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/lit/ - Literature

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5269078 No.5269078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I read French and Russian literature in English

>> No.5269080


obviously because they are improved by being expressed through superior aenglisk

>> No.5269082

Ebannaya putain.

>> No.5269083
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>I read

>> No.5269085
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>I make threads about literature translations on 4chan's /lit/ board

>> No.5269086

But seriously, english is such a poor language.

>> No.5269090

It is retarded, yes, but at least you get an approximation of the original, without having to learn a new language.

>> No.5269103
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>reading books for prose

>> No.5269107
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>I shitpost on /lit/ instead of reading

>> No.5269109

I guess only a very few on this board, besides the french and russian anons, speak those languages good enough to read anything above newspaper level.

>> No.5269128

Let me guess, you're one of the ignorant faggots who come from /a/ and equate shitty fansubs with translated literature.

>> No.5269138

English is objectively a better language because it has the most words. Also, [u]english is french [b]2.0

>[spoiler]français n'est pas difficile[/spoiler]

>> No.5269140


>> No.5269147

You can use any English word in any other language.

>> No.5269149

English is the language of commerce, so it's normal it's easy to learn.

>> No.5269155

English is a pleb language

>> No.5269159

whats a patrician language? O, learned one?

>> No.5269163

Latin, duh.

>> No.5269164

how about you go an live in the fucking colosseum then you fool

>> No.5269171 [DELETED] 

btw, it's DER Drillmeister.

>> No.5269194

just make sure that you stay in a fucking baseball stadium.

>> No.5269201

why a baseball stadium?? is that the landmark of the english language?? no wonder you hate it!!

>> No.5269226
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>> No.5269233

im not sure what this is meant to imply, but maybe you should go back to /a/!!

there you are!

>> No.5269239
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>> No.5269244

>learning a new language after already having passed the Critical Period

Top Kek. Enjoy never ever having a complete native-like grasp of the language and have subtle nuances of it go straight over your head.

>> No.5269252
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>I learn languages for the sole purpose of reading

>> No.5269258

>you do X activity that I don't do!

>> No.5269267
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>> No.5270023

Why would you learn a language for if not reading?

>> No.5270033

But anon if everybody read and never posted on /lit/ ..... How would we have a /lit/?

>> No.5270036



>> No.5270042

Yeah because books aren't a way of communicating.

>irrelevant pleb activity
Try again please

>> No.5270055

>still believing in the Critical Period

I feel so sorry for you

>> No.5270056

All books communicate but not all communication is in the form of books. The spoken word isn't the written word.

>> No.5270061

So are you a mute?

Because people talk to each other as well.

>> No.5270086

kek. English is commonly agreed to be the best language for literature because of the relationship between its versatility and structure.

>> No.5270091

>not all communication is in the form of books
Some of the most interesting are.
Why should I give attention to daily communication? Shall I talk about Dostoyevsky or Kafka to Giuseppe, my Italian postman?

>> No.5270125

In english speaking countries, is it common to speak more than one language? Because it is common to speak english in non-english speaking countries

>> No.5270170

How about talking about your day? Their day? You know just general talking.

>> No.5270177

>being this pleb
>learning a language to say banalities to strangers
A-Am I really on /lit/?

>> No.5270218

Shakespeare proved you wrong

>> No.5270225

>In english speaking countries, is it common to speak more than one language?
It isn't even common to speak one language in English speaking countries.

>> No.5270280

No it's retarded to privilege only the original.
Everyone in Europe reads works in translation and no one cares.
It is a sort of anglo-chauvinism that has put so much attention on the original and because of that the quality of English translations has suffered for a lot of time.

Still now this prejudice against translations is one of the reasons why readers in the US are so provincial and tend mostly to read only English literature having barely any idea of what happens outside of it.

>> No.5270289
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>> No.5270507
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U wot M8?

>> No.5270515


>> No.5271537


>> No.5271784

>Latin was the lingua franca
>French was the lingua franca
>English is the lingua franca

a fad like any other, our grandchildren will be sperging like that about Chinese or some other language with actual future

yes i imply you faggots will somehow reproduce

>> No.5271788

lel only among English speakers

>> No.5271803

70% of English words share a common root with French so I guess it's not that hard to read it, at least not as much as, say, German.

>> No.5271808

>implying I haven't already reproduced

look on my works, ye mighty, and despair

>> No.5271815

How about you stop making this shit a /lit/ meme and actually appreciate the fact that there's a translator for fat Americans like you that can only understand English. Pick up another language you pleb.

>> No.5271825

but most Americans know shit-tier pseudo-Mexican Spanish

it's like a creole language, anon!

>> No.5271826

>Talking to girls

>> No.5271833

>the best
>best language for literature
I don't know if you are that ignorant, or simply trolling, and this is scary. A bitter feeling of absurdity takes hold of me.

>> No.5271839

Fuck, you have returned. Well, thanks for the trip, it is easier to filter you.

>> No.5271850

England is in Europe

>> No.5271853

>implying that's true
give it 20 years

>> No.5271856

England is, thankfully, not in Europe. You faggots simply like to think it is so because English civilisation being a part of your own makes you feel warm inside for a while.

>> No.5271876

>contentintal tries to talk shit
>doesn't into english

>> No.5271880

Englishman here
I can understand baguettey eating bastards just fine

>> No.5271898

>expressing his profound knowledge of English

>> No.5272191

Actually I'm glad I live on a civilized continent devoid of any toxic Anglo mindset.

>> No.5272202

>profound knowledge e.g. England is in Europe

>> No.5272604
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>I post reaction images from Seinfeld

>> No.5272636

I like your point, but not for the reason you intended. Shakespeare proved that anon wrong by creating hundreds of new words and phrases that are still used today, which improved upon English greatly. Shakespeare's works wouldn't have been nearly as good without the creation of new words.

>> No.5272669


First time I read Crime & Punishment it was the Constance Garnett translation.


>> No.5272774

Spanish is much moe versatile and Cervantes proved it by practically inventing modern prose