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5278463 No.5278463[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/... it's not your fault

>> No.5278465

yes it is

i first watched good will hunting at 14 and wanted to be as smart as will was, now i'm 4 years older than the character and i'm a dumb motherfucker who can't do basic maths and takes a month to read a 300 page book

i fucked up so bad

>> No.5278471

Funny jokes

>> No.5278472
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I opened this thread and >banner related

>> No.5278474

you're not a genius, and you don't evolve into a genius by working hard, believe it or not, retard

>> No.5278477

rip sweety principe

>> No.5278480

I'm a genius and this post is half correct. My genius has partially evolved via hard work.

>> No.5278482

what are you a genius of?

>> No.5278498

rip in piece robert william

>> No.5278515

Goodbye and goodnight to the beloved guy who played Philip Brainard in Flubber

>> No.5278525

have you read howard zinns a peoples history of the united states? that book will knock you on your ass

>> No.5278531

better than chomsky's manufacturing consent?

>> No.5278533


you got that from vickers, didn't you?

>> No.5278539

RIP Nutty Professor

>> No.5278541

>had to see a psychiatrist due to family life, lack of interest in school
>have sessions for about half a year
>tells me to watch Good WIll Hunting
>says I might find myself in the main character
>tfw he thought I was a genius with some serious personal issues
Still the best compliment I've ever recieved.

>> No.5278545

My friends laught about this but I always thought he would've made a great James Bond, vid related.

>> No.5278552


>> No.5278589

Dont feel bad. If you pay attention during the bar scene, you realize the writer for the character didnt actually know what it meant to be a genius. Its easy to fain genius within mathematics by just throwing jargon out there, but during the bar scene the main character talks shit to the ivy kid because the ivy kid is just paraphrasing authors of history books.

As if anyone anywhere can do anything else save archaeologists and actual historians. To take that route in an argument shows a lack of experience with argumentation.

>> No.5278601

the bar scene was to illustrate will's eidetic aka photographic memory, which he explains later to skylar at au bain pain vis a vis mozart and beethoven

>> No.5278607

>you will never attend a strict, traditional boarding school and become a member of the Dead Poets Society

>> No.5278615

Yes, it also clearly demonstrated that he was just showing off for the sake of showing off. He made no argument but thought he did and everyone around him thought he did, when it was very clear he didnt.

>> No.5278617

Goodnight, Vietnam.

>> No.5278624
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That hit somehow harder than I thought.

>> No.5278702


>> No.5278709


>> No.5278712


Did matt damon die?

>> No.5278752

Just watched "Garp" a few days ago. I always imagined him as Robin, then I heard that he actually plays him in the movie. It was perfect.
I remember laughing so hard at Mrs. Doubtfire and admiring him in dead poets society. Sad.

>> No.5278771

Dead Poets Society sincerely got me to start reading. It was that movie. This is sad. :(


>> No.5278814

Pretentious wanker.

>> No.5278832

not that guy but dead poets society was seriously bad

>> No.5278833

>I have a heart of stone

>> No.5278836

its hollywood melodramatic drivel

>> No.5278839

I was like 10 years old at the time. It was amazing to me.

>> No.5278841

O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:

But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! My Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;

Here captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;

Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my captain lies,

>> No.5278855
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Goddammit, now I'm sad! :(

>> No.5278866
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>> No.5278869

>Stop being reasonable, I'm trying to experience large emotions here.

>> No.5278882

I bet your life is a big pile of shit and always will be.

>> No.5278884

Oh, unless you meant that literally. I'm sorry. I thought you meant to be a troll.


>> No.5278890
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>tfw everyone on this fucking website has referred to Robin Williams as having 'hung' himself

>> No.5278892

Was it an exit bag?

>> No.5278894

>past and past participle of hang

>> No.5278906
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Cheeky fuckers

>> No.5278911
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I'm sure you guys have seen this already but

>A man goes to the doctor saying that he feels extremely depressed. The doctor tells him, "If I remember correctly, Robin Williams is doing a live show in town tonight, go see that. It's hard to be depressed when you're listening to his jokes". The man breaks into tears and says, "but doctor, I am Robin Williams".

>> No.5278913

it's hanged

>> No.5278932

let's hope he's in a place like this minus cuba gooding jr.

>> No.5278946

My dictionary says hung. Maybe we're in different countries.

>> No.5278951

You would be incorrect. It has always been proper to be hanged. Even a judge declares that someone who is sentenced to death by hanging shall be "hanged by the neck until dead".

>> No.5278953


Could have sword you were trolling/fucking around. On the off chance you're not, I'm glad to teach: http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/hanged.html

>> No.5278955


*sworn. My mistake

>> No.5278966

that doctor was Sigmund Freud

>> No.5278972

you're wrong

>> No.5278982

No, not trolling. Genuinely liked Robin Williams and watched all his movies. Dead Poets Society literally started me reading. It was a great movie for me.

Also, yeah, you're right, it's "hanged."

>> No.5278985

>tfw you will never have a bunch of white friends to read poetry with

stop kidding yourselves, you know it would be awesome.

>> No.5278993

sounds gay

>> No.5279001

nothing wrong with a little homo sex among fair skinned friends.

>> No.5279004

All good
Indeed. I'm pretty sure you had to be at least bi to be a beatnik.

>> No.5279030

>Stop trying to experience large emotions, I'm trying to le epic own you here.

>> No.5279042

this is dangerous for kids to hear. Everyone my whole life said that I am a smart kid, that I could excel if only I had the will to do so. But all it made me feel was a fear of failing. That somehow this self-constructed image of me could be rendered into shambles once I truly start putting an effort into school and other areas of life. Kids shouldn't be hearing the words that they are special, only that by mastering the Will, they can truly rise above themselfs

>> No.5279057

Yea because white people are soooo exciting with their respect to PoC and versatile poetry that doesn't have to deal with white man's burden.

>> No.5279073
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>its hollywood melodramatic drivel

Hollywood melodrama has a rich and meaningful history.

You're just one of these philistines who feigns elitism but is too pleb to look at it all through the lens of context.

>> No.5279077

You can't even write a decent sentence.

>> No.5279358

you Tamil?

>> No.5279449
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>> No.5279506

That is a fuckload of hats.

>> No.5279559

i wish i could afford to live in a white neighborhood and have white friends and do white things but i'm stuck in some proletarian shitsector filled with plebs

>> No.5279592

I think he was just trying to put that Harvard guy in his place, not really prove him wrong. The other characters and I imagine a lot of audience members were like "oh my god, how smart!" when in fact he was merely knowledgable and well read. I do agree with an earlier post when you or some other poster said that only a trained historian or archaeologist could have known those passages directly out of a text though. I remember watching that movie and thinking bad about myself because I would never be able to memorize passages that well and recite them from memory, but then I thought, fucking no one can do that unless they're autistic or ridiculously well read in historical academic texts. I thought the entire movie was just one big shit show trying to dazzle regular people with cheap tricks.

>> No.5279603


>> No.5279618

Also, I agreed with the movie's intended positive outlook on self-education, but the presentation made me cringe.

>> No.5279670

I don't think the theme is self education at all. It's the park scene you want to watch for one of the critical themes. It's knowing everything about Michelangelo, but not knowing what the sistine chapel smells like.

I never felt the movie was trying to ''dazzle'' anyone with anything, really. The bar scene could be seen as a hollow penis measuring contest, because all they do is quote books. It's a way to show how Will lives and learns.

>> No.5279867

Interesting that the Robin Williams thread that was actually /lit/-related was the one that got the fewest comments and disappeared.

>> No.5279882

>you will never find a group of friends as an adolescent that will philosophize with you
>you will never join an old style fraternity that focuses mainly on brotherhood and poetry and writing

>> No.5279903


>> No.5279936

Man some guys that are doing their postgraduate in biochemistry/physics on our college are capable of those things. My friend went on a lunch with these guys that can easily recall any passage from a book they read like 12 years ago (wasnt even scientific), this one guy was "dating" this nerd girl and they were playing chess together on those dates, the funny thing is that they were using just their imagination for this. Maybe the guy from good will hunting was little over the top but I can assure you that there are people with really really good photographic memory.

>> No.5279979

>My dictionary says hung. Maybe we're in different countries.

Meat can be hung, you can string up a cow and it is hung, but a person is hanged. I'm not sure why there is a linguistic distinction between a human corpse and a bovine carcass with regard to hanging, but a man cannot be hung; unless, of course, he has a cock like mine.

>> No.5279994


Post cock, pls.

>> No.5280008

which one was that?

>> No.5280050

photographic memories don't exist

>> No.5280058

The clip from Dead Poets Society.

>> No.5280064

it's not your fault

>> No.5280080

Hey...it's not your fault.

>> No.5280089
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>> No.5280090

listen, it's not your fault

>> No.5280093


>> No.5280096


>> No.5280127

RIP in peace robin williams in my opinion you were a 10/10 stand up comedian. just watched special he did for HBO a few days ago. Jim bob son of god, rip in peace

>> No.5280155

it's not your fault

>> No.5280164

I know that most people like to shit on it, but I fucking loved that movie.

RIP RW. You were probably as fucked up as the rest of hollywood, but at least you made me laugh.

>> No.5280174

Bro, it's not your fault.