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5288434 No.5288434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the cutest story, poem or novel you have ever read?

>> No.5288440
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I might be wrong by /lit standards

>> No.5288441

Background pony

>> No.5288528

goddamn, why is this written so well?

>> No.5288594


I don't love you anymore by Joseph Heller.

>> No.5288599


This. I always carry it with me, wherever I move in. Even when I was too young to be able to read, I was looping the audiobook.

>> No.5288605

Probably the best "children's" book there is, but I wouldn't call it the cutest.

>> No.5288628

kinda cute/10

>> No.5288660

La Vita Nuova
“In that book which is my memory,
On the first page of the chapter that is the day when I first met you,
Appear the words, ‘Here begins a new life’.”

>> No.5288683

Four be the things I am wiser to know:
Idleness, sorrow, a friend, and a foe.
Four be the things I'd been better without:
Love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt.

>> No.5288686

good choice, i support this

>> No.5288974


good waifu

>> No.5289095
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Sort of?

>> No.5290505

Honestly? Probably Lolita.

>> No.5290664

People cannot figure out why he is with her. They don't understand. He's so good-looking and she's so plain. "What does he see in her?" they ask themselves and each other. They know it's not her cooking because she's not a good cook. About the only thing that she can cook is a halfway decent meat loaf. She makes it every Tuesday night and he has a meat loaf sandwich in his lunch on Wednesday. Years pass. They stay together while their friends break up.

The beginning answer, as in so many of these things, lies in the bed where they make love. She becomes the theater where he shows films of his sexual dreams. Her body is like soft rows of living theater seats leading to a vagina that is the warm screen of his imagination where he makes love to all the women that he sees and wants like passing quicksilver movies, but she doesn't know a thing about it.

All she knows is that she loves him very much and he always pleases her and makes her feel good. She gets excited around four o'clock in the afternoon because she knows that he will be home from work at five.

He has made love to hundreds of different women inside of her. She makes all his dreams come true as she lies there like a simple contented theater in his touching, thinking only of him.

"What does he see in her?" people go on asking themselves and each other. They should know better. The final answer is very simple. It's all in his head.

>> No.5290675

That is so wrong on many levels.

>> No.5290682

B-but they're happy, Anon.

>> No.5290732

So she thinks.

>> No.5290734

So does he.

>> No.5290738

Apparently not.

>> No.5290747

Then why stay with her? He's so good looking and she's so plain.

>> No.5290768


I thought this was literally about a camera and some film.

>> No.5290811

She is happy because of him. He is unhappy in spite of her.

>> No.5290826
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>What is the cutest story, poem or novel you have ever read?

The cutest things I've read happen to be those 4-koma SOL manga. They can be pretty damn cute. I've never come across anything in the western entertainment that even comes near that level.

>> No.5290850

No, he's happy precisely because of her. She makes all his dreams come true, other women he only loves like passing quicksilver movies, but she is the theatre.

>> No.5290884


>> No.5290913

If he had to rehash the same dream hundred of times, I would call it anything but happiness. Besides, no one goes to a movie because of the theater/

>> No.5290934

It's not the same dream, it's an unlimited supply. He doesn't go to any other theatre, it might be safe to say he likes it.

>> No.5290938

>A black biplane crashes through the window
>of the luncheonette. The pilot climbs down,
>removing his leather hood.
>He hands me my grandmother’s jade ring.
>No, it is two robin’s eggs and
>a telephone number: yours.

>> No.5291027

Or because that it was out of convenience? No one goes to a movie because of a theater. The theater is of little importance.
He dreams about fucking some random woman. I bet he doesn't even remember what the last one he "fucked: looks like

>> No.5291101

Consider that a less plain woman might only provide him with a finite amount of 35mm films and her appeal to a fantasist might become obvious. A woman who could cook would not make him happier. A woman as good looking as him wouldn't play all the movies of his passing wants as comfortably. Why should he want another less plain woman? Why not love her for the range her plainness gives his imagination? Nobody's going to love her for her cooking, why not love her for her characteristics which others see no value to? He sees enough value in her plainness to eat meat loaf sandwiches every Wednesday, and she gets excited for him to be one everyday. Why do you want them to be unhappy? It's like if he loved her for her looks and left her when they left, you would be more okay with it. Instead he loves her for something that could only deteriorate by his lack of imagination and she keeps it alive with her lack of curiosity as to why it is because why question why. It's all in her head too

>> No.5291113

>him to be one everyday
>him to be home everyday

>> No.5291137

I doubt the man has love for anything in life at all, let alone the woman. He may be content. He may pity her. He may be just. That she is entitled to at least. But there is no love. Two people. One indifferent. One delusional. I just pity the man.

>> No.5291166

So many of Emily Dickinson poem's can satisfy this condition for me, but this one in particular is something special to me. So cute, adorable, and true, and yet the subject matter makes it all the more stunning.

IT ’S such a little thing to weep,
So short a thing to sigh;
And yet by trades the size of these
We men and women die!

>> No.5291170

And I mean stunning in a POLICE SEARCH WARRENT *BZZZ BZZZ* stun-gun sort of stunning-way.

>> No.5291171

>They should know better.
if you think it's not all in your head too, there's probably a reason why your relationships don't last like theirs and you vest empty female characters with more sympathy than male ones: you. They aren't perfect people, but they like what they have together, it's the basis of any good relationship. While you would consider this unfulfilling no doubt, it is what makes them happy. Your standards are, well, in your head, and seem to consist of wanting people to only be happy in ways you approve of. How's that serial monogamy you kids have today? Personally, I worry that I might not have the imagination to not die alone, but to each their own burden.

>> No.5291232

They do have a working relationship for all practical purposes. A lot of people may think they are happy even.

>> No.5292048

>I've never come across anything in the western entertainment that even comes near that level.

Why do you think this is? It seems all western narrative art either aims for weighty philosophical themes or pulpy realism.

Why doesn't anyone try to be cute, charming even?

>> No.5292227

bump. more recs please. almost no recs yet.

>> No.5292369

I can't answer this and it's eating me up inside.

>> No.5292431

>Why doesn't anyone try to be cute, charming even?
tons of shit does

but it's all for kids, retards, and man-children

>> No.5292590

And why is that?

>> No.5292608

because it appeals to base instincts and gut reactions

>> No.5292623

"Altazor, Chant II" by Vicente Huidobro

Vasically an Ode to the woman
Too bad it's untranslateable-

>> No.5292695

But so does all good art.

>> No.5292698

keep believing that. please, please do.

>> No.5292740

I'm not saying it can't appeal to our higher functions as well. Nabokov himself said something along these lines.

What are your favorite books, anon? Do they not impact you emotionally in any way?

>> No.5293221


>> No.5293249

A high wind in jamaica

>> No.5293274

This thread is fucking gay, please delete it.

>> No.5293508

Fuck off retard.

>> No.5293519


>> No.5293572

The Offshore Pilot by F Scott Fitzgerald was pretty cute. Bout a bratty heiress who gets kidnapped by a small time crook aboard her yacht.