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/lit/ - Literature

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5284200 No.5284200 [Reply] [Original]

>graduate with philosophy degree
>time to look for a job
>eventually get job delivering pizzas
>tfw all i do is drive around my town listening to audiobooks on my ipod
>tfw only interactions with other people are very brief
>tfw i make almost the same amount of money as my wages with tips

why aren't you a philosophy student?

>> No.5284207
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Teach me Hegelian Dialectics, please.

>> No.5284211


Philosophy degrees: Asking every question EXCEPT "why did I get a philosophy degree?"

u goofd

>> No.5284213

are you working on your philosophical masterpiece

>> No.5284233
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OP's only producing more philosophy students. Soon there will be no pizza-related jobs left.

>> No.5284246

starting my second year of philosophy in a month

What country are you from OP?

>> No.5284251

Is quite easy get a well paid job if you have a Ph.D in philosophy.
If you already have a degree, consider go back the university and do a mater degree.

>> No.5284259

How does getting a Ph.D even work?

What do you do whilst working on your Ph.D?

>> No.5284300

Your life sounds like a murkakami book

>> No.5284314

You a tard OP, most graduate jobs do not take a specific degree.

>> No.5284348

>>tfw all i do is drive around my town listening to audiobooks on my ipod
>>tfw only interactions with other people are very brief
>>tfw i make almost the same amount of money as my wages with tips
Welcome to the working world. Enjoy the next 40 years of your life.

>> No.5284359

Some courses offer stipends

>> No.5284361

Schools/the state pay social recluses who've never worked a day in their life enough to buy a vehicle, apartment, new tech, food and recreational cash for 8 years on the hopes they will eventually produce something. We get a lot of useless pontificators this way but it's also how the science happens.

>> No.5284375

Remember, the examined life is the only life worth living.

Despite the intrinsic soul-crushing nature of your job and wage, you are more of a complete human being than any of the yuppies you briefly encounter whilst delivering pizzas. Take solace in that, friend.

>> No.5284389

I can't tell if OP likes his job or not. It's kind of ambiguous.

>> No.5284399

what will philosophy majors do once the age of drone pizza delivery is upon us?

>> No.5284405


No that is not the working world for non retarded people. Do you think Harvard philosophy majors are working in mcdonalds? Also same question for all arts students in good universities.

Most graduate jobs not require a specific degree. I have to repeat this all over 4chan because no one knows shit.

>> No.5284424

>graduate with philosophy degree
>become librarian at supreme court library
>90k per year
>tfw not autistic and not retarded in interviews

>> No.5284436

Was it hard to get a good librarian job?
That's basically my back-up if getting a Ph.D fails.

>> No.5284443

> graduate with philosophy degree from oxford
> study law for one year to be able to work in the field
> get a job in city
What is it with people studying humanities in unis that aren't top of their class?

>> No.5284460
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>> No.5284499

The future can go fuck himself.

>Be 26
>BA in philosophy and logic.
>MA in physics.
>hired at Merrill Lynch to improve their HFT
>paid shit loads of money

>> No.5284515

>masters student in physics 'improving' pre existing HFT infrastructure

>> No.5284545

>HFT: High frequency trading
So your career plan is to help bring about more financial meltdowns quicker.

>> No.5284574

I hope so. As I said: fuck the future.

>> No.5284579

>MA in physics
>not MS

>> No.5284583

Philosophy is good an all.

But being a philosophy major doesn't teach you to be more philosophical in nature. It basically just teaches you the history of philosophy

>> No.5284586

But this should help us all. Let capitalism kill itself. We should accelerate the whole process.

>> No.5284587

Physicists are quite common in those types of jobs

>> No.5284593

Please don't defend accelerationism

Let it go

It had a hip showing at PS1 for the regular posters of /fa/ and that was it.

>> No.5284607

I donno. The fastest way off the ledge is to jump. Not the safest.

>> No.5284645

>mfw government is paying me to look like there's productive work occuring
>decent pay and benefits
>playing vidya, browsing 4chan, reading, etc. on internet all day for a paycheck
>parents always said I couldn't get a job doing this
>life is grand

>> No.5285572

>>Do you think Harvard philosophy majors are working in mcdonalds?

Murika's classless society right there.

>> No.5285587

Because I was an engineering student. Then I quickly became disillusioned with how the college system works and dropped out to shitpost on 4chan and write stories. To support my way of life, I started a lawn mowing business and I don't think I could be happier, and can't fathom how depressed I was when I was going to school.

This is not an endorsement of saying FUK DA SKEWL or the system, just telling you what I did because /lit/ is my blog.

>> No.5285793


> It basically just teaches you the history of philosophy

That seems to be how Philosophy is taught over in the US. I'm from the UK and the style of teaching during my Philosophy degree didn't feel focused on the history of philosophy. It was more so based on learning key ideas and then providing your own philosophical inquiry on a given subject (ie outlining key ideas, validity and refutations and so forth)

Sometimes I wish there had been more emphasis on philosophy as being something built over time through existing philosophical traditions. It's something I had to work on myself in the end.

>> No.5285808

hello, Mr. Obama

>> No.5285842

I am too stupid. I like to listen to philosephars talking though.

>> No.5286015

I used to think that too, until you realize the beauty of it. You stop thinking about being stupid or being really intelligent. Being a mere protagonist of all the negligible part of the cosmic dance we witness is enough of a feeling to justify your existence. (That last word can be replaced with any other you feel like reading).

Sorry for muh engrish

>> No.5286020


>> No.5286025

I would like to have sex with you anally.

>> No.5286087

That's nice, anon. Thank you

>> No.5286096


> It basically just teaches you the history of philosophy

This happens in the UK, too, from what I've understood from a few students. It seems to depend on the school and how students themselves decide to study. I was a philosophy major in the US who actually did the inquiry thing, and I hate when a "discussion" is just listing which philosophers had an opinion on the subject putatively under discussion.

As for seeing philosophy over time, did you not study the works in chronological order?

>> No.5286100

more philosophy should probably be taught like this at the undergrad level. You know, emphasis on history rather than "philosophizing"
A paper on history is a hell of a lot easier to grade than such and so's views on plato (which you've already read 100 students over).

>> No.5286105

don't you mean.....#accelerate?

>> No.5286108


Because I have more fun reading it at my own pace and picking and choosing which authors I'm interested in rather than having some asshat professor telling me what ~***THE CANON***~ is

>> No.5286184
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>graduate with Ivy League philosophy degree
>become honored teacher in 3rd-world country
>6 weeks paid vacation, healthcare, savings, etc.
>QTs fuck for America

>> No.5286207


Help, I must know where this photo is from, please.

>> No.5286212

>engineering students learn to engineer
>art students learn to art
>philosophy students shouldn't learn to philosophize

>> No.5286254

>QTs fuck for America
Can someone translate this for me?

captcha: intspro sweling

>> No.5286273

The most technical part of high-flight finance are handled by math and physics Ph.D holders. Some of them even did their thesis in a completely unrelated field like astrophysics.

>> No.5286284

I assume it means pulchritudinous women from that country want to engage in coitus with Anon in order to get some sort of Visa to go to the USA.

>> No.5286333

Because I don't want to be a faggot who listens to books and considers it reading.

>> No.5286334

faggot detected

>> No.5286361
File: 409 KB, 590x333, literay life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drop out without philosophy degree
>time to look for welfare
>eventually get it
>tfw all i do is sit around my house reading books on my kindle
>tfw only interactions with other people are very brief
>tfw i make almost the same amount of money as minimum wage plebs

Why don't you live the literary lifestyle?

>> No.5286384

Because I make four times what you do and still have time to do whatever the fuck I want, regards reading and 4channing and whatever else.

>> No.5286417

That's good for you, anon. I prefer 100% free time though and gladly sacrifice a bunch of money to attain it.

>> No.5286426

How could being immersed in the history of philosophy for four years fail to make one more philosophical? I don't know how one could help but become more philosophical in nature after that. You've grappled with every great thinker out there from Plato to Kit Fine. If coming to understand how all these unbelievably complex and profound ideas fit together won't make you more philosophical then I don't know what will.

>> No.5286434

where do you live?

>> No.5286435


>> No.5286447
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Mfw you won't escape the gas chamber

>> No.5286510

This is retarded, everyone builds a philosophy by living life and reflecting. Thinking that you can teach someone to philosophize is like saying "indoctrinate me to think for myself"

>> No.5286516

Niggers Jews bad news gas the kikes race war now Niggers Jews bad news gas the kikes race war now Niggers Jews bad news gas the kikes race war now Niggers Jews bad news gas the kikes race war now Niggers Jews bad news gas the kikes race war now

>> No.5286517

>literary lifestyle
this guy is happy about this, what a nonsensical blowhard

>> No.5286557


You're a dummy.

>> No.5286559


>> No.5286562

no u

>> No.5286589

Because I got lucky and landed a job as researcher after I earned my PhD.

I get paid to write a bunch of papers now and then on things that I like and could literally spend all day long talking or writing about and to review papers other people wrote on the same subject. It all consumes so little time that I'm essentially paid to do nothing, so I spend most of my waking time playing vidya and drinking with my buddies or shitposting on 4chan. Feels like I'm always on vacation. Only wish I could get pussy more often tho, long lasting relationships are 3scary5me and most girls think I'm 5deep7them.

>> No.5286600

>Only wish I could get pussy more often tho
it seems that getting a Philo PhD is a terrible way to live

>> No.5286610


My sweet ingenue, your holding of the notion that "having an opinion about life, man" is the same as having the cultivated ability and will to think and gain knowledge through analytic, synthetic, abstract, literal, and logical methods only shows your lack of familiarity with any philosophy whatsoever.

>> No.5286622

hmmmm, well I guess you have a point

>> No.5286649

>mfw professors of philosophy have a median salary of 80k per year

>> No.5286755

that is incredibly mediocre

>> No.5286766

it's less poorfag than what this thread implies
especially for work which is at most part-time

>> No.5286769

have any of you guys seen 'the parking lot movie'? it's this documentary about some parking lot opposite a university that for some reason ends up hiring exclusively over-educated sociology graduates, leaving them to basically sit in a box all day reading books and thinking about stuff. basically the literary life. def worth a watch.

>> No.5286820

It's a hundred NY Times bestseller authors snorting cocaine each Friday night and a million pizza delivery boys.

>> No.5286893

>have philosophy degree
>having a job
But is that pizza, a platonic form of your destiny?

Are you living outside of the cave in the allegory, or is the crust, your cave?

To tip or not to tip, that is the question, but gaze upon the flashers tits long enough, and the tits, become you

For what is in the mind of cheese cannot be comprehended by a mind of a dough, for their experience exists out of their own

Pizza is dead.

>> No.5286956

my girlfriend just graduated with a philosophy degree. She got a paralegal job a couple months afer she graduated that pays like 50k. Not STEM money but pretty close to what most business drones are starting with. people who cant get a job with a philosophy major are either using the degree as a crutch to justify underemployment or are the kind of people who would have trouble getting a job with any but the most in demand degrees.

>> No.5286995

This is why I'm not going to college. I'd rather stay on welfare or get some cheapshit restaurant job that leaves me with free time to write and read. Screw wasting countless years and money of myself in order to obtain a piece of paper in order to get the same job that I could get otherwise.

>> No.5287258

Humanities aren't the only discipline, Ser Faggister.

>> No.5287287

>Time and money spent to obtain a piece of paper
Hopefully, because you love what you are studying, and want to the best in it, not just because you are a money-grabbing Jew

>> No.5287533

/lit/ is my own circlejerk academy. I wish we have some means, IRC, or sites to get ourselves more structured and tidy.

>> No.5287537

>"indoctrinate me to think for myself"
This is how Kant taught his student, though.

>> No.5287540

>Screw wasting countless years and money of myself in order to obtain a piece of paper
>countless years
>4 years

There's the real reason you're not in college

>> No.5287543

You should give something back to the society, like being a man of letters, a social critic, etc.

>> No.5287547

Do you know what I could accomplish in 4 years?
No seriously, do you? Please be my father figure for a minute.

>> No.5287550

Get a college degree.

>> No.5287564

Assuming you're American, you could always do what I do after I graduate, which will be serving with the Peace Corps. Two years of a new life and when you come back to the States it'd be easy to get a comfy government job.

>> No.5287579

What kind of well-paid jobs?

>> No.5287865

you're welcome
blogspot DOT


>> No.5288189

You are literally living my dream.

>> No.5288250

>be lit student
>have career at large archive set up
>sweet wage
>living the dream.jpeg

>> No.5288341

United States of Europe.

>> No.5288358

what's an archive set up?

Also happiness is for plebs

>> No.5288532

>eventually get job delivering pizzas
>tfw all i do is drive around my town listening to audiobooks on my ipod

That sounds fun as fuck, what are you complaining about?

>> No.5288595


How do you get money? Probably grants. But what kind of grants?