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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 472x472, try getting a reservation at dubsia now you stupid fucking bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5271122 No.5271122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading American Pyscho. Is it just me, or does Bateman seem like the prototypical model for most of the behaviour and linguistic patterns used by people on 4chan today?

>> No.5271133

No, that's sticking your dick in an electrical socket.

>> No.5271139

Honestly, no.

>> No.5271977

I've always thought that film Bateman was an accurate reflection of /mu/, but novel Bateman seems even more insecure and unsure of himself than that board. Maybe he's a mirror of /fit/?

>> No.5271991

Bateman is successful, is good looking, has sex, has a social life, and actually has the balls to do incredible things.

So, no.

>> No.5272015
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>> No.5272083
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>> No.5272090
File: 120 KB, 500x433, 1385536362072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we must invoke the god of get

>> No.5272767
File: 459 KB, 507x676, 1406593377750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say he represents any board here super easily. Probably /pol/?

>> No.5272772

>not [s4s]

>> No.5272780

i was speaking of the character, not dubs guy. but sure, that works as well.

>> No.5272799

no I'm saying Bateman embodies s4s

>> No.5272920

>has the balls to do incredible things

Maybe. It is just as likely that he only imagines he is doing incredible things, and is so caught up in his schizoid fantasies that he starts imagining he really is some sort of Ubermensch.
Which would make him the perfect model of the average 4chan user.

>> No.5272939

>lel everything is /bol/ lol im not apposed ta like them right guys? Guy I don't like them LOL!

>> No.5272988

Nah. Bateman was too smart for /pol/. The part where he rattles off a list of every leftist cause there is in a concerned voice, no one on /pol/ could accomplish that. /pol/ lacks any sense of awareness or ironic detachment.
They'd just screw up their faces real tight and, after a great deal of thought, fart out "muh jews muh feminists muh misandree muh pillz muh cultural marxism."

>> No.5273023
File: 398 KB, 1191x734, enlightened by my doubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, maybe those patterns are common in America since the eighties or who knows.

>> No.5273037

dubs and I kill op

>> No.5273300

>3 and 7

Not even close. Dubs man has smiled upon OP.

>> No.5273322


>> No.5273332

what is going on

>> No.5273405

It's your fault. You broke it

>> No.5273520

Here for my dubs. Check em

>> No.5273570
File: 16 KB, 402x300, Paul-Allen-or-Patrick-Bateman-american-psycho-7633749-402-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the role christian bale was born to play.

>> No.5273571


>> No.5274446

Very nice.

>> No.5274826

I finished this book last night.

two questions for you /lit/

1. Why did the writing perspective suddenly change from first- to third-person in Chase, Manhattan?

2. Why did everyone wear wool clothing?

>> No.5274841

Stupid question but Bateman only imagined all his crimes, right?

>> No.5274846

i'm not sure, if that were true, then how come the homeless guy with the dog and the cabdriver know who he was and what he did?

>> No.5274855

I think you mean most Americans, OP.

>> No.5274883

One theory I've seen passed around on 4chan is that it doesn't matter if he did or didn't commit those crimes. The world goes on (for rich people anyway) and nobody gives a damn. See: Capitalism.

/lit/ seems to agree that, in either case, Bateman is warped by his extremely repressed homosexuality. This is, of course, hilarious considering how many normies and semi-normies end up wanting to get super buff and masculine after watching the movie.

>> No.5274924
File: 61 KB, 900x900, Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5274926

Just out of curiosity: what signs for repressed homosexuality do you see in Bateman?

>> No.5274936

He gets an erection in the U2 concert whilst staring at bono, and despite being disgusted by him never kills Luis

>> No.5275037

You can actually see quite a bit of it in his interactions with women. He has some very unsatisfying sex with that one mistress and when he realizes she is about to cheat on him, hilariously enough, Bateman just feels sorry for the guy. Bateman is annoyed or even disgusted by women in general but he keeps fucking them to prove to himself he is straight, straight, straight! But he can't lie to himself for long. Vanilla shit with women bores him to tears, as seen in some intentionally bland porno writing that abruptly switches to extreme violence and gore every time Bateman snaps and vents his frustration on some unsuspecting prostitute.

>> No.5275067

there's nothing remotely homosexual in your paragraph.

>> No.5275127

Replace Jesus with Mergers and Aquisitions and you have Bateman being 'straight'.

>> No.5275399

It starts here: >>5274936

The rest just flows from it as a theory.

Fuck it, I'll go ahead and rub the BEE wiki article in your face. It's stated that he likes to keep people wondering as to his true sexuality.
"If they knew I was gay, 'Psycho' would be read as a different book."

tl;dr the novel is about BEE being a repressed homosexual. Venting frustration on his wallstreet dad is just a bonus feature.

>> No.5275420

>2. Why did everyone wear wool clothing?

That's what rich people do. Cotton is for the pleb.

>> No.5275426

With the clothes, I think it was explained once that their outfits are deliberately bad. According to people who know the difference between different suits, everything they were wearing would be clashing, tacky and they' resemble a troupe of clowns parading down the street.

>> No.5275712

It said something about a tranny tape toward the beginning.