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/lit/ - Literature

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528064 No.528064 [Reply] [Original]

Hi there, I'm sure most of us are very well read individuals, with a solid education. I am in a model public school due to the exceptionally high grades, and therefore my Language Arts class has been completely redone. Our hipster teacher is of course lazy as fuck and doesn't do much but talk about how great he is, but that's beside point. The class now revolves-up until recently- around Independent Projects. We basically get to do whatever the fuck we want as long as we're learning something. We can go anywhere we want in the school and don't have to learn anything we don't want too. To put it bluntly, the whole class pretty much just fucks around and the teacher was too full of himself to give a fuck.

To emphasize this point, I decided to write a Novella and have him read it. Not only had he lost it after I went out of my way to schedule time with him to conference about it, he had lost it, and had wasted most of the time listening to some prep's terrible, unoriginal song that she had wrote.

So give me your opinion /lit/, is my new English class ruining my future as a writer? I still read a lot on my own, but I haven't learned any new grammatical shit since the sophomore year.

>> No.528085
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no. learn from the experience.

rewrite the novella.

>> No.528097
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if you're looking for validation from public school you're already headed for failure. just get a job at a GM plant now so your future failure isn't as bad of a surprise.
protip: if you wanna become a write look for a school that has that as its basis, additionally look at what makes your field popular and profitable (psychology and economics of it here)

if you enjoy writing that much, write the novella for yourself. you can later put it in a portfolio or use it to see how terrible u used to be at writing (more likely the latter)

>> No.528141

>terrible, unoriginal song that she had wrote.

If this doesn't give you a clue as to his priorities, nothing will. Literature and writing teachers always play favorites, and it isn't based on merit.

>> No.528152

Read Shakespeare by yourself. It'll be rough, but use the internet as a guide for the parts you're not used to. I don't agree with anything you described as students have scientifically been proven to do better with rules and structure. I know the whole point of it is independent projects, but that's really ambitious if you actually wanted to learn something as complex as say- grammar. It's like saying "I want to be an astronaut!" There are somethings that only a professional can teach you, and never in a million years will you become an astronaut without the help of others. This so called "Professional" sounds like every other new age English teacher out there, so avoid his bullshit. Don't be blinded by his blissfulness. He probably hates his job and would rather be listening to music and getting stoned.

Long story short, yes, if you keep letting him run your show, you will end up being a terrible run of the mill righter who goes to a shitty university, and have a job you hate.

Good luck bro.

>> No.528153

...I think once you're in college you should have grammar down. And honestly, a bad teacher isn't going to hurt you so much as pose an obstacle; you have to move past this guy being a dickhead.

>> No.528160

>I am in a model public school due to the exceptionally high grades
>model public school
There are no public schools one can consider good.
>exceptionally high grades
Your parents are rich and you live in a good neighborhood unlike the rest of us poor intellectuals, your a fag and your writing is terrible. The world doesn't need more pretentious bullshit published by a kid who has never done anything in his life other than pass public school(which isn't hard). Get a job! Damn hippy.

>> No.528165

>>due to
Learn to speak proper English, nigger.

>> No.528168
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>your a fag and your writing is terrible

O lordy, I take your opinion with deep consideration.

>> No.528173

> I am in a model public school due to the exceptionally high grades, and therefore my Language Arts class has been completely redone.

what are you trying to communicate?

>> No.528178

Not sure really. From reading this post, I can sort of tell why the teacher didn't want to read his "novella".

>> No.528190

An angst full teenager writing about some bullshit with poor grammar. He has no point and probably thinks himself to be better then most people. Also grades mean shit dumbass, no one cares about them.