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5249443 No.5249443 [Reply] [Original]

Does time exist /lit/?

>> No.5249447

Yes, what are you, retarded?

>> No.5249452
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Time is an illusion.

>> No.5249453

I define time as a thing that exists. Now, look, time exists.

I define time as something that doesn't exist. Now, look, time doesn't exist.

If you want to have different answers you should define time (and existence) first.

>> No.5249459

What is time?

>> No.5249468

Go ask a physicist-philosopher.

>> No.5249479

Maybe for a NEET shitposter like you time does not exist. For someone as deprived and socially isolated as you it makes no difference whether he submits his shitpost in the morning or the evening. You probably don't even know what day of the week we have today. For a well-integrated and hard-working functional human being time definitely does matter a lot. It is our most valuable resource. I pity you, for you will not learn to appreciate time until it's too late. On your death bed you will regret wasting your life so mindlessly. You'll wish you had more time to experience life. But you couldn't, you didn't and you're gonna be paying the price, you goddamn parasite.

>> No.5249485

ITT: people discuss a matter of physics as if it were a matter of linguistics

>> No.5249488

Time is a human concept, not universal.

>> No.5249511

I've never been outside of this moment so the past and the future existing seems about as plausible as an afterlife to me.

>> No.5249520

It only exists in the mind.

>> No.5249631

No, we are living in the year 70 AC

>> No.5249644

why no 50 BC and we could all live in gaul and fuck up romans?

>> No.5249721

Right! Time is a concept from physics; Albert Einstein basically proved it's not necessary for physics, and Julian Barbour expounds on that on his book "The End of Time". 10/10, would recommend for people who can stand in-depth science discussion.

If you want a /lit/ take on time, check out "The Unreality of Time" by JME McTaggart. He reaches the same conclusion from a purely philosophical discussion. Also would recommend.

>> No.5249751

On your deathbed the only value of having lived a meaningful life is that it gives you pleasure in that moment (firing those dopamine channels). The person who feels regret at the end of their deathbed is in no worse a state than a ten year old child who is denied his favorite treat. Someone given morphine on their deathbed exponentially exceeds even the most meaningful life lived if we are dealing in felt emotions.

>> No.5249808


Spatio-temporality is a synthetic a priori truth, you knuckle-dragging harlequin babies.

>> No.5249819

Time is like the only thing that exists.

>> No.5249831


Time and social injustice*

>> No.5249844

Question doesn't make sense within the language game lol rekt.

>> No.5249882


Documentary about time, always enjoyed it but it may not give the answers you want.

>> No.5249903

thanks anon