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/lit/ - Literature

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5246515 No.5246515[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Gulliver's Travels? Worth the read?

>> No.5246551


>> No.5246553

No. Prose is shit, the narration is cumbersome and goes nowhere, plot is unimaginative and tedious. Dont waste your time

>> No.5246564

It's okay. If you like Swift, go then you should like it. I never really cared for Swift, but he does manage to keep this book interesting for the most part.

>> No.5246566

Fuck I thought I heard somebody before talking about how Gulliver's Travels was amazing, but I wasn't for sure that it was Gulliver's Travels when I picked it up, what's another book like Gulliver's Travels that I could be thinking of?

>> No.5246568

It's interesting but preachy. The book is the authors wish fulfillment. He wants to justify his hatred for humanity so he wrote a book where he visits superior peoples and then comes home with a justification of hating humans because 'THE HORSE PEOPLE WERE NICE TO ME'

>> No.5246572


Around the World in Eighty Days

>> No.5246576

save your time and watch planet of the apes

>> No.5246580

>Worth the read?

i'm getting really tired of these threads. is the consensus of a handful of anonymous posters on 4chan more valuable to you than centuries of literary acclaim? look at the posts above mine, is that what you're prepared to dismiss this book with? "prose is shit", "it's okay", "interesting but preachy". it's like reading the back of a dvd in the dollar bin at a convenient store.

it's a book, and it's barely 200 pages. what have you got going on in your life? how valuable is your time? is it "worth" it? YES, you fucking waste of space. now go read it and come back tomorrow and make a thread with actual content. i'll be waiting.

>> No.5246594

No I don't think it was that.
Well I posted it in this way because last time people were talking about this book they were all saying it was amazing. But I'm not even sure if it was this book.

>> No.5246598

I went to read it once 'cuz figured it be an important book to read but got bored one first couple pages and read something else

will read it one day though, fuck what the others say

>> No.5246600

Please, put a dirty dick in your fat obnoxious mouth

>> No.5246601

Great book! 2/10

>> No.5246602

lol get o load of this fag

>> No.5246606

Read this piece of shit when I was 13. This is truly kid's stuff, a favorite between ages 12 and 14. Employ your time with something more mature.

>> No.5246614

Good post.

>> No.5246623


>hating on the poster bringing some sense on to /lit/

fuck you faggot, that dude is right, this board has a serious problem with pretending some pretentious faggot's 100 word review is enough to dismiss classic literature and not read it yourself

you are all contributing to the low level of education and intelligence on this board by telling people not to read to shit

>> No.5246635
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>> No.5246638

>look mah i read and abridged version without the historic context! is for children!

>> No.5246644
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>a favorite between ages

>> No.5246646
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No, no, no.

>Prose is shit
Nope. It is meticulous, ironic, and masterly.

>the narration is cumbersome and goes nowhere
You just chose to dislike the narrator's voice... as far as it going "nowhere", you are completely off the mark. The narrator is full of ethical observations as well as remarks about politics, culture, etiquette... and the detail is all there... Nope.

>plot is unimaginative and tedious.
Just get destroyed, honestly.

How would you know whether you like Swift unless you've read his magnum opus?

l2spoiler tags. There is a difference between edificatory and preachy, although it will escape your notice if you are amoralistic. Plus, I don't think you'll get far taking Swift's words at face value.

Pretty much this. There is a reason why we talk abut Jonathan Swift and Gulliver's Travels-- read it and opine for yourself.
OP, read the book, it's very funny. It is a philosophical novel like Candide, but it is very tasteful. It hasn't enjoyed mainstream or curricular success because it is not a book for normalfags. Jonathan swift is weird, incisive, and intensely philosophical.

It's a book worth reading and re-reading.

>> No.5246660

>read it and opine for yourself
>although it will escape your notice if you are amoralistic
>intensely philosophical
>not a book for normalfags
>hasn't enjoyed mainstream or curricular success
I hope you're 18-

>> No.5246733
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Nice post, dipshit.

>read it and opine for yourself
Yes, if you don't live by this, then eat shit and die.

>although it will escape your notice if you are amoralistic
Yes, it is trendy to be amoralistic and yet somehow supercilious to "Enlightenment ideals"...

>intensely philosophical
Well, it is, and honestly, if you don't see philosophy in Gulliver's Travels, you just aren't even trying.

>not a book for normalfags
It isn't.

>hasn't enjoyed mainstream or curricular success
It hasn't. The typical American high school will play a video of an older movie's Lilliput and have the class read A Modest Proposal.

>I hope you're 18-
OK, anon.

>> No.5246764

I only meant your way of writing is abysmal shit and you have these cute reaction pics lined up. Seems puerile. Like you're emulating whatever a "cool guy" is on 4chan

>somehow supercilious
>quoting Enlightenment ideas
>reffering to the typical American high school you so obviously are going to
>eat shit and die

you're just sort of lame and don't have a good instinct for what sounds good and consequently you sound at best cheesy and at worst flatulent and vaguely stupid

>> No.5246788

I found this book in a collection of books when I was in middle school. I had already voraciously read all of the books that were written for my age group and a few short easy ones that weren't. I started reading this because I had no other kids' books to read.

It was really good but I couldn't finish it and I had difficulty understanding it. I really want to revisit it now that I'm older. I just can't find that damned book any more. It is quite distressing.

>> No.5246795
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>wrong to use reaction images

Also, why are you attacking some imaginary quality of my tone?

Honestly, your insults mean nothing to me.

The funny (sad?) thing is that you probably haven't even read Swift and are just derailing OP's thread with your shitposting.

>> No.5246809

So much fucking implying

>> No.5246822

>plot is unimaginative

Nigga, get to the 4th book and tell me it's unimaginative.

>The horse people were nice to me
You need to learn to read critically. Because the horses were completely logical and had a society without lying but they also committed yearly genocide. You can't take anything from Swift at face value, he's play you, you fuckwad

>> No.5246841

yes there's definitely something very sad on one end of this exchange

>> No.5246855

>can't into quoting
>can't into upper case

Jesus christ anon, get it together.

>> No.5246877

I just finished this book today, it was absolutely wonderful. Every place he went was more entertaining than the last. I certainly laughed several times, his wit and sarcasm are great. It's a quick read OP, bang it out!

>> No.5246884


It's an interesting critique of the government of its current time when it was published.

Avoid the Jack Black movie, it's shit.