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/lit/ - Literature

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5278520 No.5278520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Robin Williams is dead
>Evolakid is missing. He was shit but amusing.
>Feminister fell from grace and disappeared, reincarnated as a shadow of its former self.
>REI banned and probably gone, out of spite.
>Sunhawk hasn't posted in 2 weeks.
>Butterface is posting more than ever, and is more annoying than ever.
>Summerfriends and memetrips are taking over /lit/

What the fuck happened?

>> No.5278522

all those people suck

>> No.5278540

How feminister fell into disgrace?

>> No.5278587

>the trips are going

how is this bad

>> No.5278593

The good noose is I'm here.

>> No.5278595

How did REI get banned?

>> No.5278598

Man whatever happened to Fabulous, TyBrax, Deep&Edgy, onionring, Brownbear, Stagolee, Virginia W00f, Isabelle Huppert, Caracalla, married oldfag, rapture, scout, satan, Historian, 3rd, Adorno, Ahab, Richard Feynmann, The Master

>> No.5278600

>>Summerfriends and memetrips are taking over /lit/

do you even read?

>> No.5278602

whatever happened to Quentin. Throw himself off a bridge?

>> No.5278603

>remembering names of tripfags

The only logical conclusion is that you were all of them.

>> No.5278604

He stopped posting after /v/ people started stalking him IRL.

>> No.5278605

He made a thread. It wasn't even off-topic, the resident mod just hates him apparently.

>> No.5278608
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decline & fall
but will there be a revival

>> No.5278635

do you have a link to the thread in the archive?

>> No.5278638

what about Brahms and TsundereTom?

>> No.5278639

Who the fuck are they?

>> No.5278641

never mind, that was before you...

>> No.5278646

Been here since day one, Anon.

>> No.5278648

oh yeah? prove it.

>> No.5278650

In factg, the only one I really forgot to include was GamerGirl. How in the world could I forget GamerGirl?

>> No.5278656


>> No.5278658
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>> No.5278660

I don't know, you come here and claim to be one of the very first on this board, you should come up with a proof. But you could post the oldest pic you downloaded on /lit/.

>> No.5278662

Thanks for keeping your phone charged

>> No.5278663

Just how pathetic is your life?

>> No.5278669

There's nothing remarkable about being here since day 1. I found 4chan back in like 2004 because I liked anime, and then they made a literature board 6 years later.

>> No.5278671

go on, keep fighting the good fight!

>> No.5278672


he was a comedian.

>> No.5278673

Given that he's browsing 4chan on a phone (probably in public), and not at home on a computer, he's probably really cool IRL.

>> No.5278676
File: 14 KB, 251x201, 1404273465431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robin Williams is dead
Millions are dying every day.
>Evolakid is missing. He was shit but amusing.
Is this supposed to make me sad?
>Feminister fell from grace and disappeared, reincarnated as a shadow of its former self.
No, Feminister was outed as a dude posing as a girl. He left his trip on in an /adv/ thread. I have screenshots if you want.
>REI banned and probably gone, out of spite.
Probably not.
>Sunhawk hasn't posted in 2 weeks.
Sunhawk was never a thing.
>Butterface is posting more than ever, and is more annoying than ever.
Way to give tripfags attention.
>Summerfriends and memetrips are taking over /lit/
"meme___" is so fucking lame and you know it, anon.

Fuck your bullshit thread.

>> No.5278679

I thought Feminister was a tranny.

>> No.5278685

>No, Feminister was outed as a dude posing as a girl
For realz?

>> No.5278688

le oldfag xd

>> No.5278691


The context here is that he's a beta fag who was posting on /adv/ about a lit qt he likes.


>> No.5278715

Lol how embarrassing

>> No.5278759

does capsguy still post here?

>> No.5278769

Ever since he dropped the caps, nobody knows.

>> No.5278782

forgot to take off trip and outed himself as a man while samefagging

>> No.5278846



you should filter tripfags, not adore them

what are you doing, fuck

if you want shitty people using shitty names for attentionwhoring just go to reddit or something

i hope they all get aids and die horrible, painful deaths while being some nigger's sex slave

>> No.5278860

Expected nothing less from that Stirnian loser. Great thing for /lit/

>> No.5279148

⇒What the fuck happened?

/lit/'s quality improved.

>> No.5279201

My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this post gave me cancer anyway.

>> No.5279207

/new/ exodus + stormfront invasion + eternal summer

>> No.5279210

This pasta is gorilla warfare / electrical infetterence tier.

>> No.5279213

Hey Jude, do you ever talk Christianity/spirituality on /x/? I feel like sometimes /lit/ is unsettled by an open discussion of the otherworldly. For my part, I'm not, but I can understand the argument that it doesn't have a place on this board.

>> No.5279223

I've been on /x/ a few times yeah. Haven't got into any deep discussions on Christianity. I asked if Evolution was a phallic/fertility cult and it blew up into a 250 post thread.

I think /x/ looks to be one of the better boards honestly. A lot of the people there are more open to discussing ideas rather than famous person / books, and seem not to care about eloquence as much as the content of the ideas being discussed.

>> No.5279233

>caring this much about board drama and tripfags
I, too, look forward to Degrassi High: /lit/erates every season

What will be the next video game someone will ask for the literature equivalent of?

How many more memes will the teenagers bring on here?

Will Melancholy Amphibian find insight for his questions?

Will the fedoralords and self help seekers lead each other down a spiral of tipping and degeneracy, or will they rise from the ashes as conduits for euphoria?

Find out on the next sage and report

>> No.5279277

I just saw rei posting on /pol/.

>> No.5279301

/lit/ was way better when Stan posted here. Also rapture's bookshelf threads were good.

>> No.5279932

This. Stan's posts were fucking unbelievable. Rapture's collection is fapworthy. We should at least get some archive links going.

>> No.5279935

/lit/ is so shit lately. It seems like every 1 thread out of 3 has an anime picture as the OP.

>> No.5279941

>"/x/ is one of the better boards"
>Multiple tarot/scrying threads on page 0
>I'm a demon AMA
>I'm illumiati AMA
>Tulpa bronies
>Greentext where a teenager hears a noise
>Christians tripfag

Kill me

>> No.5279943

>>Summerfriends and memetrips are taking over /lit/
This has always been the case on every board. 4chan is just in a constant state of new membership and personalities, and will be for as long as it exists as such.

>> No.5279949

I'm have several on Facebook; they're doing fine, continuing university studies.

D&E still posts to /fit/.

>> No.5279957

lol joke i am everyone on /lit/

i am all the trip fags and also the anons

it is just you an me

>> No.5279959

>I'm have

>> No.5279969

R E I is the only tripfag I like.

>> No.5280108

/x/ is a great board and better than it ever was before. Are you seriously saying demons, illuminati and unexplicable noises are not paranormal?

>> No.5280128

0/10. Step it up new-senpai.

>> No.5280142

I can barely get past the first few threads without tabbing out.
shit's bretty spooky.

>> No.5280146

What the fuck, newfag? It's not my problem you don't understand what /x/ is about.

>> No.5280169
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>> No.5280177

I wouldn't have noticed. I filtered that flag on /pol/ because it's only ever used by reddit kids who want to post "le edgy memes" and who don't even hold opinions on actual political or economic questions.

>> No.5280185

>I filtered that flag on /pol/ because it's only ever used by reddit kids who want to post "le edgy memes" and who don't even hold opinions on actual political or economic questions.

Nice baseless and grossly inappropriate generalization, moron.