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/lit/ - Literature

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5279217 No.5279217 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ what do you think about my idea of a book where it starts with an ancient civilization where their science is so advanced that they discover the ultimate truth about the universe and god and almost start surpassing god itself. But then just before they make the revelation god sinks their whole continent and only 1 person survives, and he reaches the other part of the world which are still too primitive, ancient rome-luke civilizations and shit. Then he decides to try and give wisdom to the people by estabilishing a way of life and making a book for others to follow,but then after his death 200 years later all that way of life stuff and book goes to shit and it's misinterpreted and turned into a savage religion which ends the world by wars.

>> No.5279236

Sounds pretty cool, bro. Except the part about god destroying their civilization. Make it something like a disease, like the black plague. The story idea would be better without having to introduce "whether or not god exists" and "whether or not god is good or evil." Just stick with the godlike civilzation that is wiped out, a guy who goes to teach others, and how his book ends up destroying the world.

>> No.5279242

A civilization gets so advanced that a higher power drowns the land? Sounds completely like Atlantis

>> No.5279264

This. It's actually a decent Idea op

>> No.5279268

You guys are right, I should change that god destroys it then. I got the idea from Atlantis and current state of religion in the middle east, I will probably make certain changes here and there, but I'll definitely write it in the upcoming years.

>> No.5279270

God shouldn't be included because God has nothing at all to do with the good plot. It would be like throwing in a dragon. It has nothing to do with the story. Otherwise the story is really cool. I'd read it.

>> No.5279310

At what point are you thinking of starting the story?

I think a nice starting point would be this last guy traveling and stumbling upon this 'lesser' civilisation. The more technologically advanced world he lived in would be shown to the reader through nostalgia and the general differences in perception between him and the plebs.

If you start the story with the god-like race the story might seem disjointed once the apocalypse comes along. Maybe a nice prologue set pre-apocalypse?
Just throwing ideas out there.

>> No.5279320

I like the idea of this godlike guy sort of wandering the desert alone, nearly dead, then being saved by the plebs, taken in, made into one of them, while he keeps his true identity a secret at first.

>> No.5279327

Yeah, thanks I appreciate your help, I still haven't thought how to start it since i just thought about this story some weeks ago, but starting from the guy traveling and stumbling upon the primitive civilization sounds good. I will have to read a lot more books before I start writing it, just in case so I don't fuck it up.