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5287784 No.5287784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else gets depressed as fuck studying history?

We can be truly horrible to each other sometimes.

>> No.5287789

Reading about WWI really depresses me

>> No.5287793

Things get less grim when you remember that eternal life awaits all those who perish.

>> No.5287801

It makes me depressed that I missed out on committing atrocities against those beneath me and getting away with it

>> No.5287809
File: 825 KB, 1875x2850, Better Angels of Our Nature - Steven Pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when the authors are going for the exciting/heroic angle, I pull myself out of it and think about all those lost lives. Too late for them...

>> No.5287811

WW1 is can be funny, because the middle and lowers classes were carried away by a fabricated wave of patriotism that the socialists warned them against and then millions of them ended up butchered for nothing LOL!

Oh wait, not "nothing", they were butchered so their children could be butchered again by a similar mentality years later LOL! oh those silly ppl

>> No.5287815

How can you remember that which you never knew?

>> No.5287817

No need to look to history to get depressed #ferguson

>> No.5287821

Other times I read bad shit and think, at least thats not happening now.

>> No.5287822

You missed out capitalism?

>> No.5287827
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The facsimiles suffices.

>> No.5287831

I keep procrastinating looking that up on the dictionary.

>> No.5287859
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Copy, reproduction, duplicate, photocopy, replica, likeness, fax

>> No.5287899

I remember thinking about the waste of lives when I first watched Saving Private Ryan back when that first came out.

All of those soldiers pouring out of the landing craft at the beginning and just getting mowed down. Just like that, a bunch of dudes are dead. Nothing most of them could have done about it either.

I hope I lose my virginity before I die. Also do the things I want to do. See the world, perhaps? I must stop procrastinating.

>> No.5287919

>I hope I lose my virginity before I die. Also do the things I want to do. See the world, perhaps
>...secure a safe world where these kinds of atrocities can't happen anymore...

>> No.5287930

Nah, fuck that.

>> No.5287934


Seriously tho, sweaty balls cover the earth and smother it's potential.

>> No.5287958

I have a crush on your Butterfly, please don't mock me. :(

>> No.5287969

No "rekt" intended. It's not just for you. Feeling a bit depressed about myself included.

And don't crush too hard, 'kay?

>> No.5287979 [DELETED] 

Okay. I understand your post now.

I'll try not to crush too hard.

*le blushing face*

>> No.5287997
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>tfw feel manly as fuck studying history
>tfw humanity is manly as fuck
>tfw modern tumblr social justice garbage fades away when you realize only Napoleons matter

>> No.5288000

Nah, history gives me hope. All empires fall, and this era will end.

It's the news that makes me depressed.

>> No.5288011

god, people who kiss tripfag ass are even more disgusting than tripfags

>> No.5288016

what a fucking waste of space

>> No.5288023
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Not a bit of those feelings here, OP
History is my escapism

>> No.5288029
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That slice when modern society revolves entirely around trying to prevent the rise of such great men and all that other badass shit

>> No.5288032

how so?

>> No.5288033
File: 120 KB, 309x475, Braudel - A History of Civilizations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, padré

>> No.5288035

Imagine how much of a shitfit Tumblr would have if one of them would pick up Thucydides and read the Melian Dialogue.

>> No.5288038

>this era will end
>but the news makes me depressed

pretentious fuckwad detected

>> No.5288042

um ok.

>> No.5288051

>Inigo Montoya quote.jpg

>> No.5288071


it's true. if you can see the man pulling the strings why would the mundanity of the news make you depressed? If you understand the undercurrent of the world, irrelevant shit like the news wouldn't faze you.

But pseudo-intellectuals say shit like "the news makes me sad because it's so dumb!" to seem superior to all the "normals" without seeing irony of their fallacious superiority

>> No.5288075

>We can be truly horrible to each other sometimes.
Nah, that is just reaching the absolute. It's all allowed on the altar of blood.

>> No.5288089

You're reading too much into what I said. I find the news depressing because people are dying right now/human misery etc. Sure shit will get better, but that's not at this moment. The tragedies of the past don't affect me as much as the current ones, perhaps because there is a sense of duty or still being able to do something about it. I never said anything about feeling superior to anyone.

>> No.5288094

>irrelevant shit like the news

yo montoya, c'mere

>> No.5288097
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>it's true. if you can see the man pulling the strings why would the mundanity of the news make you depressed?

>If you understand the undercurrent of the world, irrelevant shit like the news wouldn't faze you.

>But pseudo-intellectuals say shit like "the news makes me sad because it's so dumb!" to seem superior to all the "normals" without seeing irony of their fallacious superiority

What are you even trying to say?
You seem to know the media is biased towards the powers-that-be, but you think those who realize this lord it over the people who don't know it yet?

>> No.5288101

>you realize only Napoleons matter

>> No.5288105

Indoctrination has been successful.

>> No.5288129

so you get sad at modern tragedies not really "news" in general, totally acceptable

I meant the presentation and media organizations that give us the news not the fact that current events are happening

some of them definitely do, people read who read al jazeera, eat "organic foods, and the like, nothing wrong with any of that but some people make it their identity and shove it in your face that they are "making a difference" when not actually making much a real difference at all.

>> No.5288132

History depresses me, but what almost depresses me more is what we choose to study for history... It's upsetting that the evildoers are remembered for generations while the do-gooders are rare and unknown, if not entirely forgotten. The implication—that evil makes you famous—has driven so many people to cruelty... It's heartbreaking.

>> No.5288136

...and how exactly do most people learn of said tragedies? News.

>> No.5288146

but news is more than just a report of what shitty things happened, if you said "the modern day tragedies are what make me depressed" their would have been no confusion or maybe I'm just retarded

>> No.5288166

The chief charm of the past is that we know we'll never live it again.

>> No.5288184
File: 168 KB, 444x617, robespierre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when the do-gooders use the same method as the ruling elites to achieve a new order of fairness and prosperity, history portrays him as a villain.

>> No.5288186

I get sad about people who read about history and look down on the people and actions of the past.
They act like we're so much better, and would never be able to do the things they read about.

>> No.5288190

Reading Chinese history is sad...

>> No.5288210

What did you expect out of some despotic barbarians?

>> No.5288219

It's even sadder to think there are people in this day and age who read history and fall for the same tools of monarchist and nationalist "muh blood and honour" propaganda that previous generations have fallen for.

History, if read correctly, is a manual about how not to screw things up again. If read shallowly, is a tale about historical badasses and the cool shit they did.

>> No.5288237

Despotic barbarians? No you seemed to be mistaken. The Huns would be despotic barbarians, they killed millions of people in one conquest. Pol Pot would be a despotic barbarian, he made skull pyramids. Christians are not despotic barbarians. Christians paved the way for the enlightenment and for other huge European advances in technology to be made.

>> No.5288242

he said "chinese"

>> No.5288252
File: 57 KB, 289x450, The Shoemaker and the Tea Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>History, if read correctly, is a manual about how not to screw things up again.
That's how I've always taken it.

Which Robespierre bio or history book do you recommend?

>> No.5288266
File: 159 KB, 700x1072, 9781844678624_In_Defence_of_the_Terror-1a7365364c347a79f54f602aa02ce538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Robespierre bio I know and read was Scurr's Fatal Purity and I'm not aware of any other that seems worth the time

Pic related seems like a riot tho

>> No.5288277

I was replying to a post about asians.

>> No.5288297


>> No.5288304

Oh god. I'll skip that forward. Thanks.

>> No.5288368
File: 53 KB, 640x480, WhatsDatNiggaDoinOnANag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*le blushing face*

>> No.5288378

Everytime I read something about war I try and imagine the thousands getting straight up slaughtered. It's one thing to die a trained soldier, but reading on eastern warfare, they'd run into a village, have everyone strip naked so they could still use/sell their clothes, and just butcher them by the tens of thousands. All of them, men, women and children. For no reason. I try to envision what it must have been like to stand in a line, naked, seeing your whole family die, knowing you're next.
But it's never mentioned in any of the books.

>> No.5288408

You're both autistic.

>> No.5288558

Robespierre was a villain.

>> No.5288608


Same here - I can commiserate or have empathy with a group ("Oh, how awful that must of been", etc.) but because it remains in the past and there's nothing I can do about it personally, they start to become fictional tales sort of in my head

I just readed Anabasis by Xenophon and it amazes me that people are much the same now as they were then, more than 2000 years ago

2000 years ago! Can you imagine?

>> No.5288610



oh dear, time to cut my fingers off

>> No.5288619

>evildoers vs do-gooders

grow up. napoleon was evil? julius caesar?

>And when the do-gooders use the same method as the ruling elites to achieve a new order of fairness and prosperity, history portrays him as a villain.

history doesn't always portray anyone as good or bad, you're projecting that onto the text, likely with modern values.

>> No.5288625

no i think it's fascinating that people could think doing horrible shit is ok

>> No.5288645


>> No.5288649



>> No.5288651

for you

>> No.5288696


>> No.5290102
File: 455 KB, 350x249, 1407340047200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw most of /lit/ actually believes this now

I'm becoming a /pol/fag, at least they aren't all idiots who've rejected the concept of morality

>> No.5290264


It can be pretty funny.

>> No.5290275

What? No, they all buy into that (the post ref.) AND your concept of morality.
That's why we call them out as /pol/tards sometimes.

>> No.5290288


This post is literally the opposite of the truth.

Are you some sort of retard, m8?

>> No.5290321
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>at least they aren't all idiots who've rejected the concept of morality

>> No.5290400
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>> No.5290411

>Anyone else gets depressed as fuck studying history?
I come that way

>We can be truly horrible to each other sometimes.
Importing the western liberal enlightenment subject much?

Sometimes youŕe a little bit less than an arsehole. Try some Wallerstein. And the great wave.

Sounds like you're reading morality plays, not history.

There's a sad lack of real historical inquiry in this thread. I'd suggest we all go read Hammond & Hammond's first edition of the village labourer.

>> No.5290435
File: 100 KB, 446x576, Alexander_the_Great_Bust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as all the great men are in the past, I find history extremely uplifting

Of course most of it is shit and not worth learning about, but that's because history is mostly the same people doing the same things for the same reasons

>> No.5290443
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this this this

>> No.5290580


I thought amorality equals degeneracy though

>> No.5290639
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>posting on /lit/
>calling other people pretentious

>> No.5290663

for me that's the reason that reading history is so depressing though. finding out that the supposedly great men who made the world what it is today actually had no real control over anything and then they died just like we all will.

>> No.5290669

those who know history are also doomed to repeat it

>> No.5290763

You're right
these guys are just confused so they throw bitter hate at /pol/

>> No.5290769

Huns also paved the world's largest and influential teade route between the West and the East

The Huns were badass and made Russia badass

>> No.5290800

>backtracking and strawmanning with the force of 1000 suns

>> No.5290808

>by a fabricated wave of patriotism that the socialists warned them against
The far left has its history with nationalism as well, though. I think Rosa Luxemburg was one of the few people at the time who were highly critical of it

>> No.5290855

>actually had no real control over anything

>and a great body of men moved eastward from the west and a great body of men moved westwards from the east...
>these things happened simply because they had to happen

Tolstoy please go.

>> No.5290860

I did it as a degree and no.

I mean it did get depressing studying the holocaust and going to the concentration camps in Poland (not that auschwitz toursit trap shit either).

I hate holocaust history. It's too political and you can't be the least bit revisionist without being called a denier or anti-Semite.

>> No.5290874


I imagine the brutality during the earlier civilisations to be so much more horrific. We think of WWI and II as being mechanical, industrialised, and the sheer scale of it but the raw humanity and expression of those early civilizations around the fertile crescent and Egypt - even if the scale of warfare and was so very much smaller the idea of killing this group then cutting off the testicles to claim as trophies, or decorating the walls with the skins of the fallen is so sickening. There were no 'gentlemanly' ways around those times - that took thousands of years to develop and countless philosophies and ways of thinking to foster it.

>> No.5290878

Have you read Nolte and Finkelstein?

You might feel your frustrations vindicated by reading scholars who faced them head-on and had very controversial careers because of it

Or you might get even more annoyed at reading how many people are called anti-semites for exposing fraudulent holocaust memoirs.

>> No.5290881


I think people who repeat history whether they are aware of it or not really don't give a fuck. They live in the here and now and seek what they want - carpe diem! and it is those very same people who make history.

>> No.5290886

My personal favourite passage, as an addendum:

>There's more. Israel Gutman is a director of Yad Vashem and a Holocaust lecturer at Hebrew University. He is also a former inmate of Auschwitz. According to Gutman, "it's not that important" whether Fragments is a fraud. "Wilkomirski has written a story which he has experienced deeply; that's for sure.... He is not a fake. He is someone who lives this story very deeply in his soul. The pain is authentic." So it doesn't matter whether he spent the war in a concentration camp or a Swiss chalet; Wilkomirski is not a fake if his "pain is authentic": thus speaks an Auschwitz survivor turned Holocaust expert. The others deserve contempt; Gutman, just pity.

>> No.5290895

Pretty sure all the innocent people who were murdered would have considered him and the others involved villains.

>> No.5290900
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>Implying you have to go back farther than yesterday's newspaper

>> No.5290902

Nearly everyone was pro-war at the onset of WWI. This mindset even had a name in France- The Sacred Union. But indeed this war wasn't the most strategically brilliant ideas of the Europeans powers.

>> No.5290904

literally "made in the likeness of"

>> No.5290915

That's a rather fun way of putting it because Napoleon was a romantic adventure in a modernizing land. Hardcore industrialization and culture of efficiency, that's what matters now and that's what do the jod. Genius never outlasts relentless but efficient mediocrity.

>> No.5290943

>people like to have they testicules chopped off because they don't sahre the same value as Enlightenment

Regardless of how you like at it, the past is full of shit sick. Of course that's if you focus on the very sick shit, but there's plenty to focus on.

>> No.5290950

you mean most of the time. true kindness is a anomally

>> No.5290971

True kindness is a contemptible value anyway. Few great men would have placed any importance in kindness prior to the 20th century. Idolization of kindness leads to the cultural degeneration, self-hatred, and suicidal mass immigration policies of our present day.

>> No.5291184

Its depressing to read about the iconoclasm period of the roman empire, so much war and death over a theological dispute, it made the empire weak. Helped its enemies.

>> No.5291203

It isn't just the past. You live in a genocidal society which racially applies the rule of law and which illegally imprisons individuals without recourse to the courts.

I'm pretty sure that out of all those societies you live in the one which systematically threatens men with extra-judicial rape for crimes of conscience and speech.

You live in a pre-enlightenment society.


>> No.5291209

Where did we end up assuming "don't be cruel" has an unspoken imperative to "then be kind" anyway?

>> No.5291223



>> No.5291239

Being unkind, especially extremely unkind, can cause emotional scarring. That's because emotional pain and actual pain are processed the same way in the brain.

>> No.5291242

Rule 5: Toughen the fuck up, cunt.

>> No.5291249

>What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
has been shown to be patently false. It should be:
>What doesn't scar you makes you stronger

>> No.5291252


thats what happens when you try to do ethics with categorical imperatives.

>> No.5291254

>>What doesn't kill you
Who exactly said I wasn't going to kill you?

>> No.5291256
File: 690 KB, 1247x872, WW1 Leaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WW1 is can be funny,

"Ferdinand was known for being quite a character. On a visit to German Emperor Wilhelm II, his second cousin once removed, in 1909, Ferdinand was leaning out of a window of the New Palace in Potsdam when the Emperor came up behind him and slapped him on the bottom. Ferdinand was affronted by the gesture and the Emperor apologised. Ferdinand however exacted his revenge by awarding a valuable arms contract he had intended to give to the Krupp's factory in Essen to French arms manufacturer Schneider-Creusot.[5] "

>> No.5291258


ps dont do it.

>> No.5291338
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>> No.5291344
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>you will never spread glorious socialism to the third world

>> No.5291347


>> No.5291354
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>But indeed this war wasn't the most strategically brilliant ideas of the European Powers
That's quite an understatement. Analyzing The Casus Belli and what lead up to it can be like studying a Farce.

>> No.5291949

hahahahahhahahahhahaha loooooool

>> No.5291997

try Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine". Truly heartbreaking. Not trying to be edgy but seriously, the US government is the devil.

>> No.5292553

It's the same black and white fallacy that defines good and evil.

>> No.5292570

Yea I most recently started looking at WW2. Just realizing that it happened less than a century ago makes me want to keep up with humanity's progess as well.

>> No.5292948
File: 45 KB, 447x108, sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess in the same way that doctors get used to seeing fucked up people all the time, reading history kind of forces you to be desensitized to people doing awful things to each other.

But some things are just so creatively fucked up that it bothers me, like pic related. I mean rape, torture, murder etc obviously happen in wars.

But making dads bite their son's dick off is just something else. Otherwise normal people were put into a situation where they ended up thinking it was ok to make a kid chew his father's
penis off. No thank you

Gulag Archipelago was also genuinely disturbing. Reading this stuff combined with thinking about my job prospects does not help my mental health. Oh well

>> No.5293062


>> No.5293870

Even Naomi Klein herself has repudiated that dumb book.

>> No.5293883

where? and it doesn't matter if she did. the value is in the work itself not the author's opinion of it

>> No.5293897

Start with the Greeks, kid. Shallow contemporary "thinkers" like Naomi Klein have nothing to teach anybody worth anything.

>> No.5293900

>tfw no qt royal pi to slap on the ass

>> No.5294597

This made me a bit happy thanks anon