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/lit/ - Literature

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5268128 No.5268128[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

post your most recent book hauls, /lit/

also sorry about foot, my phone screen is smaller than how much the camera can see

>> No.5268153

fuck, i don't have them on hand, but here's a list:

The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Play by Oscar Wilde

The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

Incidences by Daniil Kharms

and a story collection of Pedro Urdemales, a local interpretation of a western folk... hero

>> No.5268161

came across a thrift store going out of business on craigslist, left that store with about 180 books. Free of charge ;).

>> No.5268186

The Histories by Herodotus
The Broken Compass, The Rage Against God, and The War We Never Fought by Peter Hitchens
The Ethics of Liberty, The Case Against the Fed and Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard
Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans Hermann Hoppe
Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson
The Complete Works of Tacitus
The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche

>> No.5268224 [DELETED] 
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Pic related, got it yesterday

>> No.5268230

I posted these in a similar thread the other day but I've picked up a few more since.

The Drones Omnibus by P.G. Wodehouse
The Confusions of Young Törless by Robert Musil
Novels in Three Lines by Félix Fénéon
Autobiography of a Corpse by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
The Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino
Tokyo-Montana Express by Richard Brautigan
and The Stray Dog Cabaret: A Book of Russian Poems

>> No.5268237

>Post your body parts thread, guys.

>> No.5268250
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I-Is that the tip of you penis at the bottom of the picture, anon?

>> No.5268294

I'm high as fuck and this shit made me laugh harder than I've laughed in a long time.

>> No.5268308

>I'm high
Kill yourself.

>> No.5268310

>7 habits of highly effective people

Sounds like a self help book. Any good or is it just for kicks?

>> No.5268314

> high as fuck
the cancer killing lit

>> No.5268321

It is a self-help book with a ton of add-on fluff, you can look up the 7 habits online:


Then you save yourself the book.

>> No.5268328

Sounds like your run of the mill "be a Christian and all will be well."

Have you tried to follow these?

>> No.5268337

wow. I always hear about stuff like that but I never seem to come across that kind of luck.

>> No.5268344

OP here, I actually didn't wanna buy the book but my dad bought me all these books for my birthday and he wanted me to read it. Didn't wanna be ungrateful.

>> No.5268352
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reposted from an earlier thread

>> No.5268360

It's a bit hard to explicitly follow these habits -

I try being proactive, and I try defining my personal goals, and I try to put myself in the other's position, and I try to read as many books as possible. Doesn't everybody?
I don't need Covey to tell me that.

>> No.5268361

how is nightwood

>> No.5268409

I see. Well hey, the things in it can hardly be all bad. Being proactive might get us all out of this shithole and back to writing.

>> No.5268423

I really wish books were cheaper here in Chile. even fucking Argentina has them cheap as fuck, and they have been through a crisis for years now

>> No.5268451

I never, ever buy books new. Always go to thrift stores or used bookstores. Are they still expensive in those?

And my uncle's in Chile, he has a restaurant. So I get your struggle.

>> No.5268474

There's nothing I enjoy more than snorting a line of heroin and reading some patrician literature. You will never know this pleasure.

>> No.5268518

>snorting heroin
>missing out on the rush that all of the heroin entering the bloodstream at once produces
>being this pleb

>> No.5268554
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Shipping from the US is a bitch.

>> No.5268567

Looks like Australia

>> No.5268569

No, US to Denmark.

>> No.5268588

Where the currency is denllars.

>> No.5268595


When you purchase an item from a different country than your own, you pay in their currency.

>> No.5268601
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pleas dont bully.

>> No.5268606
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>> No.5268608

Why would you do that?

Are you going to read those?

For what purpose?

>> No.5268613

pls go

>> No.5268616

>Tells someone to go because they have a vagina.

patriarchy pls

>> No.5268631

sorri mates I'm new around here
is a haul your recently completed books or recent purchases/library checkouts

>> No.5268632

tits or gtfo :^)

>> No.5268637

Recent purchases.

If you want to seem less new, please use punctuation and proper spelling. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.5268643

>posting your face for no reason
pls go

>> No.5268644


Don't know whether to add Death in Venice to my list.

>> No.5268650

I don't really care if I seem new

I'll punctuate when I'm less tired

>> No.5268657

It's time to go back to reddit now.

Have a safe journey home.

>> No.5268667


Disgusting female scum there is no such thing as the patriarchy

>> No.5268669
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stop ruining the thread you tryhard faggot

>> No.5268676

Damn this girl looks HAAT.

>> No.5268682

Same Hat

>> No.5268690

Hey bb want sum fuk gurl Il do unspeakable things to ur butt hmu, is me here u like >>5268224

>> No.5268697
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Wanna read Laurie Penny together?

>> No.5268724

I'd like to read your Laurie Penny.

>> No.5268739

awww yea get your D wet bro

>> No.5268752

Yeah, yeah, splashing kool aid up on that, nah wha' I'm sayin'?

>> No.5268760

>btw im a grill XD

>> No.5268762

shit yeah nucca. make her looka like her teeths are melting

>> No.5268768


>proof that females are stupid

There are plenty of females who exist on 4chan in anonymous bliss, they don't choose to abuse their power for their own gain, but remain anonymous for the sake of the whole. You, on the other hand, are the equivalent of a corrupt official who poisons the success of our beautiful society.

And you're also fucking ugly lol

>> No.5268769


And that hair dye is so bad

>> No.5268790
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>Wanna read Laurie Penny together?

I would love too.

>> No.5268793

Is this photo supposed to be ironic?

>> No.5268796

I think the misogynist and sexually laden comments it draws are supposed to be the irony.

>> No.5268801


welp time to go see what /b/ is up to.

>> No.5268802

That completes the irony, but it definitely contains an ironic juxtaposition on its own. Particularly if the intent is to incite misogynistic sexual comments.

>> No.5268846
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I wanted short stories

>> No.5268866

Fellow denfag here.

Why in the world wouldn't you order from .co.uk?

>> No.5268880
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They always do the same, it really rustles my jimmies: if you want to show what you bought, take a picture of it, not a fucking picture of it and yourself, you stupid cunt.

>> No.5268900

I can't get original editions of Against The Day and Mason & Dixon in the UK.

Have to order from USA tog to the original hardcovers.

>> No.5268903

to get*

>> No.5268989
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I'm sure it is.

>> No.5269021

But girls only have faces and no brains so what would they be taking pictures of if not their faces

>> No.5269028

I want to suck that
>beeteedubs imma fag XD

>> No.5269575

Mason and Dixon-Thomas Pynchon
The Final Empire, Mistborn book one-Brandon Sanderson
The Cossacks-Leo Tolstoy
Childhood, Boyhood & Youth-Tolstoy
The Canterbury Tales-Chaucer
The Spanish Civil War-Hugh Thomas

>> No.5269598
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Has anything been deleted since that dick has been posted?

>> No.5269605

Why are you buying it from there you fucking retard

>> No.5269611

Maybe it's reappropriation like with the word nigger

>> No.5269629

I went to a bookshop at MIT and could have cried because I don't have enough money to buy all the books they have on offer.

>> No.5269733

I can't find new 1st editions of either book in Europe.

>> No.5270058

haha, I found a 1st edition of Against the Day at Goodwill for $2. Living in Australia sounds like shit

>> No.5270220

Why is everyone so fucking hard for Pynchon?

>> No.5270410

Because his prose is great, his stories are wacky and he has this goofball feel to his books, while still being serious.

>> No.5272887
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The Evidence for Evolution. Looks a bit thin to me.
← 743 pages, and nearly 2 inches thick.