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/lit/ - Literature

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5280927 No.5280927 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become an Aristocrat of the Soul?

>> No.5280975

Get off of 4chan

>> No.5280983

Smoke weed, play the WATCH_DOGS™ video game for like two hours before realizing it isn't very good, skim the first three pages of Thus Spoke Zarathustra and then never pick it up again, jerk off, take a three hour nap, eat the second half of a submarine sandwich that you bought yesterday for lunch but didn't finish, remember that you played WATCH_DOGS™ earlier that day and be reminded of the Uplink video game, install Uplink on Steam and play it for two hours and enjoy yourself, realize it's almost four in the morning and you aren't tired, try to listen to an ASMR video in the hopes that it makes you feel sleepy but realize it just makes you feel pathetic and lonely, sit in your bed for an hour trying to go to sleep, finally fall asleep, then wake up at four thirty in the afternoon the next day, stumble across the hallway to your bathroom, look at yourself in the mirror and realize that your hair looks really gross because you haven't showered in three days, brush your teeth and tell yourself you'll take a shower later, and then repeat all the previous steps ad nauseam.

>> No.5280995
File: 409 KB, 590x333, literay life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live the literary life.

>> No.5281077

this, basically

>> No.5281105
File: 234 KB, 800x1332, deviant_id_by_alekthewererat-d51emb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1: Buy a fedora
Step 2: Buy more fedoras
Step 3: Keep buying fedoras forever

>> No.5281109

>going outside
>being this normal

>> No.5281120
File: 17 KB, 342x403, JohnCross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I overcome the Dark Night of the Soul

>> No.5281142
File: 137 KB, 900x675, a_perennial_tea_party_with_ponies_and_star_trek_by_alekthewererat-d5m8r40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He ships Sparity. That is the very definition of abnormal.
Plus, I guess, the combination of ponies, neckbeard, fedroa, and reactionary philosophy.

Apparently you become an aristocrat of the soul by climbing trees.
No mention of whether you should bring your mlp toys along with you, but it certainly couldn't hurt.

>> No.5281171

Fuck now I feel like reinstalling Uplink.

>> No.5281194

You need two hours to realize that Watch Dogs is shit?
Fucking pleb

>> No.5281197
File: 40 KB, 179x250, 206637__safe_steamer_atlas-shrugged_50ec7beea4c72ddb470002f9_50ec7beea4c72ddb470002fa_50ec7beea4c72ddb470002fb.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess, the combination of ponies, neckbeard, fedroa, and reactionary philosophy.
In my experience, people into one of these tend to also be into the rest of them.