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5244742 No.5244742 [Reply] [Original]

>The Soviet Union/China/North Korea/Cambodia wasn't REAL communism!
>commie plebs believe this shit
>1920s America wasn't REAL capitalism!
>randroid plebs believe this shit

>> No.5244744

Or, I should say,
>Monopolies aren't created by REAL capitalism!

>> No.5244756
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>anarchism has never resulted in the deaths of millions
feels good man

>> No.5244758

North Korea revised their main document and replaced the korean word for communism with a word that means and refers to something else. It no longer subscribes to marxist-leninism iff it had in the first place.

>> No.5244765

How long ago was this?

>> No.5244773

>The Soviet Union/China/North Korea/Cambodia wasn't REAL communism!
Given that none of those countries define themselves as communist (union of soviet socialist republics), and they don't fulfill Marxs ideas of communist society (i.e state has withered away), there is no other reason to label them communist except rhetorical one.

>> No.5244774

>/lit/ and /pol/ are the same board
>shitposter plebs believe this shit

>> No.5244779


>> No.5244783

the most annoying thing people seem to assert aggressively on 4chan is that there are some simple, always succesful answers to complicated systems like economy, immigration, urban developement etc.

It's like the 19 year olds have it all figured out better than than the experts.

>> No.5244787

Read some Wikipedia pages you imbecile.
>Soviet Union
>governed by the Communist Party
>governed by the Communist Party, even today despite not really that since the 1990s
>Khmer Rogue
>were communists

>> No.5244797
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>mfw I literally heard a kid say that if socialism results in a totalitarian state then it's not socialism, it's capitalism

>> No.5244821

Please don't the questions that to simple to really derive anything valuable out of them.

>> No.5244827


>> No.5244884
File: 229 KB, 640x470, juche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. Marxism-Leninism was never replaced, it was simply advanced into a higher degree with the introduction of The Juche Idea. Juche is a derivation of Marxism-Leninism with Maoist influences. It is primarily concerned with the laws of the social movement and the development of socialist ideology under the socialist socio-economic system.

Kim Jong Il taken from: Respecting The Forerunners Of The Revolution Is A Noble Moral Obligation Of Revolutionaries
>Our Party and people respect Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin as the leaders of the working class and speak highly of their distinguished services. Reflecting the demands and aspirations of the working class, Marx and Engels, the first leaders of the working class, developed socialism from a Utopian concept to a science and started the socialist and communist movement. Lenin inherited and developed Marxism to meet the change in the times and won the victory of the October Socialist Revolution by organizing and mobilizing the working class. Stalin, succeeding to the cause of Lenin, built the first young socialist state into a world power and defended the socialist fatherland from the fascist invasion, leading the army and the people. In their days Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin represented the aspirations and demands of the exploited working masses, and the cause of socialism was inseparably linked with their names. The fact that imperialists and the traitors to the revolution viciously defame the leaders of the working class and abuse their leadership as “dictatorship” or “infringement on human rights” only proves that the leaders of the working class were zealous champions of the people’s interests and enjoyed their trust and support, and that they were steadfast communist revolutionaries who held fast to the revolutionary principle without compromising with the enemies of the revolution.

>> No.5244894
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>Our Party has always assessed the ideological and theoretical achievements of the working-class leaders in an impartial way. It has defended the revolutionary principles of Marxism-Leninism from all manner of opportunistic distortions and inherited and developed them to meet the interests of the revolution and the requirements of the reality. The revolutionary idea and theory of the working class must be applied to meet the historical circumstances and specific situation of each country. The conditions and circumstances of the revolution ceaselessly change and develop. Therefore, if we take a dogmatic approach to the existing theories, we cannot formulate the line and policies correctly, and so cannot avoid twists and turns in the revolution and construction. While adhering to the revolutionary principles of Marxism-Leninism, our Party has established its own guiding ideology and theory on the basis of a correct analysis of the historical limitations of their doctrines, and used them as a weapon in advancing the socialist cause.
>The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, in the course of creatively applying Marxism-Leninism to the Korean revolution in his early days, authored the Juche idea and blazed the trail for the independent development of our revolution. The Juche idea is an original idea, which developed the revolutionary idea of the working class to meet the new historical circumstances and the modern-day requirements. The historical limitations of the preceding theories were overcome by the Juche idea, and the revolutionary ideology and theory of the working class developed onto a higher stage.

>> No.5244928

>Define a state by its rhetoric
>Judge a state by its practice


>> No.5244955

That was the element I was unsure about. Are they not revisonist though? They amended their constitution.

>> No.5244972

And the U.S. has never been a real democracy, real capitalism, or a real free market.

We will never be 'real', we will be 'human' and that is exactly what all those regimes you named were.