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5239051 No.5239051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will there ever be anything like The Hobbit/LotR again? I mean a book (or series) that has huge commercial appeal while also having academic discussion and also is widely read by all age groups

>> No.5239061
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>inb4 angry virgin plebs who have never experienced teenage love and will never under the complexities of Dr. Green's work

>> No.5239070

>n? I mean a book (or series) that has huge commercial appeal while also having academic discussion and also is widely read by all age groups

Harry Potter accomplished all of that regardless of what you think of its literary merits.

>> No.5239072
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No. Nor will there ever be a Saturday, the 2nd of August, 2014.
Don't drive yourself to this madness.

>> No.5239076

>by all age groups.

stopped reading there

>> No.5239096

> Nor will there ever be a Saturday, the 2nd of August, 2014.

RIP ;_;

>> No.5239135

I'm going to be honest here, I could never finish that book, I gave up just 30 pages in. The writing is crap, the author tries so hard to give you the feels, yet most in it is cheap and ordinary. My dislike for the book has nothing to do with its theme, but rather with its execution

>> No.5239417
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>> No.5239429
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>Saturday, the 2nd of August, 2014 was 2 days ago

>> No.5239431

>b-but that's pleb shit!
>b-but "
Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning."

>> No.5241370

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is similar in many ways.

>> No.5241413


Though not as popular today, the following series had a huge impact on both the general public and academia:

>Foundation Series
>Ender's Game
> Harry Potter
As shit as it is, ASoIaF is getting minor critical attention at the moment. Granted, it probably won't last because ASoIaF is the literary equivalent of WWE.

>> No.5243433

> Hating on ASoIaF for being popular
> kek

>> No.5243519
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>implying that the characters in Narnia and Middle-Earth even have intestines
Top kek!