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/lit/ - Literature

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5255312 No.5255312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What /lit/ think about videogames?

>> No.5255315

Delete your thread.

>> No.5255318

It doesn't, it thinks about books.

>> No.5255336

⇒What /lit/ think about videogames?

I think they are good entertainment for children aged 6 to 12. However, if your child grows older and continues to play them, you have reason to be worried.

>> No.5255341

i think god every day for being in my early twenties having never played them.

i hope people who play them play them more, so i can write them off as humans.

>> No.5255363


Daily reminder that tripfags and namefags are cancer.

Thank you.

>> No.5255369

They are a dumb waste of dumb people's dumb time.
Unlike spending 8 hours a day shitposting /lit/, which is, in fact, the height of philosophy and enlightenment.

>> No.5255380

Delete your worthless repetitive thread, OP.

>> No.5255399

It depends what games you play. I play strategy and simulation games with my father, he's literally a certified genius, so I learn from both the video game and my father while playing video games. Play strategy games with smart friends and I guarantee that you will benefit from that.

>> No.5255404


>> No.5255406

a waste of time form of entertaiment
just like the majority of the books

>> No.5255412
File: 520 KB, 1728x1152, IfYouWantaGoodStoryReadABook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you play story-driven games (RPGs, adventures), you're autistic as fuck. If you play fightan, RTS, sports, and any other game that doesn't rely on a story for you to have fun, you're doin' good.

>> No.5255416

Same goes for books

>> No.5255417


>What [do you] think about videogames?

Uh, it's a medium... I dont really understand your question. It's like asking what I think of books. Can you ask something more specific?

>> No.5255423

they are a better experience than going outside, exercising, or any other real activity

>> No.5255430

They're the only respite from a world that despises me

>> No.5255431

> Diogenes on the left
> Some random fucks on the right

Story-driven for me

>> No.5255435


>> No.5255437


>reading books for the plot

>> No.5255477
File: 59 KB, 500x628, 1361754317778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl is the greatest video game of all time, prove me wrong nerds

>> No.5255478

Games are truly a waste of time. It can be entertaining but if you spend more then 2 hours playing any game you have a problem.
As for games, I think they are mostly low quality garbage that they serve to kids and young adults.
For further questions go to >>>/v/ please.

>> No.5255639

How can you disprove a fact

>> No.5255659

the witcher is the greatest video game of all time.

>> No.5255667


Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons.

It's an experience. You can't turn that game into a movie, it's a videogame, and it's glorious for it. It actually managed to rise above the level of b movie schlock that most games struggle to attain.

>> No.5255673

Story driven games are pretty much the male equivalent of the YA genre

>> No.5255676

The first 2 fallouts are the greatest video games of all times. Nothing compares, but most people are too young to have played them.

>> No.5255688

>Fallout 2
>toilet humour: the good

>> No.5255692

>the game*

>> No.5255696

Video-games rarely elevate themselves above more established mediums for themes but they can be at worst interesting.

Them being stuck in needing to glorifying themselves to get you to buy them is the problem and that probably ain't going to change quickly because of how embedded it is. It's like expecting Hollywood to move to being more like art-house cinema.

I think things are changing in a way but I'm really hesitant about how much they'll advance simply because of the nature of the industry they exist within. You should factor in the type of people who would want to stretch their creative limbs by making games instead of painting pictures, writing books or making films (see: the problem with indies)

Arguably the Japanese industry in the 90s where they would hire people who weren't simply code-monkeys allowed for the greatest era of games (1990 - 2005). People came in as planners and had outside opinions about what kinds of themes and stories games could utilise. Games were still very game-like of course (ie gratifying experiences).

>> No.5255701

They're fine to kill time or to have fun with friends. If you're gonna spend an hour or two doing nothing on a weekend, it doesn't really matter if you're playing video games, browsing 4chan, or jerking off. But their artistic worth is generally very low and anybody who takes them too seriously is probably an idiot.

>> No.5255703


>This particular subject is something I know nothing about, and as such I cannot use this thread to attentionwhore as a fucking tripfag, so that means this thread is worthless.

Seriously, fuck off you dumb cunt. You also know that I'm not OP, so don't use that bullshit.

>> No.5255709

Why did you type all this out? Stop talking

>> No.5255725

They could be a very exciting medium, but due to the cost and effort involved are doomed to go the same was as movies., only even more extreme.

>> No.5255727

Well toilet humour coming from joyce and shakespeare is different from the one your fat janitor father employs, would you not agree?

But if you played FO1/2 and all you got from it was toilet humor, you're not a person worth talking to anyway.

>Disregarding the cultural references
>Disregarding that it's self-aware throughout
>Disregarding the postmodern nature of the narrative
>...among other things, being at the same time serious and satire
>Disregarding the moral ambiguity
>Disregarding the plethora of psychoanalytic readings of the narrative "Cuz it only be toilet humors"
>Being this pleb

>> No.5255728

I'm 25 and I still play them. I have since I was about five.

I don't know why I still play them. I don't enjoy them like I used to and I think it's just a combination of habit and instant gratification. I'm stuck in that horrible situation where I can happily play a game for three hours on a Saturday but then regret that time ten minutes later thinking I could have joined a gym or learnt an instrument.

I might just go cold turkey and sell everything game related and move on. I know it's possible to play games and still have a healthy life but I don't think it will work for me at the moment.

Films and books are my main interest these days and I feel like when I meet up with friends it highlights the problems. They talk about all the things they've done and all I have to brag about is beating a game on the hardest difficulty.

I don't want to say games have ruined my life because that would be making excuses but my lack of willpower and motivation to do anything different certainly has. Maybe I should just put all of my games and consoles in a big box and donate or sell them.

I've started reading more this year and I feel better about myself more this year than any year and I think it's pretty telling.

>> No.5255741

What are some gameplay driven books?

>> No.5255744


That's not untrue

>> No.5255745

Choose-your-own-adventure novels.

>> No.5255750


And I don't think anybody has a chip on their shoulder about young-adults novels. Supplementing video-games with story alongside literature and film is a great way to get your pop-culture fix.

>> No.5255762

I gave up video games forever but then I realized they are fun and I like them and I like the things that I like.

Take a year or two break if you think it'll make you feel better.

>> No.5255764


Specially dating sims.

>> No.5255782

I just might. The thing is, I bought a PS4 on launch and the only games I am looking forward to are MGSV and The Last Guardian (which may never come out).

I think that's a sign that I'm wasting my time. I have a backlog of about twenty games to play but I have no motivation to play them any more. I bought the DMC trilogy, played it for an hour and just felt really empty afterwards. I don't even know if I'd say they're fun for me any more. I wish they were, but they aren't.

Maybe I'm just depressed.

>> No.5255798

Just stop worrying about it for right now, you'll come back to it eventually.

Went through the same shit. Just takes time. Just don't expect to go back to playing for seven/eight hours at a time as you might have during your childhood.

>> No.5255802

How was the narrative post-modern?

The rest of your post is true though.

>> No.5255901

Yeah, you're probably right. Oh well. Back to playing God Hand even though I suck.

>> No.5255906
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Only virgins play video games

>> No.5255924

At least you have good taste.

>> No.5255962

Dumb just like the people who play them, and probably have the most sheltered and spoiled fanatics in the history of obnoxious fanaticism.

>> No.5255966

Fallout 1 and 2 are boring. There, I said it.

>> No.5255971

This thread is cancer.

Pls lurk for at least 1 year before posting. Thanks.