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5272462 No.5272462 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn more about Cultural Marxism.

I want to learn more about neo-communism and everything associated with it.

Why do some people actually believe that destructing traditional familiy and gender roles and races through feminism, gay propaganda, multiculturalism.

What books do you recommend to learn more about the problem?
On my list I have:
Prison Notebooks - Antonio Gramsci
The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx
2083 - A European Declaration of Independence - Anders Breivik

Should I also add 1984 - George Orwell as Political Correctness reminds me of Newspeak and Thought Crime

>> No.5272468

>'cultural marxism'


>> No.5272481

you need some angry black authorss on your list to blame the white man for the fact that their father ran off with a prostitute

>> No.5272495
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>people get mad at me when I say that other ethnicities are subhuman and should be exterminated
>m-muh cultural marxism

Go back to /pol/.

Also Orwell was a diehard socialist.

>> No.5272501

>Also Orwell was a diehard socialist.

but he was clearly criticizing the soviet union so don't be obtuse

>> No.5272502

>Implying it is a not real thing

Have you ever heard about: Long Marches Through the Institutions? Where Gramsci and other marxists advocate for the brainwashing of people through acadamia etc in order to prepare them for the revolution, because Christianity and Western Culture is the reason communism failed.

>> No.5272505

>Why do some people actually believe that destructing traditional familiy and gender roles and races through feminism, gay propaganda, multiculturalism.

Mostly because liberalization in economy follows liberalization in culture.
People are just not happy with the traditional roles because they are too tight.

And I don't blame them. Traditional family values and gender roles are a nightmare and highly burdensome.

>> No.5272507

It looks like your thread is about politics and not literature. Fortunately there's a board for this.

>> No.5272510
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>anime image
>recommend me books that tell me things I already believe

Why do people still make threads like this?
When will the summer kiddies go back to school?

>> No.5272518

then recommend me books that will make me think otherwise

>> No.5272528

The Soviet Union was state-controlled capitalism, not socialism.

>> No.5272529

My thread is about literature. I am asking for books.

>> No.5272535

Parent A and Parent B does not look just liberalism it looks like a planned marxist agenda.

>> No.5272537

Books does not equal literature. You're clearly using books as a medium to post a political message, which violates rule 3:
>Keep /pol/ in /pol/.

>> No.5272538

fuck it,
I'll feed it.


>> No.5272547

You seem to be missing the point - this isn't a political debate. We aren't trying to convince you. We just want to take your political thread out of this board that isn't about politics.

>> No.5272554

If I wanted to talk politics I would go to /pol/ and listen to the Jews over there.

/pol/ cannot into books, /pol/ can only into Jews.

I am not advocating any politics here, just posted a thread and waiting for the right people to answer me with the right books.

>> No.5272558

Well it's not how it looks, it's about how it is.

>> No.5272560

Cultural marxism is already loaded with political messages, since it's a word only far-right people use to designate a set of ideas they deem harmful. It's not used in any neutral context. So your thread is already advocating politics.

>> No.5272571

Cultural Marxism is the only reasonable term to describe this phenomena.
If you read some literature on the subject you would totally agree on the validity of the term Cultural Marxism.

>What is the Frankfurt School?
>Who was Gramsci?

>> No.5272572
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Have a look at this piece:

and check out the people mentioned there.

>> No.5272578

not actually true

when people say 'cultural marxism'
they are referring to this

those two things you mentioned are actually much more radical

>> No.5272581

I would like a book stating that opinion as well.

>> No.5272583

Pierre Bordieu

Forms of Capital

Shirt essay, hell of a starting point though

>> No.5272605

>cultural Marxism argues that what appear as traditional cultural phenomena intrinsic to Western society, for instance the drive for individual acquisition associated with capitalism, nationalism, the nuclear family, gender roles, race and other forms of cultural identity;[1] are historically recent developments that help to justify and maintain hierarchy. Cultural Marxists use Marxist methods (historical research, the identification of economic interest, the study of the mutually conditioning relations between parts of a social order) to try to understand the complexity of power in contemporary society and to make it possible to criticise what, cultural Marxists propose, appears natural but is in fact ideological.

Sounds like it just boils down to "these ideas are spooks that are used to divide the working class and inhibit class consciousness, we must criticize them and show them for the distractions they really are"

Seems like it'd be against identity politics, because that's just another distraction that factionizes the working class and acts as another barrier to class consciousness

>> No.5272619

Any of Mark Lilla's books.


>> No.5272621

>Why do some people actually believe that destructing traditional familiy and gender roles and races through feminism, gay propaganda, multiculturalism.

oh is this one of those things where some nerd blames marxists/feminists/jews/fags/blackguyswithbigdicks for his inability to get laid? sure looks like.

>> No.5272628

I love me some Bourdieu.

>> No.5272656

I'm not sure if you are implying that identity politics are some new thing but people used it to divide the populace way before the "PC" crowd showed up. They used it to set whites against blacks/chinese/irish/those of different religions/etc to protect the ruling white northern/southern class.

>> No.5272678

Cultural Marxism actually helps getting laid its intent is even to help you get laid. (They believe Capitalism and Fascism are caused by sexual suppression explained using Freudian psychology)

>> No.5272707

Pretty much any Marxist-Psychoanalysis will posit that the phantasms of desire created by capitalism are the result of highjacked libidinous energy.

>> No.5272713


>> No.5274124

Benjamin, Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer.

Then, for contrast, read Braverman, Nagy, Ðilas, Bologna, Dalla Cossa and Federici

>> No.5274677

Somebody give me a rundown of the golas and methods of "cultural marxism" as they state and as they are characterized by their opponents. Also, is it called cultural marxism because the idea is to put the tools of cultural production into the hands of cultural workers? like letting authors publish their own books, musicians have access to distribution and marketing, artists have venues, etc.? And what would make you a cultural worker? Is this all a "stamp out the publishers/labels/galleries that have a stranglehold on the cultural industries thing? And if not, how is it marxist? Are we planning to take down NPR for not playing country and metal?

>> No.5274684

interesting to see they dabbled in themes of social-communism in the new cap american movie
or at least I think they did, I wasnt always paying full attention

>> No.5274687

see >>5272605

>> No.5274688
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meant to say cultural marxism

>> No.5274693

"cultural marxism" is a lazy term.

you mean to research the frankfurt school
>other ethnicities are subhuman and should be exterminated
This is the most hilarious strawman of all.

What's so funny is how pervasive it is among intelligent people.

>> No.5274696

Weird. I think they're confusing class structures, which a re generally impermeable, with heirarchies in general. Would they be against "cultural rent-seeking" where a state bureau or corporation or guild had control of venues? would they be trying to abolish patent and copyright, make everything open-source and do away with state licensing and oversight? sounds risky.

>> No.5274959

So by cultural Marxism, you're interested in post-structural, post-Marxism veins? The idea of a fractured Marxism is not at all what "party-form"/"orthodox" Marxism would concede. In those sects, there is one unified movement towards the eschatological/messianic movement of labor. A Hegelian understanding of the world, that implies a continuum that belies all distinctions beyond what class dialectics allow for. A true materialism undergirding all aspects of life.

>> No.5275009


>americlaps trying to debunk critical philosophy

haha oh wow

>> No.5275025


also this is a great summary of how /pol/ uses the phrase "cultural marxism":

>Chip Berlet (2012) situates the theory in a wider context: "From the colonial Salem witch hunts, to the anti-Catholic nativism of the 1800s, to the Palmer raids of 1919–20, to the 1950s McCarthy-era Red Scare, to the Tea Parties of today, the hunt for subversion is built around conspiracy theories. Those seeking to expose the conspiracy build movements to counter the alleged subversion. Their central frame is that the national is imperiled by a secret and sinister conspiracy seeking to crush democracy and install some form of evil totalitarian rule."[16] Berlet argues that the "Cultural Marxism" theory is a form of framing that helps "the power elites of organized wealth" to mobilise right-wing popular movements in the support of their interests: "Blaming hard times as being the result of the secret conspiracy is a time-honored tradition, and conspiracy theories function as a narrative form of scapegoating."[16]

>> No.5275158


I don't want to sound anti-semetic but it was hard-boiled neo-cons pro-zionist like Buchanan that when they saw the left attacking the USA on the issues of war and zionism created such conspiracy theories.

In America, the alliance of far-right with zionism and the military industrial complex , reached it's apotheosis with clowns like Glenn Beck.

>> No.5275397
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'Cultural Marxism' is a term that conservatives throw around any time some forward-thinking individuals try and demolish the backward spooks they place so much emphasis on. If I said we should get rid of national pride, gender roles, and the belief that a 'traditional family' is better than other things (all of these being silly and not real), they would use a strawman associating my opinions with scary Communists make something up on how I, along with the evil gays, feminists, and ethnic minorities, plot to destroy all America/The West holds dear.

>> No.5275404

*and make something up
>mfw /pol/acks try and be edgy by doing exactly what's not at all edgy

>> No.5275439

Read Animal Farm, the prototype for 1984. You will realize that Orwell is criticizing state capitalism under Stalin as well as classic capitalism.

>> No.5275456

What the fuck is actually wrong with you? I'm not kidding, it's blatantly obvious from your language structure that you have some sort of relatively severe impairment. Honestly we just need to start purging autistic/schizo/severe anxiety/NEET worthless parasites and move forward. Who gives a shit if your broken and don't like it? It's no one elses problem, fuck you.

>> No.5275477

What? I can read it just fine. It's not great, but it's pretty sensible. The point is clear and the wording is fairly selected.

>> No.5275522

Cultural Marxism is a farce.

You should try to understand cultural capitalism instead; multiculturalism is hegemonic, and is part of the logic of cultural capitalism.

>> No.5275529

>You've just been brainwashed by the Jews and homosexuals to not share my ignorant and edgy opinions!

>> No.5275548

Not the guy you're talking to (who cares about him) but what do you think about the whole SJW phenomenon? Do you believe identity politics fucked up OWS? I know /g/ believes this.

Tumblr radicals tend to end up fighting fire with fire and adopting the same mob mentality that is always plaguing 4chan. They just sound sanctimonious rather than edgy. The evil you know, or the evil you don't know? At the end of the day, half the internet considers them to be completely insufferable. Some of the transsexuals so high on the cubbyhole pyramid seem to be entering debates five minutes after taking their hormones and as soon as they burst into treats they can always count on their peers to come swarming to the rescue like a bunch of angry smothering mother bears.

Maybe my perception is warped from the sites I visit but in general things look really fucking bad. I wouldn't trust either of these sides to decide anything for me.

>> No.5275571

"Cultural Marxism" is a conspiracy theory .... read the works of so called "cultural Marxists" (Frankfurt school etc) and you will find very little to do with "destructing traditional familiy and gender roles and races through feminism, gay propaganda, multiculturalism."

In western culture, the increase in noise surrounding equity, rights and identity is largely rooted in the classical liberal thought of j s mill and so on.

>> No.5275575

People who focus too much on identity politics are just as bad as the conservatives they're against. The point is that identity shouldn't matter, not that the poor minority identities (be them ethnic or otherwise) are worth paying more attention to than the non-minorities. At least a step above conservative identity values, but a step in the wrong direction nonetheless.

Also, Occupy Wall Street was terrible and I'm glad it failed. It didn't even encompass the leftist ideals that it pretended to, with individual whining being the base of it. Like, the 'I (I in all caps) am the 99%' with no mention of 'We'. It was an attempt to be populist but was just a self-fellating caricature of modern American liberalism/leftism.

>> No.5275685

Much of these people's problems with modern culture are the result of capitalism; it's just amazing that they never realize it.

>> No.5275773


>> No.5275796

Lots of people that are disgusted by the state of society are unhappy with capitalism, it's just that the hatred for communism outweighs it.

>> No.5275815
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And even farther from them to wither the anarchist

>> No.5275825
