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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 49 KB, 600x450, 2312291-no_equal_just_sweet_n_low_kill_me_now__46290a102a733dacfacdaaac618163ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5282557 No.5282557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fan fiction

Is there anything as low? I mean if you're going to write pages and pages of shit, at least make it your own idea.

Also if you happen to know of any 'good' fan fiction feel free to share.

>> No.5282561

Mixed messages op, no clear meaning to this thread.

>> No.5282563

That's just how I do it

>> No.5282569
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Bible fanfic's pretty alright

>> No.5282571

>is there anything as low?
Making threads about it on an anime image board is probably lower.

>> No.5282573


fanfic writer detected

>> No.5282581

Yes, but I write 4chan fanfiction.

>> No.5282590

post an excerpt

>> No.5282615
File: 1.24 MB, 320x180, easy-a-olive-penderghast-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for giving me reason to post this gif

>> No.5282623

Young Anon was quite the loser. He never could really score with the ladies. So for this reason he was overjoyed when he began a correspondence with the sultry, self-described egoist known only as Feminister.

At first the topics were innocent enough.
What is your favorite food?
Have you read any good books lately?
If you commited mass murder, would you spread the graves out, or dump them in one?
It was not long however that things started to get hot and heavy, and topics far more personal.

Given that Anon was desperate and Feminster was willing, he agreed to visit her in the city of Mumbai. Though Anon thought it strange to travel so far, he did not care. When he arived at the city, he was greeted by a georgeous woman. He found it quite odd that she was not Feminister herself, but pacified himself, reasoning that he was getting a two for one deal.

He was brought to a limosine and driven to a large mansion on a hill. As they pasted through the tall iron gates, Anon began to feel a bit nervous. How long could he really last with two beautiful women?

The car pulled up to the door of the mansion and Anon was let out. He followed the women up into the house and was lead to a room. This was it. After all the waiting he finally was going to "do it". The door was open and he was instructed to sit the sole piece of furniture in the room. A wooden chair. This was another point when alarms started to ring in Anon's head. This time, like the others he just brushed it off.

While sitting and mentally preparing himself, Anon's shoulders were harshly grabed. "Oh you like it that way..." he started, but was rudely cut off.

"Slience!" barked the man on the left. It was Butterfly one of the fiendish Troll Twins. On Anon's right was the other, Le Troll Faec. It was a trap!

>> No.5282626

"If you are here, then...." began the pale and now soiled Anon.

"That is correct." boomed a loud voice. A curtain on the far side of the room raised. Seated in an executive chair behind it was the evil genius, the diabolical criminal mastermind, Quentin.
"I know that some day you would attempt to destory me and all I have worked for, it has been foreseen." His face was the brooding black cloud of war. Anon immediately knew this would mean his life.

"Fortuantely for you, I have other buisness that I must attend to right now, so you will not be killed imediately. Troll Twins! Put him in the cell!"

Anon was lead down into the dark, dank depths of the mansion cellar and thown into what appeared to be a wine cellar converted into a holding cell. The door was shut and locked. Anon, understanding very well how the evil mastermind works, knew this was his only chance to stop him.

Looking quickly Anon noticed a ham radio, that through the magic of plot contrivence, was housed inside the holding cell. Adam quickly got on the radio and found the frequency for the air base. Though it would destroy him as well, Anon called in the air strike.

At the air base, Jude Thadeus and Rei scrambled into their jets and took off. When they got to the target they droped a full payload of napalm on the old mansion. They then flew back to base, ready for some post mission binge drinking.

The mansion was now smoldering ashes and everyone inside it dead.

Everyone, except Quentin who, as he stated before had other buisness to attend to and was out of the mansion at the time. With no one left to oppose him, he soon took over the earth.

MORAL- Feminister is not real, but rather a tool of an evil genius bent on world domination. If you talk to her for extended periods of time, it will eventually lead to your death.

>> No.5282631

This gave me gas

>> No.5282632

>After all the waiting he finally was going to "do it"

thank you for this excerpt. I give it a 7/10, "amusing"

>> No.5282639

Alright I sniggered at the end.

>> No.5282641

That's just you reverting back to a sense of childlike awe.

>> No.5282688

I write loisxbrian erotica

>> No.5282691

I bet McFarlane does too.

>> No.5282786
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Fun fact:

The longest thing (I can't really call it a 'work' or 'literature') ever written, by anyone, in all of history, in any language, is a fanfic of Smash Bros.

>> No.5282824

fanfiction is post modernist

>> No.5282837
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>> No.5282840


The author started writing it to teach himself English. I've never gotten past chapter 1. The fact that he's been working on this for 7 years and it has 4 million words but only 400 people who follow it says a lot.

>> No.5282848

But that's wrong.
It's close, but wrong.
The longest story written was "The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion" by Henry Darger, at over 15000 pages.

>> No.5282859

>Also if you happen to know of any 'good' fan fiction feel free to share.
Some of this list is good. http://pastebin.com/wwtmhSKY
It's /tv/'s "HP recommended fanfiction" list. Take that with a grain of salt.

Its literary value is restricted by the world it's in, though, but it manages to be better than the books in occasion. I recommend The Lie I've Lived, the author is amateur in the beginning but it gets better later on.

>> No.5282860

and what a shitty .gif it was, Bravo!

>> No.5282861
File: 46 KB, 269x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein gott.
>tfw I will read both of these behemoths before I die

Why do I enjoy things that are objectively terrible? I mean, it's not at all the only thing I like... but when someone introduces a new "worst thing ever" I have to experience it. It's like cathartic. Is there a word for this? Enjoying overtly terrible media for the sake of it being bad?

>> No.5282869
File: 36 KB, 322x475, 15646[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanfiction is not bad by definition. It's just a medium that attracts bad writers.

>> No.5282870

>that autism that dwarfs all others
I need to read this.

>> No.5282874
File: 30 KB, 467x435, 1376789198676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ here
what do you think of my epic fanfiction list?

>> No.5282876
File: 54 KB, 560x526, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true. Ulysses and the Qu'ran are fanfiction.

>> No.5282886

unfortunately, the full text of Realms of the Unreal is unlikely to ever be published

>> No.5282893

Except you won't. Realms of the Unreal has never been published.
Everything to do with it is in it's own room in a museum for Outsider Art in Chicago.

>> No.5282925

I want to read Realms so badly. I remember reading somewhere that some people consider it to be relatively well written.

>> No.5282926

actually it's in nyc at the folk art museum

>> No.5283502

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality is actually quite good, I've read it a couple of times. Only fanfic I've ever managed to get through.

>> No.5283545
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>such rationality

>> No.5283667

Holy crap, it's like Negarestani went on /fit/