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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 578x266, queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5246745 No.5246745 [Reply] [Original]

It's over, 4chan memes are finished

>> No.5246756

Hahahaha, nice one, Punchy

>> No.5246761

Go to bed Laurie

>> No.5246770

haha good one laurie, im sure your shitty writing will cement your career ^_^

>> No.5246777

Yeah, the Simpsons were always spot on.

>> No.5246778

hard hitting journalism

>> No.5246780

Yeah but she's right. They don't.

>> No.5246807
File: 2.80 MB, 800x600, The cancer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5246817


Laurie everyone knows that white knights don't really exist and that they're doing it out of desperation.

Is this fucking 2005? Soon she'll be writing articles about the rise of cyber bullying.

Fucking laughable.

>> No.5246823

I don't know Laurie so well. Is she the kind of SJW that's gonna write
A. a pro-White Knight article where white knights are really super cool Jr. feminist men that are awesome because they're fags whenever you say something a woman's bothered by
B. an anti-White Knight article where men only pretend to be wieners to get laid and White Knights are filthy cishet rapist shitlords

>> No.5246832


>> No.5246834

thats funny

what are you, 12?

>> No.5246836

Neither of those sound smug enough. I don't know who that is but expect a mix of smug'n'haughty.

>> No.5246838


>laurie writing a pro-anything man article

LOL you weren't joking when you said you didn't know

moneypenny is the ann coulter of SJWs

>> No.5246846

I didn't make it. I don't talk like that.
*Bats your nose with rolled up newspaper*

>> No.5246859

fuck newspaper slap me with a dildo

if you're walking on ice, you may as well dance

>> No.5246872

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

>> No.5246881


>> No.5246885

>white knights don't exist

didn't she rally a bunch of white knights on twitter to defend her book from bad amazon reviews?

>> No.5246886
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Be over in a bit

>> No.5246895

Do people actually take Penny seriously? Is this all one big joke I'm not getting?

>> No.5246914

Did they all expect sex or nude pics from her for it? Maybe that's what she's writing about. (Like I care)

>> No.5246921

>don't really exist and that they're doing it


>> No.5246924

post ur buthole

>> No.5246926

idk man i whiteknight butterfuck sometimes and i doubt she'll let me eat her monkey

praise yaweh

>> No.5246929


I dunno. She seems like half unobjectionable and half kinda wrong, which really describes like 99% of all people, so I've no idea why she's totemised the way she is here (and I assume elsewhere).

>> No.5246932

>butterfly aggressively posting in a thread that a) is off topic enough (not requiring reading any actual book) that she won't be immediately outed as a bitter/lonely gassbag and b) is about a woman that resembles her in many ways
don't reply to this, my sweet

>> No.5246939

Yeah you're a flirty faggot with her, m8
I also defend her and feminister sometimes, though, so I guess I'm a big stupid cocksucking shitface, too

>> No.5246946

>whiteknighting a lesbian

o i am laffin

>> No.5246948 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5246958

I get feminister maybe, although she is always stupid and often wrong....but butterfly? she's a shitposter. doesn't even read books. a vague sense of pity does not justify this board's toleration of her.

>> No.5246960

No, Ann Coulter is at least funny and enjoys enraging liberals. Laurie is just eternally angry and unhappy.

>> No.5246961


Feminister isn't even real lol

>> No.5246962 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 850x907, 1sf4xgst.wizardchan.1401958640793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cmon butterass is cool let her shit post bro haha bro ive gone so long without pussy i resort to hitting on lesbians on a literature-centric image board

pic related its my waifu


>> No.5246983

I just think some of the shit people say to her is harsh, and I mean she's a fucking grill, man

Also, lesbian's a nonsense concept. They're just slags what've not been fucked proper at the end of the day

>> No.5246991

She knows full fucking well the flak she'll receive.

And I disagree, having seen a few dicks in my days I'm nothing short of empathetic to lesbians and their plight.

>> No.5247029

Dudes ain't cunts, men got a whole different wad of crap in their brains, even the homos

>> No.5247642

I want Butterfly bitch to use me like she'd use a woman. I'd wear a wig, lingerie, do my face up to be her pretty little whore. I'd let her fuck my ass, too.

>> No.5247844

Yes she is and she is going to marry me. Shes just on vacation. I know it. . .

>> No.5247848

Lel i fucked that one up
Still love your shitty marxist critiques femifuck

>> No.5247872

>Also, lesbian's a nonsense concept.

She's bisexual, she just loves sex. But I totally understand lesbianism -- a penis looks like a pair of bagpipes in a wig.

>> No.5247889

An article on white knights what I wrote by myself, Laurie Penny.

"In today's post-fordian festering society, teeming with online misogyny, bigotry, rape culture, rampant privilege, and angry teenage angst, a 'white knight' is a counterfeit term for anyone acting in a moral way. By this I mean anyone refusing to take part in the vicious verbal attacking of anything and anyone undeserving, usually offering a simpering "stop beating them with a crowbar, they're nearly dead'. A great example of this can be found in the comments section for my new reasonably priced book, unspeakable things, available *here* and at every good retailer..."

>> No.5247895

see her new pics on twitter, in the last week? Fucking hag, and it is only downhill from here. She will never look as good as her sisters. How many more years does that rapedbitch have left in her?

>> No.5247900

"Because Laurie Penny doesn't have a penis she is to be judged on her appearance alone." --Anonymous denier of social gender gap.

>> No.5247905

go to bed Laurie.

>> No.5247908

Feminister is Laurie Penny. Look at the facts.
/lit/ spams a popular leftist author's twitter feed with links to /lit/ and she comes here. Then a tripfag pops up called feminister who is seemingly well read. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.5247912
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No, Ive just woken up. Here, read this again.

>> No.5247914

millions of undergrads get to write the shit Laurie does. Is this seriously what Oxford connections get you? The right to publish this shit?

>> No.5247915

>Ann Coulter is at least funny
I think it's time for you to commit sudoku.

>> No.5247923

>he doesn't shave

>> No.5247924

Feminister is Sasha Grey

>> No.5247930
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Yeah but she initially went to /pol/. It's possible that Penny would have first ventured there, but doubtful. Feminister being Laurie Penny would be hilarious, but it's far more likely he is some tranny shut-in from somethingawful than anything else.

>> No.5247931
File: 421 KB, 1280x1920, 1395248272377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will that pig Laurie stop using leftism to promote herself while doing irreversible damage to the working class and the struggle? I'm an asshole,but even I couldn't use working people to get ahead like she does. :.(

>> No.5247938

dear Laurie,

stop hurting us, and go back to Oxford.

the working class

>> No.5247946

>tfw shaved my balls, shaft, and the tuft above for a fully bald alopecian sausage.
>Pulled a girl during freshers week and brought to my room.
>Finally going to lose my virginity
>She looks at my hairless cock, reminiscent of a prepubescent, with disgust.
>Why have you shaved it, she asks
>She starts laughing
>eventually goes down
>takes my cock to the hilt and jumps back.
>God, the stubble at the base of the shaft is scratching my lips, she says.
>Look I can't do this, she says, I need a real man not a boy who tries to emulate the shit he see's on redtube.
>She leaves
>I jerk it to redtube
>See a sunbed using steroid abusing american with a hairless cock fucking two teenage girls
>You deceived me, I say to the screen
>I weep and cum at the same time.

>> No.5247953
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Fuck you, prole, you're to stupid to recognize emancipation.

>> No.5247957
File: 56 KB, 500x700, 008bae9942e56d0427b2f747f2ddc98d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intent means nothing
>human fallibility is not an excuse
>therefore all men hate all women

>> No.5247958

I don't think she means "white knight" in the context of le internet meme at all.

She probably means the wider cultural idea of men coming to the rescue for damsels in distress and so on and so on.

>> No.5247963

heh imagine laurie doming working class dudes

>> No.5247968

>She probably means the wider cultural idea of men coming to the rescue for damsels in distress and so on and so on.

Ah, so she's talking about Ryan Gosling again.

"It is rather irritating that I have finally become tabloid-famous in the guise of a simpering damsel in distress. But my mobile phone and email went mad, and I woke up to stories about Gosling the "lifesaver" in The New York Observer, The Huffington Post and even The Washington Post. This is final proof that America has gone mad, lost all sense of perspective, and badly needs to be rescued from itself – possibly not by Ryan Gosling, decent and upstanding chap though he undoubtedly is. I was determined not to play at all, but among the reams of interview requests was one from the Ellen DeGeneres Show. I am very grateful to the dashing and meme-worthy Mr. Gosling, just as I am grateful to every other kind New Yorker who has saved me from oncoming traffic in recent weeks … making the streets of this fine city that much safer for random British writers who can’t remember to look both ways. It was a little bit like being in a cheesy film, but every day in New York is like being in a cheesy film. I’ve been here two months, and I’m still not sure this place really exists.” -LP

>> No.5247971

she literally could not have responded to that whole situation more annoyingly and more obnoxiously. Did she learn no humility in the psych ward?

>> No.5247978

It's a fact that he's a dude. Accidentily he told 4chan himself not long ago.

>> No.5247987

As a prank, pretending to be a dude on /adv/
Yeah. Rock solid evidence there.

>> No.5247989

You just can't give up on him, eh? Why hasn't he come back since that "prank"?

>> No.5248003

Seriously. Dude hasn't shown up since that all came out.
Watch him come back and all you faggots will be back all over him.

>> No.5248017

>Accidentily he told 4chan himself not long ago.
When? Can you post a link to the archive.

>> No.5248026


Not even samefag, and I'm with butterfly on this one. Everone here pretends to be different people, and trips do too, she just fucked up.

>> No.5248034


>> No.5248037
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Laurie-Penny-and-Nick-Lez-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most punchable faces I've ever seen

>> No.5248039


Maybe dropped the trip, maybe she's that new Mademoiselle, maybe she got FUCKING SICK OF GOING ON A SITE WHERE PEOPLE YELL AT HER EVERY TIME SHE OPENS HER MOUTH and is doing some soul searching. Caps lock for emphasis.

>> No.5248046


And she sounds like Emma Watson on helium.

>> No.5248048
File: 28 KB, 522x430, 1362468206126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that's the price for spouting moronic oppinions under a trip?

>> No.5248052


And it just so happened to be right after "she" "pretended" to be a man?

>> No.5248053


Why do they always try to look like a 50s pinup? Don't they see the irony?

>> No.5248058


>being a tripfag
>expecting not to get yelled at

>> No.5248060



Go away femanister, your pretend girlfriend will never love you.

>> No.5248061


Honestly, it's better than spouting dumb opinions anonymous. I'm thinking of moving permanently to that literature network forum.

Honestly, there is no legitimate evidence that feminister is a guy. I also never remember her saying she was female at all...

While I'm spouting unpopular opinions, Jane Austen is one of the all time great novelists.

>> No.5248063
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>mfw rereading that post and realizing that probably is femimister

>> No.5248067

Good riddance! Fuck off, Failmanister!

>> No.5248068
File: 65 KB, 620x387, David-Starkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory video for this thread:


>> No.5248070


Also none of these are actual arguments against what I said.

>> No.5248078


Ugh butterfly do you have her Skype? Tell her do defend herself.

>> No.5248080


If she was actually a girl she could easily prove it and wouldn't of had to run off like "she" did.
Until otherwise proven feminister is a man.

>> No.5248083


Just look in the mirror you psycho.

>> No.5248089


>> No.5248098

What a brave woman... Too bad that fucking lil Kim did that already almost 20 years ago.

>> No.5248101


You guys hide behide your anonymity. If she did post a pic of herself someone could easily find her real identity and then you all would shitpost on her family and friend's facebooks. If everyone used a trip this site would be better and would still be technically anonymous. I don't use a trip because I would rather not have anything I say be berated.

And seriously, 50% of Anons shitpost worse than feminister. Think reasonably here.

Does someone not hate women enough to back me up?

And she could easily be a man. It's 50/50 in my book. But there is no evidence either way, so she is anonymous despite the trip still to me.

And /b/ has automatic user codes. That's only a little more lenient than a trip, right? And you cam drop a trip whenever you want.

>> No.5248104

Please stop. This is all a bit embarassing now, Feminister. Just move on.

>> No.5248106


>there are people this whiny on 4chan

>> No.5248109


>Implying you have to post a picture of your face to prove you're female

>> No.5248111

>sharpie in le pooper

>> No.5248112

Because Feminister shitposting is about clickbate and anon shit posting is about fucking someone in the head hard.

>> No.5248116

back to reddit

>> No.5248117

>Does someone not hate women enough to back me up?

>> No.5248118
File: 17 KB, 468x312, 1406133125577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw I'm a functioning member of society
>yfw I have healthy relationships with female colleagues
>yfw you are only a neet because you can't be me

I'm off to that literature network forum. Bye guys, it's been a fun year. Thanks for the Pynchon rec. I recommend anyone else clinging on join me.

P.S. Adam Levin will be the next big American author.

>> No.5248121


>> No.5248123


You're a big enough faggot, you'll probably be back.

>> No.5248125



And stay gone you monkey.

>> No.5248130

Please leave

>> No.5248141

>If everyone used a trip this site would be better and would still be technically anonymous.
thats pseudonymous you fucking inbred

>> No.5248142

Let's forget about faginister. I'd rather hear more about why ms. Moneypenny is such a cunt.

>> No.5248144
File: 56 KB, 655x360, Misoginism-655x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misoginism has gone cancerous in here and is a sign of the general degeneration of /lit/.

While I didn't like Feminister or the constant Stirner threads >>5248039 is right, people in here now try to ad hom rather than attack the arguments and contrary to what you might think about you your great person, most of you were not as well read as her, I don't even think even 90% of /lit/ has read Nietzsche or Stirner.

I think /pol/ shitposting should be a banable offence and that /lit/ needs more moderating to keep the quality of the board from going to the dogs.

>> No.5248147


>> No.5248151

>more banning
>victim complex
>inability to handle the bants

Sure is leftie in here

>> No.5248155

It's his own fault. If he would've simply talked about books(and yes, he obviously read some), it would've only been the usual complaints for tripfagging. But he had to bring this whole girly nonsense in for attention and that's what's haunting him now.

>> No.5248161

>every 4chan meme will eventually get thinkpiece'd in a completely offbase way by some career academic

>> No.5248164


>inability to handle the bants

Now I know you are from /pol/

enjoy your ban :) , monkey.

>> No.5248165

I didn't know reading Nietzsche (which I've read plenty of) and Stirner was the standard for being well read.
Also >>5248039 is grasping at straws with regards to feminister

I agree some of the misogyny and pol shit needs to go though.

>> No.5248168


> :)


>> No.5248172

>P.S. Adam Levin will be the next big American author.

>His short fiction has been published in places like Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern and Tin House. Currently, he resides in Chicago, where he teaches Creative Writing and Literature at the School of the Art Institute. His first novel, The Instructions, was published in 2010 by McSweeney's.
>ever being associated with good writing

have fun being a limp wristed faggot

>> No.5248190

part of the reason I don't have a partner is that I genuinely worry that they might be caught up in all this. Inexcusable. - Laurie Penny on twitter

Yep, that must be it...

>> No.5248194


She's around, but she's not Mademoiselle.

She had a really high percentage rate of quality posts and you know it.

>> No.5248210


>ayy lmao

>> No.5248235

such persecution
much hardship

>> No.5248304

>If everyone used a trip this site would be better

Define 'better'.

>> No.5248308

why would it be a prank

how is that a prank

you are too much a fanboy to see the truth

>> No.5248349

She means more like tumblr or reddit.

>> No.5248366

Oi /lit/ cunt. Has feminister surfaced since the samfagging fiasco where it was revealed she may be a he?

Or has the beast been slain?

>> No.5248387

He's gone.

>> No.5248388

What a mentally ill cunt.

>> No.5248406

Correction, he's still here posting anominously. Didn't you just say that you wanted to go to another forum? Leave us alone, you are not wanted here.

>> No.5248416

>Correction, he's still here posting anominously.
At least then he isn't bringing extra attention to his post. Although he will probably make another trip.
>Didn't you just say that you wanted to go to another forum? Leave us alone, you are not wanted here.
I don't know what you're talking about unless you're assuming s/he (it) will read this or I am that person.

>> No.5248426

Never mind, I'm an idiot. I thought you were him, calling me a mental cunt for thinking he left. But read this thread and you will see hat he is still posting and he is veeery butthurt for not being able to play his little game anymore.

>> No.5248427

Wait what lol? Explanation or screencaps?

>> No.5248440

She/he probably choked on a strap on. Who the fuck cares?
Report, hide, call the cops, etc.

>> No.5248451

I don't have the caps, someone else might though but the tl;dr is:

>someone posts on /adv/ saying they are meeting up with a chick who they met on /lit/
>they can;t help but plus in that the chick they are meeting is incredibly hot and smart, but has a boyfriend. Question is posed what do about bf?
>long story short Fem forgot to turn he/her/its trip off and started same fagging the thread
>Whole thread was just Fem responding to itself pretending to be meeting up with itself.

That is the general jist of it but caps would be better.

>> No.5248456

Holy crap now i really need screencaps

>> No.5248472

Wait is this it?
Cause that's not half as bad as i hoped

>> No.5248484

No I don't think so. I'm pretty sure there is another. I'll check as well.

>> No.5248507

Why are writers born in the 80s so bad?

>> No.5248536

Because they're still young?

>> No.5248565

Most writers or people of any profession for that matter do their best work in their younger years. And 30 something isn't that young to begin with

>> No.5248576

Humanities academics come into their prime around 60 to 70

>> No.5248588

This whole gender war thing is a fucking joke.

Fat lonely NEETs who have nothing to lose anyway will never stop flipping off SJWs and SJWs will never abandon their holy crusade against anonymous phantoms. Trannies will continue to think it's a good idea to go attention whoring on fucking 4CHAN of all places, five minutes after taking their oglaf funeral drugs.

Fat blundering e-celebs will continue to get dragged into this war the moment they say something that goes against SJW dogma. Like my friend once told me, "without a script, Jon Tron is retarded."

Actually, I don't care if they get caught in the crossfire. Fuck youtubers.

>> No.5248589

Literature =/= philosophy in that regard imo. Philosphers grow, writers burn out


>> No.5248620

Try hitting a woman in public and then tell me that White Knights don't exist.

>> No.5248634

Thanks. That's it/

>> No.5248651

All those hours of posting, building up the image of Feminister, and after forgetting to turn off the trip just once *poof* the image come crumbling down.

>> No.5248661

Ultimate proof identity politics is a bourgeois spook

>> No.5248666

This basically

>> No.5248729


Stop with the fucking go back to reddit, alright? im fucking HERE, i dont go to reddit. I'm trying to fucking learn, reddit is for faggots who don't wanna learn and discuss but jerk off on each other about their shared views, im not for fucking reddit, I'm for /lit/ im a fucking stand up comedian, I go where the smart/funny goes
Also how the fuck can you say he was dissapointed by the apparent lack of education in their posts when ITS ON THE FUCKING INTERNET, and the original guy didnt even spell right, either!
Where does it say that the cops were sent to school because the kids where chimping out?
The shit you guys think is fucking RIDICULOUS sometimes, like why don't you guys look at it objectively, if you say you hate someone why shouldn't you expect them to retaliate?
Now I agree that they should not have a gang mentality, they shouldn't use violence in anyway to get a point across, and need to better educate themselves. You know who that also sounds like? The WHITE guys at the high school I went to, there were big, dumb ass violent white people cliques as WELL, they fucking did HORRIBLE things that got no coverage on the news and yet when the black guys do AAANYTHING its on the news.
Do you see what I'm saying? And i swear to god do not fucking say 'go back to reddit' the main point here is to LEARN, not press my thoughts onto anyone else, if someone DID adopt my thoughts, hey that'd be great, but I wouldn't attribute it to me being RIGHT necessarily, I would attribute it to the conditions being right. Just because you convinced someone of your opinion doesn't make that opinion right, we should all be here to learn, fuckers, or not, there are different sides to /lit/ obviously

>> No.5248736

What would Zizek think of her?

>> No.5248737

You sound mad

>> No.5248763

Did you notice that ideology
>spittle sprays from his mouth and over the audience, he sniffs exactly 11 times and tugs his shirt twice

>> No.5248925

Automatic user codes would probably help a bit, but not much.

Jaded outcasts posting on 4chan can stay online all day and get ludicrously bored out of their minds. They will milk anything resembling a lolcow the moment it shows up.

>> No.5248933

>comes here
>tries to change board culture to match his normalfag views
>whines about the reaction he gets

4chan is not the website for you, perhaps.

If it ain't white, it ain't right. Women are not as good as men. These are basic truths that you are going to have to accept if you want to prosper here.

Consider following this bit of time-honoured advice: LURK MOAR

>> No.5248951





>> No.5248976

>im a fucking stand up comedian
I can tell m8 i'm having a real giggle over here

back to reddit

I actually find the back 2 reddit meme very annoying but you are just way too mad

>> No.5248988

>try to convince people black is white and up is down

Typical leftist.

>> No.5249086

The people who spam fedora and reddit will get board of it too. Like every other epic meme it will eventually die.

>> No.5249092

I'm >>5248101 revisiting this thread in the morning. >>5248729 wasn't me. I just want to point out for the record.

>> No.5249169

I haven't read any of her work and haven't as such much of an opinion of her as a person, but watching someone getting put in their place like this is always a laugh.

>> No.5249191
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>> No.5249193


>> No.5249197

Nice bike

>> No.5249330

The concept of a "white knight" didn't start as an epic maymay on 4chan.

>> No.5249336

dude please shut the fuck up, you clearly haven't been posting on /lit/ much longer than a year, your kind was responsible for the last board culture shift, please please don't get all defensive about board culture now

we used to have marxist threads
shitty, shitty fucking marxist threads
but we had marxist threads, often

and now you're appealing to board culture to justify to most basic, moronic edgy bullshit

god, fucking armchair academics ruin everything

>> No.5249352

it was a convenient way to determine who was a complete retard

>> No.5249575

if this isn't pasta already, i'll use it from now on.

>> No.5249606

Step 1: find someone you dislike.
Step 2: give him attention.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!

>> No.5249617

How did he get this butthurt?

>> No.5249627

You mean /b/ and /pol/, newfriend.

>> No.5249908

>not saging
>not reporting
>not hiding

>> No.5250179
File: 431 KB, 916x651, 3DevAdam 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ waifu contender


>> No.5250205

>AD 150 + 1864

We use sagve now, newfriend.

>> No.5250220

this guy needs a few weeks off the internet