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/lit/ - Literature

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5288178 No.5288178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What have you read so far this year Anon?

>> No.5288224
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lol thats it?

>> No.5288236

Did you enjoy Tokio doesn't love us anymore?

>> No.5288240
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>> No.5288253
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>puts own book second because first would be too conspicuous, leave, kill yourself

>> No.5288295
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I've had a rough year, I didn't read for like three months. I think you forgot to post the list of books you've read though :^)


I liked that one a lot, so sad tho.

>> No.5288317
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This is what I've read so far

>> No.5288432

>all that James Salter
my negr
What did you think of A Sport and a Pastime?

>> No.5288456

Is In The Miso Soup any good?

>> No.5288487

is there a website that has the template for these charts?

>> No.5288499
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Reading The Savage Detectives right now, the first section has a slightly The Sun Also Rises feel to it, but the second part is really unique and enjoyable.

You're pretty into contemporary stuff, anything you can recommend from your list?

I don't think so right now

>> No.5288503

A bunch of Kafka, Camus, and McCarthy, basically.

Feels edgy man.

>> No.5288509

Gorgias – Plato
Apology, Euthyphro, Crito – Plato
Protagoras and Meno – Plato
The Symposium – Plato
Phaedo – Plato
Gargantua and Pantagruel – Rabelais
Orlando – Woolf
Mrs Dalloway – Woolf
To the Lighthouse – Woolf
The Buccaneers of America – Exquemelin
Three Comedies – Holberg
Niels Klim – Holberg
Issac Newton – Gleick
Rasselas Prince of Abissinia – Johnson
Utopia – More
News from Nowhere – Morris
Naked Lunch – Burroughs
Blood Meridian – McCarthy
The Crying of Lot 49 – Pynchon
The Fight – Mailer
The Rum Diary – Thomspon
The Man Who was Thursday – Chesterton
The Napoleon of Notting Hull – Chesterton
The Club of Queer Trades – Chesterton
Three Men in a Boat – JKJ
The Pilgrim's Progress – Bunyan
Galateo – Della Casa
Ragged Trousered Philanthropists – Tressell
The Eclogues and Georgics – Virgil
Huckleberry Finn – Twain
Tom Sawyer – Twain
Connecticut Yankee – Twain
Song of Roland
Analects of Confucius
The Invisible Man – Wells
The Satanic Verses – Rushdie

Reading Things Fall Apart at present (yams and wife beating for all, so far) then Plato's Republic next,

>> No.5288527
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>> No.5288535


Mien Kampf

>> No.5288539


I liked it although I'm not sure If I really understood the point he was making or if he even was making a point, but it was well written. There's this line in Distant Star by Bolano where he describes this guy as "Being damn well sure he was looking at a work of art even if he didn't understand it" Something like that, that's how I feel about a lot of books.


It was sort of strange, very gruesome and disturbing


The Vollmann books made the biggest impression on me this year, they were pretty amazing. The Hunter has a lot of feels. TLHoD by Le Guin was also really good if you like SF

>> No.5288564
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Goodreads can do it for you if you poke around in "stats" that's what this is from

i haven't read more but i'm like old and dumb and have a job and stuff

>> No.5288572
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I'm new to reading books

>> No.5288588

Great choice, one of my favorites from Murakami.

>> No.5288592

I'm not keeping track

>> No.5288600

What the fuck is that Warcraft filth?

>> No.5288601

>Algebraic Edition

>> No.5288603

Manhattan Transfer, John dos Passos
The Shining Pyramid, Arthur Machen
The Book of the Black Seal & The Book of the White Powder, Arthur Machen
Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad
Kafka on the Shore, Haruki Murakami
The Snows of Kilimanjaro, Ernest Hemingway

And I guess that's that. Rough year, barely felt like reading most of the time, now trying to make up for the lost time this summer and fall.

>> No.5288607

Books read since beginning of june 2014

Songs of innocence and experience
Ham on rye
Never cry wolf
Seymour an introduction
Raise high the roof beams carpenters
The absolutely true diary of a part time indian
An emily dickinson primer (i didnt really understand many of them. Must reread)
David and goliath
Heaven is for real
Fred factor
Post office
Walden (beautiful, but didnt understand all of it. To sparknotes!)
Notes from underground(enjoyed it, must read again)
On writing
Journey to the end of the night

>> No.5288615

a bunch of academic books and journal articles because i'm not a pleb

>> No.5288644

I play WoW and fancied a break from serious lit

>> No.5288653

How was The Collector, OP? I want to read it, but I've already read The Magus, so I'm worried that none of his other books will come close to that masterpiece.

>> No.5288654

Sounds fun :) Do you go to parties much?

>> No.5288658
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Just got into reading like 3 weeks ago because someone posted a /lit/ thread on /v/. My choices aren't great but I like them enough for a beginner like me.

>> No.5288661

Was it the thread with /v/ related books that got immediately deleted?

If yes, that OP must be so happy now

>> No.5288662

Not who you were referring to, but I've read both. I found the Magus to be a far more intricate story, and on the whole a thoroughly more enjoyable one, although the Collector certainly has its merits.

I felt that the plot itself was cliché and frankly somewhat pedestrian, however the treatment of the story 'elevated' it beyond simply pulp. It's worth reading, but also bear in mind it was his first novel published.

>> No.5288665

Don DeLillo - White Noise
Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse-Five
Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Mark Twain - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

>> No.5288671

Yep, that's the one.

>> No.5288824
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-"The Devils" Fyodor Dostoyevsky
-"The Man-eaters of Tsavo" -John Henry Patterson
-"The Jugurthine War" Sallust
-"Conspiracy of Caitline" Sallust
-"Aesop's Fables" Aesop
-" Walden: Life in the Woods" - Henry David Thoreau
-"The Ecologues" Virgil
-"On Sparta" Plutarch
-"On The Nature of Things" Lucretius
-"Stalingrad The Fateful Siege: 1942-1943" Henry Beevor
-"The Epic of Gilgamesh"
-"The Hobbit" J.R.R Tolkien
-"De Bello Gallico" Julius Caesar
-"The Prince" Niccolò Machiavelli
-"The Maltese Falcon" Dashiell Hammett
-"Purgatorio" Dante Alighieri
-"The Idiot" Fyodor Dostoevsky
-"The Scarlet Letter" Nathaniel Hawthorne

>> No.5288839

What's the name of that meme in your picture?

>> No.5288891
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I don't know.

>> No.5288911

le ethnic cleansing face

>> No.5288930

Trudi Canavan - The Black Magician
Bram Stoker - Dracula
Conan Doyle - Study in Scarlet, Sign of Four, Hound of the Baskervilles
George Orwell - 1984
Robert Louis Stevenson - Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde, The Body Snatcher, Ollala
Oscar Wilde - Picture of Dorian Gray
Mary Shelley - Frankenstein (1818)

Beginning The Three Musketeers soon...

>> No.5288943 [DELETED] 
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"Metamorphosis" - Kafka
"The Stranger" - Albert Camus
"Heart of Darkness" - Joseph Conrad
"The Mysterious Stranger" - Mark Twain
"The Catcher in the Rye" - JD Salinger
"The Communist Manifesto" - Marx&Engels
"1984" - George Orwell
"Lord of the Flies" - William Golding
"Of Mice and Men" - John Steinbeck

Currently reading "The Gunslinger"
I'm not kidding, but I'm still 17. A-am I doing good for a 17 year old guys?

>> No.5288946


Not too too much, but I'm happy with it

1. Lust by Susan Minot
2. American ground by William Langewiesche
3. Oleanna by David Mamet
4. Wind up bird chronicle by Haruki Murakami
5. Arcadia by Tom Stoppard
6. Butcher boy Patrick McCabe
7. Ceremony by Silko
8. City of glass by Paul Auster
9. Technoculture: the key concepts
10. Urinetown: the musical
11. Ballistics by Billy Collins
12. Hitler's Theater by Bruce Zortman
13. Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger
14. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
15. Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid
16. Grave Justice by Glen Ebisch
17. The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman by Angela Carter
18. Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
19. Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller

Currently reading

> The Five Major Plays of Anton Chekhov
> Leaves of Grass (1855)
> Hex by Arthur Lewis

>> No.5288949

I Am A Cat-Natsume Soseki
Catcher in the Rye-J.D Salinger
Gormenghast-Meryvyn Peak
Memories, Dreams and Reflections-Carl Jung
Desperation-Stephen King
The Road-Cormac McCarthy
The House on the Borderland-William Hope Hodgson
Vineland-Thomas Pynchon
The Forever War-Joe Haldeman
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel-Susanna Clarke
Journey to the End of the Night-Celine
Of Mice and Men-Steinbeck
To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee
As I Lay Dying-William Faulkner
Weaveworld-Clive Barker

>> No.5288951

I forgot to add An Inspector Calls - J.B Priestley

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck

>> No.5288955

can only remember the past two months

>The Stranger / Albus Dumbledore
>Breakfast of Champions / Skirt Vannagot
>Sirens of Titan / Skirt Vannagot
>The Fellowship of the Ring / J.R.R. Tolchock
>A Clockwork Orange / Antony Burgers
>The Hobbit / J.R.R. Tolchock
>White Noise / Dan Dealio
>The Old Man and the Sea / Ernest Worthing

>> No.5288966

Dumbledore is my favourite author. I prefer the Plague.

>> No.5288970


Not >Dan Dido.

>> No.5288971

The Iliad
The Essential Rumi
The Trial
Leaves of Grass ( first edition)
Moby Dick
Currently reading: Ulysses, Sappho

>> No.5288979
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>> No.5288987

Catch 22- Joseph Heller
The Shape of Things - Neil Labute
Six Degrees of Separation - John Guare
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
A Team of Rivals - Doris Kearnes Goodwin
No More Mr. Nice guy! - Robert Glover
Play Winning Chess - Yasser Seriwian
The Practical Handbook for the Actor
The Mismeasure of Man - Stephen J Gould
The Foundation - Isaac Asimov

>> No.5288994

Moby Dick
Magic Mountain
The Idiot
Love in the Time of Cholera
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Death in Venice
Unbearable lightness of Being
Esa Saarinen's book on Sartre's Philosophy
Being and Nothingness
Kundera's essay series on literature
Umberto Eco - On Literature
Wittgenstein - Philosophical investigations
Russell's History of Western Philosophy
A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man

That's from may onwards, I didn't read anything in the winter/spring. For some reason I lose my reading motivation in the autumn and only summer brings it back. Then in wintertime I love to watch films and listen to music, dunno why I can't seem to enjoy different mediums at the same time

>> No.5289006


How was the Screwtape Letters?

>> No.5289067

That was my third or forth time reading it. It's certainly one of my favorites. The ending is my favorite of any book I've read.

>> No.5289084

>not alphabetical

>> No.5289105
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Why doesn't /lit/ talk about Krasznahorkai more? It was a surprise 10/10 for me.

>> No.5289138

>tfw all I read this year was moby dick and a portrait of the artist as a young man
I'm like you in that I can only enjoy one medium at a time. I've been delving into /mu/core a lot this year.

>> No.5289166

Dirk Gently- Douglas Adams
Oresteia- Aeschylus
Lysistrata- Aristophanes
Waiting for Godot- Beckett
This Way for Gas- Borowski
Villette- Bronte
A Dead Man's Memoir, Master and Margarita- Bulgakov
The Clown, short stories- Boll
Family of Pascual Duarte- Cela
War with the Newts- Capek
Sofia Petrovna- Chukovskaya
poems by Stephen Crane
The Double, Bobok, Poor Folk, The Gambler, A Nasty Story- Dostoevsky
Effi Briest- Fontane
The Immoralist- Gide
The Sorrows of Young Werther, Elective Affinities- Goethe
Hunger- Hamsun
The House of the Seven Gables- Hawthorne
Good Soldier Svejk- Hasek
The Blind Owl- Hedayat
A Moveable Feast- Hemingway
Journey to the West- Hesse
short stories- Kleist
Love and Garbage- Klima
Autobiography of a Corpse, Letter Killers Club- Krzhizhanovsky
Immortality, Unbearable Lightness of Being- Kundera
The Sibyl- Lagerkvist
The Iron Heel- London
short stories- Lovecraft
Mephisto- Klaus Mann
Tonio Kroger, Death in Venice, Blood of the Walsungs, Mario and the Magician- Thomas Mann
Bel Ami- Maupassant
Trilby- Maurier
The Golem- Meyrink
After the Banquet, Confessions of a Mask- Mishima
plays- Moliere
Dear Life- Munro
Laughter in the Dark- Nabokov
Titus Groan, Gormenghast- Peake
Buddha's Little Finger, The Helmet of Horror- Pelevin
6 Characters in Search of an Author- Pirandello
plays- Sartre
Lieutenant Gustl, plays- Schnitzler
Equus- Shaffer
Maidenhair- Shishkin
poems- Soyinka
Tristram Shandy- Sterne
poems- Stevens
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead- Stoppard
plays- Strindberg
Confessions of Zeno- Svevo
Perfume- Suskind
Naomi- Tanizaki
Sebastapol Sketches, Anna Karenina- Tolstoy
Confederacy of Dunces- Toole
Fathers and Sons- Turgenev
Monumental Propaganda- Voinovich
Castle of Otranto- Walpole
Red Sorghum- Mo Yan

>> No.5289183

Did you pass on Purgatorio and Paradiso m8

>> No.5289225


Kant: Critique of Pure Reason, Prolegomena, Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, Critique of Practical Reason, On the Common Saying "That might be correct in theory but it is of no use in practice," Toward Perpetual Peace

Sophocles: Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone

Herder: Philosophical Writings

Currently reading Schleiermacher's Hermeneutics and Criticism, and so far I find it kinda meh.

>> No.5289229
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lol, get a fucking life, nerd

>> No.5289234

i've got war & war and have been meaning to get into it for ages, but i've found the first few pages i've read kind of hard going and have kept on putting off going back to it

i love bela tarr's films and had no problem sitting through satantango, so i dunno why it's not clicking. i think i'm just being lazy and need to give it a period of proper attention

>> No.5289250
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>> No.5289286


It's next on my list, now I'm quite excited :)

>> No.5289287


Forgot to include Solo Faces by Salter.

>> No.5289292
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not a very fast reader, will probably only add moby dick and broom of the system by the end of the year

>> No.5289319
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A balance of pulp, literature, and nonfiction. I noticed this board's nonfiction recommendations are completely void of science and history and focus on biography and philosophy. Is there a reason for that?

>> No.5289323

Thomas Pynchon - V
Thomas Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49
James Joyce -A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man
William Golding - Lord of The Flies
Hunter S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness
George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four
William Faulkner - The Sound and The Fury
Ernest Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises
Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
Albert Camus - The Stranger
Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis

I would have gotten through more, but I didn't really have that much reading time until June, as I was finishing my bachelors. I've only been reading at my usual pace for 2 months. Currently reading 2666.

>> No.5289333

How is Satantango compared to The Melancholy of Resistance? Because that was probably the most difficult book I've read this year. Sentences were paragraphs were chapters.

>> No.5289337

Seriously, good on you. So many smug genre fiction naysayers on lit. It's refreshing to see someone unashamedly admit to reading a book like that.

>> No.5289403

Mayjor dillytante coming thru:

40% of Gravity's Rainbow [might finish within next year]
25% of The Chimera, Barth [won't finish]
15% of Tai Pei, Tao Lin [might finish]
30% of White Noise, Delillo [won't finish]
30% of The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway [won't finish]
0% of Farewell to Arms [checked out; won't finish, obviously]
4% of Notes from the Underground, Dostoevsky [won't finish]
20% of Wittgenstein's Mistress [won't finish]
20% of Endgame, Beckett [won't finish]
1% of The Recognitions, Gaddis [won't finish]
10% of some zen book by DT Suzuki [won't finish]

10% of Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces, Halmos [won't finish]
7 chapters of Spivak's Calculus [won't finish]
80% of Coders at Work, Crockford [won't finish]
Making solid progress on Abelson & Sussman [will eventually finish]
5% of the Jazz piano book, Levine [won't finish]

2 of Ted Kaczynski's essays
A Mathematician's Apology, Hardy
The Floating Opera, Barth [was shit]
Some long posts on /lit/

pretty pathetic. I'm not sure why I keep trying to read (literature) when it's obvious I don't particularly care for it. It's funny how the only novel I finished was the one I found the most tedious.

>> No.5289405

my brother are you really gonna defend descriptive notation to me right now

>> No.5289410

for some reason i like you

>> No.5289415

Holy shit dude did you just click on /lit/, buy everything you saw in one thread and hope for the best?

>> No.5289428

finish a fucking book before moving on to the next, jesus

>> No.5289450

Holy fuck, do you read a page every 10 minutes?

>> No.5289454
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>40% of Gravity's Rainbow [might finish within next year]
>25% of The Chimera, Barth [won't finish]
>15% of Tai Pei, Tao Lin [might finish]
>30% of White Noise, Delillo [won't finish]
>30% of The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway [won't finish]
>0% of Farewell to Arms [checked out; won't finish, obviously]
>4% of Notes from the Underground, Dostoevsky [won't finish]
>20% of Wittgenstein's Mistress [won't finish]
>20% of Endgame, Beckett [won't finish]
>1% of The Recognitions, Gaddis [won't finish]
>10% of some zen book by DT Suzuki [won't finish]
>10% of Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces, Halmos [won't finish]
>7 chapters of Spivak's Calculus [won't finish]
>80% of Coders at Work, Crockford [won't finish]
>Making solid progress on Abelson & Sussman [will eventually finish]
>5% of the Jazz piano book, Levine [won't finish]

>> No.5289486

I read Heart of Darkness... again.

>> No.5289517

Yeah. tfw 19, have only read one book for pleasure so far :/

>> No.5289523
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From the last few months liked: Ariosto, Schwarz, Bellow, Ovid, Bloom's commentary, Hume
Probably not gonna read a lot when school starts up.

>> No.5289525

>A-am I doing good for a 17 year old guys?

If you're a 12 year old pretending to be a 17 year old, then maybe. Either way, you're not allowed to be here.

>> No.5289544

I wasn't sure if this was bait or not until I got to your finished section. Make it slightly less obvious and this could be ultimate /lit/ bait. Very well constructed with the percentages and reading so many books at once and not finishing them, I could almost feel the autism.

>> No.5289547

Nerd, get a life.

>> No.5289552

Holy shit. And I only read like 6 books this year.

>> No.5289554

>joan rivers

>> No.5289570

no you're not doing well for 17
i just turned 18 (lel fuck u janitors) and have read way more than you
you're too entry level

>> No.5289575

This wasn't bait. I'm actually this whatever-you-wanna-call-it. If I had been trying to make bait, I'd have put some greek philosophy, kant, and kneechee + DFW in the unfinished section with stirner and one of murakami's shortest in the finished section.

>> No.5289616

Sanctuary - Faulkner
Absalom, Absalom! - Faulkner
Collected Stories - Faulkner
The Trial - Kafka
Gravity's Rainbow (2x) - Pynchon
V. - Pynchon
Slow Learner - Pynchon
Inherent Vice - Pynchon
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Oblivion - DFW
The Woman in White - Collins
Franny and Zooey - Salinger
The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol - Gogol
Teatro Grottesco - Ligotti
Candide - Voltaire
Dubliners - Joyce
Notes From Underground - Dostoevsky
Don Quixote - Cervantes
Short Stories - Anton Chekov (second time)
Collected Stories - M.R. James
Dead Souls - Gogol
Portnoy's Complaint - Roth

>> No.5289629

lol fucking newfag

>> No.5289647

>Chuck 'Skimmed over Evola's wikipedia page' Palahniuk

>> No.5289659

>Franny and Zooey - Salinger
Should this be my first Salinger? No spoilers pls Im a sucker for stories.

>> No.5289660

Franny and Zooey are lesbians and they drive off a cliff together at the end. Sorry, kid.

>> No.5289668

No. Read 9 stories first.

>> No.5289669
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>Franny and Zooey are lesbians
Thread hidden and filtered, kiddo. I stopped reading right there.

>> No.5289679

Not enough ;_;

>> No.5289682
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Currently reading 18984

>> No.5289700

shit taste

>> No.5289703

>I don't like what you like, so you have a shitty taste
Stay classy, /lit/

>> No.5289909

oh man I remember reading those dune spinoffs. They're pretty bad. . . so so bad

>> No.5289949

Burgess is great. I'm not a fan of Clockwork Orange though.

>> No.5289958

It's traced from some aesthetic south american fag.

>> No.5290011
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fite me faggots

>> No.5290039


>> No.5290044

euphoric taste

>> No.5290060

i want a better fight not le fedora meme faggots

>> No.5290131
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>> No.5290195
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Currently reading Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee at home
Postwar by Tony Judt at work

>> No.5290208
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I tried to replicate which order I read them in and which editions but some I couldn't remember when I read them in relation to others and some editions I couldn't even find more of the faintest thumbnail.

Thought I did better than this. huh.

>> No.5290212

also is there some software/website you guys use so these come out cleaner?

>> No.5290213

thanks for reminding me of the summer after my high school graduation.

>> No.5290223


The Collector was good, but like the other anon said it is a much simpler story than The Magus. I found TC to be highly readable and the Magus slow going (I didn't even finish the last 100 pages) so I hope I'll find another book by Fowles that is sort of midway between the two.

>> No.5290242


>> No.5290254
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I think you might want to try another pastime.

>> No.5290255

alright no, fuck that.

>> No.5290256

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
A Confederacy of Dunces – John Toole
Che: A Revolutionary Life – Jon Lee Anderson
How Non Violence Protects the State – Peter Gelderoos
Are Prisons Obsolete – Angela Davis

currently: Plato's Republic

Fuck its been a slow year

>> No.5290270

how is having 100 pages left not motivation enough to buck up and finish it off? If I always read the way I do when I have 100 pages left I'd have read far more novels by now.

>> No.5290283

those all sound pretty good though. the title of that Gelderoos one interests me, how was it?

>> No.5290345

how;s immoralist? i always push it back in my backlog

>> No.5290348

is naive super for retards

>> No.5290390

Would you recommend The Story of Art?

>> No.5290434
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Haven't been reading much since years ago, started again because of some accident that caused me to have permanent headache for over 5 months now.

Just can't find a good way to categorize Slaughterhouse-5.
Btw "Time Out Of Joint" by PKD is similar to it in some realms.
Haven't fully finished FreedomTM yet, but probably going to finish it by tomorrow.

>> No.5290599

It depends how much you know about art already. If you haven't studied it at all, like me, then it's an excellent introduction and covers all the major art movements right up until the modern day. In the most recent edition the quality of the images is superb.

If you already know quite a bit about art then it won't tell you anything you don't already know.

>> No.5290677

It's a very good book for just that. It disappointed me a little.

>> No.5290882
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It usually is. I don't really know what came over me, I did the same thing with Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner and Naked Lunch (although I did eventually finish that book) But yeah usually the last 100 pages is home stretch.

>> No.5290893

So I've read this whole thread and what it tells me is that everyone who chooses to post in these threads is a dull plebeian. I hold out hope that there are many non-pleb people on /lit/ who do not bother.

>> No.5290967

when reading a really good book I feel sad for it ending so soon

>> No.5290990
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The Stranger brought me back

>> No.5290993

the white rows are rereads

>> No.5291007

There's an error in your spreadsheet, To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Truman Capote.

>> No.5291010

I'm skeptical about you reading such doorstoppers as The Stand and IQ84 in 3 days each.

>> No.5291020

is this just some data your potential ereading device collects automagically, or are you actually writing down every book you read / finish

>> No.5291025

read 2 so far, which isnt a lot compared to most of you faggots. one i loved and one i hated. try to guess which is which

>yiddish policemans union
>ham on rye

>> No.5291028

judging by the dates i'd say he's got summer holidays. so he's likely not doing much but reading

>> No.5291034

strange, you read at such a great pace and i only finish one book a week, yet because of my consistency i've read only one less book than you this year; 33.

>> No.5291044
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Only this so far, but I'm pretty new to reading. I'm about to start The Portrait of Dorian Grey

>> No.5291046

that's not a book

>> No.5291053
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>I'm pretty new to reading

You have to be 18 to browse this site.

>> No.5291062


I have a lot of free time and I also read several novels at once. I was roughly 450 pages into each of those novels when I finished the novel preceding it.

Nah, I enter the data into Excel. It's a habit from before goodreads

>> No.5291077

The Republic
A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man
Element 79
The End of Eternity
Silas Marner
The Time Machine
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
a collection of short stories by Alice Munro
The Inferno
American Psycho
Rendezvous with Rama
The Wasteland and other poems
Portnoy's Complaint
The Theban Plays
The Power of Habit
Godel Escher Bach
This Explains Everything
The Dragons of Eden
Heart of Darkness
Culture and Values
The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
Pimp: Story of My Life
The Inimitable Jeeves
Flowers for Algernon
Notes from Underground

and a few others I can't currently recall

>> No.5291087

It's 130 pages

>> No.5291091


Read The Time Machine the other day and quite enjoyed it. It was really interesting to see how science fiction has evolved stylistically and in subject matter since Wells and, more importantly because of Wells. Immediately after I read The End of Eternity by Asimov, a standalone precursor to the Foundation series, that received clear influence from TTM, and loved to compare the two. You should check it out

>> No.5291100


there's a rumor that capote wrote significant parts of To Kill a Mockingbird. afaik capote insinuated that himself on various occasions. can't remember exactly. might wanna google it

>> No.5291118

just finished that, and absolutely loved it! Have you read any other books by Murakami? I'm trying to decide what to buy next.

>> No.5291132

Dance Dance Dance. His best work in my opinion. Or you could read Norwegian Wood for the surprising normalcy of it.

>> No.5292423

but i hated time machine

>> No.5292462

How do you have time to read so many books?

>> No.5292467

he's in high school

>> No.5292492
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Not pictured: kafka short stories and the first book/half of Don Quixote.

Reading: Pastoralia by George Saunders and A Smuggler's Bible by Joseph McElroy.

>> No.5292498

>tfw listing out the books you read this year and you realize you're a pleb

>> No.5292502

Actually it's missing some other stuff too. Oh well fuck it, close enough.

>> No.5292523

Count of Monte Cristo
Catcher in the Rye
One Floo Over the Coockoos nest
Lord of the Flies

>> No.5292527

Not missing out on Don Quixote, most boring book I have ever read

>> No.5292530
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>> No.5292548

First Book is pure fun. Maybe drags on a little, but it's hard to hate it.
Second Book is philosophical anguish. Lot of crazy investigation into identity and authenticity, but drags on a lot. At least its draggy parts aren't unnecessary like the first book's.

>> No.5292551

wow i hadnt thought of bnw in forever. that book is fucked

>> No.5292554

How's Being and Nothingness? I was thinking about picking it up but I'm still wondering whether it will be too continental for me.
> Sartre's main purpose is to assert the individual's existence as prior to the individual's essence. His overriding concern in writing the book was to demonstrate that free will exists.
lol gl

>> No.5292557

The Man who was thursday
the incredible and sad tale of innocent eréndira and her heartless grandmother
La ley de Herodes
the dunwich horror
for whom the bell tolls
Tokyo blues
After the Quake

>> No.5292573
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Murder in Amsterdam- Ian Buruma
Ghetto at the Center of the World- Gordon Mathews
Life in the Air- Mark Gottdiener
A Dog's Heart- Mikhail Bulgakov
Georgics- Virgil
The Poetic Edda- Translated by Lee M. Hollander

>> No.5292622
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Currently reading The Collector by John Fowles and Peep Shows: Cult Film and the Cine-Erotic
by Xavier Mendik.

>> No.5292626

In the order they came to mind.
"It's not a mess, I know where everything is, just let me scrabble blindly:"

Shadow & Claw (Book of the New Sun)
The Discarded Image (C.S. Lewis)
Paradise Lost
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages
Religio Medici
Red Dragon (Thomas Harris)
Mother Right (Bachofen)
Golding's Ovid
The Waning of the Middle Ages (Huizinga)
The Book of Genesis
The Consolation of Philosophy
Defense of Poetry (Shelley)
Blood Meridian
Various lyrics from an anthology of metaphysical poets
Various lyrics from an anthology of Elizabethan poets
Two or three laboriously self-translated greek lyrics

>> No.5292633

nice list

>> No.5292701
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Check out The Universal Baseball Association if you haven't

>> No.5293321

Man, fifteen year old me was all about Masters of Doom.

>> No.5293430

rate war slut

>> No.5293462


lol fucking insecure twat

>> No.5293469


Will do, appreciate the suggestion

>> No.5293517
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planet of the apes
the count of monte cristo
love in the time of cholera
the metamorphosis
the stranger
the sublime object of ideology
flowers for algernon
cat's cradle
notes from the underground
the crying of lot 49
in cold blood
the hunt for red october
shoplifting from american apparel
bleeding edge

>> No.5293552

How did you like The Actual OP? I was just about to read Deans December and I've never read any Bellow before

>> No.5293564
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Junji Ito's the man.

Curious about Tao Lin (this is open to anyone else in the thread), how it is ?

>> No.5293592

>tfw I've read only 22 books until now
>seeing all these anons with 40+

>> No.5293611

So how do I make these kinds of lists in Goodreads?

>> No.5293639

>The Stranger
>Roadside Picnic
>Star Ship Troopers
:>Brave New World
>Battle Royale
>Notes From Underground

And now I'm going to read Dune.

I'm trying to be a better read person. I used to love reading but ever since high school I just lost interest. Now that I'm in College I'm trying to better myself.

>> No.5293655

The corrections
Grapes of Wrath
The things they carried
Tai Pei
The Pale King
100 years of solitude
Hocus Pocus
Gravitys Rainbow

>> No.5293660

The Things They Carried is such a great book

>> No.5293685

far and away my favorite out of those
no other book has made me wanna squeeze out manly tears like O'Brien's did

>> No.5293738


I thought Hocus Pocus sucked, you?

>> No.5294061

American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
The Stranger - Albert Camus
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad
Let the Right One In - John Ajvide Lindqvist
The Tale of Genji - Murasaki Shikibu

>> No.5294062

>War Slut

ok, what am I looking at?

>> No.5294542


Shit. I forgot The Cossacks by Tolstoy.

>> No.5294613


I fucknig love Paradise Lost. What are your thoughts?

>> No.5295031

It's a bizarro novel about a shapeshifting android who travels with some soldiers and has sex with them (as any person they desire).

>rate war slut
2/5, Carlton Mellick III doesn't usually really seem to know where to go with his books, get's a bit dull after a while, but some nice satire ideas. I enjoyed Razor Wire Pubic Hair more. Ass Goblins of Auschwitz is the worst of the three I've read.

>> No.5295047

Bizarro is often very mediocre and just seems to go for shock value, but I really recommend Fungus of the Heart if you're looking to get into it, it's a short story collection and most of them are very interesting.

>> No.5295645

Sup OP, I think I called you out in one of these threads a while back. You read a lot since last thread.

>tfw Im slacking

Books of 2014
1. Bleeding Edge: Thomas Pynchon
2. Divergent: Veronica Roth
3. Siddhartha: Hermann Hesse
4. Taipei: Tao Lin
5. How Fiction Works: James Wood
6. Everything That Rises Must Converge: Flannery O’Connor
7. V.: Thomas Pynchon
8. The Pillowman: Martin McDonagh
9. The Big Sleep: Raymond Chandler
10. The Cripple of Inishmaan: Martin McDonagh
11. Notes From Underground: Fyodor Dostoevsky
12. The Fall: Albert Camus
13. Shoplifting from American Apparel: Tao Lin
14. The Corrections: Jonathan Franzen
15. The Lieutenant of Inishmore: Martin McDonagh
16. Inherent Vice: Thomas Pynchon
17. Stoner: John Williams
18. One Hundred Years of Solitude: Gabriel García Márquez
19. Franny and Zooey: J.D. Salinger
20. Midnight’s Children: Salman Rushdie
21. Point Omega: Don DeLillo
22. VALIS: Philip K. Dick
23. Slow Learner: Thomas Pynchon
24. Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life: Steve Martin
25. Mao II: Don DeLillo

Currently Mason and Dixon and Sixty Stories by Barthelme

>> No.5295659

Bro. Anon. 100 Years of Solitude is better than The Things They Carried. Can we be real here.

>> No.5295679

>1% of The Recognitions
You might finish that 10 years from now

>> No.5295730

damn dude you read like half my favorite books this year. you also read that James Wood book that pissed me off because he's so dismissive of plot

which was the best? post your goodreads account if you have one and don't mind because I'd like to take a look, we have very similar taste.

>> No.5295744

>25% of The Chimera, Barth [won't finish]

I read this earlier this year, really enjoyed it.

This is pretty much the only place I've heard people mention Barth.

>> No.5295746

1. Metamorphosis and Other Stories by Kafka (currently rereading)
2. Brave New World by Huxley
3. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Solzhenitsyn
4. We Never Make Mistakes by Solzhenitsyn
5. The Crocodile by Dostoevsky
6. The Old Women by Kharms (and a lot of his other short stuff too)

>> No.5295754

Shit man, I dont have a goodreads, otherwise I would definitely post the picture with all the covers. And yeah Wood pssed me off when he would talk about how great using a particular word was and how the author is such a genius. It didn't seem very critical most of the time.

Favorite of these? Either 100 Years or Notes. I just keep thinking about Notes, but 100 Years read better than any books Ive read in a while. Slow Learner was cool too.

>> No.5295755

My 40 year old english major friend likes him. He said he changes perspective a lot. I should borrow one of his books, he turned me on to George Saunders who is great

>> No.5296016

What'd you think of war and peace? Worth a read?

>> No.5296042

Definitely. I really enjoyed it.

>> No.5296124

When I was really into WoW ~5 years ago I bought literally every lore book there was. I loved it. Looking back on how shit and convoluted the lore is now it's really a shame. So much retcon.

>> No.5296179
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I've been really (REALLY) bad this year. I've hardly read anything, and what I have read has been complete and utter trash. I can't bring myself to care that I'm not reading /lit/ worthy material, somehow. It just doesn't seem to matter all that much in the long run.

>> No.5296919

I've been able to work past that feeling more easily since my psychologist convinced me to start taking the pharmajew. Look into therapy.

>> No.5296933

>tfw some creepy anon is right now querying the Goodreads API with these lists, looking if he can link anons to accounts

>> No.5297000
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>> No.5297524

>Monsieur Monde Vanishes by Georges Simenon
>Fair Play by Tove Jansson
>Flannery O'Connor's letters
>Flannery O'Connor's Prayer Journal
>Selected poems of Emily Dickinson
>Selected poems of Samuel Beckett
>Fjords by Zachary Schomburg
>Collected Body by Valzhyna Mort
>Scary, No Scary by Zachary Schomburg
>The Bathroom by Jean-Philippe Toussaint
>Confusion by Stefan Zweig
>The Man Suit by Zachary Schomburg
>Killing Kanoko by Hiromi Ito
>Selected poems of Juan Ramon Jimenez
>Bluets by Maggie Nelson
>A Finger in the Fishes Mouth by Derek Jarman
>On Love and Barley by Basho
>Gypsy Ballads by Federico Garcia Lorca
>Meditations in an Emergancy by Frank O'Hara
>Lunch Poems by Frank O'Hara
>Selected poems of Rumi
>Hateship, Friendship by Alice Munro
>Cathedral by Raymond Carver
>The Plain in Flames by Juan Rulfo
>Train Dreams by Denis Johnson

Halfway through Lydia Davis' Collected stories, Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov and He Died With His Eyes Open by Derek Raymond.
Almost finished Moons of Jupiter by Munro.
Also read The Nose by Gogol but I probably need to finish the collection before I put that down and also read a bunch of Flannery O'Connor's short stories but I have the Library of America collection so I've just been picking those at random.

>> No.5298354


>> No.5298373


go to your read list and click on cover view. right top-

>> No.5298415

The Dog Stars
The Dead Zone
Journey to the End of The Night
Jesus' Son
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Running Dog
The Illustrated Man
Train Dream
The New York Trilogy
Neither Here Nor There
Butcher's Crossing
The Big Sleep
The Son
The Crossing
Ivan Denisovich
Jane Eyre
Guards! Guards!
Sirens of Titan
Child of God
Hardboiled Wonderland
A Dance with Dragons
A Feast for Crows
Count of Monte Cristo
A Moveable Feast

>> No.5298448
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>> No.5299271
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Sup /lit/, have a question.
I used to read a lot when I was younger, but have lost touch for about a decade. Some books that I fondly remember from that era are Sartre's Words, Bellow's Herzog, Hesse's Glass Bead Game, Camus' The Plague, Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath, Naipaul's India series, Dostoyevsky's Karamzov, Kafka's trial, etc. I also read Marquez's 100 years and Rushdie's MC but didn't like them as much as the others. I guess my tastes were more "old fashioned" then.
I've only read technical books since. So I want to pick back up my fiction as its gotta be better entertainment than watching tv shows or reading manga soullessly.
I can see that most of you seem to have a taste similar to mine, but I'm looking for something new and modern for a new experience now. So what are some good pieces of literature that have come out in the past five years. They should be modern and reflective of the times but not so post-modern that they try to break the fundamentals and reading becomes a chore (like Ulysses which I never got beyond the first hundred pages.. you know stuff that's written to be read by critics and lit majors).

>> No.5299288

>reflective of the times.
Oops. I mean *representative* of the current generation trend or whatever it is, and still be deemed good literature. Not necessarily giving a social commentary or something. Just wanted to make it clear.

>> No.5299313

Man you gotta read humboldts gift if you liked herzog also check out Robertson Davies he's pretty old school and very good, fifth business is a good place to start

>> No.5299534
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I followed some list of the 'Western canon of literature' and I did some readings of the recommended readings from /lit/. When I was younger I read a lot but I stopped it when turning ~16. Now 20 and starting reading again.

>> No.5299558
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Currently reading Don Quixote. Really enjoy the prose of old classics like this, or I assume most have a similar style, compared to Dan Brown where I only want to see if Robby can crack the code.

>> No.5299616
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This year:
>Cosmicomics (Calvino) 6/10
>Invisible Cities (Calvino) 8/10
>Lost in the Funhouse (Barth) 5/10
>Brothers Karamazov (Dosto) 7/10
>Pale Fire (Nabokov) 10/10
>The Loser (Bernhard) 8/10
>Inherent Vice (Pynchon) 6/10
>Chess Story (Zweig) 7/10
>JR (Gaddis) 9/10
>Book of the New Sun [Part 1-2] (Wolfe) 5/10
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce) 6/10
>Master and Margareta (Bulgakov) 3/10
>Arguably (Hitchens) 8/10
>Steppenwolf (Hesse) 6/10
>The Illustrated Man (Bradbury) 1/10
>Ubik (Dick) 9/10
>Short History of Nearly Every Thing (Bryson) 8/10
>Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable (Beckett) 7/10, 6/10, 8/10

>> No.5299627


>> No.5299631

>thinking reading has more 'soul' than consuming other media

>> No.5299762

Why does it seem that everyone is always reading the same shit? Do people leave /lit/ after having read most of the /lit/ core stuff?

>> No.5299776

A lot of people follow the /lit/ reading charts religiously.

>> No.5299778

you're supposed to put them in the order you read them, dipshit.

>> No.5299782

How long did JR take you? I'm probably starting that after I read another smaller book and I'm a little intimidated by the fact that it has no breaks.

>> No.5299791

There are like two dozen /lit/ core authors. If even 1/3rd of your books is something by them then you will probably notice because they are discussed here all the time and your eyes are looking for them.

>> No.5299800

>person reads book
>posts on /lit/ about reading book
>other people think that it sounds neat
>they read book
>post on /lit/ about reading book

>> No.5300115

This is my first year of reading more seriously.
How am i doing so far?

>> No.5300117

Over a month. It was difficult to grasp at first because of the lack of breaks and the sudden jump to different characters and situations, though about 200 pages in I got the handle of it. It took me longer than usual as I had school at the same time and had to balance my time between textbooks and JR. It was only when I had few days off (and lots of caffeine) I was able to make sense of it.

Regardless, its worth the struggle

>> No.5300125


>> No.5300127
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>> No.5300173


apply yourself

>> No.5300198


>> No.5300201
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>Don Quixote
>Brothers Karamazov
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
You're doing pretty good.

>> No.5300219

Everything by Plato
Everything by Aristotle
Divine Comedy
The Trial
Education of Henry Adams

It's been a good year.

>> No.5300220

I spent 9 months in a psychiatric hospital already, doped up to my eyeballs on antipsychotics. I had twice weekly psychotherapy, too, but it just this Freudian shit and everything came back to me having apparent "mother issues."

All I read while I was there was The Stand by Stephen King, Genesis from the Bible, and the Game of Thrones series.

Therapy is good for some people, but useless for me. I'll pass.

>> No.5300225

-tips fedora-
It sure has, fine sir.

>> No.5300348

What are the reasons behind the low ratings of Bradbury and Bulgakov?

>> No.5300366


It was okay, it was the first book I read by Bellow so I'm hoping his earlier stuff will be better

>> No.5300392


Sup brah. I've been reading mainly short books so they kind of pile up

>> No.5300434
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>> No.5301157
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Yes, well I'm a slow reader myself

>> No.5301697

breddy good/10