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File: 23 KB, 400x267, old-books-headphones-19784970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5241922 No.5241922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you listen to something while reading?
I like the miami hotline ost and some 2hu remixes, but I would like something slower.
Could you recommend something?

>> No.5242212

Harsh Wall Noise

It isn't distracting at all and it cancels out any other sounds I find irritating.

This is my favourite harsh noise wall:

>> No.5242253

No, it's distracting, and I would rather just have silence over "harsh wall noise."

>> No.5242305


>> No.5242340

Minecraft alpha soundtrack

>> No.5242363

I used to, but I found it influenced my mindset too much. I would be reading a filler chapter and would have pangs of emotion from the sheer fact that an emotional track came on. I picked up on it and eventually just did away with music all together, and my reading has been the better for it.

>> No.5242389
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I listened to "Flood" by Boris while reading Kafka on the Shore and it was the greatest decision I've ever made. It fits together so perfectly.

>> No.5242392

>It isn't distracting at all
My ears!

>> No.5242403

that high pitch ringing is so fucking unecessary

>> No.5242405

I read aphorisms to aphex twins ambient works

>> No.5242406

Oh shit, I have that album too!

>> No.5242415


It's a fantastic album.

>> No.5242487

I listen to those tavern music playlists whenever reading fantasy.

Usually some sci fi movie OSTs for sci fi

I like bands like Explosions in the sky for everything else.

>> No.5242505

I was at the Boris concert last night...

>> No.5242649

Gas - pop

That album was made for reading to. Look it up and then come back and tell me how cool I am for adding value to your life without any concern for gain of my own.

>> No.5243079

holy fuck. actually thank you so much

>> No.5243187

White noise or some lounge that has nothing that stands out (complex patterns, vocals etc).

>> No.5243190

You're alright anon. Reminds me a lot of William Basinski, esp. his Disintegration Loops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYOr8TlnqsY

Bohren & Der Club of Gore may be up everyone's alley, too.

>> No.5243234


I workout to Miami Hotline. M.O.O.N. is awesome.
Can't read and music at same time.

>> No.5243239

I don't tend to listen to music and read, if I do it's mainly instrumentals.

When I write however I love putting some music on. Really stimulates those creative juices. Currently listening to Gateway Drugs, their album is free to dl and has a nice synth-pop kind of vibe to it which I don't find distracting at all.

>> No.5243465
File: 66 KB, 500x390, are you trying to cheat me again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ambient music fan coming through.

here's some and some favorite albums

Brian Eno (ambient 1,2,4, discreet music, music for films, apollo, the pearl, apollo)
Harold Budd (bandits of stature, song for
lost blossoms)
Oneohtrix Point Never (betrayed in the octagon, replica)
Aphex Twin (ambient works 1-2)
Philip Glass
Stars of the Lid (Tired Sounds, Refinement of their decline)
Gas (discography)
Eluvium (talk amongst the trees)
Earth (newer works)
Loscil (submers, plume)
The KLF (chill out)
Time Machines (s/t)

Not ambient but i find works anyway:
Herbie Hancock (Head Hunters)[jazz]
Blockhead (discography)[instrumental hip hop]
Sigur Ros ( ( ) ) [post-rock]
Daft Punk (discovery)[techno]{their earlier stuff is mostly quite minimal and beat oriented for those who only know get lucky}

>> No.5243475

Listen to ambient its perfect for reading

some essentials:
Stars of The Lid - The Tired Sounds of Stars of The Lid
Brian Eno - Ambient 1: Music for Airports
Aloof Proof - Piano Text
A Winged Victory For The Sullen s/t

>> No.5243510
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>> No.5243520

I like a spot of vapourwave when going through my collection of instruction manuals.

>> No.5243525

mah man

>> No.5243529
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> Try to listen to music while reading
> Mind stops paying attention to what I'm reading and listens to the music instead

>> No.5243566

>anybody thinking this is a good idea

>> No.5243570

>thinking everyone's brain works the same way

>> No.5243585
File: 82 KB, 480x360, pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaporwave should be listened to while reading the user manual to windows ME, poorly translated manuals for famicom games, and obscure ebooks of ghetto poetry.

>> No.5243595


It's a terrible idea, even ambient music can be distracting unless looped and in that case it might as well had off. It's useful as a form of white noise to drown out distractions, but it's best to read in silence.

>> No.5243600

Ambient black metal works really well.


>> No.5243602

>implying most people's brains works with this

>> No.5243604
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I usually go down to the city park to read
> the soft sound of the breeze flowing through the trees
> birds chirping
> distant chatter
> soft green grass

>> No.5243610

you forgot
>those annoying fat American tourists who yell out their southern impressions to make their fat offspring roar with asinine laughter

>> No.5243621
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I'm Australian so hearing some American saying "G'DAY M8 HOW ARE YA COBBER" burns my ears

>> No.5243626
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Female not included.

>> No.5243631
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>> No.5243637

In university I would listen to the looped intro of Twin Peaks for hours. It's the part that goes DUN-DUN, piano-piano, dun-dun, piano-piano, DUN-DUN, piano-piano.....

>> No.5243641


Falling by Julee Cruise. Lovely but I would go mad.

How's Annie?

>> No.5243660

True patrician time..

Max Richter
Olafur Arnalds
Dustin O'Halloran
Ludovico Einaudi
Nils Frahm
Darshan Ambient
Hidden Orchestra
Library Tapes
Sylvain Chauveau
The Dead Texan
Do Say Make Think
Deaf Center
Message To Bears
Yann Tiersen
Peter Broderick

>> No.5243670

i promise you I find it easier to focus when I have instrumental music on

>> No.5243673


>> No.5243683

Miles Davis.

>> No.5243690




>> No.5243691
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damn you have shit taste

>> No.5243729
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>Ambient music fan coming through.
>Brian Eno
>Aphex Twin
Whoa yeah, no doubt the list just goes on after all that too...

>Philip Glass

>Daft Punk
>their earlier stuff is mostly quite minimal

And this is why you leave music discussion to /mu/.
If you want ambient music, or actual 'minimal' music, go to Fax49.

>> No.5243734


>> No.5243737

it's sad that namlook is dead

>> No.5243754

A real shame, especially with the artists that have come together for the new label based off his tribute.
Personally, he was always at his best when collaborating. There would have been a lot of potential there.

>> No.5243766


gr8 for writing...
my face when kanye more poet than half the classic ones

Its so crazy
I got everything figured out
But for some reason I can never find what real love is about
No doubt
Everything in the world figured out but I can never seem to find what real love is about

Do you think I sacrificed real life
For all the fame of flashing lights?
Do you think I sacrifice a real life
For all the fame of flashing lights?

There is no clothes that I could buy
That could turn back the time
There is no vacation spot I could fly
That could bring back a piece of real life
Real life, what does it feel like?
I ask you tonight, I ask you tonight
What does it feel like, I ask you tonight
To live a real life
I just want to be a real boy
They always say Kanye, he keeps it real boy
Pinocchio story is, I just want to be a real boy
Pinocchio story is to be a real boy

>> No.5243797

chrono cross ost too
or just kanye in general
sometimes yung lean


>> No.5243841

>chrono cross ost
shit. i thought i was the only one. all those songs are burned in my head. Overworld Theme is fantastic and instantly puts me in a good mood

>> No.5243848

oops. I meant the track called "home gardov" or something. that's the one.

>> No.5244824

Reading Homeratic epics with Canticles of Ecstasy blasting in the background is amazing

>> No.5244837




>> No.5244846

Merci beaucoup

>> No.5244992

I'll just leave this here:

>> No.5245064

find some looped ambient rain sound

best fucking soundtrack

>> No.5245076

I live near that school.

>> No.5245388


I can't. I'm a musician and my brain automatically analyzes the music instead.

>> No.5245395


There are no writers on 4chan.

>> No.5245400

>implying girls write

inb4 wise ass aristotle fuck off m8

>> No.5246738

fucking pleb. looool, you sound like such a philistine, I bet your favourite book is Fight Club.

>> No.5247096

thanks anon

>> No.5247429

>Do Say Make Think


>> No.5247540

>Explosions in the sky


>Because of Ghosts
>This is Your Captain Speaking
>This Will Destroy You
>Years of Rice And Salt

cant forget about Alexander Scriabin either

>> No.5247552

I like the zuntata works (darius games ost) when I read sci fi.

>> No.5247591


>> No.5247620


I listen to EITS and TWDY a lot when I read. Do you ever listen to Mono?

>> No.5247646

No, I start picking out individual instruments or trying to figure out how a certain sound was made. I like the act of listening to music too much.

>> No.5247684

No, but I see them often on spotify. Can you recommend me a song?

>> No.5247746



>> No.5247962

>Miami Hotline OST
First off: Nigger's got taste
>While reading
Why the fuck would you listen to "I just snorted all the coke off the tiger I am riding and I am about to fuck shit up" music while you're trying to relax and read.
I mostly listen to slow and chill electronic music when I read.
Mitis & Mahi - Blu
Porter Robinson -Sad Machine
Virtual Riot & Sub.Sound - Where Are You
Things like that.
Put on a SuicideSheep or ENM playlist and I'm pretty good.

>> No.5248086

Soma.fm has a lot of good stations for background noise. Deep Space One, Drone Zone, Beat Blender, Groove Salad, etc. are all solid choices. Vocals distract me.