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/lit/ - Literature

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5275952 No.5275952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lit book club poll http://strawpoll.me/2319261
Since it's the first book I figured it should be generic

>> No.5275964

Why is The God Delusion not on the list?

>> No.5275965

lel nietzsche

lets go Pynchon

>> No.5275968

Wait, are we reading the whole book and having a discussion or checking in every chapter?

>> No.5275979

I'm surprised he is wining tbh

>> No.5275985

Normal kek

>> No.5275996

We should do a poll on the topic.

>> No.5275999

That's too democratic. Didn't Socrates teach that the wisest should rule?

>> No.5276029


>> No.5276034

Socrates was a fag

>> No.5276043

Don't be a pleb, vote Pynchon 2014

>> No.5276048


No he wasn't. He was married and had children. He never had sex with Alcibiades either.

>> No.5276049


hahahahahahahah please

>> No.5276050

Which one is the easiest to read in English?

>ib4 the trial/zarathustra

>> No.5276057

Come on, Zarathustra.

Let's get this thing started.

>> No.5276062

I really think that we should add Middlemarch to the runners.

Who's with me?

>> No.5276077

Looks like Ulysses

>> No.5276078

Fuck this poll. This is the FIRST book. We shouldn't start with fucking Ulysses. We should start with the Greeks. OP, please redo this poll with Ancient Greek classics.

>> No.5276080

>Implying he didn't sodomize Plato and most of his anonymous fanboys.
Of course he was a fag. In Ancient Greece everybody was a fag.

>> No.5276083
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>> No.5276088

Because Nietzsche is too mainstream for /lit/.

>> No.5276091

>Of course he was a fag. In Ancient Greece everybody was a fag.

You're essentializing the Greeks. It was mostly the aristocrats anyways.

>> No.5276100

>not The Republic

what the flying fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.5276109

I like this suggestion. I say we give everyone a month to read the Republic.

>> No.5276114

What a horrible suggestion

>> No.5276118

A month. It'd be better to meet every Friday 5pm GMT and go over one book at a time.

>> No.5276130

The Socratic method is the foundation for literary discussion. I think its only fair to begin with the Republic.

>> No.5276136

Too fucking bad, we already have our books.

>> No.5276151


>> No.5276156

Pynchon making a comeback

>> No.5276173

Poor DeLillo

>> No.5276175
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(results will be compounded with OP's poll)

>> No.5276181

That's so try hard. How do you even discuss Aesop's Fables?

>> No.5276182

>tfw it would take me two months to read/reread any of these

>> No.5276185

Lol no

>> No.5276187

Is this even a question?

>> No.5276188

Where doing a chapter a week (or a couple depending on the book) and making a new thread bi-monthly

>> No.5276189

We try every few months at this and it fucking fails because people can't stick and finish a book in a set amount of time. So go ahead and do your cute little polls for the one book you are going to try to read and end up not.

>> No.5276192

Oh alright then ballin

people are bound 2 exceed that though

>> No.5276194

if u dont beliveve, u will never achieve

>> No.5276197

have fun with reading a book over 6 months.

>> No.5276198

Well I'm sure loads of people have already read these so at least they'll have an opportunity and a pretext by which to discuss it at length with other people

>> No.5276199

haha time for ulysses

>> No.5276201

nobody wants to read a chapter a fucking week

>> No.5276203

It's probably going to be about 100 pages a week so not really.

>> No.5276205

Well, first of all, if you'd be willing to read them, you'd discover that they are tremendously influential and appear through Medieval literature and even the New Testament.

Hate to break it to you, but we couldn't possibly discuss a novel like Mason & Dixon or White Noise in the same way that we could discuss classics.

Some of us want to start the book club with ancient Greek stuff. "Start with the Greeks" only became an inside joke because it's oft-repeated advice. It's oft-repeated advice because it's good advice.
Look, OP's list contained NO philosophy or classics. If we're going to do this book club, we ought to at least have the option.

So, the Greeks poll stands. Whatever wins between the pools is the what we'll read.

>> No.5276206

O.P here, ~100 pages

>> No.5276209


>> No.5276212

it should be a new book every week, if you people truly love literature you would easily be reading a book every day or two

>> No.5276214

i think this is a neat idea to make friends

>> No.5276215

All this talking and never doing. Hell I remember the /lit/ good reads book club tried to just read a 150 page books and I think only 3 people finished. Numbers where also low on the discussion. Can't we just admit that this board is for young men that think they have it all figured out and think they are the top of the 4chan crop of failures.

>> No.5276216

O.P here, I'll allow it

>> No.5276217
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New poll:


>> No.5276218

This is fair and ideal imo, seeing as many of us don't have the luxury of being able to go through a book in a week for many reasosn

>> No.5276219

>not starting with the pre-Socratics

>> No.5276222

post a poll or fuck off

>> No.5276224

I lol'd

>> No.5276225


WE gotta do this shit with a skype group, you guys.

I think that we probably all just want to hang out and discuss some texts, make some internet friends.

Who wants to make the skype group?

>> No.5276226


>> No.5276231

lol gaylord

>> No.5276232

I would do it but there is no organization here

>> No.5276234
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Ahhh shit son, I totally blanked. Also wanted to throw in the Wisdom Books of the Hebrew Bible.

Since the pre-socratics are mostly fragmentary, we can definitely incorporate lines into our discussions in threads here or on skype.

>> No.5276237

no secret clubs

>> No.5276240

I for one (and i'm sure others are the same) am hugely socially retarded and appreciate the freedom of anonymity. skype group would make me feel left out ;_;

>> No.5276241

Good luck getting these shy little flowers to speak. They know once they open their mouths, all that air of intelligence is going to show itself to their massive ignorance.

>> No.5276242


No I'm all for reading Aesop's Fables but it is not in a format that can be easily divided for a book club. They're too short, and we wouldn't be able to divide it correctly for discussion.

>> No.5276253
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Alright, so add me on skype (mrchrisblackwood) and we can get this secret club thing going.

>> No.5276254

book clubs only work when there is a text that has been finished and is then discussed afterwards. chapter by chapter doesn't work because people read at different rates, and some people don't want to 'stop' -- they may feel the urge to go on because they're enjoying it so much, and discouraging this is very very bad

a book every two weeks seems reasonable, but perhaps add a limit of 350 pages or less? that way even slowpokes aren't left out

>> No.5276261

Most of the fags that I have on goodreads maybe read a book every 3 months.

>> No.5276266

limits are entirely ghey, just make the deadline longer for 350+ books

cause we all know we're reading infinite jest at some stage if this takes off in the slightest

also imo breaking it up allows for more focussed discussion, if you only discuss after you're all finished you're just gonna be making broad sweeping statements about the book as a whole

>> No.5276267
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>> No.5276268

lel fag

>> No.5276273

Faggots reading books by faggots
top kek

>> No.5276276

no skype pls :c

>> No.5276280

But who will shit in their mouths?

>> No.5276282


Nigga is you serious.

>> No.5276286

no skype, no big bucks

>> No.5276288

We'll read ahead and still take part in the discussion

>> No.5276290


>> No.5276293

limits are there to make a routine, so people don't keep fucking posting "hurr how many weeks is this one?" and cluttering up the board

additionally we should read books that are very very rarely mentioned on /lit/, that way 50% of people won't be simply rereading, and it also makes sure that the number of people in the bookclub is not reduced each week by the large percentage of people who have already read the book not bothering.

for example, instead of Lolita, which everyone had already read, why not Despair? that way only, say, 5-10% of people will have read it

>> No.5276296


>> No.5276298


>> No.5276303

what happened to mann and mishima you fucking idiots

>> No.5276307

Stop wasting time on these fags and do something. Like read a book!

>> No.5276310

i just finished don quixote nigga i need a break lol went through 400 pages today
besides, the purpose of the club is not reading, but discussion

>> No.5276320 [DELETED] 
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Alright, we need a poll for formatting / skype or no skype, so here it is.


>> No.5276322

You guys must be pretty lonely.

>> No.5276331
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>2 sections
>pick one

>> No.5276332

nigga you dont even know

>> No.5276333

Then pick a book and make a thread and hopefully it does one of two things. You get a discussion about the said book or you get people interested in reading it. These book clubs have never and will never work.

>> No.5276336 [SPOILER] 
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Why not just do weekly threads?

You can use spoiler tags you know, not everyone has to be at the same part.

>> No.5276341

Why weekly threads? People are obviously gonna make threads outside of that, /lit/-book-club general makes more sense to me

>> No.5276342

That is what it really comes down to. But here is the scary part. Most of these people that want to do this are fucking mindbogglingly boring. Like amazing no personality boring. They read books in hope some genius will rub off on them like some VD.

>> No.5276348

Why do you read books? To jerk off at how great you are when the author says something you agree with?

>> No.5276350
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Alright, so we need a poll for the formatting and shit. Here it is.

Everybody vote on this.


>> No.5276354

i don't understand loneliness
i can go weeks and weeks by myself, walking in the woods alone all day and reading and not feel anything
then i can go out to bars with friends each night and feel the same
is it an actual feeling? or am i a sociopath?

>> No.5276355

You offended little boy. Did that hit a little too close to home?

>> No.5276362

You feel that way because you've never been confronted with any extreme kind of loneliness, seriously, spend a year or so alone and it'll kill you. Everyone needs time out but you cannot underestimate how important it is to communicate and share ideas and love people that love you. Living your life internally will drive you insane, it just does not work

>> No.5276368

how is it possible in this century to live a year alone?

>> No.5276371

No, but like, OBVIOUSLY people read because they want to learn stuff and better themselves, that's got nothing to do with boringness or loneliness

>> No.5276377

There is solitude which is being and doing things alone and loneliness is what people experience when their mothers or fathers didn't hug them enough or they think they need other people to validate them to be a happy person.

>> No.5276382

not the guy but it's kinda equally fucked to be some boring bottom-of-the-food-chain type guy and to bully them, imo

if you have the dough it's ez. i dont live like that but i could just lock myself into my room for a year

>> No.5276384

No. Have you seen the threads on this board. People are on here to have other losers validate them. That is all this board is about.

>> No.5276388

No friends/reclusive personality/unlikeable

I'm talking about an absence of conversation by the way, not literal isolation away from civilisation. And shitposting on 4chan doesn't count

>> No.5276393

So I can't hurt someones feelings. With the butt hurt police come after me now?

>> No.5276394

format: skype group dominating

>> No.5276399


>> No.5276404
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I think its just boredom and people without hobbies (aka way to fucking many) want to do the one thing they like to do, talk and chat or whatever, but can't so it is loneliness.

Basically this too, 4chan and the internet are able on there own delay or even avoid loneliness from striking, trust me if all these people who 'don't feel loneliness' got their internet connect taken away they would feel it fast.

>> No.5276406

much troll very edgemaster

and i voted for it. twice.

>> No.5276412

able on their own*

Typed fast, sorry.

>> No.5276414

Hobbies can only sustain you so long, they can't truly substitute the values of real communication

>> No.5276418

Fucking useless whitepeople.

>> No.5276420

This is not the case. I just don't really feel the want to get in a chat room with a bunch of a 27 year old dungeon lord virgin neckbeards.

>> No.5276431
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Pretty good selection you got there, I'd probably add in a bit more diversity, but all of these are things that can be easily discussed and bring in a lot of different opinions and ideas. I just finished my guide to Ancient Greek literature, so if anyone who has enough time on their hands want to get the full effect of Plato or Aristotle, here's a quick guide. The books I have in pic related are complete works, so they're pretty expensive. Even used, they will likely cost about $30. I choose those books as part of my guide since they are commonly used in colleges and considered by many to be the definitive translation.

I personally voted Plato's Republic, but I recommend those who are completely new to the Greeks consider reading up on some of the presocratics and/or reading some of Plato's earlier works, maybe pick up Penguin's versions of the Last Days of Socrates in addition their version of the Republic and read those in that order. Republic can be pretty hefty and at times confusing (at least for me), but I feel like knowledge on Socrates can help ease you into it. The Last Days of Socrates is a pretty short read too.

I think an online discussion like this really only works when everyone has completed the book, so book/month. Not really a fan of the Skype group idea since not everyone has a mic or webcam, text discussions can be reviewed when finished, and making it a Skype discussion will probably cause a lot of people to avoid joining. Skype or text, I'll be a part of the discussion.

>> No.5276435

Is there any kind of anonymous text-based skype equivelant?

>> No.5276439

would you rather discuss ubungu obongo's late and great 3rd century woodcarvings

what's your fucking point

>> No.5276450


having no one to talk to for weeks on end is suffering

>> No.5276451

it's "dungeon master", pleb

IRC ... i think everyone could just use the same nick

>> No.5276454

when was the last time anyone had any actual discussion on /lit/ about the content of books?
all the discussion i ever see is:

>is this book good?
>i want to fuck rimbaud's boypussy
>dostoyevsky is god-tier
>infinite jest is good
>infinite jest is bad
>ulysses is god-tier
>joyce fucked farts out of his wife
>random philosophy conversations
>nietzsche shit
>nietzsche not shit
>has anyone read this?
>tram with two tracks
>start with the greeks
>vile writing threads
>vile poetry threads
>'top 10s'
>link to article which nobody but OP will read
>muh pleb
>muh patrician
>more trolling and baiting than any other board besides /b/
>art threads
>'insert x', thoughts?
>what is post-modernism?
>history threads
>europeans arguing with americans
>'recent purchases'
>bookshelf threads
>muh classics
>"book has words" -- into the trash
>"accessories that enhance the literary experience"
>book charts
>whining about not speaking greek and latin
>whining about not being in public school

honestly, i have been here a year and i doubt i have seen people discussing themes, language, structure, form etc. more than 10 times. nobody ever discusses pre-1900 literature except for greeks, a smattering of romans, dante, cervantes, shakespeare and dostoyevsky.

fuck u /lit/ i hate u

>> No.5276462

Yeah I sorta wrote that without explaining what I meant.

What I mean, is that a mix of hobbies and internet can make you feel a lot less lonely, I have a rule where I have to maintain at least two creative hobbies like art, reading etc

One technical hobbie like coding or guns

And as many dumb hobbies like video games or posting on 4chan as I want as long as I got the other three or more in check.

Kept me sane this far at least.

>> No.5276471

Random philosophy conversations can be okay, I remember when I was going through Aristotle's collected works everytime I finished one I'd make a thread about it on /lit/ and there'd be okay discussion.

Just gotta frame OP in a way so that only people who read it will respond which doesn't invite shitflinging from people with no idea what they're talking about

>> No.5276476

this, why arent we using fucking irc

>> No.5276483

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.5276487

i bet you're not even asian

>> No.5276490

fuck of tripfag

>> No.5276494

He is a namefag thought?

>> No.5276497

It messes you up especially if you're an insecure person to begin with (which will obviously be the case a lot of the time) because without any outside reassurance you begin to get into these insane nonsensical dialogues with yourself about stuff like your alienation and what's brought it about and how completely unworthy and pathetic you are in comparison to the rest of the world, you start to get ideas about these extremely weighty topics and ask yourself questions you have no interest in answering, this sort of stuff may or may not have any basis in reality but without the clarity and input you get from sharing your ideas about yourself you can't keep on any kind of plane of complete reality because that isn't how the human mind works, you get these forced effects of solipsism and everything you end up thinking about is coming only through the lens and reflection of your own personality, I mean you can't even begin to underestimate the power of regular conversation as a means of sustenance, and its not even that other people have all the answers and that you the individual are hopeless but without a _dialogue_ or any communication you're hopeless. Communication is pretty much the most important thing

>> No.5276498

Hey guys new thread

>> No.5276501

no, also
not technically a tripfag

>> No.5276517

So did you ever make friends anon or did you eventually find a psychologist like I did?

>> No.5276525


i went outside earlier after staying inside my room for two and a half days and everything seemed weird and wonky. being on the train felt like being on a plane. people scare me and i avoid eye contact. the supermarket was really crowded and it kinda freaked me out.

on my way home there was this dude i sometimes see who looks like a 6 foot tall version of aphex twin and never speaks... he asked me for a cig (well, he made a gesture that vaguely translated to "smoking") and i gave him one and that kinda made me chill, though i don't know the guy, but ... just that bit of familiarity made me snap out of it.

>> No.5276532

in the process of getting back into the habits of conversation and social stuff, i'm heading off to uni in a month in the centre of london so i'm hoping that'll be a good kickstart and much needed

>> No.5276610

namefag is just a # away from trip. Just kill yourself.

>> No.5276628

are you trying to say "there's a fine line, but you haven't crossed it yet. you're alright"


>> No.5276777

lol casual

>> No.5276820

lol autist

>> No.5277701

I think that you started lurking /lit/ this year.