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5271419 No.5271419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you let your friends borrow your books?
a friends wanted to borrow some books for his holiday, he gave them back in such a state that i probably never let someone borrow a book again.
also, share your book lending stories/peeves

>> No.5271427

No, I do not, and I shan't.

>> No.5271432

No. Tell them to get a kindle if they want to read your books, or give them a pdf file.

>> No.5271439

say...wait a minute, if shan't is shall not, what the fuck is won't? would not? why the fuck isn't there a willn't? can one of you uptight grammar autists explain this shit

>> No.5271444
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>what annon? books are meant to look read

>> No.5271451

>be 15
>lend book to friend
>don't get it back

Never again

>> No.5271452
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>sorry about that one man, i dropped some of it in the jacuzzi

>> No.5271466

that doesn't happen to a book if it's not shittily made though.
>reading near water

>> No.5271469

Shan't = shall not
Won't = will not
Wouldn't = would not
You = pleb

>> No.5271475
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>one of the guys thought it would be funny

I mean it kinda is, but not when it's your book

>> No.5271480

I can explain.
English is a crappy pastiche of a language.
That is all.

>> No.5271484

how in the mother fuck do you get won't from will not?

>> No.5271494

Enjoy it being your great great great great great grandchildren's first language.

>> No.5271498


>> No.5271503

English ain't logical

>> No.5271517

What kinds of faggots are your friends?

>> No.5271518
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I did that kind of shit to a comedy book about sex when I was little; my parents scolded me, they said: "What if we want to lend this to someone?".
I felt bad and tried to erase the stuff with whiteout (I used a pencil but I used to carve the shit out of paper when I was little for some reason and no eraser can do anything about that), with the result that now the blank pages of the book had white splotchy dick outlines.
actually it wasn't even just your regular dicks, one of them was made out of wood planks.
I ripped the blank pages years later because it made me uncomfortable

>> No.5271526
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Don't ever say that mangaroo.

>> No.5271536

Yeah I "lend" books pretty regularly, never with any expectation of getting them back. If I do, great. If not, oh well, I can always get another copy if I really want to.

Sharing is caring.

>> No.5271539

i'm starting to rethink being friends with him at this point anyway

>> No.5271564

>Just ask anon to lend you stuff, he doesnt even want it back anyway.

>> No.5271565

It was always the same guy? Why did you give him more than one book?

>> No.5271573

No, I don't. I also don't borrow books. If I do, I tell them that I will never bring it back to them. Never.

>> No.5271575

he took all 3 to read on a holiday, he had never borrowed anything before so i was fine with it.

>> No.5271580

>Finish The Brothers K a few months ago
>It could still pass for unread because I take such good care of my books and never bring them outside the house
>Friend asks to borrow it
>"Sure just be careful with it"

>Get it back a couple of weeks later
>Spine broken in several places
>Falls to the same page every time it's opened
>Pages are dog-eared
>Corners of the book are somehow dulled, like it had been hit against a wall
>There's a sticky note inside the front cover
>It's a list of characters

Judging by the dog-eared pages he only got about a fifth of the way in.

RIP in peace, book.

>> No.5271589

Uhh yeah, I just don't get too attached to most material possessions, especially when they are as easily replaced as a book. Sorry if you find that "edgy" or something, anon. Also I like to share with people. Please show me where my fault lies.

>> No.5271596
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I feel bad for your book but this made me laugh so hard if it's true

>> No.5271621

That's right. You will never be 15 again.

>> No.5271623

Why should you be "edgy"? Its just that you seem like a pushover.

>> No.5271626

>lend book to mate
>never see it again.
Lend to other mates and it was fine though.

My own faillure:
>borrow Animal Farm
>really old version
>let go of one side of the book by accident so it ''fell'' folding down
>back of it gets seperated from some of the pages, thought it was like an heirloom at first or a rare edition
Luckily my mate said it was fine, as it was old as shit anyways.

>> No.5271657

your mate probably secretly hated you after

>> No.5271659

Haha. Because I don't care about someone returning something I likely didn't pay for, or else paid a couple bucks for, and can easily replace if I feel the need to, I am a push over? OK, anon. If i seem like a pushover, you seem like a judgmental tool who can't understand a simple concept when it is repeated multiple times in simple words.

>> No.5271670
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I had a friend who borrowed a set of books from me. Months later, I went over to her place and fed her cat while she was on vacation. Upon chance, I saw one of the books sitting on the window sill, stained and bent around the edges. I asked her numerous times for them back but could never get a straight answer. We parted ways and to this day, I have never seen her or my books. And if I did, I would only ask for monetary compensation. I do not plan on lending out anything as readily as I used to.

The set of books was the Twilight series.

>> No.5271683


I shan't lend my books out! I *SHAN'T*!!!

>> No.5271684

yeah you shouldn't lend a book if you actually want it back

>> No.5271688

Judging by your eagerness to defend your behaviour and that juicy ad hominesm, you seem to be pretty insecure about your behaviour.
>I don't care about someone returning something I likely didn't pay for, or else paid a couple bucks for, and can easily replace if I feel the need to, I am a push over?
Its not even about the worth of the object, its more about the concept that people can take things from you without having to care about a reaction from you.

>> No.5271695

*ad hominem

>> No.5271696

I usually give them away after I've read them.

>> No.5271706

I tell them when they ask not to worry about returning it. I'll say it once more and maybe you can grasp the idea this time, such menial possessions don't really matter to me, sharing something of real value with people I care about does. Do you even have any friends or people you care about/care about you? And for the record, you started with the personal attacks, and I did not use an ad hominem. You clearly don't understand what that term means.

>> No.5271707

>borrow book
>cover is damaged
>fix with tape
Seemed like a banal gesture, but then you have all these horror stories.

>> No.5271726

Lent a friend Of Human Bondage in exchange for Factotum (hadn't read Bukowski before that). Never got it back. Never will. Still have Factotum.

Lent a friend my used copy of Zorba the Greek. He got angry at the "stupid notes" in the margins and threw it away. Gave me Nabokov's Despair as a consolation. I suppose that was more or less an equal exchange.

Lent a friend an Oe book in exchange for The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying. Returned the Faulkner. Never got the Oe back. Probably never will. It will probably never be read by anyone ever again. Such a sad fate for a book.

>> No.5271734

>I tell them when they ask not to worry about returning it.
Ok, thats another story. I thought you just dont ask them and they never ask either.
>Do you even have any friends or people you care about/care about you?
Of course, but caring about a friend or whatever doesnt involve giving him my posessions.
>I did not use an ad hominem
>you seem like a judgmental tool who can't understand a simple concept when it is repeated multiple times in simple words.

>> No.5271744
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>He got angry at the "stupid notes" in the margins and threw it away.

>> No.5271794

Yeah it was pretty obvious that was the comment to which you were referring. That comment was not, however, an ad hominem. The point of you being unable to comprehend my point and being a judgmental too was completely relevant to the point I was trying to make. Thus, it was a personal attack of sorts, but not an ad hominem.

>> No.5271817

Fair enough.

>> No.5271830
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>stop using ad hominems! also you're insecure!

>> No.5271835

your mate is probably posting about you somewhere in this thread

>> No.5271842

Also my loved ones and I often give each other things. Just recently Isaw a friends bookcase for the first time and commented on his first edition copy of Sirens of Titan, a personal favorite of mine. He immediately said "Here, take it." Different strokes, I s'pose.

>> No.5271851
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I gave my best friend a copy of Labyrinths and he returned it with a spine cracked but with a new found love for reading.

I also gave away my copy of Ubik to a former co-worker cuz I thought he was qt. I'll prolly never see him again ;_;

>> No.5271888

I saw a pigeon do that last week.
It was flying and hit my balcony and it walked around on the floor slowly. I tried approaching him and he feel down just like that, twice. Then he got back up and went to a niche where I couldn't see him. I went outside and he got startled and jumped. I heard a "POCK" like one second later.

>> No.5271930
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Looks like I got a wrong impression from you. You seem like a pretty chill guy.

>> No.5271939

you didn't make a point brah, you just assumed the other guy was this and that and then complained that he made nonexistent ad hominems.