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5282305 No.5282305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am interested in notable literature about anarchy. Where do I start?

>> No.5282322

idk but you might wanna fit george orwell's homenaje a catalunya in there. forgot the english name, google it fag

>> No.5282324

>Ema Goldman
Emma would scream titles of Nietzsche's books at you.

>> No.5282328
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>Not the 'best' or even my favorites, exactly: Just the bare minimum of what everybody needs to chew and digest before they can converse intelligently about the 21st Century.

2. ULYSSES, James Joyce.
3. FINNEGAN'S WAKE, James Joyce.
4. THE CANTOS, Ezra Pound.
5. MACHINE ART, Ezra Pound.
6. SELECTED PROSE, Ezra Pound.
7. HARLOT'S GHOST, Norman Mailer.
8. GO DOWN, MOSES, William Faulkner.
10. THE OPEN SOCIETY AND ITS ENEMIES, Karl Popper (two volumes).
12. THE ANTI-CHRIST, Friedrich Nietzsche.
13. CHAOS AND CYBERCULTURE, Timothy Leary, Ph.D.
14. CRITICAL PATH, R. Buckminster Fuller.
15. INSTEAD OF A BOOK, Benjamin Tucker.
16. DIGITAL McLUHAN, Paul Levinson.
17. SAHARASIA, James DeMeo, Ph.D.
18. SCIENCE AND SANITY, Alfred Korzybski.

simpler list:
Ulysses - James Joyce
The Cantos - Ezra Pound
Science and Sanity - Count Korzybski
The Canterbury Tales - Chaucer
Justine - deSade
Instead of a book by a man too busy to write one - Benjamin Tucker
Progress and Poverty - Henry George
The Open Society and its Enemies - Karl Popper

>tl;dr start with Benjamin Tucker or Max Stirner

>> No.5282334

Anarchism is very very diverse. You don't have to start at first thinkers of anarchism. Tell us more about your existing philosophical ideas.

>> No.5282341

Mikhail Bakunin

>> No.5282347

why in the fuck would anyone want or have to read finnegan's wake before discussing some wildly unrelated aspect of the 21st century.

>> No.5282355

>Anarchism is very very diverse.

That reminds me of this:


and this:


>> No.5282364

Eumeswil is really all you need

>> No.5282369


>> No.5282372

the anarchists in catalunya in the first half of the 21st century had little to do with those spazzy trust fund troublemakers

>> No.5282375

suck my cock dude

>> No.5282379
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I posted it as a joke.
I do agree with your statement though.

>> No.5282381



>> No.5282406


One of my favorite passages of all times, from Godwin's Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Morals and Happiness (Book I, Chapter III, ¶ 6):

A second source of those destructive passions by which the peace of society is interrupted is to be found in the luxury, the pageantry and magnificence with which enormous wealth is usually accompanied. Human beings are capable of encountering with cheerfulness considerable hardships when those hardships are impartially shared with the rest of the society, and they are not insulted with the spectacle of indolence and ease in others, no way deserving of greater advantages than themselves. But it is a bitter aggravation of their own calamity, to have the privileges of others forced on their observation, and, while they are perpetually and vainly endeavouring to secure for themselves and their families the poorest conveniences, to find others revelling in the fruits of their labours. This aggravation is assiduously administered to them under most of the political establishments at present in existence. There is a numerous class of individuals who, though rich, have neither brilliant talents nor sublime virtues; and, however highly they may prize their education, their affability, their superior polish and the elegance of their manners, have a secret consciousness that they possess nothing by which they can so securely assert their pre-eminence and keep their inferiors at a distance as the splendour of their equipage, the magnificence of their retinue and the sumptuousness of their entertainments. The poor man is struck with this exhibition; he feels his own miseries; he knows how unwearied are his efforts to obtain a slender pittance of this prodigal waste; and he mistakes opulence for felicity. He cannot persuade himself that an embroidered garment may frequently cover an aching heart.

>> No.5282409

Ok. I don't know much about anarchism, so there isn't much to say. I have enjoyed a bit of Noam Chomsky's work and agree that authority that cannot justify itself should not exist. I've read some of Orwell's essays about the Spanish Civil War and the short term victory that anarchists had. I know a little bit about anarcho-capitalism, but after a surface examination, am extremely skeptical of it as a practical working political philosophy. I want to explore other more plausible flavors of anarchism and see what some of the historic greats have to say about the subject.

In my small exposure to anarchist thought, I have seen a lot of critique of the problems that come with hierarchical structures in society. I recognize that these critiques are important, but I am now more interested in hearing about feasible proposed alternatives to current systems of government.

This is a great start. Thanks a lot.

>> No.5282411

This was published in 1793, by the way.

>> No.5282416

Have you even read half of those books you're recommending? Also, why the fuck would half of those buks even be relevant?
Go fuck yourself

>> No.5282424
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>can't spell books

>> No.5282426


>> No.5282431

>I have seen a lot of critique of the problems that come with hierarchical structures in society. I recognize that these critiques are important, but I am now more interested in hearing about feasible proposed alternatives to current systems of government.
I think it makes a lot of difference in how does hierarchical structures are conceptualized and criticized. I myself am for what some call "post-anarchism" or "poststructuralist anarchism", which is precisely based on a particular approach to criticizing those structures. I think their approach made more sense and was less naive compared to earlier anarchist thinkers and critics

>> No.5282443
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what a joke

>> No.5282481

the dispossessed by ursula le guin

>> No.5282492
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What would you prefer?
"National Anarchism"?

>> No.5282523
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>> No.5282544

>"National Anarchism"?
Does this stupid idea actually exist? I mean, there is ancap, so I wouldn't be that surprised.

>> No.5282577

Holy SHIT, that first video. I am so irrationally angry right now.

>> No.5282592


>> No.5282637


Linkola is good in this vein. Neoliberalism, capitalist society and notions of human rights mean nothing to him. Great fucked-up stew of anarchism, primitivism, antinatalism, ecology. At one point he wishes for sex-integration in the military so that young women could be killed off en masse in war just like young men. Slash the population, smash the power plants and suburbs and farms and plant trees on the land, put the majority of the survivors in agricultural communes and restrict transportation by vehicle and the ownership of the surviving (nationalized) industries to the philosopher-kings.

>> No.5282669


>not left wing market anarchism

get fucked

>> No.5282733
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>ctrl+f "dispos"
muh nigga. truly a brilliant piece of art
and how the fuck am I supposed to solve this captcha?

>> No.5282756
File: 100 KB, 800x1321, Le Guin - The Dispossessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a freebie. Type anything. "8"'ll do it

And yes, read Invisible Man along with The Dispossessed. It gets around to anarchism.

>> No.5282780

Browse the books on libcom, zinelibrary, and theanarchistlibrary. There are nearly infinite forms of anarchism. No one will represent it in a list. Just pick anything. Expect to like some and dislike others. I think it's a bit of an injustice to do any rigid reading lists for anarchist theory.

"At the Cafe" by Malatesta is an ok starter text for the inquiring that wants to know what the basic, western anarchist thinks.

I'd say start with Orgasm Politics like those by Raoul Vaneigem // Situationalism via Debord // or Anarchist Individualism (read: "Columbia Anarchist League: 'Disarm Authority! Arm Your

I think these three (as far as modern radical strands go) in particular play upon the excitement and non-utopian promise of anarchism (in a fairly uncontentious way, if you are coming from a more conservative politic) before you descend into living every moment in outrage and contempt through most other anarchist texts.

P.S. Please do not allow yourself to think, whilst you are still fairly uniformed, that anarcho-capitalism et al. have anything to do with anarchism. They do not. Return to it later when you're looking to pick a fight to blow off some pent up frustration and need someone to actually pay attention to your label.

>> No.5282794

Also, I will echo another poster who suggested that post-anarchism is probably the height of anarchist thought at the moment. Unfortunately it is fairly under-written and so you'll have to go about the labor of doing various comparative studies between "classical" anarchists and post-structuralists.

>> No.5282795

Rothbard for right-wing anarchism
Bakunin for left-wing anarchism
Stirner for wingless anarchism

>> No.5282802

>capitalism and individualism is not left-wing

I can't wait until we can just retire the whole left/right dichotomy because it's semantics in it's worst form.

>> No.5282807

>homenaje a catalunya
jesus christ you pretentious twat

>> No.5282887

I can't wait till we get rid of capitalism. IT is the problem.

>> No.5282923

>tfw I will die under capitalism

When will it get better?

>> No.5282982

Probably not for a few centuries. I'm hopeful that technology will accelerate the process though.

>> No.5282995

>that secondary feel when I worry that global climate change and peak everything will utterly gut the techno-utopian dream that under-girds a lot of the anti-work/free love styles of anarchism that I hold dear

At least anarchism still gives the most hope for a post-civ existence.

>> No.5283008

The longer we wait the more it's gonna hurt.

>> No.5283011

I'm hopefully global climate change will completely destroy our way of life and we'll all become nomatic tribes. I'm hoping most technology will survive, but I don't know.

>> No.5283013


there is some definite lack of DAVID GRAEBER and SHEA/WILSON itt.
best books about anarchy imho:
Debt, the first 5000 years by David Graeber (his other work is great as well)
and best ever:
Illuminatus! by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson.
Thats pretty much all you need to reed to become an Anarchist. And they feed you so many hints that you'll know what to read from there.

>> No.5283022
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It's hard to imagine having to magnify my image of suffering under capital further, but here we are again, and again, and again.

>> No.5283035

Education, and free time to pursue it, are key.... That would not be a good outcome.

>> No.5283060

>our way of life
At the sake of so many others, unfortunately.