.5293697


One day you will realize that monarchy is the only acceptable form of government for 90% of the human population.

>> No.5293716

>Hume not being implicitly against capitalism

>> No.5293728
File: 3.05 MB, 480x360, mahnig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga.

>> No.5293756

Hume was more of a mathematician than a philosopher.

>> No.5293765

You are correct. Hume is the one philosopher I added to the list for reasons beyond the others' hegemonic agendas.

I added him to the list because he was a terrible fucking writer that, used, a, comma, after, almost, every, word.

>> No.5293773

Muliculturalism is hegemonic as well. Fuck SJWs.

>> No.5293782

We have no need for reactionaries like you.

>> No.5293788

>using that word out of context

Why do I see this so often on /lit/?

>> No.5293789

>terrible writer

I know you're trolling and I'm still mad.

>> No.5293794

Hume and Rousseau lived together for a bit. Found the story during my undergrad research. Shit was funny as hell. The short of it is that Rousseau was fucking autistic as hell and socially inept.

>> No.5293805

How is it out of context? You're saying Hume was a terrible because you don't "prefer" his style - pretty bourgeois, don't you think? You don't want capitalism but you still practice its ways of evaluating things. Reminds me of that Žižek example with coffee without caffeine.

>The short of it is that Rousseau was fucking autistic as hell and socially inept.
There's some funny stuff in his Confessions.

>> No.5293847

That still doesn't apply to reactionism.

I actually don't mind Hume and his writing; in fact, I actually quite like his scepticism. I mean, Pyrrho did it first, but I still like it.

I just threw him in there to see what sort of panties I could twist up.

>> No.5295714

>He's right though.
Yes, of course. This is why History ended with Napoleon.

>> No.5295732

>You're saying Hume was a terrible because you don't "prefer" his style - pretty bourgeois, don't you think?
Proles would never do that

>> No.5295772

It seems to me her real problem is misunderstanding (more accurately, barely reading) J.L. Austin, from whom she borrows performativity. If she'd finished How to Do Things With Words, she might have seen the inevitable criticism of her work: if everything has a 'performative' aspect, what's so special about gender?

>> No.5295807

I notice that someone's posting Red Guard style propaganda, not great helmsman style propaganda.

Discover proletarian self-activity within and against Maoism.

>> No.5295845


Hegel's God is basically Spinoza's God. It certainly isn't any figure standing over and above the universe, passing judgement and manipulating events like some super-agent.

>> No.5295855

I actually kind of like Paglia. It's not really philosophy though. (At least the stuff in Vamps & Tramps and Sex, Art, and American Culture isn't; haven't read Sexual Personae.)

>> No.5295865

It's a glorification of the past because if something has happened, it ought to have happened, voiding of pupose any action and denying any creation.

>> No.5295866

>I actually don't mind Hume and his writing; in fact, I actually quite like his scepticism. I mean, Pyrrho did it first, but I still like it.

Way to broadcast your own ignorance, you dumb cunt.

>I actually quite like his skepticism


>> No.5295869
File: 48 KB, 235x239, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking Korsgaard

>> No.5295883


Hm. No.

>But even regarding History as the slaughter-bench at which the happiness of peoples, the wisdom of States, and the virtue of individuals have been victimised — the question involuntarily arises — to what principle, to what final aim these enormous sacrifices have been offered

Doesn't sound so much like glorifying, does it? Hegel was a progressive in the strongest sense of that term. He had a teleological conception of history, which in part vindicated the suffering of so many people. But it is in part through their suffering that the possibility of Freedom is given actuality (we collectively learn from the past)--the realization of Spirit is just this realization of the maximal freedom for individuals.

You could bother to the read the guy before you defame or dismiss him.

>> No.5295887


Korsgaard a G. What's your beef? Don't think anyone will recognize her?

>> No.5295903

No one else here said John Dewey? Well, fuck John Dewey.

Hume has a slightly difficult style but I wouldn't call it tortured or even bad

I had no idea -there could be a sitcom here.

>> No.5295932


>All autists with no real real understanding of the phenomenology of man and the human condition.

>the phenomenology of man

What do you even mean by that? The phrase is redunant, but it has a certain sense, and the sense of it is untrue for several of those listed, and irrelevant for the others.

>It's not bait. They're all shit thinkers. They're also pushers of a neoliberal, hegemonic, advanced capitalist agenda. That's why I didn't list Russel—he at least had the brains to criticize capitalism.

Russell was an advocate of free trade and world governance. Hume was a classical liberal (and a Scot, so on principle opposed to the hegemonic aspirations of his southron cousins). Carnap, Kripke, Frege, Blackburn, and Searle are mostly agnostic on questions of politics and economics. Nozick was, of course, a libertarian (anti-hegemony). Dennett is a left-leaning liberal. Harris is the only self-professed "neoliberal" listed

>> No.5295942

dennet pls go

>> No.5296628

who is this? I read a quote from her I liked once