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5236393 No.5236393 [Reply] [Original]

Who's read it? What did you think? I'm just starting it (page 20) and wanted some input.

>> No.5236539

reddit trash

>> No.5236542

worthless doorstoper.

>> No.5236545

If you can tolerate long reading sessions, it's fine. If you can't stop yourself from opening new tabs, it's a bore.

>> No.5236546

just read it jesus
i'm so fucking exasperated right now

>> No.5236558

I've read it twice. It's okay I guess if you like landmarks of human achievement and stuff.

>> No.5236562

lol how is it a landmark

nobody talks about it outside entry level nerds

>> No.5236578

I don't think you can call a book written over a hundred years before the invention of the internet "reddit trash," stay angry.

>> No.5236588

Why exasperated? Elaborate please.

>> No.5236609

Give details and recommend better books.

>> No.5236612

because you've stopped reading a very good book to post a shitty thread here
also /lit/ should just stop talking about Dostoyevsky, it's embarrassing

>> No.5236617

Don't bother with them, they're only joking
I hope

>> No.5236618

>also /lit/ should just stop talking about Dostoyevsky, it's embarrassing

i know right, go to reddit if you want to discuss trash

>> No.5236675

Point taken. I don't browse often, so excuuuuse me for posting Dostoevsky. Gonna go read now.

>> No.5236692

Pretty good, but I thought Crime and Punishment was better.

>> No.5236722
File: 33 KB, 491x404, top gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you start a book on page 20 lmao stupid idiot

>> No.5236727
File: 58 KB, 180x180, rsz_powderedtoastman2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was boring. Kidding. I had read up to page twenty ya dingus.

>> No.5236982

I'm nearing the end myself. I find the read enjoyable, but also tiring, similar to reading a philosophical work. If you're like me, it will feel even longer than it actually is.

I must warn you, it's hardly plot-based, also making it difficult to keep up with. This being said, I find the characters well-developed and deep; their interactions and gestures are very human. In line with its philosophical tedium, it does pose some interesting questions on human nature, God, criminality, etc. I'd recommend it, but it's not much of a page-turner.

>> No.5236994

I read the last 200 pages in 2 days I was so hooked. I agree with everything you said, especially the well-developed characterization. Dmitri and Ivan in particular are psychologically fascinating.

>> No.5237008

It's great but if you're not reading the P & V translation, you may as well just stop.

If you're reading the Garnett translation, you should probably just burn it.

>> No.5237033

Nearing the end myself, I feel the same. Ivan's conversations with Smerdyakov and his nightmare were haunting. I got chills when he fought against the devil to see Alyosha at the door, and when he found out that Smerdyakov died. I'm just finishing up the trial now, and there's been so much build-up that it's going very quickly now.

>> No.5237059

I also really liked Grushenka and Smerdyakov. Really though, all of the characters are so uniquely deep that I find each of them loveable and fascinating. Even Krasotkin (the arrogant schoolboy, Ilyusha's friend) was interesting.

>> No.5237275

>customary words of P&V blind worship
obligatory anti-P&V rebuttal citing their celebrity status and questionable methods

>> No.5237316

Just read The Rebellion and The Grand Inquisitor

The rest is fluff

>> No.5237318

>Garnett was too difficult for me


>> No.5237322

Good analogy

>> No.5237334

It isn't fluff though.

>> No.5237414

It is.

Oh boy, like I give a shit about this stupid dying monk who does nothing for the story
Oh boy, like I give a shit about these people at a bar.
Oh boy, like I give a shit about this stupid boy.
Oh boy, like I give a shit about his stupid fucking dad.

Oh god, more fucking bullshit about Aloysha, the most boring and whiny cunt in the book, walking around some dumb fuck village.

Finally, someone has something interesting to say. Oh fuck yeah, great goddamn story Ivan

Oh, once fucking again, more goddamn bullshit.

Oh boy, like I give a shit about this dumb cunt lawyer and how he felt about this speech of pure fluff that he was about to give.

fluff fluff fluff

>> No.5237418
File: 105 KB, 426x700, brothers karamazov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5237424

Oh god...this so many fucking times.


>> No.5238325

Stop forcing your shitty maymay, Nabokov. Aren't you are supposed to be death for over 30 years now?

>> No.5238403

The Brothers Karamazov is one of those books that could be great, but there's a whole buttload of needless exposition in scenes that ultimately don't stick with readers. inb4 what were you expecting it's goddamn russian lit etc.

The scene directly before Mitya's arrest, where he runs into Grushenka partying with the dudes from Poland, holy SHIT did that drag on. Literally just forty pages of miserable repetition.

The latter part of the book (starting with Dmitry's dream about Sibera) is great. His dream is equal parts trippy and creepy. The trial at the end of the story is excellent as well. And although I don't like Ivan as a person, his parts are far and away the most interesting passages in the book (particularly his fever dream before the trial)